Essay on human character

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  • Person's character

We hear the word character in our colloquial speech quite often. This is especially common when there is a description of a person or his actions.

Translated from ancient Greek, character is a distinctive feature. And indeed, each person is individual in his internal state. There are people with similar character traits, but each person has an individual character. You won't meet people with the same characters in the world.

Character is a set of psychological properties of a person that determine his behavior in a certain situation. All people have character. There are no spineless people. When we describe the actions of a certain person, we mention such words as a character trait. A character trait is a specific characteristic of a person; they can be both positive and negative. These are the personal qualities of a person: kindness, courage, responsibility, determination, perseverance, reliability, honesty, they help a person achieve success in life. There are also qualities that complicate his path to success, for example, cruelty, hypocrisy, deceit, rudeness, and inconstancy.

Character is laid down in a person from the first days of his life. It is influenced by quite a few different factors. One common factor is genetic predisposition. It is not without reason that they say about a child that he is similar in character to his father or grandfather. This means that similar character traits were inherited from father to son. The formation of character is influenced by the society surrounding the child. This is his family, close people, teachers, friends, their attitude and actions towards him. Parents have a great influence on shaping the character of their child. They, as a rule, must see and control the personal qualities of their child. They can and should influence the development of character and should help the child develop his positive sides. In my opinion, this is the most important criterion.

Scientists have proven that character is formed before the age of 10, and therefore parents must do their part in this work. It is necessary that the child’s character has more positive qualities, so he will quickly achieve success in life, be an exemplary family man, and bring positivity to society.


More than 7 billion people live on Earth, and each person is unique in their origin, character and temperament.

Particular attention should be paid to the character of the person. After all, according to it, we can determine our attitude towards a person, how to interact with him in order to avoid conflict situations.

In my opinion, the inclinations of a person’s character go back to his deep childhood, when the child is just developing as a person. Basically, parents have a big influence. If they often conflict with each other and treat the child disgustingly, he will grow up to be a cruel person. A child who grows up in harmony, love and prosperity, he grows up loving himself and this world.

Thus, a person’s character shows how happy he is in life, his attitude in the family and his inner personality

Based on knowledge in psychology, I classify a person’s character into groups; it is this division that helps determine what a person really is.

How a person treats himself.

  • If he loves himself and rejoices at his reflection in the mirror, then this person is confident in himself and in his abilities.
  • The opposite of this individual will be a closed person. He avoids looking at himself in the mirror, does not like himself, and often criticizes and scolds. It is most difficult for such people to be in society. They try to avoid contact with people. If we talk about a teenager, he has problems in his studies, even knowing the material, he is embarrassed to go to the board, he is afraid of failures, ridicule.

How a person treats others

Here are some character traits to highlight:

  • If an individual always tries to help people, does not like to talk behind their back, and easily makes contact with anyone, it should be noted that such a person is kind, sympathetic, sensitive, generous
  • The opposite qualities of a person are callousness, selfishness, anger and rigidity.

Attitude to the field of activity

This point is especially important for employers who are looking for worthy employees. To a greater extent, preference is given to categories of people who know how to work in a team, have punctuality and leadership qualities, and an important quality is to get things done.

