Essay The Image of the Russian Land in the Tale of Igor’s Campaign (Image of Rus') Grade 9

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  • The image of the Russian land in the Tale of Igor's Campaign

In the poem “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” the image of the Russian land is clearly expressed. The poem talks about love for one's homeland and its people. The Russian land is described with such tenderness and awe that when reading the work, you imagine all this beauty.

In the work of the Russian people, it is said that the war destroyed their native land, but this did not make it unattractive. Many burned fields, fields and forests burst into wild crying and groaning of nature. Throughout the entire work, one can observe how much the Russian people honor and respect the place where they live. Every leaf, flower, tree, field was loved by the people.

The author of the poem calls for unity, for the unity of the people and the people with nature. In “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” the author writes that it was in vain that Igor himself went to fight the enemy. It was necessary to reunite with the soldiers and repel the enemy side.

Empty fields and arable lands are described with emotional insight, where there are no workers, but only crows fly and peck out the eyes of fallen soldiers. Love for the homeland reveals all the sorrow of the fallen soldiers, that it is worth taking care of your life.

The poem is written not about one hero and his actions, but about the great Russian land, about its people. In the work, where there are descriptions of nature, the image of the Russian land fascinates and takes you on an exciting journey through cities, rivers and seas.

The author writes that Igor had to turn to other princes for help and defend his homeland, but he was too stubborn and his thirst for glory and recognition ultimately led to his small army being defeated. Svyatoslav of Kiev loved his homeland and the vast vast lands of his Great Homeland.

After all, the image of the beauty of the rivers that flow through the entire country and fill the lakes and seas is contrasted with the empty burnt-out steppe. The entire poem is imbued with sympathy and love for life in the vastness of our native land.

At that time, there were internecine wars, the princes were trying to fight each other. Each of them is trying to take as much land as possible. No one except Svyatoslav of Kyiv is really interested in the reunification of all the princes. He is concerned about the problem of his people and the Russian land.

The description of how nature behaves after Igor loses is impressive. How clouds and seas behave, how thunder rumbles, and all nature groans in pain and anxiety. She is broken and sad that it ended this way. Nature takes a major part in people's lives; it shares joys and sorrows with humans. In the work, the main character Igor talks to the rivers, and the birds, like people, are endowed with human qualities and a perspicacious mind.

The author of the work calls for all people to be united and in harmony with nature. After all, only through unity can a Great and Mighty people repel an external threat.

Option 2

The main plot of the outstanding work “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” is a great love for the Motherland, for one’s people and the Russian land.

The unknown author animates the Russian land; in his poem she is one of the main characters of the work, capturing the history of Rus' from time immemorial to the reign of Prince Igor. Describing the events of Igor’s war with the Polovtsians, the author of “The Lay” speaks with great love and reverence about nature, which with all its might helps to defend and protect its native land, watered by the sweat and blood of its ancestors.

And the wind, and the sun, rivers and birds, the whole world of majestic nature contribute to the victory of the Russian people, since the Russian land is the Russian people inhabiting it.

They are a great and powerful people who love their native land with all their souls and do everything for its further prosperity. People ready for any

The image of the Russian land in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” is to stand up for a minute in defense of your beautiful and vast land.

The Russian land is shown in the poem in a global scale; it is worthy of love and worship.

The strength and power of the native land depends entirely on the cohesion and unity of the peoples inhabiting it, which is what the author calls for. The image of the Russian land is inextricably linked with the heroes of this work; it is present everywhere.

At every step, our heroes encounter the image of their native land, dear to the heart of every Russian person, these are fast rivers, and dense forests, endless steppes and high mountains. These are free birds calling for a free and independent life.

The beauty of the Russian land, strong, brave people, seasoned in labor and battle, the splendor of living nature, all this is inextricably linked and represents a single whole.

Above all else for the Russian people is the freedom and independence of their Fatherland. From time immemorial, Russian people are not a destroyer, but a creator, and his whole life is inextricably linked with his land, which he nurtures and cherishes, for the earth is the beginning of beginnings, the cradle of all living things.

The talented author of “The Lay” with great success managed to make the reader feel proud of his Motherland, feel the strength and power of the great Russian land.

Russian land in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”

Russian land in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.”

