Essay My favorite sport (figure skating, basketball, swimming, football)

Figure skating

My favorite sport is figure skating! It’s so beautiful, but also very athletic – what kind of shape do you need to be in to perform such pirouettes, and even on skates. How much training do you need from childhood? We still have to overcome the fear of falling!.. There is such interesting music, such costumes! This is simply an extraordinary sport.

I would like to do this kind of sport myself. But as a child I was sick a lot, and the skating rink is far from us. That's why I still don't know how to skate. And when you look at those who train – such beauty, strength, grace! They all have such beautiful figures - not too thin, like ballerinas, but not very powerful, like dancers. Figure skating is right at the intersection of dance and sports - that’s why everything is so interesting and beautiful.

I also loved watching programs on TV, such as “Stars on Skates.” They did very beautiful performances there - creative, like for demonstration performances. And this program also showed training. The stars had to try really hard. But still, they have good coaches, if I had those, I would also quickly get used to the ice. Well, it seems so to me.

And it’s clear that I try to watch all the tournament finals. These performances evoke special feelings for me... I watch them intensely! And not because I’m rooting for anyone in particular, although I support ours, logically. I'm just really afraid that someone will fall. I look, close my eyes, if anything happens. Like someone going into a jump, my heart is pounding. And if someone actually falls, then everything breaks inside me. And you'll never guess. You can be super professional, but mistakes still happen. The skate moved a little (by a millimeter) to the side - that’s all! You can crash!

But this risk is why skaters are loved. They throw flowers and soft toys on the ice. Fans travel with their favorite athletes. They support their idols with applause and positive posters. By the way, I went to an ice show once! But there were acrobats and singers - a lot of interesting things. On New Year's Eve we went to see the Nutcracker with my mother.

In general, this is the most beautiful, difficult, fascinating sport. At least for me. What if my class and I went to some ice show?!


I really love sports and in particular basketball - the best ball game. My friend invited me to the basketball section. I've been interested in this game since childhood. Basketball has become my favorite hobby. This game helps to develop a person's speed, reaction, ability to play in a team and feel the shoulder of partners. When I started regularly attending workouts, I felt my body become toned and my muscles became stronger.

I can’t help but mention our school coach Igor Sergeevich Kalmykov. It was he who recognized my ability for this game and instilled a love for it. Igor Sergeevich works as a coach at our school and has trained more than one generation of players. He is very demanding in training, but I think that is only a plus. Igor Sergeevich is a true fan of his business and a competent specialist.

I'll tell you a little about the history of basketball. This game was born in the United States of America. Basketball was invented in 1891 at the YMCA in Springfield, Massachusetts. James Naismith decided to diversify his gymnastics classes with the help of a ball. And just like that, with the help of a young Canadian teacher, this wonderful game was born. Naismith hung two fruit baskets on the railing and suggested throwing a soccer ball into them. This game turned out to be so interesting that in 1894 the very first rules were invented and published in the USA.

Here are some interesting facts:

The tallest player in the world is Chinese basketball player Song Minming. His height is 2 meters 36 centimeters, and he weighs 152 kilograms. Basketball came to our country only in 1901.

Our school team, under the leadership of Igor Sergeevich, always took leading places in city competitions. The basketball team was the pride of our school and ourselves. The training process not only gave me good shape, but also gave me many new friends. Daily hard training helps me and my team achieve our goals and develop ourselves. I advise all children to play sports, and of course I advise them to choose a game with an orange ball. Basketball is the best game, I won’t get tired of repeating it!


Physical activity is very important for all people, but especially for schoolchildren, because their bodies are developing rapidly and, in addition to a balanced diet, sports can help with this.

There are a huge number of different sports in the world. The most popular of them are available to almost everyone: football, volleyball, basketball, pioneer ball... Of course, sports such as curling, boxing, ski jumping, hockey and others are less popular among beginners, as they require special physical training and equipment.

But my favorite sport does not require any equipment other than a cap and goggles for the pool. This is swimming. Perhaps its main advantage for me is that it develops all muscle groups, strengthens the body and makes it flexible and flexible. In addition, swimming does not require any special training or expensive equipment. The only thing that may be difficult is the presence of a swimming pool. There are many such sections in my city, so I had a choice of which pool to go to.

The history of this wonderful sport begins in Egypt, but more as a necessity, for example, for fishing. The ancient Greeks introduced it as part of compulsory physical education.

