How to write an essay on the topic “Homeland begins with family”

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The homeland, they say, begins with your childhood, with your home, so it begins with your family. That is, this is what your childhood memories are associated with. When you grow up, you can go anywhere, but your homeland will remain where you spent your childhood. That's how I understand it!

The Motherland definitely begins with the family, like many other things, since the family develops an attitude. If you are taught to respect your country, love it, and be ready to do something good for it, then the child will do the same even when he grows up. Well, most likely!

And it’s important not only to teach, of course. This is never enough in reality. It is important to show by example that you yourself love your Motherland. Otherwise, you can teach what seems to be love, but you yourself do not show respect for your country. A man says one thing, but you see how he acts. In general, you don’t even have to teach love for the Motherland, but the main thing is to show it yourself!

Memories of the Motherland are usually associated with family. If a person can quarrel with his loved ones, run away from home, not talk to them (not even respond to messages), then he can leave his country and not even remember about it! Of course it doesn't have to be this way. Even if you leave your family and country, you can maintain good relationships. You can create a positive image of your home country, even if you have already received the citizenship of another. But everyone will say that this person is from, for example, Russia, but he learned the language so well, so good, and also a professional. And if you yourself speak with respect about your native land, do not scold it and tell horror stories, but also do not present everything in a rosy light, then you will only make your Motherland better.

How to show children love for the Motherland? You need to pay attention to the beauty of its nature, the kindness of people, architecture... When studying history, emphasize the importance of the people. Pay attention to art and music. Again, there is no need to say that the picture is good only because it was painted by a Russian artist. Or the other one is bad, since the author is not Russian!

It is also important to travel around your country to see its different beauty, people, even just try different food, hear a little different speech. You yourself need to love your country, then your family will feel it too.

This is what happens in our family. And I can say that I also love my Motherland. I'm proud to live here. I hope that I can maintain this feeling in the future. And then I will pass on all this love to my children.

Essay 2

Motherland, what is it? Each person has his own concept of the Motherland, but most often the birthplace of a person is called the homeland. Everyone perceives these words in their own way and for everyone it evokes different emotions, some positive, some negative.

Someone perceives the word Motherland as the city, village in which he was born, but for others it is the house where he lived throughout his childhood. Some may say that the Motherland is the fields and courtyards in which people walked in action. It is impossible to count all the answers to the question “What is the Motherland?”

Whatever concept a person has about the Motherland, it begins with the family. By family, many also perceive different concepts; for some, these are parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters. For some, these are friends with whom they have gone through a lot, through thick and thin. From birth, the child begins to get used to the area in which he lives, to the people around him, to nature, which is constantly changing, all of the above is associated with the Motherland and family. Family is the very first homeland of a person, because our life begins with it. Our family supports us throughout our lives, guides us on the right path, these are the people who will always be there and whom we can rely on in difficult times. From childhood, the family helps the child learn peace, love, joy, sadness, traditions and much more. They give us the beginning of our life, without which it would therefore be impossible to exist. It is the family that instills a sense of patriotism. During walks, children are shown the beauty of nature, their native nature, and are told many stories and achievements of their native country. It is with such small steps that love and respect for the homeland, for the native land are formed.

Why does a person of a more conscious age, when he comes to his homeland, even if it is a neighboring city, feel good, relaxed and protected? Because his childhood memories awaken, where everything was fine, there were no problems, he was taken care of and good things happened to him. There are no negative memories, or there are so few of them that the person has completely forgotten about them.

From childhood, children are taught to respect their Motherland, that without it there is no life. Respect and love for the homeland are manifested in actions. Such as: caring for nature, protecting nature and its inhabitants, people take care of the lands and animals so that they do not die, and also the willingness to always defend their homeland under any circumstances and situations.

