Essay on the topic What does it mean to be happy (8th grade)

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Who is a happy person? Very rich, with a big house? Or very cheerful? Or maybe someone who travels a lot? People's needs are endless and it is simply impossible to satisfy them all. For some the bread is dry, but for others the pearls are small, as they say.

It seems to me that a happy person is, first of all, one who is in harmony with himself. In the same life situations, different people can be happy and unhappy, and it depends only on themselves.

Once I had a case. A new acquaintance and I were discussing summer vacation. He complained about what a terrible camp he found himself in: the food was tasteless, the counselors were angry, the beds were uncomfortable, and the program was uninteresting. On the contrary, I said how much I liked everything. Imagine our surprise when it turned out that we spent our vacation in the same place.

There is such a parable: “Once a wise man showed his students a piece of paper with a black dot and asked what they saw in front of them. Everyone began to describe the point, but no one noticed the white sheet of paper.” We also very often focus on something bad, but not significant, while not noticing how much is really good around us. This does not mean that shortcomings should be ignored and not paid attention to. But don’t just criticize, but approach them rationally, thinking about what I can influence and what I can’t.

I think that if a person tries to find positive moments in every event and circumstance, then he will find true happiness.

You may ask, how can you be happy if there is only misfortune around you? “Joyful Letter from Siege Leningrad” shocked me to the depths of my soul. It is unlikely that any of us have ever experienced, and, I hope, will not experience anything similar to what the residents of Leningrad experienced during the siege. A woman, starving and tortured by constant death around her, finds the strength to believe in life, the future, victory over fascism... For herself, for her son, for her bride, for tomorrow. “A city in which flowers are planted during a blockade cannot be defeated.” And people live. They write poetry. They plant flowers. They walk the streets. They smile at children... A person who, even in the most difficult circumstances, finds a reason to smile is a truly happy person.

Essay 2

Every person at least once in his life has asked the question: “What is happiness? What does it mean to be a happy person? The answers to these questions are very varied, since all people are different, with individual needs, feelings, qualities and outlooks on life. Each person has a different concept of happiness and we all try to become happy in different ways.

There are many people for whom happiness lies in having great wealth or power. With the help of money, they can travel a lot, get acquainted with the cultures of different countries or take care of their health. Such people understand that money makes it possible to buy the thing they want.

Another category of people clearly understands that money is very important for a fulfilling life, but not everything can be bought with money, for example, love, true friends, respect. Material condition does not always save you from a fatal disease. Therefore, such people find joy and happiness in communicating with their true friends and family. They do everything for a comfortable family life.

In recent years, more and more people are devoting a lot of effort and time to work. They enjoy their work and are quite happy doing what they love while constantly being surrounded by other people. Consciously putting their career first in their lives and seeing good results from their work, such people are often satisfied with their lives.

In other words, happiness is certain goals or dreams that a person strives for throughout his life. As soon as a person achieves them, he experiences the highest degree of pleasure, joy, and happiness. But, if the intended goal cannot be realized at the moment, then a feeling of despondency and grief may appear.

A distinctive feature of a happy person is that he is always kind, makes contact and communicates good-naturedly with other people, is not selfish, not vindictive, compromises and always smooths out rough edges in communication in order to avoid quarrels. A happy person always enjoys every day he lives, every little thing, makes plans for life, achieves his goals, looks at life with a positive outlook, always believes only in the good, has good relationships with his family and friends and does what he loves.

If there were more people like this in the world, the world would be a much kinder place. After all, greater happiness is giving than receiving. Whenever possible, selflessly helping other people will not only bring us great happiness, but will also set a good example for others.

Essay What does it mean to be happy for 8th grade

Each person understands what it means to be happy in his own way. For some it is money and power. More often than not, the more money, the more unhappy a person is. For another person, life is for your own pleasure, to be successful and lucky. But all these benefits should belong only to him. For others, being happy means traveling a lot. Having seen several countries, feeling their flavor and exoticism, he understands that there is nothing better than his country and home. There are people who believe that for happiness it is enough that all close people are alive and not sick. Their cheerful, kind faces will inspire and give hope for hours and minutes of joy.

