Essay on the topic my dream came true grade 4

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Some people want to learn to dance, others want to sing beautifully, but I dream of traveling.

Our world is extraordinarily huge and beautiful, many places deserve attention, there are lands where no one has set foot yet, where untouched nature has been preserved, carelessly walking animals, flowers that amaze with their beauty, and bizarre insects.

During travel, people not only enjoy the landscapes, but also learn a lot of new things, discover the unknown, learn the history of various cities, rivers, mountains, the origin of plants and animals, that is, they expand their horizons.

Modern society, unfortunately, is mired in the Internet, like in a cobweb, for people it is important to check social networks, take another photo, they are not interested in nature, researching something new, studying information already received. For what? Everything can be found on the Internet, but in this case it is impossible to experience the emotions that a traveler experiences when looking into an abyss, climbing a mountain or swimming across a river.

I want to fill my life with memorable events, because it is so short, to experience emotions, to contemplate beauty, to bring gifts to my family and friends from different places.

Perhaps I will be able to leave a mark on history, discover an unexplored island, give a description of nature and animals. Who knows, maybe in a few ten years I will be held up as an example to the younger generation.

Perhaps I will become a photographer and open an exhibition of my works made during my travels. Maybe someday my works will be called great and admired.

Or maybe while traveling I will experience harmony and happiness, be proud of myself, rejoice and enjoy such a pastime.

It is not so important what I achieve and what I cannot achieve, what is more important is that I have something to strive for. Our life is not always cheerful, there are difficult gray days, but a dream, even in the darkest times, remains that ray of light that does not allow us to lose heart. It is important to remember this and not forget. Don’t limit yourself to boundaries, don’t listen to others, give free rein to your imagination, imagine your future the way you want it.

My story has come to an end. What are you dreaming about?

Essay 2

Speaking about whether a person needs a dream, we can answer unequivocally that he undoubtedly does. This makes a person more harmonious, joyful and happy. Without a dream, a person has no motivation to do any deeds or actions. Speaking about what a dream can be, it is worth saying that it can take completely different forms and formats. After all, what a person dreams about speaks about his individuality and characteristics. And this makes people's dreams truly different and different from each other. It is worth saying that only by dreaming of something sublime, beautiful and useful, a person will feel needed and feel the support of the people around him.

Speaking to myself, I can say that I have many goals and dream about many things. But perhaps my biggest dream is for humanity to understand how to fight poverty and lawlessness. After all, if we talk about the first concept, then it is worth saying that one rich person could feed millions of people in need, but in most cases, he will never do this. Speaking of lawlessness, it is worth saying that in most countries, legal systems work in a completely unfair way, and people in high positions are rarely accountable to the law, since they have strong connections. Also, speaking about the most important thing in this dream, I would highlight the fact that achieving justice in this world depends only on the people themselves.

At first glance, it may seem that justice is a very subjective thing that is interpreted differently for each person. However, there are areas such as lawlessness, poverty and others where it is possible to absolutely unambiguously determine whether a decision in it is fair or not. In conclusion, I would like to say that people should become kinder and more sympathetic. After all, only together can we solve global problems that cannot be solved alone. It is worth saying that if humanity acts together and constantly makes compromises and concessions to each other, then the world will be a better and more beautiful place. Since there are many problems in the field of health care and the legal system in many countries of the world, it would be a good solution to unite the efforts of the best minds in the world to solve problems in these areas.

Essay on the topic “My dream” for grade 5

(Option 2)

Every person has his own dream, and some may even have more than one. Our imagination again and again draws our cherished dreams. Thanks to this, we never stop there. It seems to me that if people did not have a cherished dream, then the whole world would be left without various inventions. It is thanks to imagination that the world's population has reached such heights.

Like any person, I have my own dreams. For example, I always wanted to have some unusual abilities, like a real super hero. I also dream of traveling around the world... And that’s not all. Of course, not all of my fantasies are destined to come true, for the reason that this is beyond the bounds of the possible, but I still don’t stop dreaming.

