Essay on the topic of money in a person’s life

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  • Money (reasoning)

Money has long become an integral part of our lives. A very long time ago, people began to use money because it turned out to be the most convenient way to trade. In order to pay for goods and hired labor.

Everyone earns money as they know how and in whatever way they can. But everyone, no matter how much he earns. People spend money on basic things needed for life: food, clothing, hobbies, entertainment and more. People have different attitudes towards money. Some people perceive money as a means of giving them life benefits and pleasure, but for other people it is what allows them to survive

People with high incomes cannot always understand people with lower incomes. Some people believe that money can measure all success, love, and happiness. Some people can buy branded items for themselves. Simply because they want something that no one else has. Because it's fashionable. And such people cannot always understand others who spend their last money on gifts for loved ones or friends. To do something nice, for example, to buy things that his loved one so dreamed of. Unfortunately or fortunately, in the modern world it is impossible to do without money. He is part of our life. You can probably do without them only in a remote village or in a distant tribe. People can do many things for money - murder, theft, deception or brave deeds. But we must not forget that a person invented money in order to make his life easier, but not at all so that money would control him.

It's not enough to just have money. It is very important to be able to manage them because your success in life may depend on it. There are people with high incomes who can satisfy their every whim with the help of money, as if money was created for this. And there are people who do not know how to handle money, spending it on some of their own entertainment, and then take out loans or borrow money, which can ruin the life of not only themselves, but also their loved ones. When people face money problems, they react differently. This makes some people angry and aggressive and pushes them to do bad things, for others it is a good lesson in the fact that you need to work hard to ensure a good life. In any case, it all depends on the person.

Essay 2

Different countries around the world have their own banknotes. The purpose of monetary units is the same. Usually they are earned in order to later realize certain goals. For example, buy groceries, pay utility bills, go on vacation, add pieces of furniture, make repairs, spend on training, cosmetics.

It is important that money helps and not spoils a person. If we divide people into categories in relation to their means, then we can call some spenders (they can’t resist, they buy a lot of unnecessary and expensive goods), others are stingy and prudent, and there are not a large number of people (in moderation, using salary and income). Many strive to show that he has the most expensive brand of car, a suit ordered from fashion designers, while the opposite people barely live to see their paycheck.

Everyone's financial literacy is different. Some can live on a salary slightly above the subsistence level, while for others the salary is not enough for the cost of the apartment. The higher the income, the more requests for the sale of funds.

Banknotes are created for trade between countries and within a country. Every work must be paid.

There are many popular proverbs about money. At the same time, no matter what happens, you must remain human. Without a penny, there will be no ruble. Don’t have a hundred rudders, but make friends as soon as possible.

Sometimes funds appear unexpectedly: the lucky person receives an inheritance or wins, finds it. The worst thing is when, without sufficient funds, they do not provide proper treatment, they stop making friends and communicating.

I think that we need to develop more, read books, share with our neighbors. Instead of wasting your last rubles on going to a restaurant and losing large sums of money. Try to learn from successful people for whom everything is going well, and not do stupid things. The concept of a lot of money is relative: some people think one thousand rubles is a lot, but others always don’t have enough. Good deeds remain in people's memories for a long time.

Dependence on money can lead to murder, betrayal, and separation from loved ones. There are individuals who are capable of baiting others and complaining because of a salary increase.

As a friend, we try to help our parents. Work extra if the opportunity arises. Now the main thing for me is studying. When I grow up, I will definitely help my mother and sister financially. Earning income brings joy. However, we must not forget that we must use our funds correctly and respect our work and other people.

Essay: “The role of money in modern society”

Money is an integral part of modern life. We encounter them in all areas of life every day. And for many people, money can be one of the main values ​​in life. Money plays various roles in the economy and social life. In my essay, I will try to consider the role of money in modern society precisely as the role of a sociocultural phenomenon. Money forms universal connections between people and the objective world, without themselves possessing any qualitative certainty; “the things most distant from each other find a common basis in them and come into contact with each other,” writes G. Simmel. How long ago these words were written, but now they are no less relevant. Imagine a modern world without money, without any currency. Is such a society possible? The answer is obvious, of course not. If earlier in a traditional society people could do without money, producing and consuming food on their own, now in the 21st century this is impossible. As society develops, the needs of individuals also develop. People are interested not only in food and clothing, but also in information and various services. It is difficult to imagine the possibility of receiving this or that service in exchange for something. Yes, theoretically this is possible, but in this case our society would hardly develop and be effective.