It is very difficult to be happy with everything, even the smallest things in life. You need to restrain your impulses, not get angry or angry, and not do anything bad to others. After all, you cannot build your own happiness on the pain and misfortune of others. This has already been proven, for sure. Thank those around you for the hours, minutes and seconds of peace and silence. After all, this is the main thing for all humanity. Wars and destruction have never brought happiness. It is very difficult. Not everyone can control their impulses. But, by the way, not everyone considers themselves happy. There are people who are never satisfied with anything. It's not enough for them. And they think only about themselves and their enrichment. They think that everyone owes them something. Being happy is not their destiny.

Without learning to do good, you cannot become happy. But still, there are many people in the world who can sacrifice their benefits, and even their lives, for the sake of others. They help young and old, people and animals. It’s not for nothing that they say that a truly happy person cannot offend the weak, the one who cannot stand up for himself or fight back. Anyone who considers himself such will not pass by a crying baby or an old man who has dropped his stick. He will not refuse to help “our little brothers” - animals, this also contains the “code of happiness”.

If you don’t come to their aid, kick a kitten or a puppy, or throw a stone at them - this is, on the contrary, an indicator of inferiority and bad luck. If you add up all these pros and cons, then you can understand what is needed in order to consider yourself happy? To do this, you just need to put into your life “credo” that happiness consists of the simplest and even ordinary, simply human things: without “bells and whistles” and frills. Just live, love your loved ones, make others kinder and be happy.

8th grade

Reasoning What does it mean to be a happy person?

The question, “What does it mean to be happy?” Quite philosophical and perhaps everyone will answer it differently. But undoubtedly, our happiness depends on ourselves. There is probably no absolute happiness, but there is harmony with your inner world and the environment.

There is a very common expression that money does not buy happiness. People who say that are lying. It is impossible to separate the material and the spiritual; both are necessary.

Our own home, car, travel, the opportunity to learn from professionals - all this is not given to us for free. Money is a means of obtaining material benefits that make our lives more comfortable and happier.

But as already mentioned, the spiritual component is also important. The development of positive qualities, the ability to empathize, provide assistance, be tolerant of others and sincerely love is something without which one cannot call oneself a virtuous person.

Separately, we can highlight health, which we begin to value when we lose it. It is much more difficult for a person bedridden to experience all the colors of life and he begins to appreciate what he has. Therefore, for a modern person, always in a hurry and achieving, it is important to sometimes stop, breathe out and be filled with gratitude for everything that he has.

Since humans are social creatures, we need to maintain good relationships with others and those we love. A study was conducted on this matter by Harvard University. 724 people took part in the experiment; they were monitored throughout their lives: conversations were held with the participants, their colleagues, doctors, and family members. Many of them have already died, and some are still participating in the study. As a result, observing these people, it was revealed that participants who were surrounded by family, friends, social circles with whom they had warm relationships, were much healthier, lived longer and felt happier than those who spent their lives alone , and whose relationships with loved ones were sad.

We must not forget about the little things, because as we know, our lives are made up of these little things, and the more pleasant they are, the happier we are. Talk with a loved one, pet your favorite pet, have a delicious breakfast, watch a good movie, buy a beautiful outfit, hear children's laughter, engage in your favorite hobby, take a hot bath - the list goes on and on. The more moments in our lives that bring joy and satisfaction, the happier we are. And happiness is in our hands.

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Essay on the topic “What does it mean to be happy”

Undoubtedly, there is not a single person who has not ever asked such a simple but significant question as: “What is happiness?” The answer will be different for many.

I think that it is not at all necessary to have money or be endowed with power to experience happiness. It happens that a person waits all year for the onset of summer in order to find himself at sea and there to feel at peace, to understand that this wonderful moment has come, a piece of his own paradise on Earth. But this can only be called an illusion, because everything was planned in advance, the smallest details of a comfortable pastime were thought out, the person artificially created pleasant moments for himself.