An essay on the topic of love for the fatherland begins with family

Love for the Motherland begins with family. The most important function of the family is the upbringing and development of children, the socialization of the younger generation. Children learn the first basics of citizenship in the family. The life of every family is part of the life of the country. The socialization of children in the preschool years occurs mainly in the family, and it is the family that has significant opportunities for educating the child’s holistic personality on patriotic grounds. During preschool childhood, basic spiritual and patriotic value orientations are formed, and attitudes towards religion are formed. The family has the most powerful potential for natural, humanistically oriented patriotic education of the younger generation. Family education, unlike public education, is capable of imperceptibly and very effectively forming in children human feelings towards their parents, grandparents, family members and through them to all other people, their people, all of humanity. A child’s experience of specific family connections, supported by a powerful factor-instinct, is the most unique means and source for the emergence and strengthening of a sense of connection with society, one’s people, and all of humanity. The patriotism of a preschooler, as one of the aspects of the moral character of his personality, is characterized by brightness and emotionality of manifestation and, at the same time, insufficient awareness, insufficient connection of patriotic ideas and feelings with the general orientation of the individual. It should be noted that preschoolers learn about the past and the present mainly from the life around them, observing what is happening around them, getting acquainted with historical monuments, making excursions to the local museum, listening to the memories of their relatives about the recent past. As an analysis of theory and practice shows, one of the most effective areas for developing a sense of citizenship and patriotism in preschool children is civic-patriotic education in the family. The most important function of the family is the upbringing and development of children, the socialization of the younger generation. Children receive their first lessons in citizenship in the family. The moral norms of society initially appear before the child in the form of demands made by parents, appear embodied in the entire lifestyle of the family and, even without being consciously realized, are internalized as the only possible way of behavior. It is in the family that habits and life principles are formed. The way children grow up depends on how relationships are built in the family, what values ​​and interests are in the foreground. In families where there are relics of older generations, and children admire their heroic deeds, raising the child’s patriotic feelings at a high level. The main factor in the successful upbringing of children is civic behavior, moral purity, the deeds and actions of the adults who surround them, and, above all, parents and teachers. The origins of children's citizenship and patriotism are in us, adults, in our love for the Motherland, in a sense of pride in its successes and a sincere desire to share all its troubles, to stand up for its defense, to provide all possible assistance to it, to actively, actively share all its concerns, in our desire to preserve and enhance the spiritual and material culture of their people. Parents themselves must live a full, conscious, moral life as a citizen of their country, and this is an important condition for successful upbringing in the family. The effectiveness of educating the younger generation about citizenship and patriotism is determined by the unity of actions of the family and the educational institution, the ideological purposefulness of educational work as a whole and all its links separately. The life of every family is part of the life of the country. To educate citizenship, it is necessary that the family lives in the same rhythm with the whole people, so that the goals, aspirations and concerns of the people are also its goals, aspirations and concerns. After all, citizenship and patriotism are feelings of an inextricable connection with the people, awareness of responsibility for its safety and prosperity. To educate a citizen and a patriot means to prepare a growing person to participate in solving current and future problems of our state, to manage its affairs, to be a defender of the Motherland, and, ultimately, to participate in conscious and active activities. The child gradually enters the world of big social ideas and feelings. At first it is only a son or daughter who loves his parents and takes care of them. Step by step, the child develops a sense of duty: to his parents, to the Fatherland. During the period of formation of a worldview in children, this high feeling acquires completeness and versatility. This is a duty towards the family, a duty as a defender of the Motherland, a duty as a worker. Respect in the family for the dignity of the child, refusal of command forms of communication with him are important conditions for the education of citizenship. A citizen is a morally free person. Her behavior is not a consequence of spontaneous submission to someone else's will. Convincing and engaging children in useful activities is an important task for adults. Parents and children can find many interesting joint activities: sports, tourism, collecting, visiting the theater and cinema. Thus, citizenship is gradually developed in the process of joint activities. The more common affairs and hobbies parents and children have, the stronger the influence of adults on their sons and daughters, the greater the strength of their example, the stronger the contacts between the older and younger generations, and the more successful their upbringing. When parents introduce their children to their native nature, help them experience a soul-elevating sense of beauty, a sense of the beautiful, the majestic, they prepare the prerequisites for the perception of the idea of ​​the Motherland, the people, the community of civic interests and aspirations. Strengthening the educational potential of families will increase as a result of assistance in raising children from the older generation - grandparents and other relatives. They serve as a kind of transmitter of social experience accumulated over generations. The living example of parents is a specific form of transmission of social inheritance; the moral and emotional climate is formed by the relationship between mother and father. It is obvious that the word “Fatherland” comes from “father”, at the same time the phrase “Motherland - Motherland” is familiar to the point of triviality. Here it is advisable to pay attention to the specifics of parent-child relationships, which can provide the key to understanding the essence of patriotism. On the one hand, patriotism contains subjective children’s projections: children’s gratitude towards their parents (for being born into the world); children’s respect for their parents (recognition of the father’s authority, the father is the bearer of social norms); opportunities for children to receive physical protection, moral support, advice in difficult times (a strong father is a protector, patron, mentor); the opportunity for children to receive warmth, affection, the opportunity to be accepted, despite all the mistakes, insults, and misconceptions (on the part of a loving mother). On the other hand, within the framework of these relationships, children bear the responsibility of caring for their parents in old age, illness, etc. In this regard, we can state a component of the relationship between the subject and the country, which he defines as the Motherland or Fatherland - a functional connection: the recipient of the good is a debtor realizing his patriotic duty. The most complete public education is joint family education and education in a preschool educational institution. The family with the existing relationships between children and parents is the first stage of intellectual, moral, aesthetic and physical education. The spiritual, moral and patriotic wealth of family life is the most important condition for the successful upbringing of a child both at home and in preschool educational institutions. It is important that in the family the child receives the maximum of what good he can receive, find, see, feel in human relationships.

