Essay on the topic: “Does a person need a dream?” — examples of texts

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Every person has a dream. Small or big. And everyone wants it to come true. A dream moves a person, gives faith and strength for achievements. A cherished dream motivates a person to do everything to make it come true. What kind of dream can be called noble? Many people ask this question. A dream that will bring happiness to a person can already be called noble.

Every human dream has a place to be and come true. Some people dream of jumping with a parachute, while others have a burning desire to become a doctor and help people. Dreams are different, and all are unique in their own way. But people are accustomed to thinking that a noble dream is when it benefits all people, and not just the owner of that very dream. But still, if a person dreams of something, he wants to fulfill it first of all for himself. After all, this is his dream.

One of my unusual friends has wanted to visit the land of the rising sun since childhood - Japan. At first he was simply carried away by the culture and sights of this beautiful country. But then something sparked in his heart. This was the birth of his cherished dream. Over the years, he took small steps to fulfill his dream. After all, something huge and valuable is born from small things. Every day he became closer to his dream, which made him want to fulfill it even more.

10 years later, my friend, whom I love and appreciate, had his dream come true. When telling this story to people, they ask themselves: “What is the benefit of this dream, what is the benefit to other people?” And the answer is actually simple. The friend was eager to fulfill his dream and made every day efforts to achieve what he wanted. He sets an example for people to not forget about their dreams. People think that dreams are just fantasies and you need to live in reality. You need to live by reality, but don’t forget about positive thinking and dream. My friend, having fulfilled his dream, made me happy because he set a good example.

A dream will come true when a person puts effort into it. And if he really wants it. A noble dream is any dream of a person that is aimed at achieving happiness for the dreamer and for those around him. Trying all the candies in the world is a noble dream. Buying a big house is a noble dream. Because a dream is part of a person!

Essay 2

It is difficult to imagine a person who would not have a dream. A dream is something that inspires us and forces us to mobilize all our strength to achieve what we want. Dreams can be realized and unrealistic. In childhood, all our dreams are largely unrealistic; we want to receive some fabulous benefits. Growing up, the child, to his regret, discovers the truth that fairy-tale miracles do not happen. It is then, in childhood, that the conflict between dreams and reality first appears. True, in childhood, wounds heal quickly, and the child learns to direct his desires in a realistic direction, dreaming of completely earthly blessings. This is how we replace dreams with life plans, the achievement of which depends not on the wizard, but on ourselves.

True, this does not always happen: there are incorrigible dreamers in the world who do not want to grow up and continue to stubbornly dream about the unreal. Remember Assol from the work of Alexander Green. Agree that her dream did not have much chance of becoming a reality if Captain Gray had not found out about it. It would be good if by chance in our neighborhood there turns out to be a wizard of not magical blood, but of human blood, who wants to help you become happier. But the probability of such happiness is negligible, so a person has to cope with his mental suffering alone, sometimes taking inspiration towards his dream, sometimes falling to the foot of destructive unbelief. If the power of the mental realization of a dream is stronger than the conviction of its impossibility, then the person remains a positive, kind eccentric. And if disappointment wins, then most often he becomes embittered with life, turning his life and the lives of loved ones into a nightmare. The ex-dreamer involuntarily looks for someone to blame among those around him, and only he himself is to blame for this: you need to dream about the real. Very often, after the collapse of a dream, a person stops dreaming altogether and lives the rest of his life, sluggishly floating with the flow. There is no worse state when you don’t want anything else: there is no joy in a new day, there is no need for smiles, there is no point in going to work, setting goals, achieving them, there is no point in living. This is how one pipe dream can put an end to millions of completely fulfilled desires.

This condition can be treated. To begin with, you just need to calm down and go with the flow. Of course, new desires will not appear immediately; they must be earned. But if suddenly at least one, no matter how small, flares up, it must be fulfilled immediately so that it does not get offended and goes away forever. So, step by step, slowly but surely, you can return yourself to the path of a dreamer.

Essay 4

Dreams, without a doubt, play a significant role in a person’s life.

First of all, it should be noted that a dream is the construction of images of the future. Part of it is confused and confused with escapism, but it is not the same thing.

Escaping reality does not necessarily include constructing images of the future, much less constructing ways to achieve goals. Usually a person who tries to isolate himself from reality falls into apathy and simply stops wanting anything significant. In a number of cases, in order to saturate himself with positive emotions that are lacking in life, he simply conjures up some pleasant fantasies in his imagination. However, wanting something is not necessarily a dream.