I love animals very much and dream of getting myself a puppy. My beloved mother says that this is a very responsible decision, but I believe that someday my dream will come true. Maybe this will happen when I’m already an adult and can independently make myself a faithful friend - a dog.

Discussion on the topic My dream

What is a dream? Is there any clear definition for this word? Is this something unrealistic? Something incredible? What should we strive for? Or, on the contrary, something that is impossible to get to? I don't know the exact wording of this definition, but all of the above is true in its own way.

A little girl dreams of a pony. A fantastic horse is unattainable. Masha dreams that her children will not get sick. Her dream does not depend on her. But Pyotr Ivanovich dreams of Lambargini, and therefore he saves money from every salary to make his dream come true. His dream is quite feasible, this idea helps him strive for the best.

What are your dreams? What is the most secret thing in your soul? Think about what you want to accomplish more than anything else. Maybe about a rich husband, about peace in the world, about a beautiful manicure, about new books, and about a big family, and do you have another dream?

My dream is quite realistic and completely achievable. It may seem strange to some, but I dream of developing and constantly realizing myself. My worst dream is to stop in one place, become an uncultured and uneducated person. Stupid? - you might think. But no! If a person stops developing, he becomes stupid and limited. I dream of learning many languages, I want to learn Japanese, Vietnamese, Italian, Romanian and, probably, Spanish. I dream of finding time for classical literature. I dream of visiting many countries, I want to visit at least ten different countries. I dream of meeting the heroes of our countries. I want to communicate more with veterans and science heroes.

I think my dream is very realistic. I try to move towards its fulfillment in small but sure steps. I'm learning Romanian now, and then I want to go to Italian. At the age of sixteen I’m thinking of going to take my license. I have already visited five countries, and I have another trip planned in the near future. I don’t want to stop at achieved goals.

It seems to me that a dream helps a person live in the modern world. If you have a dream, then you have an incentive to strive somewhere, to achieve some goals. When a person does not have something to act and do things for, he is not interested in life. A dream gives a person wings, it inspires.

5th grade

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Since childhood, when we are already a little aware of life, we have dreams that throughout fate, each person acquires for himself and sometimes these dreams come true, sometimes they don’t, but you always need to achieve your goal.

At school, from subjects such as Russian language and literature, you will be given essays to write on the topic: “My dream.” And everyone in this essay will talk about their dream, what they would like to do or where to work, and what they do to make their dream come true. In this essay, you will also describe what your dream means to you in general. Because every person has completely different dreams and the idea of ​​what a dream is is also different. For some people, a dream is a completely ordinary thing that they can afford, while for others it is a goal in life. Everything depends on the financial support of the seven, on health, hobbies, development, tastes and other factors. Here you will find a huge number of essay topics that you can review directly from the site, or download to your computer and print for yourself. You can even write on your own after reading the essays. As for me, every person in the world should have a dream. Because when there is a dream, there are certain actions on our part, a person tries and wants to achieve it, a person has an incentive in life. And when there is no dream, then life becomes grayer, and there is no goal, and there is also no that joy when a person noted to himself that he will achieve a certain goal and when he succeeds, there is great pride and joy in his soul that the goal has been achieved. So, using our essays, you can choose a topic about the dream that you prefer, since they will ask you this at school. I wish you good luck and get a good grade.

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Essay on the topic my dream 9th grade

