Essay on the topic My favorite fairy tale by Pushkin, grade 5

gold fish

I love reading fairy tales, because incredible adventures happen to the characters in them. If you read them carefully, you can understand a lot, learn a lot. Wisdom and justice are hidden in fairy tales.

I like A. Pushkin's fairy tale about the goldfish. When you read it, you experience different emotions. At the beginning of the fairy tale, you are happy for the old man, because he was lucky to catch an amazing fish that fulfilled any wishes. Then you observe the ever-increasing demands of the old woman, demanding the fulfillment of new desires. And you also wait with interest for when the goldfish will run out of patience and teach the old woman a lesson.

The characters in the tale are very different. The old man is kind and simple-minded, he obeys his wife’s orders and indulges her in every possible way. I feel sorry for him because he is unlucky to live with such a shrewish woman. The old man did not have the courage or cunning to ask the fish for anything for himself, at least a new net. He felt sorry and simply let the goldfish go, as he was used to working and being happy with what he had.

The old woman is completely different. Having asked for a new trough, she did not stop at one desire, but began to demand more and more. The house received, the courtiers and the benefits bestowed on the fish do not make it happy. On the contrary, they only strengthen negative qualities: arrogance, greed, cruelty and ingratitude. The old woman not only demands that the fish fulfill his whims, but also drives away the old man who caught the magic fish.

The fish is a wise and patient character. She fulfills wishes and observes the changes in the old woman. When she wanted to become the mistress of the sea, the fish decides to show the old woman her place and returns her to the broken trough.

The fairy tale teaches that you need to correctly assess your desires and needs. And also that you need to be able to be content with little, be happy with what you have, and be grateful.

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The Tale of Tsar Saltan

My favorite fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin is “The Tale of Tsar Saltan...”. Like many of the writer’s fairy tales, it is distinguished by its melodiousness, close to folklore.

The fairy tale begins with the beginning: three girls spin yarn under the window, and each talks about her dreams. It so happened that the king heard their conversation. The speeches of the last younger sister pleased him so much that he took her as his wife. And he made the other two sisters a weaver and a cook. In Pushkin's fairy tale, Tsar Saltan has such important qualities for a person as kindness, wisdom, and honesty. But also, probably, a negative quality of the hero is excessive gullibility: while at war, the weaver and the cook send the king a letter in which they say that his queen gave birth not to a hero, but to an unknown animal. Believing them, Saltan sends a letter in which he says that the courtiers should wait for his decision. But the evil sisters intercept the letter and send a new one, with the help of which they get rid of the queen: they wall her up in a barrel with her son and throw her into the sea.

Then the magical actions of the fairy tale begin. The barrel is thrown ashore, and Gvidon grows by leaps and bounds, and soon squeezes out the bottom of the barrel. So he and his mother find themselves free. Hungry, the young prince makes a bow and arrows and goes hunting. There he saves the beautiful Swan Princess from the evil Kite. The princess, in gratitude, gives Guidon a kingdom, which he rules with honor and kindness.

Further events unfold in such a way that Tsar Saltan sails on a ship and meets the ruler of the kingdom on Buyan Island. In the ruler's mother he recognizes his wife, and in the prince he finds a son. The fairy tale ends on a good note: the main characters find the strength to forgive each other and not punish the weaver and the cook.

Thus, this fairy tale teaches kindness, courage and determination. He says that there is no need to despair even in the most difficult situations.

Essay The image and characteristics of Tsar Guidon in the tale of Tsar Saltan

The hero has many positive qualities.
First of all, he is a brave, decisive person who finds a way out in the most difficult circumstances. Stranded on a desert island, he makes a bow and arrow to catch game for dinner. Guidon is a loving son who takes care of his mother all the time and takes responsibility for her from a young age. He strives to improve relations with his father, although he has never seen him before, that is, family relationships are valuable to him. Guidon is a very kind person and always comes to the aid of those who need it. He saves the Swan from the hawk, sacrificing his only arrow, which was intended for another purpose.

Guidon is a wise, enterprising ruler and hospitable host. The townspeople are pleased with the prince and praise him. He strives to acquire something new and unusual for the principality: there are many outlandish wonders on the island. The prince greets all guests warmly, generously treats them, and asks about everything.

Guidon has unusual abilities; he can calm the sea and persuade the wave. Wanting to look at his father, he, with the help of the swan princess, magically turns into various insects.

Guidon is a real hero. While still a child, he grows by leaps and bounds. The boy easily presses the bottom of the barrel with his head, thereby freeing himself and his mother from captivity. Pushkin pays little attention to describing Guidon’s appearance. The Swan Princess characterizes the prince with the words: “beautiful,” “mighty deliverer.”

Pushkin treats his hero with love, calling him in the table of contents a glorious and mighty hero.