Although a dream is also created mainly by the imagination, it is still a creative process. An essential feature of a dream is that it exists for a long time. It is difficult to imagine a person who dreams of different things every day.

If the image of what a person dreams of appears in his mind constantly and, moreover, it is attractive, does not haunt or frighten him, then naturally he will develop. Creating a more complex and multidimensional model of the desired reality will inevitably involve not only imagination, but also thinking and analysis. Consequently, even if a dream for one reason or another remains unfulfilled, it will inevitably develop the mind to one degree or another (this depends, first of all, on the strength of desire and intellectual development of a particular person).

In addition, a dream not only provides an outlet (although this is often considered its main function), but also liberates a person. At least in their imagination, having cast aside the shackles imposed by the impossibility of now radically changing their lives, everyone gets the opportunity to look at themselves from the outside, imagining themselves in other conditions and at another time. Thanks to this, a person can make further plans more boldly and, most importantly, taking into account a greater number of factors influencing him. Fruitless fantasies cannot be considered useful for a person’s self-development. However, the same can be said about dry practicality, which does not allow one to set long-term and big goals. Giving up a dream significantly impoverishes a person, both in the spiritual sense and by not allowing him to try to live a life that is truly interesting to him.

In general, we can say that a dream helps a person think, giving the mind material that is really interesting to work on. A dream allows you not only to make plans, but also makes it possible to at least speculatively reject circumstances that are insurmountable now. A dream greatly enriches a person.

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Essay about a Dream

Dreams, dreams... There are so many among us who have broken down in their attempts to reach their dreams. But there are also many who, thanks to their dreams, reached the sun, figuratively, of course. A dream is what makes a person wake up with a smile on his face. This is the joy that we experience in anticipation of its fulfillment. But the path to a dream is difficult and unpredictable.

Dream is different from dream. There are obviously unrealistic dreams, the fulfillment of which is only possible in a fairy tale. In childhood, all our dreams are fairy tales, we sincerely believe in their feasibility, but as we grow up, we understand that real life is far from a fairy tale, and we begin to dream about something else. Most often, these are not so much dreams as plans for life, and they are quite realizable. But there are brave souls in our society who dare to dream big. Why daredevils? Yes, because only those who are not afraid of defeat, who go against all difficulties, reach heights. People who lack self-confidence at the level of thought cut off all opportunities for themselves, closing the path to great things. Dreaming big is necessary, important, useful! “The higher the goal, the higher the result,” my favorite teacher once told me.

A great goal should be perceived as a grandiose plan for life, which, with the help of differentiation, can be broken down into small stages, and the stages into tasks. This is how you can reach heights with small steps. When a great dream turns into an action plan, it is already half achievable; all that remains is to clearly move along the intended path. A real plan of movement towards a seemingly unreal dream gives confidence in its non-fairytale nature, which means that the person who conceived it in his head bestows confidence and spiritual strength. If the daredevil did not have a clear plan, he would not have dared to step forward. And he is so confident that the dream cannot fail to happen.

But every great dream requires great effort from a person: mental, physical, emotional. First of all, emotional, because without fortitude the body will be weak and the brain will not obey. On the path to achieving a great dream, in addition to confidence, there must be inspiration that will feed a person with energy. The dreamer must have a good idea of ​​what he will get when he achieves his great dream. The key word here is “will achieve”, because great dreams are not fulfilled by anyone, here everyone is a magician. A great dream should bring great fruits to the dreamer, which will appeal to his heart, only then will it “fuel” the desire to act. True, as in the case of an ordinary dream, the result of fulfilling a great dream is the same: the road to its fulfillment is more pleasant than the trophy received.

About a dream

I think that a dream is a very important thing for a person. But you shouldn’t be a fanatic! You don’t have to walk in any weather (even a hurricane) if you decide to become an athlete. That is, I think that if you can’t take a step towards your goal today, then you can take a leap or prepare for it the day before. The main thing is that your dream is in your head, it shines like a beacon for you. And you don’t have to be afraid that you can’t go to the gym this month. You can work out on the street or with video courses, or you can do nothing, but remember that as soon as the opportunity arises, you will return to your dream.

