Why should a person be kind? Final December essay grade 11

  • Essays
  • 11th grade Unified State Examination
  • Why should a person be kind?

A person should be kind because we came into this world to leave behind good memories. You cannot constantly make trouble for other people and at the same time become a happy person.

Kindness gives a person the feeling that good deeds done are beneficial and this makes his soul warmer and more joyful. Therefore, by doing good deeds and helping other people, you can become the happiest person on earth.

After all, those people who received help will sooner or later thank the one who helped them in difficult times. This is one side of the coin of kindness towards people.

But many literary works show that people do not always respond in kind to kindness. An example of this is the work of Maxim Gorky “Old Woman Izergil”. The main character of this story, Danko, was selfless and kind towards other people.

When his people were driven out of their village, all the inhabitants found themselves in the forest, and it was very dark there. In order to help all these people get out of the darkness and thicket, Danko took his heart out of his chest.

And with this heart he illuminated the path for his fellow villagers. After that, he fell to the ground and died; one of the people passing by stepped on his heart and trampled it. Here is an example of how others can respond to the self-sacrifice and kindness shown to them by others.

In one of the works, Yushka was very poor, everyone offended him, he always wore old things, and ate poorly. But even if someone insulted him, he did not respond in return, so many cruel people mocked him.

After Yushka died, it became known that he spent all his earned money on the education of girls from the orphanage. Soon this girl arrived, who had already grown up and received a medical diploma, she began to work as a doctor and treat people for free.

After this, all of Yushka’s offenders greatly regretted their bullying of him. Another example from literature is Andrei Bolkonsky, due to the fact that he does not have natural kindness, he could not forgive his beloved Natasha for her mistakes.

He continued to love Natasha, but could not become her husband because of his pride and cruel attitude towards people. Likewise, in real life, most people hate each other or are simply indifferent to everything, due to the fact that they themselves have many problems.

And such well-known feelings as kindness, selflessness and compassion fade into the background. Elementary human feelings become alien to many, they do not help others, they pass by the sick and disadvantaged, they do not help homeless animals.

All these principles depend on a person’s worldview; if he believes that kindness will bring happiness to this world, then throughout his life such a person will live for the sake of other people.

And those people who worry only about themselves remain heartless and cruel egoists towards all the people and animals around them. Therefore, the choice always remains with the person; he chooses his own path in life.

Option 2

Why is one person good and the other evil? What is kindness and how does it manifest itself? Let's find out!

Kindness is the ability to selflessly help people you know and don’t know. Help comes in absolutely different aspects of life. You can help an elderly person cross the road, or you can give alms to someone in need on the street. You can also protect those who are being offended. And most importantly, kindness is a selfless manifestation of feelings! You cannot touch or buy it, you can only feel it; kindness can be given to others. Good people are loved, but evil people are avoided. But it’s impossible to say for sure that this person is evil and this person is good! After all, at different moments in our lives, we can be both good and evil. But it’s up to us to decide which actions will prevail.

Kindness is held in high esteem, but is it easy to be kind? Millions of people will answer this question positively. But this is how it is, probably everyone will agree with me, when you do a good deed, your soul becomes warm, light and joyful. It feels good to give kindness.

It is very important to instill good qualities from childhood. Growing up, a child should know how to act well and how to act badly. It is especially good to show by personal example how to behave correctly. How you treat your family and people around you. You cannot rejoice at other people’s failures and be indifferent to other people’s grief.

Let's turn to the literary work of L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". One of the main characters of this novel, Marya Bolkonskaya, was pure and kind at heart. She helped people in need, looked after her family, without expecting anything in return. As a result, she was rewarded with a wonderful husband and found simple family happiness. From this we can conclude that kindness is rewarded.

Another hero of M. Sholokhov’s story, Andrei Sokolov, shows us his difficult fate. And how he, a soldier who went through the war, gives himself and the little boy a chance to start a new life. Not afraid of difficulties, Andrei adopted the boy and did a good deed. Thus, he saved himself and the child from loneliness.

So let's conclude why we need kindness? Modern society simply cannot survive without kindness. Compassion and mercy help us cope with difficulties, lift our spirits and simply help us live and believe in the best. Be kinder. Learn this quality, develop it in yourself, apply it correctly. Do not expect gratitude or a gift from fate for the good deeds you have done. Otherwise, it is not good, but self-interest.

Why should a person be kind? Final December essay grade 11

A person should be kind because we came into this world to leave behind good memories.
You cannot constantly make trouble for other people and at the same time become a happy person. Kindness gives a person the feeling that good deeds done are beneficial and this makes his soul warmer and more joyful. Therefore, by doing good deeds and helping other people, you can become the happiest person on earth.

After all, those people who received help will sooner or later thank the one who helped them in difficult times. This is one side of the coin of kindness towards people.


But many literary works show that people do not always respond in kind to kindness. An example of this is the work of Maxim Gorky “Old Woman Izergil”. The main character of this story, Danko, was selfless and kind towards other people.