Essay on psychology on the topic of my character

COURSE WORK On the topic: “Temperament and character” CONTENTS Introduction 1. The concept of temperament and its physiological basis 2. The main types of temperament 3. Temperament and human properties 4. The concept of character 5. Character and personality traits Conclusion References Introduction Even in ancient times, scientists , observing the external features of people's behavior, drew attention to large individual differences in this regard. Some are very active, emotionally excitable, and energetic. Others are slow, calm, unperturbed. Some are sociable, easily make contact with others, and cheerful, while others are reserved and secretive. The mental characteristics of the human personality are characterized by various properties that manifest themselves during a person’s social activities. One of the mental properties of a person is human temperament. Character is the framework of the personality, which includes only the most pronounced and closely interrelated personality traits, clearly manifested in various types of activities. All character traits are personality traits, but not all personality traits are character traits. The topic of the work seems relevant to me, because... temperament and character are an integral part of the human essence, the study of which is one of the main tasks of humanity in the field of knowledge of its own existence. The purpose of the work is to study temperament and character. Based on the goal, we can determine the main tasks of the work: consideration of the concept of temperament, its characteristics, analysis of the main types of character, as well as consideration of the main character traits of a person. 1. The concept of temperament and its physiological foundations The most important and interesting sections of general psychology are those in which a holistic approach to a person is carried out. In them, a person is considered both from the perspective of his inherent universal human properties and from the perspective of his unique individuality. The main concepts used here are individual and personality. The interpretation of these concepts in psychological literature is ambiguous. Let's choose only one of them - the one that belongs to A.N. Leontiev. We speak of an individual when we consider a person as a representative of the species “homo sapiens”. The concept of “individual” reflects at least two main features: firstly, the indivisibility or integrity of the subject and, secondly, the presence of special (individual) properties that distinguish it from other representatives of the same species. A person (or animal) is born an individual. It has characteristics determined by nature - a genotype. Individual genotypic properties in the process of life develop and transform, becoming phenotypic. As individuals, people differ from each other not only in morphophysiological characteristics, such as height, bodily structure, eye color, type of nervous system, but also in psychological properties - abilities, temperament, emotionality. Personality is a qualitatively new formation. It is formed through a person’s life in society. Therefore, only a person can be a person, and only one who has reached a certain age. As part of his activity, a person enters into relationships with other people (social relationships), and these relationships become “constitutive” of his personality. From the side of the person himself, his formation and life as an individual appear primarily as development, transformation, subordination and resubordination of his motives. This idea of ​​personality, developed by A. N. Leontyev, is quite complex and requires explanation. First of all, I note that it does not coincide with the more traditional, expanded interpretation of the concept of “personality”. According to this interpretation, the structure of personality includes all the psychological characteristics of a person, and all the morphophysiological characteristics of his body, down to the characteristics of metabolism. The popularity and persistence of such an expanded understanding of personality in psychological literature is probably explained by the fact that it coincides with the everyday meaning of this word: for ordinary consciousness, personality is a specific person with all his individual characteristics, everything that, in the apt expression of A. N. Leontyev, “is contained under his skin." However, scientific concepts do not always coincide with everyday ones in their content, scope, and boundaries. Sometimes they come into conflict with so-called common sense and, despite this, and perhaps because of this, they become a powerful weapon of the concept of reality. This is the case with the concept of “personality” in the narrow sense of the word. It allows us to isolate a very important aspect of a person’s existence, which is associated with the social nature of his life. A person as a social being acquires new (personal) qualities that he does not have if he is considered as an isolated, non-social individual. To better understand these qualities, let us consider them from the point of view of the interests and objectives of society. To exist, human society must take care of the reproduction of its members, and those who are capable of supporting its sustainability and development. But in the person of each of its members, society encounters an active subject, whose activity is determined primarily by its needs and motives. Hence, the main way for the actual reproduction of a member of society is the education of his motives. A person becomes a personality to the extent that the system of his motives is formed by the requirements of society. Of course, these “requirements” can be very different. They may reflect the interests of a small social group, a class, or humanity as a whole (“universal ideals”). The quality and scale of his personality depends on the quality and scale of the values ​​that a person acquires and to which he joins. “The more significant a personality is,” writes S. L. Rubinstein, “the more the universal is represented in it in individual refraction.” Temperament is those innate human characteristics