And a dream is not a goal! One dream can have several goals. You're going to heal people. To do this, you become a doctor, and also go to Indonesia to study acupuncture, take courses on proper communication... There are many paths and goals to make your dream come true.

And I also remember a phrase from an old movie that I recently heard about a dream. The heroine is asked how it is that she, being so bad, betrayed her dream, and she replies that she changed her dream. What we dream about may not be entirely ours - imposed by parents or TV (like - this is what they say is cool), may be beautiful in a dream when we know nothing about that area... Many people dream of becoming singers, but the world is a show and business is cruel, full of intrigue and other bad things. When a person gets there, he is often disappointed, and his dream is scary to change! And you are already a hostage to your stupid dreams! But if you find your purpose along the way, like in that movie, then it’s not so bad at all! Not everyone can be a star on stage... Everyone cannot be a leader or manager. And everyone's dreams should be different.

I wonder, did everyone who achieved something important dream about this? What if this is all a hoax? They dreamed of something completely different, but the achievement happened almost by accident. Here is a scientist who made an important discovery in physics, but dreamed of becoming a rock singer or a great rock climber! And now he also suffers because he became famous in the wrong field. Although he didn’t give all his best at work then. Although anything is possible!

That is, it is important that the dream is definitely yours. You need to feel it!.. Understand what kind of sphere this is, what kind of people there are. It would be nice to make goals - more specific dreams. And so everything, even what seems to be in the way, can bring you closer to your dream! You need to look at your dreams and goals a little more broadly, and not push yourself into a box. To suffer that you have deviated a little from your dream... It should still be there, because many simply don’t have it.

Why do people give up on their dreams?

Many people have either given up on a dream themselves or know people who have done so. What could be the reason for this? Of course, there are different situations in life, but most often this happens due to lack of confidence in oneself and one’s own strengths. It is faith that is the fundamental factor on the path to your cherished dream. In order to achieve something, a person must not doubt himself and the Higher powers. Everything in our life is based on faith, so nothing is more important than it.

Inner fears and worries can also hinder the fulfillment of desires. Such feelings block a person and do not allow him to properly establish a connection with the Universe. Therefore, the Higher Powers simply do not hear, and accordingly, do not have the opportunity to help. It is important to be in harmony and calm, to dream and visualize correctly. Resentment and hatred can have an adverse effect. Such feelings destroy us from the inside. Therefore, it is important to learn to forgive, let go of any grievances, and under no circumstances incite hatred within. Calmness and harmony are the best helpers on the path to fulfillment of desires.

Often the opinions of others become the reason for giving up your own dreams. Relatives, loved ones, and friends often become the culprits when a person gives up his own dreams. Therefore, it is important to know the opinions of others, especially if they are close people, but they should not always be guided by them. Relatives and friends may, not out of malice, without even thinking about the consequences, say something that will later become a betrayal of a dream. Of course, it’s ideal to always find support from loved ones. But this does not mean at all that in its absence one should abandon the intended goals. It is always better to go to the end to prove to yourself that you can do a lot.

Some people are ready to give up on a dream due to the fact that it does not come true for a long time. In such a situation, before forgetting about your deepest desire, it is important to understand the reason why it has not yet been possible to achieve it. For example, her own fears and self-doubt can appear in her face. Also, many people make a common mistake when they constantly think about their own dreams. It is always important, after specifying a goal, to make a wish, and then simply release it into space. To do this, you can use various practices or come up with your own ritual.

The point is that a message should be sent from you to the Universe, upon hearing which, the Higher Powers will be able to help make your cherished dream come true. If you constantly think about your own desire without letting it go, it will not end up where it should be. It turns out that the process will turn on you before it even begins. Such a fundamentally wrong approach can block even those desires that were sure to come true.

As you can see, most often people give up on their dreams due to their own mistakes and the negative influence of others. But in any case, this only indicates their weak confidence in themselves and their own strengths. If there is a dream, the piece of “not” must be forgotten. This applies to everything that concerns the innermost desire - be it its formulation, thinking, visualization. Inner positivity and self-confidence will be the best helpers on the path to your own dream. This has long been proven, and many people have experienced for themselves what it’s like to go towards your goal, never stop dreaming, set new horizons and always achieve your goals.

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All over the world, every person has his own hidden thoughts and desires. These thoughts and desires characterize a person’s dream, and each of us strives for our dream. A dream is a kind of lust based on the creative activity and thoughts of our brain. From a dream many goals are formed, because in order to achieve your dream, you need to set a goal and fulfill it.