Returning to Simmel, we can recall his statement “money is the homeland of the rootless.” This means that money allows people to enter into social relationships, bringing them together. The need for money may force a person to resort to certain social connections and activities. Although the need for money as such does not exist. Could there really be a need for colored papers? Not at all. By “need for money” I mean needs that can be satisfied with money. In addition, money is an indicator of a person's success. People with a lot of money tend to behave very differently from middle- or lower-class people. In the modern world, money is the very indicator that determines belonging to one or another social class. Today money is the main indicator of social stratification. It was said above that money has the ability to bring people together and encourage them to enter into social connections. But this phenomenon also has a downside. Money can also alienate people from each other. The presence of money or its absence gives rise to feelings in people such as envy, pride, hatred, and so on. S. Moscovici notes that satisfaction with what one has acquired is determined only by its relationship with the losses of another. Those who are successful tend not only to feel a sense of superiority over the less fortunate, but also to attribute negative qualities to the latter - stupidity, cowardice, sluggishness, laziness, etc. The most important quality that exists in people thanks to money is greed. And in modern society this is a very important component of social life. It is greed that encourages people to do not the most pleasant work, enter into arranged marriages, and sacrifice personal preferences for the sake of profit. N. Zarubina in her article “Money as a sociocultural phenomenon: the limits of functionality” writes that the poor hate the rich, and vice versa, and calls all this a vicious circle of alienation and hatred, which is based on money. Often money can act as a regulator of relationships between people. And this is most relevant in the modern world; in a world where you can get almost everything you want for money. Go back even a few decades ago, when there was communism in the USSR, and it was difficult to get any desired goods. Then problems could be solved by useful connections or exchange. Now the situation has changed dramatically in the opposite direction. We can say that today people are only interested in money. When providing any service or assistance, we expect a certain reward, and in modern society such a reward can only be money. Thus, money plays a very important role in the modern world. Without them, society could not develop and function. Undoubtedly, money permeates all spheres of society. Nevertheless, money can still make people greedy, cruel and cynical. Despite all the variety of goods and services that money can buy today, there are values ​​that cannot be measured by any money. Such as love, family, health, inner harmony.

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Essay on the topic “The power of money in the modern world”

Money is firmly entrenched in the top ranks of the needs of today's society, leaving mutual understanding, warmth and a disinterested sympathetic attitude towards people on the sidelines.
In fact, finance is the giver of false freedom, an illusory thought about one’s own importance. Yes, they will help out in specific situations, in cases of emergency.

Some savings provide security if hard times come.

Banknotes will certainly come in handy if you have to undergo expensive treatment or in case of urgent needs, but what about the rest? Is it really possible to be incredibly happy because you dined on sushi and not borscht? Does the cost of designer jeans matter if they are worn by an angry or deceitful person?


The proverb that one meets people by their clothes is, of course, true. But if you notice how, when you meet someone new, your interlocutor carefully glances at you, as if in his mind adding up the figures of the approximate prices of what you are wearing, then this is repulsive. After all, it’s humiliating that during the initial communication they seem to be asking the price of you, wondering whether it’s worth communicating with you further.

Money can buy the illusion of a positive attitude, but the awareness of this deceptive sympathy will bring bitterness, disappointment and, ultimately, dissatisfaction with life.

As a child, I came across a book with Arabic fairy tales translated into Russian. One in particular stood out to me. There were two families, different in wealth, as neighbors.

At the head of a wealthy family was a husband, an influential man, he had a capricious wife, and quarrels did not subside in their house. Envying her neighbors, she wondered why they lived in peace and harmony.

And she told her husband to ask them what their family happiness was.

The husband did this, came home and surprised his wife with the answer:

Her pride was greatly wounded, and she ordered the most expensive diamond necklace to be bought for her. When the husband brought home the jewelry, the wife became hysterical, the stones were of the wrong cut and size, and a terrible scandal broke out. The next day she approached the neighbors’ squalid and dilapidated fence, behind which little children were frolicking merrily, and their mother watched them with a smile.

The rich woman could not stand it and shouted loudly to her neighbor:

The neighbor looked at her with pity and said, pointing to her children:

The moral is simple - everyone recognizes happy moments in their own way, but if they are seen only in monetary terms, they cannot be called real.