For me, Prince Guidon seems like a handsome, generous, well-mannered person, for whom family and good relations between relatives come first.

As a result, Pushkin's fairy tale shows that lies will always be exposed, and the guilty, if they fully repent, can deserve forgiveness.

Essay My favorite fairy tale About the fisherman and the fish by Pushkin

I like to read about various fictional and fairy-tale characters. In the fairy tale “About the Fisherman and the Fish,” the main character is the Goldfish. She is endowed with magical powers and can make any desire come true. A situation occurs that she gets caught in the net and cannot free herself. As a payoff, she negotiates with the old man and offers to fulfill any of his wishes. The old man asks for nothing in return. Arriving home, he listens to his wife. And he carries out her orders. He asks the fish for a new trough. Afterwards, the old woman realizes that everything is serious and begins to make more complex wishes. The poor fish, feeling sorry for the old man, fulfills all his wishes. Her patience ends when the “Queen” wants the Goldfish herself to be her maidservant.

In the plot of the fairy tale there are three main characters: a kind, hardworking old man; a domineering, rude and immoderate old woman; patron - a magic fish.

The old man works throughout the tale, eats the results of his labor and does not complain about his fate. There's a lot of humility in him. This man is used to serving and obeying his wife in everything. He goes around begging for better living conditions for her. And he himself lives in poverty and with poor health, respectable age. He continues his difficult work and does not think about the fact that he, too, could have wished for servants and a peaceful old age.

The old woman does not deserve all the privileges. He just sits and gives orders. She even insults her husband, who indulges his every whim. Everyone laughs at him, the guards push him. But grandfather still comes and inquires about his wife’s mood. The heroine is all dressed up, sleeps on soft beds, does nothing, but just demands everything and cannot stop. Receives a blow from fate. Having gone through all the stages of luxury, he remains on the verge of poverty.

After reading the entire work, we need to think. The fairy tale has a huge meaning. The fish silently fulfills any demands of the old woman, but cannot withstand the last order. We need to look at life situations realistically. Set realistic goals. Otherwise, anger will fall on the part of your patron (benefactor) and all benefits will be destroyed.

About the fisherman and the fish

My favorite hero of Pushkin's fairy tales is the Golden Fish. A corresponding story is told about this magical animal, which can fulfill any desire. In it, the main character uses her ability to save her own life. Caught in a net, she offers the fisherman his wish in exchange for freedom. But the kind old man lets her go just like that.

However, the story does not end there. The fisherman's wife, having learned about what happened, forces the old man to look for the magical creature again to ask for a new trough. When the wish is fulfilled, the woman becomes greedy and asks for more and more gifts.

The old woman, who knows no limits, soon logically returns to her original poverty. This shows that excessive authority and rudeness, the desire to do nothing and live in luxury will never lead to anything good. You need to be content with what you have and set yourself real goals, otherwise you can instantly lose all the benefits.

In this situation, the only pity is the old man, who meekly indulged the desires of his wife, although in his soul he opposed them, he was ashamed of his requests . But he is humble and wants nothing for himself, continuing to live in poverty even when his wife becomes rich.

The Tale of the Dead Princess

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is a famous Russian writer, poet and playwright. He wrote a large number of children's educational tales, poems and poems. One of his works is “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights.” The author shows how evil and envy bring trouble to all people around.

The cruel and evil queen, who wants to be the most beautiful and sweetest in the world, is trying to kill her stepdaughter. She hires a maid who must tie the girl to a tree in a dark forest and leave her there to be torn to pieces by the wolves. But the woman feels sorry for the young child, whom she has known since her birth, and she lets the girl run away and thus be saved from death. The princess accidentally finds a large house in the middle of the forest. Seven heroes live in it. After listening to her story, they sheltered the poor girl and accepted her into their family as their own sister. In gratitude, she did chores while they went hunting.

Having asked the mirror the same question again, the queen finds out that her stepdaughter is alive. Then she tries for the second time to carry out her insidious plan in the guise of an old woman and she succeeds. Arriving at the house, she offers the princess an apple soaked in poison, after biting which the girl falls asleep. This becomes a great grief for everyone. The heroes put the girl in a crystal coffin, which hangs on chains in the cave.

Fortunately, this story ended well, good defeated evil. The prince, who persistently searched for the princess, saved her by breaking the coffin out of sadness. The princess and the prince return to the castle and have a wedding, and the stepmother, again realizing that the princess is more beautiful than her, dies of anger. I like this fairy tale, it shows how the negative qualities of one person affect other people. You need to be kind and not envious, because many troubles occur due to bad deeds.