When his people were driven out of their village, all the inhabitants found themselves in the forest, and it was very dark there. In order to help all these people get out of the darkness and thicket, Danko took his heart out of his chest.

And with this heart he illuminated the path for his fellow villagers. After that, he fell to the ground and died; one of the people passing by stepped on his heart and trampled it. Here is an example of how others can respond to the self-sacrifice and kindness shown to them by others.

In one of the works, Yushka was very poor, everyone offended him, he always wore old things, and ate poorly. But even if someone insulted him, he did not respond in return, so many cruel people mocked him.

After Yushka died, it became known that he spent all his earned money on the education of girls from the orphanage. Soon this girl arrived, who had already grown up and received a medical diploma, she began to work as a doctor and treat people for free.

After this, all of Yushka’s offenders greatly regretted their bullying of him. Another example from literature is Andrei Bolkonsky, due to the fact that he does not have natural kindness, he could not forgive his beloved Natasha for her mistakes.

He continued to love Natasha, but could not become her husband because of his pride and cruel attitude towards people. Likewise, in real life, most people hate each other or are simply indifferent to everything, due to the fact that they themselves have many problems.

And such well-known feelings as kindness, selflessness and compassion fade into the background. Elementary human feelings become alien to many, they do not help others, they pass by the sick and disadvantaged, they do not help homeless animals.


All these principles depend on a person’s worldview; if he believes that kindness will bring happiness to this world, then throughout his life such a person will live for the sake of other people.

And those people who worry only about themselves remain heartless and cruel egoists towards all the people and animals around them. Therefore, the choice always remains with the person; he chooses his own path in life.

Option 2

Why is one person good and the other evil? What is kindness and how does it manifest itself? Let's find out!

Kindness is the ability to selflessly help people you know and don’t know. Help comes in absolutely different aspects of life. You can help an elderly person cross the road, or you can give alms to someone in need on the street. You can also protect those who are being offended.

And most importantly, kindness is a selfless manifestation of feelings! You cannot touch or buy it, you can only feel it; kindness can be given to others. Good people are loved, but evil people are avoided. But it’s impossible to say for sure that this person is evil and this person is good! After all, at different moments in our lives, we can be both good and evil.

But it’s up to us to decide which actions will prevail.

Kindness is held in high esteem, but is it easy to be kind? Millions of people will answer this question positively. But this is how it is, probably everyone will agree with me, when you do a good deed, your soul becomes warm, light and joyful. It feels good to give kindness.

It is very important to instill good qualities from childhood. Growing up, a child should know how to act well and how to act badly. It is especially good to show by personal example how to behave correctly. How you treat your family and people around you. You cannot rejoice at other people’s failures and be indifferent to other people’s grief.

Let's turn to the literary work of L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". One of the main characters of this novel, Marya Bolkonskaya, was pure and kind at heart. She helped people in need, looked after her family, without expecting anything in return. As a result, she was rewarded with a wonderful husband and found simple family happiness. From this we can conclude that kindness is rewarded.

Another hero of M. Sholokhov’s story, Andrei Sokolov, shows us his difficult fate. And how he, a soldier who went through the war, gives himself and the little boy a chance to start a new life. Not afraid of difficulties, Andrei adopted the boy and did a good deed. Thus, he saved himself and the child from loneliness.

So let's conclude why we need kindness? Modern society simply cannot survive without kindness.

Compassion and mercy help us cope with difficulties, lift our spirits and simply help us live and believe in the best. Be kinder. Learn this quality, develop it in yourself, apply it correctly.

Do not expect gratitude or a gift from fate for the good deeds you have done. Otherwise, it is not good, but self-interest.

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Final essay on the topic: What helps a person to believe in goodness?

Example of a final essay for the direction of GOOD and EVIL

Essay topic:
What helps a person to believe in goodness?
As children, we are taught that good will certainly triumph over evil. Adult life shows us that this is not always true. But we continue to believe in goodness, despite disappointments and falls. What helps us maintain this faith? Of course, the good deeds of the people around us that are performed every day! We may not think about it during the day, but subconsciously we feel safe because there are kind people nearby. Helping an elderly person cross the road, supporting a colleague before an important speech, checking your sister’s homework - even in such little things there is goodness. It is always around us!

Kuprin’s story “The Wonderful Doctor” is a very touching work that impressed me to the core. The hero of this story found himself in a difficult situation: without money, without work and with a dying daughter in his arms. Unable to help his family and watch their suffering, Mertsalov was ready to commit suicide. This story could have ended tragically if Professor Pirogov had not appeared in the life of the unhappy family. Was it a happy accident or fate that brought the wonderful doctor to Mertsalov? It is unknown, but Pirogov saved a dying family! He helped cure Mashutka and gave Mertsalov money for the first time while our hero looked for work. The help of a stranger made Mertsalov believe in goodness again and kindled in him the hope that the life of his family would certainly improve!