that determine the dynamic characteristics of the intensity and speed of reaction, the degree of emotional excitability and balance, and the characteristics of adaptation to the environment. There are no better or worse temperaments - each of them has its own positive sides, therefore the main efforts should not be aimed at changing the temperament (which is impossible due to the innate nature of the temperament), but at the reasonable use of its advantages and leveling out its negative sides. Academician I.P. Pavlov studied the physiological foundations of temperament, drawing attention to the dependence of temperament on the type of nervous system. He showed that two main nervous processes - excitation and inhibition - reflect the activity of the brain. From birth, they are all different: in strength, mutual balance, mobility. Depending on the relationship between these properties of the nervous system, Pavlov identified 4 main types of higher nervous activity: 1) “unrestrained” (strong, mobile, unbalanced type of nervous system - corresponds to the temperament of a choleric person); 2) “alive” (strong, mobile, balanced type of nervous system - corresponds to the temperament of a sanguine person); 3) “calm” (strong, balanced, inert type of nervous system - corresponds to the phlegmatic temperament); 4) “weak” (weak, unbalanced, sedentary type of nervous system - causes melancholic temperament). 2. The main types of temperament A choleric person is a person whose nervous system is determined by the predominance of excitation over inhibition, as a result of which he reacts very quickly, often thoughtlessly, does not have time to slow down, restrain himself, shows impatience, impetuosity, abruptness of movements, irascibility, unbridledness, incontinence. The imbalance of his nervous system predetermines a cyclical change in his activity and vigor: having become carried away by some task, he works passionately, with full dedication, but his strength does not last long, and as soon as they are depleted, he works himself to the point that everything is unbearable for him. An irritated state appears. , bad mood, loss of strength and lethargy (“everything falls out of hand”). The alternation of positive cycles of uplifting mood and energy with negative cycles of decline and depression determines uneven behavior and well-being, and its increased susceptibility to neurotic breakdowns and conflicts with people. A sanguine person is a person with a strong, balanced, mobile nervous system, has a quick reaction speed, his actions are thoughtful, cheerful, due to which he is characterized by high resistance to the difficulties of life. The mobility of his nervous system determines the variability of feelings, attachments, interests, views, and high adaptability to new conditions. He is a sociable person, easily meets new people and therefore has a wide circle of acquaintances, although he is not distinguished by constancy in communication and affection. He is a productive worker, but only when there are a lot of interesting things to do, that is, with constant excitement, otherwise he becomes boring, lethargic, and distracted. In a stressful situation, it exhibits a “lion reaction”, i.e. actively, thoughtfully defends himself, fights for normalization of the situation. Phlegmatic - a person with a strong, balanced, but inert nervous system, as a result of which he reacts slowly, is taciturn, emotions manifest themselves slowly (it is difficult to anger or cheer); has high performance, resists strong and prolonged stimuli and difficulties well, but is not able to react quickly in unexpected new situations. He firmly remembers everything he has learned, is not able to give up developed skills and stereotypes, does not like to change habits, routine, work, friends, adapts to new conditions with difficulty and slowly. The mood is stable and even. And in the event of serious troubles, the phlegmatic remains outwardly calm. A melancholic person is a person with a weak nervous system, who has increased sensitivity even to weak stimuli, and a strong stimulus can already cause a “breakdown”, a “stopper”, confusion, a “stress bunny”, therefore in stressful situations (exams, competitions, danger, etc.) The results of a melancholic person’s activity may worsen compared to a calm, familiar situation. Increased sensitivity leads to rapid fatigue and decreased performance (longer rest is required). A minor reason can cause resentment and tears. The mood is very changeable, but usually a melancholic person tries to hide, not show his feelings outwardly, does not talk about his experiences, although he is very inclined to give himself up to emotions, is often sad, depressed, unsure of himself, anxious, and may experience neurotic disorders. However, having a highly sensitive nervous system, they often have pronounced artistic and intellectual abilities. 3. Temperament and human properties It is difficult to answer exactly what type of temperament this or that adult has. The type of nervous system, although determined by heredity, is not absolutely unchangeable. With age, as well as under the influence of systematic training, upbringing, and life circumstances, nervous processes can weaken or intensify, and their switchability can speed up or slow down. For example, choleric and sanguine people predominate among children (they are energetic, cheerful, easily and strongly excited; after crying, after a minute they can be distracted and laugh joyfully, i.e. there is a high mobility of nervous processes). Among older people, on the contrary, there are many phlegmatic and melancholic people. Temperament is an external manifestation of a type of higher nervous activity of a person, and therefore, as a result of education, self-education, this external manifestation can be distorted, changed, and “masking” of the true temperament occurs. Therefore, “pure” types of temperament are rarely found, but, nevertheless, the predominance of one or another tendency is always manifested in a person’s behavior. Temperament leaves its mark on the ways of behavior and communication, for example, a sanguine person is almost always the initiator in communication, he