For 5th grade

Essay on the theme of the tale of the Tsar and Saltan

7 options

TSAR SALTAN is the hero of the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan, of his glorious and mighty hero Prince Gvidon Saltanovich and the beautiful Swan Princess” (1831), written on the basis of a fairy tale told to the poet Arina Rodionovna. In Arina Rodionovna’s broadcast, S. is not a name at all, but rather a doubling of the title: Tsar-Sultan. Pushkin wittily remakes it into S. The result is a very colorful, truly fabulous name, preserving the Slavic coloring and a hint of the untold “Sultan’s” wealth. S. is an ideal tsar, the personification of the dreams of the Russian people, a father-father. Such a king can easily stand “behind the fence” all evening and inadvertently overhear the conversation of three girls over yarn. S.'s kingdom is completely homely, with a well-heated stove on a frosty Epiphany evening. The king's thoughts are the simplest. The three sisters promised him different and impossible things, and he is sure that all he has to do is wish, and all this will come true. And most importantly, “by the end of September” he will have a heroic son. Guidon becomes the embodiment of a prosperous, subordinate reality. S. believes in miracles. S.'s ideal image is destroyed under the influence of the prose of life. The war drags on, in which S. “fights long and cruelly.” The weaver intrigues with the cook, with the matchmaker Babarikha, and achieves the expulsion of his beloved wife and baby. But the more they intoxicate the king with rumors of miracles, the weaker their power over him becomes. Finally, the cup of curiosity is overflowing, and S. breaks the web of his lack of will. The reality awaiting him turns out to be richer than the most tempting dreams. Tsar S. finds even more of what he dreamed of. The main thing is that family happiness has been restored. Justice triumphs, the evil spell is dispelled. “The king is like this for joy” forgives everyone and, of course, he was “put to bed half drunk.” The opera of the same name by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov (op. 1900) was written based on the plot of Pushkin’s fairy tale.

I especially love The Tale of Tsar Saltan. The positive heroes in it, thanks to their qualities, overcome all evil intrigues and emerge victorious. Tsar Saltan is a kind and wise ruler, but he is deceived by the cunning and envious sisters of the queen, and he loses not only her, but also his son for many years. But thanks to the fact that Tsarevich Guidon turned out to be smart, kind and honest, he found his happiness on the island of Buyan, becoming its ruler with the help of the rescued princess Swan. At the end of the tale, the family is reunited, joyfully even forgiving the vile sisters. This fairy tale is full of miracles and magic. It reflects the struggle between good and evil, the thorny path of heroes to happiness. We see that even after becoming a queen, you cannot be sure that no one envies you or wants to harm you. But a kind heart is capable of forgiveness, does not hold grudges, and especially does not take revenge. The tales of this great poet and writer are written in simple, understandable language and are very easy to remember. I think almost everyone, even many years later, remembers some lines from his works. And all because they are written at the highest level, Pushkin’s language is pure and incredibly beautiful. His negative characters often look more funny than scary. And positive ones always find happiness thanks to their kindness, faith and honesty. I am sure that Alexander Sergeevich’s fairy tales are very useful for the younger generation. They set a good example, teach you to fight for the truth, to be generous and kind. I want to re-read them again and again.

Tsar Saltan is the hero of A. S. Pushkin’s fairy tale “The Tale of Tsar Saltan, his son, the glorious and mighty hero Prince Gvidon Saltanovich, and the beautiful Swan Princess” (1831), written based on a fairy tale told to the poet Arina Rodionovna. In Arina Rodionovna’s broadcast, S. is not a name at all, but rather a doubling of the title: Tsar-Sultan. Pushkin wittily remakes it into S. The result is a very colorful, truly fabulous name, preserving the Slavic coloring and a hint of the untold “Sultan’s” wealth. S. is an ideal tsar, the personification of the dreams of the Russian people, a father-father. Such a king can easily stand “behind the fence” all evening and inadvertently overhear the conversation of three girls over yarn. S.'s kingdom is completely homely, with a well-heated stove on a frosty Epiphany evening. The king's thoughts are the simplest. The three sisters promised him different and impossible things, and he is sure that all he has to do is wish, and all this will come true. And most importantly, “by the end of September” he will have a heroic son. Guidon becomes the embodiment of a prosperous, subordinate reality. S. believes in miracles. S.'s ideal image is destroyed under the influence of the prose of life. The war drags on, in which S. “fights long and cruelly.” The weaver intrigues with the cook, with the matchmaker Babarikha, and achieves the expulsion of his beloved wife and baby. But the more they intoxicate the king with rumors of miracles, the weaker their power over him becomes. Finally, the cup of curiosity is overflowing, and S. breaks the web of his lack of will. The reality awaiting him turns out to be richer than the most tempting dreams. Tsar S. finds even more of what he dreamed of. The main thing is that family happiness has been restored. Justice triumphs, the evil spell is dispelled. “The king is like this for joy” forgives everyone and, of course, he was “put to bed half drunk.”

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