Swimming is a complex system with clear discipline. Therefore, as many types of swimming as there are, there are as many separate competitions for each of them. I can swim breaststroke, freestyle and backstroke. All of these styles have their pros and cons. For example, breaststroke takes a lot of energy, and while swimming on the back you need to concentrate very hard on maintaining balance and breathing correctly.

In general, breathing correctly is one of the main rules in swimming. If a swimmer does not breathe correctly, he will not be able to overcome even half the distance. This is especially true for high-speed types of swimming.

When I just started playing this sport, after the first two lessons I felt a surge of energy, it became easier for me to tolerate a sedentary lifestyle, because at school we sit for an average of six hours, which puts a lot of stress on the spine. In addition, swimming significantly improves self-esteem, not to mention the fact that it is a great opportunity to meet new people and make friends with whom you can not only go to the swimming pool, but also have fun.

Essay 2

Sport is an integral part of every person's life. Today, sports are especially popular among people of all ages, regardless of their hobbies, field of activity, income or any other criteria.

The growing need for sports among people can be justified by the following reasons. First of all, sport is the most effective way to quickly and efficiently get in shape. With a rational approach, playing sports allows you to strengthen muscles, reduce the percentage of fat in the body, some people even manage to change beyond recognition thanks solely to sports. Since sport is an excellent regulator of weight and appearance, with its help you can, at a minimum, save money on plastic surgeries that are popular these days, focused on weight loss.

Secondly, the colossal merit of sport is that it helps a person stay healthy and strong longer, charges him with energy and a charge of vivacity. Sport develops such important personal qualities as endurance, determination, concentration and many others, because it requires from a person not only preparation and regular training, but also a strong desire to engage in it.

The modern world offers people an endless number of sports - this is the gym, swimming, running, dancing, gymnastics and others. It is important to understand that each sport is aimed at achieving certain goals, that is, if a person is focused on getting in shape as quickly as possible, then working out in the gym will be much more effective for him than, for example, walking at a brisk pace.

For many people, sport also provides an opportunity for self-realization, when a person does it not just for the soul, but in order to achieve certain goals. Sport is constantly present in the life of every person, even if he himself does not realize it. Any load on the body is a kind of sport, even active cleaning of the apartment, washing windows or taking out the trash. In no case should you forget about sports, because it is often the prevention of many diseases.


When I think about football, I sometimes remember a scene from the movie Road Checks. This picture is about the war and there is one major, who, apparently, was a fairly educated man, tells the village elder about football. His description at the climax reaches the words “to write poems about this sport,” which the hero of the picture pronounces enthusiastically and with understanding of the matter.

My attitude towards football is somewhat similar. I also remember the words of some French philosopher, who said that he took all the best things he learned about the moral side of life, all the principles, from football. He was a professional goalkeeper.

I would like to say that, of course, there is a primitive understanding of this sport and to some extent it is indeed quite understandable and simple. The rules are easy and understandable, the gameplay is not replete with something surprising and unattainable for the simplest person. In fact, when a person watches a particular match between teams for a little while, he can quite easily understand what the meaning of the whole action is.

However, football seems to me to be something more... much more than it might seem to the superficial eye. To my taste, it is like a sacred rite or a work of art that is created dynamically. This sport has sublime content and a rather beautiful form.

Of course, now modern football is becoming a part of the entertainment industry a little more than it needs to be. The players become too gentle, some basic morals gradually disappear from there, traditions degenerate a little. At the same time, football still remains a universal language that can unite people almost all over the world, a language that can express both the simplest and most amazing meanings.

This feature just needs to be understood. For me, watching a football match is like watching a piece of art or reading an interesting book. If you understand all the “drama” of the situation, and also imagine the beauty of the schemes and maneuvers used, the peculiarities of handling the ball and without it, you understand a little about the evolution and development of this sport, then seemingly simple actions take on many meanings, and this is really beauty often manifests itself and yes, it is indeed possible and even necessary to write poetry about football, this sport is worthy of admiration and attention.

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I like different sports. I like to play volleyball, rollerblading and cycling, and go to the climbing wall. And I’m also very interested in watching sports competitions. When there is a broadcast from the World Championships in biathlon or athletics, I always root for our athletes. But there is one sport that I love more than others. This is swimming.

Swimming competitions are one of the most spectacular. Especially now that the broadcast includes footage from underwater cameras. At major competitions: the Olympic Games, World and European Championships, the competition among swimmers is so great that the entire swim can finish almost simultaneously. And watching in underwater slow motion how the winner is ahead of his rivals by a hundredth of a second is truly exciting.