Now in many countries, heads of state and officials are tycoons. They, in truth, do not serve the law, but only use power as a means to replenish their capital, without caring about the large number of poor citizens.


I sincerely feel sorry for those for whom the priceless word “time” is associated with a watch on their wrist worth 50 thousand euros. But the arrows on them move quickly, and in years this chic accessory will not be so valuable, only the memories will be valuable. What will you remember? How was time wasted to increase wealth, and the main concepts were ignored?

Unfortunately, money decides whether you get a good education. Studying at a university is expensive, but even when paying for tuition, you should not forget that you still need to study hard, and not just regularly transfer funds. But the harsh reality is that a student is often required to pay on time, and not to have 100% attendance and mastery of disciplines.

It is a deep misconception to believe that money eliminates all problems. They will never replace sincere kindness, lack of self-interest and profit. But it’s still so nice to know that there are a lot of people in the world who are honest, sympathetic and who consider wealth to be something of secondary importance.


The power of money in the modern world

Each of us would like to gain a certain material independence and social status.

And in the end, there is nothing wrong with this: what is wrong with a person’s desire to ensure a comfortable existence for himself and his family? But the question is not only about his desire to have money, but about what place this desire occupies among other human needs and aspirations.

Or is there no imbalance between a person’s material and spiritual needs, or does a person sometimes not think that material security is the main and only guarantee of happiness? Many of us should ask ourselves these questions from time to time, so as not to lose what is inherent in us, not to betray eternal values, circling in the whirlwind of modern life.

Reading works of Ukrainian literature, I am once again convinced that their relevance is not subject to time. Thus, the problem of the dialectic of the material and spiritual, the problem of human degradation, the problem of the power of money over a person was raised by many writers in the history of Ukrainian and world literature. This is one of the eternal themes that cannot go unnoticed by artists.

And, unfortunately, it does not escape the attention of writers, mostly because this problem does not disappear from human life. Each historical time solves the problem of money differently.

The ascetics of ancient times, moneylenders, honest workers, needy peasants, rulers and gentlemen are not just characters from history and books, but entire layers of the population, types of people who have made their choice.

And this choice was dictated not only by their internal thoughts, but also by their upbringing and belonging to a certain social stratum.

Now the difference between the layers of the population has been erased: there is no longer such a thing as a nobleman, a peasant, a worker; in questionnaires they must already be indicated as “born into a peasant family,” since this does not matter. The road is open to every person depending on his hard work and talents.

Does this mean that a person is influenced only by his upbringing and his inner beliefs? Unfortunately, it is not society that shapes each of us, as it seems to me, to a much greater extent than we can imagine.

Television programs, the behavior of public figures, films and contemporary art have a great influence on the consciousness of children and even adults, forming certain ideals, creating a modern hierarchy of values.


Who is the ideal for a modern person? Probably “stars”. Teenagers are interested in their lives (at times even excessively) and try to be like their favorites.

And perception often deceives people: when broadcasting programs about the lives of stars, are they really telling us about their thoughts, about their character? These people, tired of constant attention to themselves, try to leave something untouched, intimate in their lives.

So the impulses of their soul are almost the only thing that can be hidden from cameras. But this does not mean that they allegedly do not exist. It seems to ordinary viewers that “real life” is all about parties and entertainment and, of course, wealth.

So our media, one way or another, form the ideals themselves. And the person believes that, having received a multimillion-dollar bank account, he will become happy (forgetting that the happiness of public figures is often only an appearance).

And there are still many people who believe that everything can be bought with money. Despite efforts to overcome corruption in our country, it still exists. And often this is due not only to people’s dishonesty, but also to the eternal “everyone does it this way.”

It seems to me that the problem of the power of money does not disappear because no one thinks about the fact that money will not make a person happy.

“I’m probably unhappy because there’s not enough money...” thinks a person brought up by modernity and rushes forward to the unattainable “happiness of getting rich.” Why does it occur to few people that the banal expression “money doesn’t buy happiness” is actually not empty words...

Probably, people whose whole meaning of life is concentrated in money will never disappear, but it is very important to make sure that there are fewer of these people. Just as the fashion for clothes changes, you can change the fashion for wealth, for bribes, for dishonesty... And establish a fashion for spirituality, sincerity in relationships, harmony in society.

It seems to me that the social thought of the “majority” is formed and changed much more easily than we might think. So let's start with ourselves, with our children and loved ones.