People's dreams are varied: some are saving money for a new smartphone, others want to move away from their parents, and some have been dreaming of going to the sea all their lives! The dreams of humanity can be sorted out to inexhaustibility. Over the course of a person's entire life, his thoughts change, and his dreams also change. A person begins to work and works for his dream; a dream is a stimulus for life. There has never been a person in the world without his dream, so you will not be left without your dream either.

There is no need to be afraid of your dreams, and you don’t need to listen to society’s judgments! Try to make your dream more than a reality, not a single person can stop you from realizing your dream. Just go forward, don't pay attention to the many people trying to stop you. Usually dissuaded by people who themselves could not fulfill their cherished dream. Find yourself a community of people with a similar dream who will help and support you! These people will be your guides, they are like a compass that will show you the way to your dream.

There are different types of dreams: a dream can be forced on a person, a dream can be easy or difficult to achieve, some people set goals and dreams that cannot be realized in life. Know that achieving any dream takes time, it may take decades before you achieve your goals and make your dream a reality!

Examples of dreams are found in many works. Take, for example, the work “Scarlet Sails” by Alexander Green. The main girl of the whole work, named Assol, learned about a prophecy that said that one clear day a handsome prince would arrive to her on a ship with a scarlet sail. Thanks to this prophecy, Assol created a dream and believed in this dream with all her heart, and the dream came true! In his work, the author showed and gave the reader the most important conclusion - always believe in your dream and go towards it!

In conclusion, I would like to say that a dream is one of the highest elements in the life of every person. Thanks to a dream, a person improves himself and becomes more cheerful.

What is a dream?

(384 words) What is a dream? This is a certain image of an ideal future, an idea of ​​what you would like to have or what you would like to achieve. Dreams often diverge from reality and look impossible, but they motivate us to achieve more, better, they give us a purpose in life. To illustrate my point, I use literary examples.

Nothing will tell about a dream better than the work of Alexander Greene “Scarlet Sails”. Young Assol has dreamed since childhood that the local storyteller’s prediction would come true, and a prince would sail to her on a ship with scarlet sails. Gray, as a child, heard the story of the keeper of the wine cellar about wonderful wine, which is stored in a black barrel with the inscription: “Gray will drink me when he is in heaven.” Then Gray decided that he would be the one to drink this wine and that he would find his paradise. Later he was inspired by a seascape painting and decided to become a sailor. And the dreams of these young people came true. But in Green's story, wishes are not fulfilled just like that. Both heroes got what they wanted after going through many difficulties: Asol lived under the label of the crazy daughter of a soulless man, whose crime was equated to murder; Gray worked hard to become the captain of his own ship. The story shows the reader that it is dreams that lead a person to happiness, if you do not give up on them, if you believe, no matter what.

Another suitable example can be found in L. N. Tolstoy’s epic novel “War and Peace.” Petya Rostov dreams of going to the front and serving his homeland. Seeing the capitulation of Moscow and the flight of his parents, the young man longs to avenge his homeland and protect his people. The family opposes his intentions, because Petya is still very young. In addition, the Rostovs already faced many trials; they were not ready to lose their son. And yet the hero realized his dream by joining the partisan movement. In moments of battle, he was happy because he was finally able to contribute to the holy cause - ridding his homeland of the enemy. Peter died young, but a fully accomplished man who knew happiness in his lifetime and realized his potential. We still remember the exploits of our ancestors in those battles, so they remain with us forever. This means that the hero’s dream came true, and he paid with his life for it.

A dream is our ideal idea of ​​our desired future. But this future will not come by itself. To fulfill your dream, you will have to work hard, take risks and leave your comfort zone, overcome the vicissitudes of fate and insist on your own. A dream come true is the result of hard work, but it is undoubtedly worth it.

Author: Anastasia Lozenko
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Essay on the topic Why do people betray their dreams?

Ever since childhood, people have dreamed. Some people have very modest dreams, while others, on the contrary, have global dreams. Of course, most often children's dreams remain dreams and are forgotten over time, seeming not so important, and sometimes even stupid. But with age, people do not stop dreaming; on the contrary, these dreams develop into plans for the future. But along with this, adults betray their dreams. I stop striving for them and really wanting to achieve what they previously thought was the most beautiful thing in the world.