Option 3

Every person keeps a piece of his homeland in his soul. But what is the Motherland? The place where we were born? Or something else, not yet fully studied, but not in need of explanation. Something close to the heart, so dear and dear, something you don’t want to part with and so joyfully meet again and again. The homeland is our country, the vast and endless Russia, our city - everyone has their own - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Magadan or Chelyabinsk, the street on which you live or grew up, apartment. And most importantly, the Motherland is people, relatives and friends, our family and friends. It is with such a group as the family that a person’s path to a big and interesting life begins.

From an early age, parents instill in their young talent a love for domestic nature, traditions and customs of their native land. Many can boast of their first experience in loving their neighbor.

Homeland is a very broad concept. It includes vast territories filled with forests, mountain peaks, blue and azure lakes with clear silver water. Our homeland is our small but cozy courtyard, apartment and balcony with an old four-wheeled bicycle, a blanket hanging outside the window for many winters, a carpet on the wall, the patterns on which were so interesting to look at as a child before going to bed.

And the old calendar, on which it was so impressive to leave notes about future events. You mark the date, draw a picture and wait for it to finally happen. And it has happened - the cup is full of joy, happiness flows over the edge. And the most important thing about it is to tear off leaf by leaf and put it on the chest of drawers. Red day of the calendar - such luck!

But the most important thing that can be included in the concept of Motherland is people. Our friends, relatives and friends, our family, parents, grandparents. Even if we change our place of residence, a cozy apartment is replaced by a village house, moves to a new high-rise building or turns into a tent in the forest, loved ones will always be there, ready to help and support at any moment. A place where we always want to return has actually become that way thanks to the people we associate with this place. Those who are loved and dear to our hearts will always understand and forgive us, and will wait for us even when hope no longer makes any sense. This is the Motherland.

Where does the Motherland begin?

For the former, it starts with beautiful photographs of places. For the latter, from songs in their native language. For others, it starts with familiar scents.