Every person has some cherished dream, some goal in life, some ideal to which he strives. For everyone, this ideal is their own. And everyone achieves the means to achieve it themselves. Some people dream of wealth, others of fame. One strives to be beautiful, another - strong, the third - smart. For some, the highest ideal in life is a career, for others it is a family. People dream of becoming actors, musicians, models, politicians, doctors. Of course, the desire to take my place in society, choose an interesting profession, and achieve certain heights in my career and family life is also inherent in me. As for my dreams, it is probably difficult to single out one thing, the only important thing in my life. I couldn’t say about myself that I only want wealth. Although I, of course, don’t want to live in poverty. It will also be wrong that the most important thing for me is professional and career growth. Although I want to choose a good, necessary profession and will strive to improve my professional level. Family is very important to me; I want to meet a real man who will take care of me and love me and whom I will love. But I could never say that one thing would be enough for me: either work or family. Probably, all this can be called not even a dream, but life goals that we need to strive for and the achievement of which largely depends on myself. But I would like to talk about one dream, one great desire that often occupies my thoughts, often leading to sad conclusions. I mean human relationships. I often remember my early childhood: many friends, joy, fun, carefree games in the yard. As I grew older, I began to notice how, sometimes without noticing it ourselves, we lose our friends, become more serious, begin to engage in some of our own personal affairs and lose what connects people together. In my opinion, every person should have a friend in their life. Moreover, a real friend, whom you can rely on in any situation, who can be trusted with any secret, who will give advice, share joy and misfortune with you, and come to the rescue at any moment. Somehow the phrase caught my eye: “When asked what a friend is, Zeno answered, another me.” And this is right, because a friend should be someone you can trust, like yourself, who is able to think, feel exactly the same as you, see the same as you, even a little more. Because a true friend can and should notice not only your strengths, but also your shortcomings. And he must definitely point them out to you. I really wish I had friends like this. Perhaps this dream of a friend and friendship is closely connected with my desire to become better, with the desire for perfection. I think we are starting to lose something within ourselves. And, the worst thing is, we don’t even notice it. This is why you need a person who is not afraid to tell you: “You are wrong!” or: “You can’t do that!” But he will say this not out of malice, not out of a desire to offend, but, on the contrary, out of a desire to help, suggest, and correct in time. I would really like to be able to distinguish real advice from what was said out of envy or anger. And I would really like not to harbor resentment, to try to understand my mistakes. Therefore, when I feel offended by some critical remark, I remember the dialogue of Shakespeare’s characters: Cassius: You don’t love me. Brutus: It’s only Your shortcomings that I don’t like. Cassius: A friend should not notice them. Brutus: Only a flatterer does not see them, Although he and Olympus would be taller. Who else will tell the truth to your face if not a real friend?! And it is simply necessary to hear the truth about yourself, because the person himself is biased in his assessments. “Perfection is a person’s knowledge of his own imperfection,” Augustine once said. I would also add: “And the desire to eradicate this imperfection.” How to do it? Probably, the desire to know and understand this is one of my greatest desires. The great ancient philosopher Confucius said: “To achieve moral perfection, you must first take care of spiritual purity. And spiritual purity is achieved only when the heart seeks truth and the will strives for holiness. But all this depends on true knowledge.” I think he meant, first of all, knowledge of himself, his strengths and weaknesses, his strengths, his abilities, his desires, his own soul. “The ideal is in yourself,” said Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. “The obstacles to achieving it are in you.” I really want to believe that I will see this ideal in myself, that I will be able to recognize obstacles and be able to do everything possible to overcome them. Yes, I dream of such perfection. But I also want to learn to see the line beyond which the desire for improvement turns into narcissism and pride. After all, as Pascal once said, “man is neither an angel nor an animal, and his misfortune is that the more he strives to become like an angel, the more he turns into an animal.” I want me to still remain human in my quest for the highest ideal. And yet I believe that I can, if not achieve my dream, my ideal, then at least get closer to it. And is it possible in life to fully achieve a goal, to fully realize a person’s needs and desires? I think no. Because as soon as we achieve what we want, we immediately begin to look for something else, since the old one quickly gets boring for us. For myself, I call this combination of circumstances an ordinary life paradox. And time goes by, a lot changes. We are growing up. We are moving towards life. We go into life with our dreams, ideals, desires. And love still lives in my soul. Great love for life, for people, the desire to give them joy, benefit, happiness... Happiness is living under a peaceful sky and bright sun. Happiness is all the best things that can bring people joy. In my opinion, seventeen years is the age when a person has already said goodbye to a carefree childhood, but is just beginning to enter adulthood. This is a difficult time of breaking the character and destiny of everyone. But, I believe that dreams and desires at such a time are the stimulus and charge of life - “Nothing contributes more to creating the future than bold dreams. Today it’s utopia, tomorrow it’s flesh and blood.”

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