feels at ease in the company of strangers, a new unusual situation only excites him, and melancholic, on the contrary, frightens, confuses, he gets lost in a new situation, among new people. A phlegmatic person also has difficulty getting along with new people, shows little of his feelings and does not notice for a long time that someone is looking for a reason to get to know him. He is inclined to begin love relationships with friendship and, in the end, falls in love, but without lightning-fast metamorphoses, since he has a slow rhythm of feelings, and the stability of feelings makes him a monogamist. For choleric and sanguine people, on the contrary, love often arises with an explosion, at first sight, but is not so stable. A person’s productivity is closely related to the characteristics of his temperament. Thus, the special mobility of a sanguine person can bring an additional effect if the work requires him to frequently move from one type of activity to another, efficiency in decision-making, and the monotony, regimentation of activity, on the contrary, leads him to rapid fatigue. Phlegmatic people and lancholic people, on the contrary, under conditions of strict regulation and monotonous work, show greater productivity and resistance to fatigue than choleric and sanguine people. In behavioral communication, it is possible and necessary to anticipate the peculiarities of the reactions of persons with different types of temperament and respond adequately to them. We emphasize that temperament determines only dynamic, but meaningless characteristics of behavior. On the basis of the same temperament, both a “great” and a socially insignificant personality are possible. The famous psychologist K. Jung divides people according to their personality into extroverts (“outward-facing”) and introverts (“inward-facing”). Extroverts are sociable, active, optimistic, mobile, they have a strong type of higher nervous activity, and by temperament they are sanguine or choleric. . Introverts are uncommunicative, reserved, separated from everyone, their actions are guided mainly by their own ideas, they take decision making seriously, and control their emotions. Introverts include phlegmatic and melancholic people. However, absolutely pure extroverts or introverts are rarely found in life. Each of us has traits of both, it depends on the innate qualities of the nervous system, age, upbringing, and life circumstances. 4. The concept of character As expected, we should start with the definition of character. However, this cannot be done without some preliminary remarks. The fact is that “character” is interpreted in psychology in a very ambiguous way. The difficulties of distinguishing between character and temperament have already been discussed above. Even more controversial issues arise when trying to separate the concepts of “character” and “personality”. In the psychological literature one can find all sorts of options for correlating these two concepts: character and personality are practically identified, i.e. e. these terms are used as synonyms; character is included in personality and is considered as its substructure; on the contrary, personality is understood as a specific part of character; personality and character are considered as “overlapping” formations. You can avoid confusing the concepts of character and personality if you adhere to a narrower interpretation of them. The idea of ​​personality in the narrow sense has already been discussed at the beginning of the previous lecture. A more specialized understanding of character also exists, and I am going to introduce you to it. Character in the narrow sense of the word is defined as a set of stable properties of an individual, which express the ways of his behavior and methods of emotional response. With this definition of character, its properties, as well as the properties of temperament, can be attributed to the formal-dynamic features of behavior. However, in the first case, these properties, so to speak, are extremely formal, while in the second they bear signs of somewhat greater content and formality. So, for the motor sphere, adjectives describing temperament will be “fast”, “agile”, “sharp”, “sluggish”, and character qualities will be “collected”, “organized”, “neat”, “lax”. To characterize the emotional sphere in the case of temperament, words such as “lively”, “impulsive”, “hot-tempered”, “sensitive” are used, and in the case of character - “good-natured”, “closed”, “distrustful”. However, as already mentioned, the boundary separating temperament and character is quite arbitrary. It is much more important to understand more deeply the difference between character and personality (in the narrow sense). Let's look at how these concepts are used in everyday speech. First of all, let's pay attention to how different the sets of adjectives that are used to describe personality and character are. They talk about a personality of “high”, “outstanding”, “creative”, “gray”, “criminal”, etc. In relation to character, adjectives such as “heavy”, “cruel”, “iron”, “soft” are used, "gold". After all, we do not say “high character” or “soft personality”. Thus, the analysis of everyday terminology shows that the Analities are different formations. But the following considerations are even more convinced of this: when assessments of the character and personality of the same person are given, etiocus can not only coincide, but also be opposite to the sign. Let us recall for an example of the personality of outstanding people. The question arises: are great people with a bad character known? Yes, as much as you like. The opinion is that F. M. Dostoevsky was distinguished by a heavy character, I.P. Pavlov was very “cool”. However, this did not prevent both persons from becoming both. So, character and personality is far from the same. The character is a personality frame that includes only the most pronounced and closely interconnected personality traits that are distinct in various types of activity. All traits of character are damage, but not all personality traits are character traits. Character - an individual combination of the most stable, essential characteristics of