And for some, the Motherland begins with family . After all, it is among close people that a person gains certain experience and knowledge in his early years. And also joins the traditions and culture of his homeland. Agree, hundreds of thousands of people leave their cities and countries, but until the end of their days their memory and memories remain there, in an abandoned house, in their homeland. Family is a special “treasure” in a person’s life, a special worldview and perception of life, a model of behavior in society. It is impossible to envy a person who did not have and does not have a family. Is there something that can fill this void? Let everyone answer this question themselves.


All the best begins with family; in childhood, a person develops a feeling of love and his homeland is no exception. A child is born, gets used to a home, loving parents, and he associates his native land with this. The family is our little Motherland, the most important unit of society in the world. But these are not only our relatives, but also instructive stories, our first actions that help us love our land.

With a good and correct upbringing, a person strives for the improvement and improvement of his homeland, so that he is spoken of with respect as fellow citizens. It is important to remember that love for her consists not only of empty words, but also of actions, after which people will have a desire to become a patriot of their native country. A family can go on a trip to their native land to show their children their beauty; grandparents tell different stories about the child’s environment. This is how love, respect and other wonderful feelings for one’s native land are formed. It is important for every parent to understand their task of raising a law-abiding and responsible citizen of their homeland.

It is not for nothing that various poets and writers write poems and works about the Motherland. Many of them also believe that everything starts with the family.

From an early age, our environment lays the foundation for understanding about what is near and dear to us. The homeland occupies an important place in everyone’s heart. Love for her is manifested in a willingness to protect, in a careful attitude towards nature and resources. Everyone must make their own specific contribution to the common cause. Despite the fact that a person may live abroad, far from his native country in which he was born and raised, love for the Motherland will always live.

It is in the family that one learns to adhere to the traditions of one’s people, to be proud of them and to respect the traditions of other peoples. Parents are an example of what we should become in the future. By telling us past stories about our land, we remind ourselves how beautiful it is.

It happens that someone does not have a family or the love in it that should be there. Then the great responsibility lies with the person himself. In such cases, he cultivates patriotism and love for his native land. But even in such situations, our environment is very important. It affects us in different ways. The main thing to remember is that no one can prevent us from feeling respect for our homeland and doing everything to improve it.

We can conclude that family always influences our understanding of many things and the Motherland is no exception.

3, 4, 7, 10 grade

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Essay No. 2 Homeland begins with family

Every person should have a place in their heart for their Motherland. After all, this is our home, our life, and everything that is dear and close to our soul. I think that nurturing love for the Motherland begins with the family - the smallest, but no less significant unit of society. First of all, family is not only our relatives: mother and father, brothers and sisters, but also rules, first traditions and instructive stories that help children find love for their native land.

People, as a rule, have different ideas about who should instill in a child a sense of patriotism and responsibility for their Motherland. I believe that parents are obliged to do this, because they, as an example of what we should become in adulthood, from childhood tell us about people whose selfless acts were committed out of love for their native land.

Adults teach us, talking about various events from the past, this all reminds us that the Motherland is a part of ourselves, and separation from it threatens death for our soul and everything that we love.

Thus, we can conclude that the family and the Motherland are a single whole, and one cannot exist without the other. It is very important to remember that it is in our native land that we will be welcome if we can be imbued with love for it and perform actions worthy of a person who loves his home. The family plays an invaluable role in developing a child’s character; first of all, it must instill in children responsibility for their actions before the Motherland.

I think that the most important thing is that the person himself tries to cultivate patriotism and other personal qualities within himself that would command respect from other people. The family, despite everything, still plays a secondary role, because it is the child himself who must realize for himself what the Motherland means and understand what actions he must perform to protect and prosper it. A person who cares and sincerely respects his Motherland will never harm her and will always be there in difficult moments for her.

By protecting our country and native land from misfortunes and adversities, we not only protect it, ourselves and our loved ones, but also cultivate a bright future for the next generation after us. It is very important to remember that love for the Motherland consists not only of words and promises, but also of actions that induce in other people the desire to become a patriot of their own country. Each of us should think about how much we can do for the place where we live to make it better for those around us.

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