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Sometimes a single moment can be called happiness, and in these seconds a huge period of time flashes before your eyes. And this can be triggered by elementary things. For example, when you smell the perfume of someone close to you, you can experience a surge of indescribable joy. In these seconds you understand how dear this person is. How happy you are to be shown selfless care, undivided attention and sincere love.

It is important to feel significant for society, to be an inseparable part of such a complex mechanism as society. After all, we move around in it every day, communicate with people, exchange emotions. Of course, we only occasionally think that this is a unique form of happiness: contact with others like ourselves, awareness of the importance of our actions, the opportunity to express our opinion and listen to someone.

We have been given from above the great gift of being human, experiencing many feelings, exploring the world, bringing something new into it through creativity, labor, and kindness.

Don’t forget that making your neighbor happy is also a criterion for your own happiness. This may consist of some kind of service that was not asked for, but you, having taken the initiative, provided it. Believe me, if you make someone happy, you will experience joy yourself. Happiness cannot be divided into main and secondary, it cannot be tied to yourself like with a rope. After all, what brought a lot of pleasant moments today may not be relevant tomorrow. Whatever one may say, everything in this world is changeable and not constant.

You can spend your whole life searching for happiness without ever experiencing this feeling. If you don’t see joy in little things, don’t notice insignificant details that bring positive emotions, then recognizing happiness at a high level will be very difficult.

The most difficult theorem of happiness has to be proven by a person himself, because this concept is individual and everyone puts a hidden meaning into it.

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Final essay: What does it mean to be a “happy person”?

Every person strives for happiness, but not everyone can clearly imagine and formulate what it means to be happy? As a rule, this concept includes components such as harmony with the environment, fulfillment in society and a favorite activity, and family well-being. To more accurately describe this condition, we give examples from the literature.

True happiness was described by L.N. Tolstoy in his epic novel War and Peace. In the epilogue we meet Pierre Bezukhov again, but already mature and settled, having found himself and his place in the world. The hero found everything he so desired. He married for love and created a strong family. Natasha Rostova became his ideal wife: faithful, loving, sincere, attached to home and children. Unlike the treacherous Helen, Natasha did not seek the attention of other men and realized herself in motherhood and housekeeping. Pierre was confident in his rear. The hero was surrounded by children who became an extension of himself. Pierre also had wonderful friends like Nikolai Rostov, who were loyal and selfless, unlike his previous acquaintances. In addition, Bezukhov succeeded in business and was engaged in self-development. Pierre found a calling to his liking - he took up government affairs and joined a secret society, where he communicated with like-minded people and solved the country’s global problems. Bezukhov learned to live within his means and got rid of debts. His household was now in order. Peace reigned in his soul. He achieved everything he wanted and set new goals. This state in which Bezukhov was in the epilogue of the novel is called “happiness”: the hero built a wonderful family, established contact with his environment, achieved success and found a calling.

Happiness is not always so obvious to others. Sometimes a person feels uplifted in his inner world, but no one can understand the reasons for his condition, because they are hidden from prying eyes. We see such a situation in A. Platonov’s story “Yushka”. The main character feels delighted when he is alone with nature and away from the hustle and bustle. He is inspired by the feeling of his own need in a world where there is so little good. Efim secretly saves every penny from everyone to provide education and boarding for an orphan girl. This noble goal became the meaning of his life, ruined by illness and poverty. His entourage does not know what is going on in the hero’s soul. People wonder why he lives? They see neither pleasure nor prospects in his life, because they look only at the external side of the phenomenon. Yes, Yushka is not rich and not handsome, not successful and not healthy, but, nevertheless, he is happy, because he knows how to find beauty in every moment and has an important goal. He is not angry with anyone, forgives everyone, it is impossible to piss him off. The hero knows exactly why he lives and where he is striving. All these factors make him a happy person.

Thus, happiness is expressed in the degree of internal satisfaction with life and in the ability to enjoy every moment lived. Even those who do not have the generally accepted equivalent of success can feel uplifted by the realization of the importance of their mission, by contact with beauty, and by the warmth of the family hearth.


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