“The Lay” describes the events of Prince Igor’s campaign against the Polovtsian land in 1185. It was a troubled time of feudal fragmentation, internal strife (princes were at enmity with each other), and bloody battles with external enemies.

In the south, on the territory of Russian lands, Kievan Rus was constantly threatened by the Cumans, nomadic warlike tribes. The author of “The Lay of Igor’s Campaign” knew very well the history of his long-suffering homeland. This work is not only about the failed campaign against the Polovtsians of Prince Igor, Svyatoslav Olegovich and the younger princes. This is a work about Rus' of the 12th century, about one of the very important historical moments experienced by the author and his contemporaries.

The Russian land is rich and fertile. Its main values ​​are, first of all, people, those whom the author admires and who create the glorious history of the future Russian state. Bright personalities.

At the same time, these are people close to Igor, his relatives and friends, his comrades-in-arms. The author describes the warriors of Prince Vsevolod of Kursk, who are “nursed under the trumpets”, “fed from the end of the spear”, who walk “unknown paths”, seeking honor for themselves and glory for the prince.

The author also paints images of the tender and loving wives of princes Igor and Vsevolod, princesses Yaroslavna and Glebovna.

With the name of his wife on his lips, Vsevolod, the brave man, “buy-tur”, goes into battle; her “customs and customs” (her affections and habits) are dear to him. And when Igor is captured, when hundreds of Russian warriors are killed on the battlefield, then the entire Russian land groans and weeps from the losses suffered. The “Virgin of Resentment” spilled her wings, bitterness and tears like a white swan across the Russian soil. And first of all, their wives, daughters and brides mourn their loved ones, calling them “ladas” (“dear ones”).

And Igor, taken prisoner by the Polovtsians, was rescued not only by Ovlur. The cry of Igor’s wife Yaroslavna “on the visor”, the city wall in Novgorod, sounds so plaintive and inviting. It was this crying and prayer that helped Igor find the strength to escape. Yaroslavna calls Igor a “dear husband” and begs the forces of nature: the sun, the wind and the Dnieper to help him.

The Russian princes Igor, Vsevolod, Svyatoslav Olgovich, as well as the younger generation - the princes, son and nephew, are stern and courageous. These are real warriors, “four suns”, people who take responsibility for their destinies, and for the destinies of their warriors-combatants, and for the destinies of loved ones left at home.

But their haste, their ambition caused failure in the campaign. Igor and Vsevolod intend to appropriate the glory of previous campaigns for themselves, and attribute the new glory only to themselves.

Indeed, feudal fragmentation, selfishness and uncoordinated actions of princes, endless military conflicts became the reasons for the ruin of Rus'.

The Russian land is perishing from the disunity of the princes. This idea is visible in the “golden word” (monologue) of Prince Svyatoslav. It is the Kiev prince Svyatoslav, strong, wise, strong-willed, who reproaches his younger associates for ruining Rus' with their discord.

When Igor is freed from captivity, Rus' rejoices, all people praise the prince, seeing in him hope for the revival of Rus'.

The image of the Russian land as a family nest, dear to the heroes of the hearth, is often found in the narrative.

When Igor’s squad moves further and further from home, the soldiers’ sadness knows no bounds. “Oh Russian land, you are already over the hill!” These words contain the feelings of the prince and his warriors, leaving their home to search for honor and glory.

Nature is a very bright and expressive image in the story. She, alive, along with the heroes of the story grieves and rejoices, she is their ally. It is nature that warns Igor about danger (solar eclipse); The endless steppes absorbed the blood of fallen Russian soldiers, and the wind dried their bones. Night falling to the ground helps Igor escape from captivity.

On the way home, vast green steppes, noisy oak forests, and clear rivers accompany the hero and make his return happy.

“The Lay” ends with a real anthem, a toast in honor of Prince Igor and the entire Russian land.

Essay on the image of Rus' in the Tale of Igor's Campaign

In many literary works of ancient Rus', be it a poem or a fairy tale, good fellows are constantly mentioned who protect Rus' from all misfortunes and threats. Many of these poems and legends have reached us, thanks to which the opinion about Rus' has developed that only good heroes and glorious warriors lived there, ready to give their lives for their homeland. It’s unfortunate, but in reality it wasn’t quite like that. There were very few real heroes in Rus', you can literally count them on one hand, and we only know this from poems and tales, and they are usually too romanticized.

