Essay on the topic What is beauty? 9th grade

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  • 9th grade

Beauty is a very broad concept. It is important to understand that beauty can be external and internal. In my essay I will describe what associations the word beauty evokes in me and how I understand its meaning.

The first thing I want to start my reasoning with is that I respect and appreciate the inner beauty of a person more. It is expressed in actions, actions, words. If a person has a beautiful soul, then he does good deeds. For example, people who help those in need, or volunteers who take care of animals. Many examples can be given that show how beautiful a person can be, because his actions radiate positivity and positive energy. If a person is not beautiful in soul, then no amount of external beauty will make him good. Although if both beauty is present in him, then this person has harmony, and his life will certainly turn out favorably and comfortably.

For me, the most beautiful person in the world is my mother. There is no doubt that she is very beautiful in appearance. This attracts attention to her and deserves admiring glances. But still, external beauty is not its only and not its main advantage. Her inner beauty is much more important. And it manifests itself in the following: firstly, my mother is never rude and cruel. On the contrary, she radiates so much kindness and warmth that being next to her makes you feel happy. Secondly, my mother is a real support and support for me, she will never betray or tell my secrets. For me, such qualities are very beautiful and worthy. Unfortunately, in the modern world, not everyone can boast of them. Thirdly, my mother does truly kind and beautiful things. Every month she visits the orphanage and helps financially. She also works as a doctor and saves and helps many people every day. I see that my mother puts her whole soul into her work, and despite her fatigue and tight schedule, she continues to work and help people. All this decorates her and makes her the best.

Don't forget about natural beauty. Look around, see what beauty adorns us. What a symmetrical and bright butterfly flies, and next to it is a fragrant flower that fills the air with an amazing aroma, a stream with clear water flows nearby, and here stands a slender birch tree. And what beautiful animals. Each of them has its own unique beauty.

Therefore, beauty can be seen and felt in everything that surrounds us. Everyone has their own criteria for beauty, and if every day we radiate at least a little of it and give it to the world, then life will become much brighter and more harmonious.

Essay 2

Beauty is an abstract concept. For some people something will be beautiful, but for others it will be the opposite. However, each of us can see the beauty in the eyes of our neighbor, in the blowing wind, in the snowflakes falling in winter or, generally speaking, in nature.

The natural sites around us are magnificent, but only a small part of people are truly aware of this uniqueness. Mother Nature has given us her perfect creations to enjoy with all our senses. From the first contact with her you feel ennobled. Yes, indeed, nature has the ability to enchant us and lead us out of the darkness that envelops our souls. But it’s not only natural attractions that make our day “beautiful.” Any small, gentle gesture directed towards someone can open our hearts and feel happiness, even for a moment.

When I visited the cave natural attractions before, I was extremely amazed by everything. It was beautiful and majestic. You constantly look left and right, trying to see everything, even the smallest, almost imperceptible details. And once this unique look is over, you will return to this gray world of dirt, daily scandals and extremely unpleasant news that you hear daily in the media. This beauty, now inaccessible to many, captures your heart and makes you want to return there again. Wherever you are isolated from evil, there lies beauty and harmony.

What about human beauty? Does it have a place in our lives and does it take up a lot of it? Professional photographers would say that they can find the beautiful and unusual in everything. They say they can find beauty in the sad and gloomy. They can find it everywhere. But for the average person with a simple eye and an extremely busy daily life, beauty is rarely seen, precisely because when we pay attention to it, we are endlessly impressed by what we see. I dare to say that the souls of people are countless times more beautiful than all the world’s makeup, of all the artificial drugs that have become “salvation” for modern youth and girls in particular. Would you rather communicate with an outwardly beautiful, but internally empty person?

A smile, which is a symbol of happiness, is also something special, because for me there is nothing more beautiful than seeing unearthly happiness in the eyes or the smile of the one you love. Radiant happiness is something wonderful that is worth seeing more and more often. As Exupery writes in “The Little Prince”: “The best is visible only with the heart, but the essence is invisible to the eyes.”

Beauty is all around us

What can you write in an essay on the topic “Beauty around us”: about your daily life, about art, about surrounding objects. Everyone has beauty in life, you just need to take a closer look at the things around you.