Probably, then works that depict characters like Gerasim Moshny, remaining in the treasury of world literature, will lose their urgent relevance, and society will become healthier spiritually, cleaner and happier.


The power of money

Every person dreams of a certain material independence and social status. And there’s nothing wrong with that. All people should have the desire to ensure a comfortable existence for themselves and their family.

However, the problem is not the desire to have money itself, but the place where this desire is in the list of other human needs.

Sometimes an imbalance arises between a person’s material and spiritual needs, and thoughts appear that material wealth is the main and only guarantee of a happy life. The problem of the power of money is not new.

Human degradation and the power of money were relevant several centuries ago. This problem has been described and discussed by many writers and artists. And, unfortunately, this problem still does not escape the attention of writers today, because it is firmly entrenched in human life.

The power of money in society

Who is the ideal for a modern person today? For most, these are “stars”. Young people are interested in their lives (sometimes this even develops into addiction) and strive to be like them. But perception often deceives people: when showing television programs about the lives of stars, no one talks about their thoughts, their character, their desires.

Actors and singers are very tired of constant attention to themselves, they try to leave at least something untouched, intimate in their lives, known only to themselves. It seems to ordinary viewers that the “real life of stars” is constant parties and entertainment and, naturally, a huge amount of money.


It turns out that journalists, to some extent, form ideals themselves. And millions of people who watch TV believe that having a lot of money is fashionable to become happy. At the same time, no one thinks that the happiness of public figures is often just an appearance. Unfortunately, the number of people who are sure that everything can be bought with money is not decreasing.

Despite all efforts to prevent corruption, it cannot be completely eradicated.

Most likely, the problem of the power of money does not disappear for the simple reason that very few people think about the fact that money does not make a person happy.

“Apparently, I’m unhappy because there’s not enough money...” - this is how modern man thinks, and rushes forward to meet the unattainable “millionaire’s happiness.”

And only a few believe that the phrase “money doesn’t buy happiness” is actually not empty words.

What is the power of money based on?

What is the basis of the power of money? Like any other power, the power of money is based on the subordination of other people to this power. A person accepts someone's terms, either voluntarily or under duress, and begins to live on those terms. It's no secret that any power is born where people begin to obey someone or something.

The power of money over man could not be possible if man were not subject to money. In the modern world, people are ready to work for money, they are ready to accept the rules by which money works, they are ready to sell their goods and services, their time, and themselves for money.

Power is based on authority, force, laws, ideology, and money, naturally, has all these qualities. At a certain moment, a situation arises in which a person is ready to sell absolutely everything for money. It is then that he becomes a slave to money, and becomes completely under their power.

However, given that there are always some people behind big money, it turns out that a person becomes a slave of other people. We can, of course, say that there are situations when there is no other choice but to sell yourself entirely for money in order to survive. Of course, this happens, but certain actions precede this situation.

In the 21st century, a person is surrounded by a huge amount of information, which can help not to drive himself into a difficult situation. Illiterate, stupid people are very easy to manipulate, and no matter through what, force, religion or money.

It can be assumed that it is beneficial for us to be controlled by money, because without money we will again become the savages we were hundreds of years ago. After all, no one wants this?

Why do people need the power of money?

It is noteworthy that people who complain about power, no matter which one or where, they themselves cannot offer anything in return for this power. A civilized society cannot exist without laws, ideology, culture, and education.

In any case, there must be some kind of power over people in order to establish relationships between them, organize and control them.

The person who invented money most likely knew human nature; he understood that money would become not only a means of exchange, but also a power that would allow some, more literate people, to subjugate other people and use them to their advantage.

It is worth recognizing that people need the “power of money” itself.


A person needs a stable financial system, social order, social stability, because even minor problems in the world economy become the cause of serious social problems, such as the collapse of empires and anarchy.

Most people cannot make decisions on their own, they can obey, they were taught at school to follow the orders of other people. However, they do them not just like that, but for money. This creates a system that allows people to coexist peacefully.

How to use the power of money

Any power can be used for one's own purposes, even if the person is not a representative of this power. Also, the power of money can be used to solve certain personal tasks and problems, as well as to achieve specific goals in life.

To do this, you need to learn to direct your material resources in the right direction, that is, invest money wisely. If you need money, you don’t need to learn and do something yourself, as we were taught at school and college, but learn to organize and manage other people.

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