- Essays
- 9th grade OGE
- What is Mercy
Mercy in my understanding means “providing selfless help and assistance to someone,” but in fact the meaning here is much deeper - after all, we are also talking about forgiveness.
Accordingly, selflessly performing good deeds, a merciful person is filled with love for people, and therefore is able to forgive his enemies, giving them the last thing he has. Greed and envy are alien to a merciful person; sometimes he places spiritual values much higher than material ones.
A merciful person is always ready to help the disadvantaged, sick or homeless when everyone else turns away or looks with disdain. Such a person is characterized by such feelings as compassion, friendliness, warmth and care - and those who show mercy are able to help even those who are unlikely to appreciate his broad gesture - that is, even people who are cruel, evil and ungrateful. For him, everyone in whom God’s spark is present and with whom he lives under the same sky is already worthy of help and participation.
In some cases, mercy is accompanied by a feeling of pity and compassion. By the way, Aristotle considered mercy the antipode of anger. One way or another, goodness in a merciful person arises precisely thanks to religious doctrines: that is, a person comes to this character trait precisely through a spiritual revaluation of values.
Mercy can be called a person’s duty - in this case, the individual understands his need to embody moral ideals and this, in fact, is the main driving force.
It is not surprising that this quality is equated with the main Christian virtues. However, even an atheist can show it - after all, it’s often all about character. The fact that a person does not believe in God does not mean that he is not capable of kindness and selfless help.
Alas, in our time, merciful people are found less and less often - this is due to difficult times, which force everyone, one way or another, to think about their own benefit in almost any situation. However, you should not think that mercy does not bear any fruit - it will certainly be “rewarded” to many, although not in monetary terms.
Sample 3
In my understanding, mercy is the ability to provide selfless help to someone who really needs it. Perhaps even to the detriment of yourself and your own interests. Despite everything - prejudices, pride and superstitions, despite people's rumors and gossip, despite all the laws of logic.
Just lend a hand when a person really needs support - no matter what kind. After all, you can help both financially and with advice, a kind word or action. Accordingly, anyone who has at least a small amount of kindness, concern for one’s neighbor, or compassion can show mercy.
But mercy does not accept self-interest - therefore, if a person promises to help, but at the same time pursues his own benefit or implies some kind of exchange - this is no longer mercy, but mutual assistance or fruitful cooperation.
The fact has been repeatedly noted that those who are not rich themselves are capable of mercy. But responsive. Why does this happen? Perhaps because a poor person feels the lack of vital things more acutely than a rich person. Let’s say that only someone who knows what life is like in hunger, cold and poor living conditions can share clothes or food with a beggar.
Of course, this does not mean that the wealthy are not capable of charity. But it’s unlikely that they feel other people’s pain that much. Of course, for Christians, love for one's neighbor is compliance with the commandment of love for God.
However, you should not do good just because the goal is to obey the instruction from the Bible. The desire to perform a merciful, noble act must be determined by personal motives; it must arise within the person himself, within his nature.
After all, mercy shown “simply because one needs to be considered good” has no value. In contrast to mercy, shown “because the heart suggests so, the soul commands so.”
We can say that in order to learn to be merciful, it is important to see the spark of God in any living creature and understand that selfless help can sometimes not only help him out, but even save his life.
By the way, mercy lies not only in the ability to satisfy the needs of another person, but also in improving one’s personality in the process of such actions, learning a lesson, becoming spiritually higher, and growing above oneself. So, we can say that every good deed can make a person a little cleaner and better.
Essay What is mercy?
Charity is one of the main virtues, which includes love for others and is manifested in specific deeds. Mercy moves the world, all good deeds performed in it are manifestations of this virtue.
Mercy is a spiritual concept and therefore can be viewed, for example, from a Christian point of view. According to Christian doctrines, love for one's neighbor is the second most important commandment. And also its fulfillment is considered impossible without fulfilling the first commandment, love of God. Love for one's neighbor is impossible without love for God, the Orthodox Church believes, since man himself is flawed, sinful and not at all ideal, it is difficult or almost impossible to love him without God. This idea can be illustrated with an example from our history. The Soviet Union and its idea of world equality and happiness were based on the second commandment, on love for one's neighbor, and it was this that led to the fact that a lot of good was done for people during this period in our country. But at the same time, the first commandment was completely excluded, and therefore it turned out that along with love there was also hatred of man, and as a result - a lot of blood and broken lives in the camps.
Mercy, like any other virtue, must bear fruit and manifest itself in deeds, namely in physical deeds and spiritual deeds. Corporal affairs include all kinds of help to one's neighbor, this includes helping a homeless or begging person, helping someone in need of food or money, and helping people who have suffered grief. Manifestations of mercy include visiting the sick in the hospital, donating money or things to the poor, and providing any help that you are asked for. Charity is one of the forms of showing mercy. The most important thing for mercy is the performance of secret help. Then, when a person helps without receiving anything in return, not even words of gratitude, it is appreciated even more.
The spiritual fruits of mercy include actions taken to save the soul of a person, to bring him to God, and clarification of important life principles. Spiritual works of mercy are: prayer for a person; protecting him from sin, for example, explaining that doing this or that is wrong; providing the necessary correct advice, as well as forgiving grievances; the answer of good to evil, and much more.
Thanks to mercy, the world exists, it is the engine of all the good that people do, so mercy must be cultivated in children and valued in adults.