A person has a lot of everyday worries, and often because of this there is no time to stop for a minute and admire the beautiful landscapes of nature. Each season has its own unique characteristics. For example, in spring the grass turns beautifully green, you can watch a pink sunset, the awakening of nature after winter. Summer in our region is the most beautiful time of the year. You can swim, sunbathe, go mushroom picking and much more, which will allow you to relax your soul and enjoy the beauty of nature. The country's landscapes are unique in their beauty - from the majestic Urals to the unique nature of Sakhalin, from the endless snow of the Arctic to the ever-blooming Black Sea coast.

It’s not for nothing that autumn is the favorite season of many poets. After summer, the landscape changes significantly, everything around is yellow and orange. The rain is pattering peacefully on the window, and the sun is still shining brightly, but no longer warming. It is at this time that you should slow down your pace of life a little if possible, stop and observe nature. In it, if a person looks closely, he can find answers to many life questions. You just need to consider them correctly.

Any art, be it literature, painting or music, can be called beautiful, sublime and beautiful. Here a person watches actors play, enjoys the voice of an opera singer, or admires the shapes of unusual things. To see the beauty in the little things and things around you, you need to work on yourself, become a kind, sincere and open person. You need to learn to enjoy a little happiness, to look for beauty in things that were simply not noticed before. Then a person will understand how beautiful the world is, how multifaceted and unique it is.

But you shouldn’t just admire beauty from the outside, you need to multiply it whenever possible. Many people excel in art, others paint magnificent paintings, and others bake delicious and charming cakes. There are often cases when views on beauty differ. There's nothing wrong with that. For example, for some something causes delight and joy, while for others it causes bewilderment or negative emotions. This perception can be explained by individual perception and the formed picture in the mind of each individual person.

Essay What is beauty Grade 9 15.3 OGE

The understanding of beauty may differ depending on culture and time, but almost every culture has an understanding of beauty as such. Something valuable, even beyond valuable, distinguishing a phenomenon or object from everyday life. By the way, even some chimpanzees, as researchers say, can be aware of beauty and females preen themselves there.

Of course, such behavior is determined by instinct, and there is even a concept regarding beauty as simply an expression of instinct. However, even if the original source is like this, the understanding of beauty far surpasses it. The feeling of beauty is a sublime feeling that allows a person to make his existence truly valuable.

As said earlier, beauty sets one apart from the ordinary. The simplest example: we eat in the subway and see ordinary people there, but there are also those whom we would call beautiful. They probably embody certain qualities and images most accurately and clearly.

Probably, the thesis about inner beauty is also important here, since beauty comes precisely from the inner world of a person and this fact is often noticeable in people who, it would seem, are no different from many others. Nevertheless, a look, movements or some kind of internal attitude reveal something truly beautiful, something worthy of attention and even admiration. Therefore, the notorious inner beauty is a very real property that is fully manifested externally.

It seems to me that beauty is the very guideline that people should rely on in their behavior and thoughts. These words are not at all empty and are not simply stated; beauty as a standard is a great concept.

After all, when we see something truly beautiful, we understand: “this is how it should be.” We understand some of our own imperfections and are inspired to become better. The attractiveness of beauty is also a motivating factor that allows the world to become more beautiful further.

The most magnificent thing about beauty is practicality. We can embody beauty, we can contemplate and feel it within ourselves. These moments, these sensations surpass any speculative reasoning about beauty.

What does beauty mean

Beauty is something that cannot be seen with the eyes, but can be felt with the soul. Undoubtedly, it consists in external things. But the true concept lies in spiritual beauty. Those objects that carry a negative meaning cannot be called delightful. For example, many people admire:

  • Beautifully inlaid weapons: pistols, sabers, knives.
  • But such objects are not pleasing to the eye, because they carry the death of other people.

It’s the same with human beauty: if there are correct facial features, a fashionable haircut, impeccable taste in clothes, but at the same time the personality carries negativity, a bad attitude towards other people and destructive energy, then such an individual definitely cannot be called attractive.

Many people have a need for perfection. Some personalities bring people “light” and joy just by existing. Others are charged with positive energy from them, you want to admire such people, they can “heal” wounded souls and give a wonderful mood. Beauty in a general, broad concept is sincerity towards the people around you, the ability to support friends and family in difficult times, and, of course, empathy.