the personality that manifested in human behavior, into a definite attitude: 1) to himself (degree of need, criticism, self -esteem); 2) to other people (individualism or collectivism, egoism or altruism, cruelty or kindness, indifference or sensitivity, rudeness or politeness, deceitful or veracity, etc.); 3) to the entrusted man (laziness or industriousness, accuracy or sloppiness, initiative, or aquisility, perseverance or impatience, responsibility orbusiness, organization, etc.); 4) strong -willed qualities are in the nature of: willingness to overcome obstacles, mental Ifisical pain, degree of perseverance, independence, determination, discipline. What is the connection of temperament with character? The character of a person is an alloy of innate properties of higher nervous activity with acquired life of life with individual features. Truthful, kind, tactful, or, conversely, false, evil, rude, people with any type of temperament are rude. One at a certain temperament, some features are more easily acquired, other than other. For example, organization, discipline is easier to develop phlegmatics than a choleric; Kindness, responsiveness - melancholic. To be a good morganizer, a sociable person is easier for a sanguine and cholera. It is one -bloody to justify defects in their character with congenital properties, temperament. Responsible, kind, tactful, aged can be with any memeepment. 5. The nature of the personality of personality is manifested not only by the attitude towards other people, but also to Ksamom. Each of us, deliberately or without realizing it, often often equally with others and eventually develops a rather stable opinion of his intellect, appearance, health, position in society, i.e. It forms a “set of self -sophistication”, on which it depends: we are modest or arrogant, demanding of ourselves or autocracy, shy or kicliva. Most people show a tendency to evaluate themselves a little senior. This allows us to conclude that a person is characterized by a need in the timely high self -esteem, i.e. Everyone wants to respect himself. Self -esteem is one of the origins of psychological stability, good mood. Suppose a man made a mistake, did something wrong. If this person is possessed by a high level of self -esteem, he can reassure himself: “Non -insistent, because in general I am by no means a fool and the like is not characteristic of me”, i.e. Psychological defense works and a person calms down. In people suffering from neurosis, self -esteem is more likely to be overstated by underestimated, and sometimes even extreme (the kindest, most shy, most). People with hysterical manifestations express such judgments: "Beneficially smarter, more beautiful, kinder than most people, but I am the most unhappy and patient." A person who considers himself much smarter than others and even more intentionally emphasizes, inevitably causes the irritation of others. This is natural - after all, the thought “see how smart I am”, implies neglecting relationships to others. And whoever is pleased to consider him someone to consider him stupid. Inadequate -intensification, emphasizing their virtues, arrogance, neglect of others - an inexhaustible source of negativity of others. Often we have to communicate with mica, which, due to inadequately high self-esteem, are jealous-viors-consuming to the successes of colleagues. “The worst and most evil kind of envy: envy of the cummic superiority,” said D. Fielding. When someone's abilities are not accompanied by modesty, they provoke the envy and negative imposition of others. Encouraging self -esteem also contributes to such a draftsharacter as excessive resentment. Resentment, as a rule, is a feeling that arises in response to an unfair attitude of others. But does it know for a person "unfair"? And the fact that someone’s opinion about him is below the non-personal opinion of himself. From this, it is clear that the overestimated self -esteem is contributed to the slightest remarks (though there is another l. A person with inappropriately high self-esteem is potentially conflicting the enthusiasm, when it comes to rewards and rewards for labor. The exposure of the expected and real awards naturally pours out to insult, which accumulate and, finally, erupt with a sharp accusation of any address. What difficulties in communication does a person come across with the attached self -esteem? Representations of oneself as a less capable, ugly, unlucky, unhappy, patient create a reduced background of mood, consolidate the “inferiority complex”. Persistent excessively low self -esteem entails a navigable dependence on others, non -self -stability and even sinking, timidity, isolation, even distorted perception of others are manifested. How is a person reacting to others to reduce the egosamo -appropriate by reproaches, criticism? It is clear that at the same time he is injected at the same time, but his emotions depend on who criticizes, for which he criticizes, the goal of the goal and most importantly, how much the expressed assessment of the incident diverges for the propository. They are rarely offended by criticism from people whose opinions are very expensive (their comments are not in order to humiliate, but to help). Sometimes the reproaches from random strangers are not taken into account. But there are some particularly vulnerable aspects, the criticism of which causes prunitive negative emotions. For women, a negative assessment of their ownership, farming, neatness, for men - professional qualities of itemically male advantages (strength, courage, endurance) is almost always offended. There are words that, having sounded, cause such damage to the relationship that all subsequent “compensating” actions cannot correct them. For example, in the heat of a family quarrel, he told his wife: “I fell out of love. You are unpleasant to me. " And although this is not the way that further acts confirm, such rash words carry the heat of marital relations. It should be taken into account that it is impossible to give a general negative assessment of the personality by a concrete muscle and at the same time it is impossible to manage a person with constant petty reproaches. “Otherwise, this