Essay on the topic of Mercy
Forgiving a wrongdoing or offense is often considered a sign of weakness; when in fact it is a real sign of strength. It is easy to allow yourself to be carried away by resentment and hatred, to want revenge on the offender; but it takes a strong character to control these natural passions. A person who forgives an injury proves that he is superior to the person who wronged him and exposes the wrongdoer. Forgiveness can even turn an enemy into a friend. So mercy is the noblest form of revenge.
Mercy at its best shows the character of the person who shows it. Charity has great value when it is shown in difficult times. To have the ability to show mercy, you first need to learn to pacify your anger and soften your rage, especially in unfair situations, and there are plenty of them in our lives. Many people often exclude mercy from their lives because they begin to abuse it. Which makes mercy an even rarer quality in people.
Mercy nurtures compassion, providing promising glimmers of light in a darkened world. This is kindness, forgiveness and empathy. Mercy allows people not to be offended and compassionately sees the lonely heart behind the offended words. Mercy is a continuation and expression of love. Mercy is an act of kindness, compassion, or mercy.
Grace is closely related to forgiveness. However, not all mercy comes from a pure heart. Some people are inclined to show mercy in order to earn God's favor. Despite this, society is still dominated by the needy and the oppressed. That is why we should not sit idly by. Our necessary tendency is to act; Only with a transformed, pure heart can we be truly merciful towards anyone. Charity frees human understanding to accept and love the people life sends us.
It is in our interests and in the interests of our society to learn as much as possible about charity and to convey that it benefits everyone. There is nothing wrong with showing mercy, because it is not a tool of the weak, but a privilege of the strong.
Essay 2
Mercy is the willingness to help someone or forgive someone out of compassion and philanthropy. (Ozhegov's Dictionary). According to the dictionary of synonyms, mercy is compassion, compassion, compassion, pity, compassion. In other words, mercy is an expression of kind concern or pity that brings relief to those who suffer; compassion; in some cases, a reduction in sentence or punishment.
Mercy is the act of showing kindness. There is an expression “everything shrinks inside.” To a person who experiences sincere sympathy, it seems that everything inside him, figuratively speaking, is shrinking.
Noticing mercy is quite simple. A person who strives to help others never asks for anything in return, does not seek his own benefit, does not advertise his actions, and sometimes even tries to hide them. Such people will never say a rude word. They do not get offended or criticize others. Also, such people will never enter into conflict, but will try to resolve it. Showing mercy is impossible without kindness. If the heart is empty, there is no warmth and kindness in it, the manifestation of mercy will only be ostentatious. Qualities such as determination, courage, and perseverance eradicate kindness from a person’s heart. People are often taught that the survival of the fittest, that you should always achieve your goals, sometimes even by any means necessary. This is all good, but it is important to find the so-called golden mean so that achieving your goals does not deprive you of the opportunity to show mercy to others.
Often the word mercy has a legal meaning. This means a mitigation of the sentence, the punishment of the criminal due to some circumstances.
Mitigation of punishment can be not only in legal matters. Ordinary human relationships always involve forgiving each other. This is also a manifestation of mercy.
Mercy is also shown in the treatment of animals. The attitude of many people towards animals is determined by what they can get from them. But animals are created to be cared for by people. Moreover, a person is responsible for those who have been tamed. Therefore, it is very important that this quality appears in relation to all animals.
Thus, mercy is active actions aimed at alleviating the suffering of others, showing sincere sympathy and pity. It is impossible to fake this quality, it must come from their hearts.
Sample 5
Mercy, compassion, kindness... Wonderful words, aren't they?
Indeed, who among us would not want to live among people whose hearts radiate these irreplaceable moral qualities!
What is mercy? I have thought about this question more than once and come to certain conclusions. In my opinion, mercy is the ability to support a person who is faced with difficult life circumstances. This is the willingness to sacrifice something important for the convenience and benefit of another person.
The meaning of the term “mercy” explains the very composition of the word, which is based on the phrase “sweet heart”. A person with such a heart will never pass by someone else’s grief, because for him there is no such thing as someone else’s misfortune.
The problem of mercy has always been the focus of literature. Such eminent writers as Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Turgenev, Chekhov turned to her... A. I. Kuprin also paid great attention to her. In his wonderful story "The Wonderful Doctor" he shows the miraculous power of mercy.
It is impossible to read the pages describing the mental state of the head of the family without pain. Having lost his job, Mertsalov loses the meaning of life. There are hungry children at home, one of whom is very sick. The spouses do not have money for treatment. Job searches are not yielding any results. There is nowhere to wait for help. Unable to change anything, Mertsalov decides to commit suicide.
A chance meeting with a doctor became a salvation from death for a man and saved his family from hunger and poverty. The doctor turned out to be a very sympathetic, kind and wise person. Having learned about the difficult situation in which the family of his new acquaintance is, Pirogov goes with the head of the family to examine the sick child. His help was not limited to writing a prescription. Along with the prescription, the doctor puts money for both the medicine and necessary expenses.
Reading about such people, you involuntarily think: “A world without good is like a treasury without silver.”
Can human society survive without compassion and responsiveness? The answer is obvious. Mercy is something without which we cannot imagine our lives. It is the willingness to help, the ability to sympathize that makes us human. I think that without mercy the world will become poorer.
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