The narrator of Sholokhov's work "The Fate of Man", without a doubt, cannot help but believe in goodness. However, I think so do the readers of this story. The story of Andrei Sokolov, who lost his family and home during the war and survived terrible captivity, is amazing. Despite the grief that befell him, the hero did not harden his soul, did not lose the ability to do good deeds, and did not allow cruelty and indifference into his heart. Andrei Sokolov takes under his wing an orphan boy who also lost his family during the war years. By adopting an unfortunate child, Andrei saves both the boy and himself. The hero, on whose behalf the story is told, is impressed by the kindness and strength of the Russian soldier. It is stories like these that make us believe in goodness.

As long as good deeds are performed around us, we will believe in goodness. Looking at how a complete stranger extends a helping hand, we cannot doubt the existence of goodness and its power. 343 words

Author of the essay:

Tatiana Gorodetskaya

Why you need to be kind

Being kind is a complex problem, like all moral problems. Everything depends on the context: to be kind to our neighbors, to those who surround us, to be kind in the professional sphere, to be kind in the political space, to be kind in the context of military operations. Every time we are faced with a variety of applications of the possibility of implementing the principle of “being kind.” In a sense, these requirements are formal, no matter how scary it may sound. They require a specific application, and it turns out to be very heterogeneous and ambiguous. Being kind to children and being kind to your political opponents require different tools, forms of expressing this same kindness. And sometimes you just need to give it up. This turns out to be a broken tool in some situations and areas, and you need to be cruel, not kind. You can find more sophisticated variations: you need to be cruel to be kind. This is known historically. You cannot love everyone and be kind to everyone. This turns out to be its opposite. To answer this question, I would suggest considering a combination of Immanuel Kant's and Hannah Arendt's ideas about evil. Evil as a phenomenon of the human world (although we can also talk about natural evil, when a tree falls on your car during a storm or dinosaurs die from a falling meteorite) appears when a person ceases to see a person in another person, when selfish motives begin to dominate in determining the direction of our actions when in another they see only a means and nothing more. Those. the appearance of evil is associated primarily with the lack of mental effort, during which it is possible to see in another something more than just an object. This paralysis of thought, Arendt argues, is frighteningly common. And its consequence is an underestimation of the importance of the other and a dulling of empathy. In this sense, the behavior of a child who is initially good and kind, but then suddenly turns into bad and evil, can be explained precisely by the fact that when entering into first social contacts, he unknowingly dehumanizes other people - he hits and bites his parents, fights with peers. He can do this intentionally, but only over time, with the acquisition of the habit of thinking about others, does he become capable of a humane, kind attitude towards another person.

Step-by-step instructions: how to train yourself to be kind?

  1. Realize that the world does not revolve around you.
  2. Start noticing other people.
  3. Focus on the good qualities of those you interact with.
  4. To be selfless in relation to people, and not mercantile: “you give me - I give you.”
  5. Learn to ask them questions and listen carefully to the answers.
  6. Show sincere attention to the destinies of other people, be able to put yourself in their place.
  7. Do not limit yourself only to words of support, but also take action.
  8. Learn to find positive moments around you.
  9. Believe in the best: be sure to expect all the best from every new day.
  10. Remember the boomerang law: when the heart is open to good, it will not take long to arrive.

To be strong is to be kind

Many explain a person’s tendency to kindness simply: it’s a matter of genetics. However, these are also character traits formed in childhood: that is, the result of upbringing. Some people have been taught since childhood: your shirt is closer to your body, you can’t trust anyone, it’s important to be alert, you need to look for your own benefit in everything, treat everyone with suspicion and caution. This is how they live as adults. Would you like to be next to such a person in a difficult situation?

And others were taught the exact opposite from childhood: be generous, open, responsive, friendly, and don’t leave anyone in trouble.

Who would you go on reconnaissance with?

But, unfortunately, the world is not ideal, and child and teenage cruelty is the scourge of our time. We read about it in the news, we see its manifestations on the streets, in modern cinema, on the Internet.

All this is a reflection of the adult world, which suffers from a lack of kindness. And if parents do not consider it necessary to instill in their offspring responsiveness, generosity, and attentiveness, then after a while real monsters will grow out of their cute little ones, indifferent to the pain of others, not knowing what friendship and love are.

Good must be with fists?

Often we have to deal with a lack of responsiveness and goodwill: an unkind look, a sarcastic grin, mocking words, unseemly actions. Don’t we ourselves sometimes contribute to this cycle of indifference, cynicism and inhumanity?

You can often hear the phrase: “Goodness must come with fists.” Of course, one can understand why many consider it correct. After all, there are not only good people in the world, but also those who live by different laws.

Yes, goodness has many enemies. All fairy tales are about this. But, please note, in the end of real wise fairy tales, which have absorbed centuries-old folk wisdom, it is good, not evil, that wins.

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