Real Rus' was by no means a hospitable place. Constant raids from various tribes of nomads, the tsarist despotic regime, and other problems of the state similar to ancient Rus' significantly spoiled the lives of both visitors from other countries and the indigenous inhabitants of the country. Because of all this, the population was very picky about foreigners and even about their relatives and friends, which is why a long life in such strained relations with each other led to the fact that the indigenous population of Rus' seemed to become hardened towards everything.

In the poem, Rus' is shown first as a canonical heroic power, but then that same callous Rus' emerges to the surface. No one wants to go to help Igor or even send anyone there. Everyone only cares about their own safety and well-being. This is the image of real Rus' in the poem, and this is very good, because it gives the reader real, reliable information, not imposed by the stereotypical thinking of later or power-influenced writers.

Let's summarize. The problem of interpreting the Russian land in the poem is revealed very well, thanks to which you can get a detailed answer to the question of the state of ancient Rus'. Rus' is shown as an inhospitable place, brutalized by constant raids, which gives a good idea of ​​how difficult life was there, and what lengths some heroic individuals went to in order to save their homeland from complete destruction by nomads and other opponents. It further follows from this that in Rus' there may have been so-called heroes, but their number was so tiny that they can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Based on this, one can understand the full scale of the entire tragic situation of ancient Rus'.

9th grade

Essay on the topic The Image of the Russian Land in the Tale of Igor’s Campaign

The greatest monument of ancient Russian literature, “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” tells about a significant event in the annals of the Russian state - the military campaign of the twelfth century by Prince Igor. Therefore, this work occupies one of the leading positions in the description of the Native Land.

The main theme of the text is love for one’s beloved side. This problem runs like a red thread throughout the entire text. For example, lines describing a field that is empty and no one processes it.

The author compares the arable land to a graveyard, where instead of living there are only crows. It is in this episode that the reader can see the author’s emotions on this matter.

For this reason, the Russian land comes out in the first row among other characters in the Old Russian text.

The above-mentioned character allows the reader to feel the emotions that Yaroslavna experiences. He empathizes with the grief of those who lost friends and loved ones on the battlefield...

The author of Ancient Rus' painfully and alarmingly shows the night before the battle. Reading the words, we imagine how difficult it is for Russians...

The author treats the Russian land as a living being. He loves her, pities her; he is a true patriot.

Therefore, the text of “The Lay...” is truly popular and permeated with love for the Motherland.

For the ancient Russian author, natural elements are an integral part of the Motherland. Thunderclouds, scarlet dawns, lightning - all this is the outline that frames the main plot of the text. Moreover, the author paints landscapes so skillfully that the reader gets a feeling of the greatness of the entire Motherland.

The landscape outline is especially closely intertwined with the main narrative field in the episode, which we have known since school as the famous cry of the Igor-Yaroslavna mode.

Yaroslavna Lada cries and laments in Putivl on the wall that surrounds the city. She is powerless against the distance between her and her husband. For this reason, Yaroslavna first turns to the windy element so that it will contribute to the battle on the side of the Russians, then to the Dnieper, and then to the sun so that it does not shine so much on her beloved Lada and his warriors.

If we analyze the outline of the landscape further, we see that it also entwines the people discussed in this written monument.

Nature is one of the characters. She, like other heroes, rejoices and grieves along with the Russians.

Moreover, the image of the Russian land is revealed as if in perspective. Fairytale motifs are associated with it. For this reason, the rivers come to life and talk. Animals and birds are also endowed with human intelligence and speech.

The perspective merges with the Russian expanses. This is, for example, a scene of falconry, scenes associated with the migration of flocks of birds. Moreover, the bird breeds are symbolic: swans, cuckoos, crows….

The skill of the ancient Russian author is that he unites all life on Mother Earth into a single holistic image. This image is a call for the unification of the Russian principalities. It is for this reason that the reader feels empathy for his native land, admires the natural beauties of Mother Earth, is proud of its history and traditions, and realizes its power and greatness.

The idea of ​​uniting the Russian lands runs like a red thread throughout the entire “Word...”. She once again proves that any task must be done together, and even more so a military campaign. That is why Prince Igor is amazed - precisely because of his own selfishness and loneliness.

The masterpiece of ancient Russian verbal creativity is permeated with many indescribable feelings towards the Motherland. Today's reader also experiences these sublime feelings and emotions.

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