Often, schoolchildren are given the topic of an essay-argument “What is beauty”, where they need to draw their own personal conclusions. There is no definite answer, because everyone sees beauty differently. For many people, this is art. Every schoolchild sees beauty not with his eyes, but with his heart. Only it will be able to consider the true beauty of nature or the objects that surround us in everyday life. An example is an essay on the topic of the beauty of nature. In it, the student describes the world around him as he sees it.

Often schoolchildren are asked to reflect on the topic “Beauty will save the world” in an essay. All texts written on this topic are varied. Because it is impossible to answer the same question about whether beauty will save the world or not. What arguments can be given for writing the OGE in 9th grade to make a decent essay? The meaning and role of excellence in the life of every student is enormous. The understanding of this term cannot be underestimated. There are definitions of mental and spiritual sublimity.

It may seem that the concept has a broad meaning, that everyone has a need to see only beautiful things and attractive people around them. But such stereotypes are imposed by television. Everyone understands that true beauty is much deeper than in the external appearance of objects. For example, you can call a red-haired girl with freckles or a short guy attractive. You can't call those people ugly who don't have a lot of money, so they don't have the opportunity to dress in branded clothes.

Real feminine attractiveness is present in representatives of the fair sex with a non-standard figure or appearance. This means that a person’s inner attractiveness is of great importance; the word “beauty” must include not only what lies on the surface, but also health, a cheerful laugh and the sparkle of the eyes.

Beauty will save the world only if:

  • If people don't have bad intentions.
  • If everyone lives in their native country peacefully and does not quarrel with each other.

Mental attractiveness in things cannot be measured by any units or indicators; you must always strive for harmony, day after day, only in this case you can achieve inner harmony not only with yourself, but also with the world around you.

Option 4

It's nice to see a lot of love, sincerity and beauty around you. Nothing else can melt the souls of people, nothing else can replace the bliss and beauty that give us positive qualities.

The beautiful and the ugly are all around us. They can be found in people's actions, character, and also in the qualities of each of us. Of course, we sometimes confuse the beautiful and the ugly. We think that external beauty is everything, but that is not the case. The most important thing is the content that a person hides deep in his soul.

Beautiful and ugly are not just superficial concepts. Beauty is not just a beautiful shell, it is love, kindness, tolerance, respect, intelligence, all the virtues that a person possesses, but, unfortunately, in life we ​​too often encounter the negative qualities of people, namely, what is in people appears as ugly. At the same time, ugliness often mimics beauty and does such work incredibly skillfully, this is also a significant problem. The modern world is generally quite strange, a woman can become a man and vice versa and outwardly it will not be distinguishable. Likewise, the ugly often becomes beautiful and is also indistinguishable. The beauty of people lies not only in a beautiful face and perfect body, but also in their soul. For example, you cannot live peacefully and happily if you do not get along with others, if you do not help whenever possible.

To be a handsome man, the soul must be absolutely pure and innocent. People sometimes deliberately hurt others, but in this way they spoil their souls and become bad. We must not allow ugly elements to enter our lives, pollute the soul and destroy our beauty. We should always be good and worthy because that is how we will be beautiful for the rest of our lives.

Beautiful and ugly are the first pair of basic aesthetic categories: each century has its own style of life and thinking. For example, in the Middle Ages, the devil used the body as a means of temptation and a way to kill one's inner beauty. Because this is harmony and perfection, everything that is sublime in a person. The ugly is the counterbalance to the beautiful, it is imperfection, everything low in people. This is incredibly easy to do, just as beauty is incredibly difficult to preserve. In general, the life of a normal person is a battle for beauty, but there are very few such warriors. That is why beauty is so valued and so attacked, it is not natural in many ways for the world of people, where weakness and ugliness rule the roost under the masks of beauty, which are often made from flayed skin and other parts of real beauty, which is so difficult to preserve in this world.

Everyone has their own ideas about beauty.

4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th grade. OGE. 15.3

When we call something or someone beautiful, we are talking about what we feel, about our sensation. In order to evaluate beauty, we do not use any criteria or standards, we just feel that way.

Therefore, it is impossible to give a clear definition of what beauty is. Probably, there is a definition of beauty in dictionaries or Wikipedia, but I don’t think that these definitions can fully reveal the essence of the concept.