It is always pleasant to watch a person who can swim beautifully, even if he is not a champion. When in the pool or at sea, among people swimming in fathoms or crawling through the water in the “toad” style, a person appears who swims professionally in sports styles, everyone around him admires him: some with admiration, some with envy.

I believe that all people should be able to swim. Of course, not everyone has to be a professional athlete, but everyone needs to learn how to swim correctly. The ability to swim correctly will be very useful when you go on vacation at the seaside or go with friends to a water park. Well, the fact that you won’t drown yourself and can help a drowning person is also important.

If we talk about swimming as a sport, then it is probably one of the oldest and most popular sports. And although swimming was not included in the program of the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece, competitions in swimming speed and diving were organized by the ancient Greeks, Romans, and Indians of the civilizations of South America. With the revival of the modern Olympics, the popularity of competitive swimming has only begun to grow. And such great swimmers as Vladimir Salnikov, Alexander Popov, Michael Phelps became real legends.

Later, other sports based on swimming appeared: water polo, synchronized and scuba diving, freediving and others. The marathon swimming competitions at sea are very interesting. But I still consider classical sport swimming to be the most beautiful sport.

I have been going to the pool since childhood, I can swim competitively, and although I am not a professional athlete, I really like swimming. Especially when we go to the pool with friends.

Essay “School Sports Club”

MKOU "Laganskaya secondary school No. 3"

Essay on the topic of:

Our club “Shulun, shudrmg” - Our pride!

Head of the club: Yavinov I.V.

Lagan 2016

Our club “Shulun, shudrmg” - Our pride! The sports club “Shulun, shudrmg” is a voluntary public association that promotes the development of physical culture and sports in secondary school No. 3. The motto, emblem, symbols, traditions and regular events form in students a value-based attitude towards their health, habits, an active and healthy lifestyle, and contribute to the development of social activity, hard work, creativity and organizational skills in schoolchildren. The school sports club “Shulun, shudrmg” embodies the idea of ​​uniting a group of like-minded people, creating a real “brotherhood in spirit.” Not only educational schools can participate in the work of our sports club, but also their parents and grandparents as fans, volunteers at competitions or even participants in competitions, such as: “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family”, “Winter fun” , “Fun Starts”, “Health Day”. The supreme body of the school sports club is the general meeting. The general meeting of the club elects the club council by open vote for 2 years. The quantitative composition of the council is determined by the general meeting of physical culture activists. Our work as a sports club is carried out on the basis of broad initiative and initiative of students. We hold competitions for the best organization of mass physical education and sports work between classes, sports sections, recreational and sports work with children in the neighborhood and summarize them. We also take part in the construction, repair, and improvement of sports facilities. The head of the school sports club “Shulun, shudrmg” organizes extracurricular physical education, recreation and sports activities at school, involving the maximum number of students in physical education clubs, sections on sports and tourism, as well as in various mass sports events. Organizes intra-school competitions and physical education festivals, and conducts appropriate preparation of students for extra-school sports events. Maintains contact with district schools, physical education and sports organizations. Constantly monitors compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and the condition of the premises. Monitors, together with a medical professional, the health status of children and regulates their physical activity, and is responsible for the health of children. The head also carries out work on teaching children in accordance with the program and methods of physical education. Has a close relationship with the school teaching council. The main directions in the work of the school sports club “Shulun, shudrmg” are: - nurturing in children and adolescents a sustainable interest in systematic physical education, sports, tourism, and a healthy lifestyle; -strengthening and maintaining health through regular exercise in sports clubs, sections, and participation in recreational activities. -organization of healthy leisure time for students. -organization and conduct of mass physical education, health and sports events at school. To carry out physical education and health work, the school sports club “Shulun, Shudrmg” uses gyms and sports grounds, on the basis of which a sports club has been created. The club's students strengthen the school's material and sports base. Our school sports club students have the right to: - use sports equipment, equipment and facilities, as well as teaching aids for free. -elect and be elected to the council of the school sports club. - systematically undergo medical examination. A pupil of a school sports club is obliged to comply with: - the established procedure. - treat property and sports equipment with care. -show a personal example of a healthy lifestyle. In its activities, our sports club “Shulun, shudrmg” is guided by a work plan, a calendar plan of mass sports, recreational and tourist events.

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