criticizes resentment, hostility, bitterness, the desire to justify himself and accuse, attack the annoying critic. Many feel uncomfortable, encountering a person who exudes the intelligence enthusiasm in their honor. The fact is that in a situation where one -man praises the other, they are in unequal relationships: the first awareness is the goal and true feelings and clearly understands what is behind this - a flesh, a compliment or well -deserved praise. The one who listens is more difficult, because the interlocutor’s goal can not always be caught. Therefore, the alertness and negativism with whom they meet a gluing stream, especially from the non-specialist or unfamiliar person, are not surprising. or location. If it is absorbed by those who are addressed, then the harm to - makes it arrogant, smug and complacency, and subsequently naturally gives rise to hostility and ridicule of others. The compliment, unlike flattery, does not pursue the benefit and is a piece of sincere momentary delight or the usual politeness. The mentioned compliment, albeit for a short while, increases the vascular. A well -deserved praise supports and adequately increases the level of human issues and thereby encourages him to take on more difficult tasks - then what is the benefits of praise. It is pronounced both less often, and more convinced, non -poetical enthusiasm, and if it also comes from a person whose opinion they are delayed, it gives pleasure. The formation of self -esteem and self -esteem is influenced by many factors acting already in early childhood - the attitude of parents, the situation among peers, the attitude of teachers. Comparing the opinion of the surrounding people about himself, he personally forms a self -esteem of himself, and it is curious that a person first learns to evaluate others, and then evaluate himself. And only by the age of 14–15 he is a teenageous by the ability of introspection, self -observation and reflection, analyzes the acted own results and thereby evaluates himself (“if I have non -put in a difficult situation, then I’m not a coward”, “if I could master the difficult substance, then I am able to”, etc. . P.). The self -esteem that has developed in a person can be adequate (a person correctly, objectively evaluates himself), or is notly high or inadequately low. And this, in turn, will adequate to the level of personality claims, which characterizes the degree of difficulty in the goals that a person strives for and the achievement of which seems to be attractive and possible. The level of claims is the level of employment of the assignment that a person undertakes to achieve, knowing the level of his predicate execution. The level of claims is influenced by the dynamics of the failure of success on the life path, the dynamics of success and failure in specific activities. The lesson of the claim can be adequate (a person chooses the goals that can achieve that correspond to his abilities, skills, capabilities) or inadequately high, underestimated. The adequate, the more adequate the level of claims. The low level of claims, when a person chooses too simple, easy goals (although he could achieve much higher goals) is possible with low self -esteem (a person does not believe in himself, lowly evaluates his own capabilities, opportunities, feels “inferior”), but is also possible and also possible High self -esteem (when a person knows that he is smart, capable, but heals simpler so as not to “turn over”, “not to protrude”, the shock -shaped “social cunning”). The overstated level of claims, whenhom, sets himself too complicated, unrealistic goals, can objectively with frequent failures, disappointment, and frustrations. In youth, high, unrealistic claims are frequent, overestimate their own capabilities, as a result, this groundless self -confidence is often irritated, causes conflicts, failures, disappointment. Only by numerous industry and errors does a person comprehend the measure of his real opportunities. But, how nine is unpleasant, youthful self -confidence, psychologically much more dangerous self -esteem, underestimated level of social claims of a person, encouraging him to evade all activities, refuse to achieve assigned goals, avoid people (because he does not believe in himself, afraid of criticism, mockery) or to be) or be) An obedient weapon in the hands of other people. Temperament nature is a person conclusion temperament is the individual characteristics of a person that determine the dynamics of the course of his mental processes and behavior. Poddynamics understand the pace, rhythm, duration, intensity of mental processes, in particular emotional processes, as well as some external features of human behavior - mobility, activity, speed of reactions, etc. The following main components that determine: - the general activity of mental activity and behavior A person is expressed in varying degrees of desire to act actively, to master the IPRUSE to the surrounding reality, to manifest himself in diverse things. The expression of general activity in various people is different. - Motor, or motor, activity shows the state of active and speech apparatus. It is expressed in speed, strength, sharpness, intensity of muscle movements and human speech, its external movement (or, conversely, restraint), talkativeness (or silence). - Emotional activity is expressed in emotional pricing (susceptibility and sensitivity to emotional influences), impulsiveness, emotional mobility (the speed of changing emotional state, the beginning and discontinuation of them). Temperament is manifested in the activity, behavior and actions of a person and has an external expression. By external stable signs, one can to a certain extent judge some properties of temperament. The character is an individual combination of the most stable, essential characteristics of the personality that manifested in the behavior of a person, an outrageous attitude: to themselves, to other people, to the entrusted case, strong -willed qualities are in the nature of it. References 1. Borodina A.V. Psychology of character. M .: Moscow State University, 2005. 2. 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