For example, the beauty of a person: there is a first impression when we evaluate only external attractiveness. But appearance alone is not enough for us to consider a person beautiful or ugly. This even applies to strangers. For example, if we see a pretty girl yelling angrily at a baby or a handsome guy brutally beating a dog, we will not perceive these people as beautiful. And if we talk about our acquaintances, friends, close people, then the perception of their appearance is inextricably linked with our relationships. All mothers consider their children beautiful, and we, children, are sure that our mothers are beautiful. We think that our grandmothers, our friends, are beautiful. But you can’t consider your enemies beautiful, even if their appearance is impeccable.

Or the beauty of nature: people admire the sea and the steppe, a forest lake and mountain landscape, admire the beauty of sunsets and sunrises, clouds and thunderclouds. But it is simply impossible to explain in words why it is beautiful. Beautiful and that's it! That's how we feel.

Not only in the creations of nature, but also in what is created by human hands, it is very difficult to determine the criteria of beauty. Here's architecture: you can get aesthetic pleasure from the sight of ancient castles or Gothic cathedrals, but even a simple wooden house with carved shutters seems beautiful to us. There is beauty in ancient ruins and modern buildings. And the view of the city from above is always very beautiful.

It’s the same in art: many great works do not correspond to classical concepts of beauty, but people admire them and consider them beautiful. And at the same time, paintings and sculptures created according to all aesthetic standards can leave viewers indifferent.

I don’t know how to answer the question “what is beauty?” There are too many things included in this concept. What seems beautiful to one person will not impress another at all. Beauty consists of what is looked at and the perception of the one looking. “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” said one of the great people, and it is impossible to give a more precise definition.

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Examples from literature

In literature one can find many examples where it is not the appearance of a person that is praised, but his soul. After all, the character of the hero has nothing to do with his appearance. Only those who do good, sincere deeds are truly beautiful. The most important thing in a person is what cannot always be seen with the eyes. It often happens that appearances are deceiving. Often, outwardly beautiful, attractive people commit many bad, nasty actions that offend and insult other people.

A person who does not have external advantages, but at the same time has a rich inner world, a warm heart and a positive character, creates a unique and pleasant atmosphere around himself. Being close to such individuals warms the soul.

Tolstoy L. N. “War and Peace”

The famous Russian novel says that Natasha Rostova was not an attractive child from childhood, and in her youth, external beauty bypassed her. But she had a charismatic character and was a cheerful, kind and open girl. There is also another heroine in the novel who did not have beautiful appearance - Marya Bolkonskaya. The only thing that attracted me about her appearance was her deep eyes. But people who are able to feel true beauty saw many advantages in girls that have nothing to do with appearance.

The opposite of Marya and Natasha in the work is set by Helen Kuragina. Everyone in society loved her for her unsurpassed beauty, but the girl’s inner world did not fit in with her outer charm. She was a dry, selfish and calculating person. Appearance does not justify the heroine’s immoral actions.

Kataev V. P. “Seven-flowered flower”

The concept of inner beauty is reflected in the work of the great writer “The Seven-Flower Flower.” The work is well-known, written back in Soviet times. Reflects the experiences of a little girl who has a flower in her hands that can make wishes come true. At first, the girl made wishes that she didn’t really need. In the end she corrected herself when only one petal remained. So in life, a person does not value something until he has it. But as soon as the last chance remains, it must be used to the maximum.

Solzhenitsyn A. I. “Matrenin’s Dvor”

Matryona has a completely ordinary, unattractive appearance. But the most beautiful thing she has is her wide and sincere smile. Here the main meaning is not in the external beauty of the heroine, but in the internal. It is not for nothing that the author mentions that only a person who is in peace and harmony with his conscience has a good face. Matryona's main advantage is her goodwill and thoughts about kindness. And this is much more important than external beauty.

Dostoevsky F. M. “Crime and Punishment”

The main character of the work, Svidrigailov, is rich, well-groomed, and has a pleasant appearance. But this does not mean at all that he has a rich inner world. This hero is capable of low and disgusting actions, which does not suit him at all. In contrast to him is Sonya Marmeladova. She has no money at all, she is thin, pale, wears bad clothes, lives in a palace, but at the same time she has a rich inner world.

The concept of beauty is often used in literary works; each author sees it differently. Attractiveness does not lie in external beauty , it must be sought in a person’s soul. Besides human qualities, beauty can be found in nature. This concept has not bypassed music, art, cinema and jewelry.

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