Most often, people give up on their dreams due to loss of motivation. There is a turning point in a person’s life when he stops wanting what he was striving for. He begins to think about why he needs this and how it will affect his life. A person loses motivation and patience, forgets why he dreamed about it. This is probably the saddest thing that can happen. Along with a dream, people lose faith in themselves, because how can you live without a dream? Many great people have said that the ability to dream is the ability to live. Anyone who is able to sincerely dream is able to live, not exist. From this we can judge that having lost a dream, a person loses his taste for life. He simply becomes uninterested in life, each day is similar to the previous one, life loses its colors and is filled with routine. Therefore, we cannot allow a situation where the dream simply disappears.

Also, one of the reasons may be that a person has practically unrealistic dreams. Undoubtedly, if you try hard, you can achieve what you want, but very often people overestimate themselves, dream of doing something, but do not strive to fulfill their cherished desire. This can be called not just a big, but also a huge problem. Expecting quick results with inflated demands, a person, not seeing the desired progress, begins to give up on his dream. Of course, it’s easier than actually starting to work and investing more effort in order to achieve the desired goal. Perhaps this is a problem of human laziness and inability to wait. Everything takes time, and those who do not understand this give up their dreams.

It's actually very sad. Especially when you watch others ruin their dreams and plans. People give up on their most cherished dreams because they are simply not ready to work in order to achieve them. Strong people who turn dreams into goals to achieve will never give up on their plans. Such people know what they want and how to achieve the desired result. Anyone who truly wants it and who will strive to ensure that dreams do not remain just dreams can become such a person.

Definition of a dream - what is it?

Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary reads:

dream (definition) is an object of desire, something mentally imagined.

We can add that this is an image of something so distant that we cannot receive in the present for various reasons. Therefore, we scroll through it in our heads over and over again, while experiencing positive feelings and emotions.

The better a person’s imagination is developed, the richer, broader, more fantastic his dream. children usually have the most unimaginable images : not knowing many of the laws of life and science, they do not set any barriers for themselves and dream about their dreams “with all their might.”

A child's dream is the most sincere and powerful. It’s sad, but the older a person is, the more down-to-earth his desired images are: when faced with reality, we reduce our ambitions and dream less courageously (no wonder this became the topic of the final essay for graduates).

From a psychological point of view , a dream is something that prevents you from going crazy in our complex world, namely:

  1. this is a way to reduce dissatisfaction with your life (I dreamed and it seems that not everything is so bad, there is hope for a bright future);
  2. it motivates a person to achieve new heights (there is always something to strive for);
  3. helps to survive difficult situations and saves from despair (people run away to non-existent worlds to wait out the storm and gain strength).

As a rule, we dream of something good and ideal for ourselves. And since everyone has their own values, the dreams of different people are rarely similar to each other. We strongly desire what we think will make us the happiest on earth.

And at the same time, we unconsciously create obstacles for ourselves on the way to this. After all, the main (but unspoken) “rule” of a dream is that it should not come true, because if it comes true , it will take away the meaning of life from a person, the ceiling of his aspirations will be reached.

Therefore, if this happens, you need to immediately come up with a new one! Or always have a spare one in your stash. A minute of humor on this topic:

“I dream of quitting drinking,” says the alcoholic. - Well, then drop it! - the friend rightly remarks. - How can you live without a dream? - the alcoholic sighs.

About a man's dream

Every person should have their own dream. Even as children, we invent dreams for ourselves. Some dream of cool toys, others want to be like some cartoon characters.

People grow up and dreams become more real. Adults dream of a promising job, a strong family, and want to travel the world. This is how a dream grows into a goal and often comes true. Sometimes children also bring their dreams into adulthood and make them come true. Unfortunately, in many cases dreams remain dreams. And all because many people are afraid of any undertaking. Some are afraid to fail, others are dependent on public opinion. There are also cases when people simply have no idea what they will dream about if their dream comes true.

A dream is a goal, having achieved which people find harmony with themselves. This is also a secret desire that is stored deep in the heart; it is something that one sincerely wants to receive. A dream is something you think about before going to bed, closing your eyes, and are afraid to tell anyone.

Thanks to dreams, a person becomes more purposeful, it encourages him to work on himself, helps him overcome difficulties and adversity. Many people do not limit themselves to one dream throughout their lives.

Having realized one dream, you gain more confidence and perseverance in yourself. You feel excitement, new dreams and a thirst for their implementation come.

It's stupid to be afraid of your desires. You should not lock yourself into the framework of public opinion. If you have a dream, then quickly do everything to make it come true. No one has the right to limit your actions and actions. A dream come true will bring happiness and joy. Naturally, you cannot do without those who will take your dream for nonsense and say that it is doomed to failure. Don't take such words seriously. On the contrary, it should become motivation. Prove to such people that you can do anything. Often those who have not achieved what they want are dissuaded.

You need to make every effort not to become someone's negative opinion. Support your loved ones and friends in achieving their goals, so that they also become an example for other people. Listen only to yourself and your heart.

Everyone decides for himself to live his dream or experience pride and happiness by realizing it, and come up with new desires.

Children or adults can and should dream. Dreams do not need to be limited, because they motivate you to do great things.

Essay on the topic A man without a dream is like a bird without wings

It is very important for a person to have a dream. A dream helps a person find strength for self-education and development, so the path begins with the desire to achieve it. It is impossible for a person not to have dreams; if they do not exist, the person’s personality dies internally, and he becomes passive and apathetic, losing the meaning of his further existence. It is desires that create a goal, and, as you know, life without a goal becomes empty, dull and meaningless. Such people are often compared to birds without wings, since neither one nor the other has the desire for a fulfilling life. There are many examples in Russian literature that prove this statement.

In Chekhov's story A.P. "The Man in the Case" is about a man who has no dreams. The hero of the story lives his life in his very small world. He has no beloved woman, no friends, he categorically does not recognize anything new. His life is boring in its regularity, since he sees nothing except his work, books, and small room. He rejects everything that goes beyond the framework of his psychological case created by him, justifying it to himself as something very shameful, unworthy even of attention. He found his isolation in the reflection of a warm coat, in which he had the opportunity to hide from the world. The hero Belikov does not know how to dream at all; because of his fear of it, he completely lost this ability. Belikov is afraid of everything that could interrupt his usual way of being. His soul was dried up by the complete absence of any aspirations. He died in the prime of human life, having achieved absolutely nothing significant or significant, did not start a family, without knowing the taste of a happy and fulfilling life. The hero was very strongly attached to only one place, and this creates the impression that some significant part of him, which is responsible for the ability to soar and fly, was cut off.

In the work of Bulgakov M.A. “The Master and Margarita”, Margarita wants to love with all her heart, dreams of always being with her beloved. When the Master disappeared, her dream collapsed, but she was incredibly strong, which gave her the opportunity to be reborn again, even though her price was a deal with the devil himself.

But, as we know, just having a dream is not enough. Efforts must be made to make it happen. Like a bird with wings - learn to fly to make your dreams come true.

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Why does a person need a dream?

It is foolish to dispute the benefits of a dream, because it helps a person develop his imagination and distract himself from routine and monotonous life. But besides this, the ability to dream also performs many other important functions:

  • A dream gives birth to a goal. When a person begins to dream, he unconsciously evaluates the opportunity to make the dream come true, that is, he is encouraged to set a specific goal. The goal, in turn, helps a person improve and achieve success. If a dream cannot be made your goal, then it will not bring a positive result, remaining a dream.
  • A dream releases energy. When you dream about something, your source of internal energy is activated and much-needed goals appear to move forward. Thanks to a dream, your thinking opens up, and the released energy significantly increases its effectiveness. Due to this energy, your brain has the ability to calculate many ways out of a difficult life situation on the way to achieving an important goal.
  • Dreams develop creativity. Daydreaming helps you maximize your creativity and engages the imaginative areas of your brain. It is dreams that form such a quality as creativity in a person. Changes occur at the physiological level as the brain is replenished with more neural connections.
  • A dream motivates action. A dream helps a person get up from the heated sofa and begin to implement the assigned tasks. A person who has no dreams at all is prone to idleness and indecision. He simply doesn’t want to do anything, because in the absence of a dream he has no goal.
  • A dream helps you not to give up. If you have a dream, then you will never deviate from your chosen path and even in moments of despair you will remember why you are doing certain things. No matter how bad and difficult it may be for you, your dream will not allow you to quit what you have started and will always give you strength to overcome difficulties.
  • Dreams tend to come true. If a person does not dream of something transcendental, then he has a unique chance to make his dream come true. It is very important to remember that it is dangerous to break away from reality even in your dreams, otherwise you may be disappointed.

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