The paradox of tolerance or why one cannot be tolerant of the intolerant

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  • 9th grade

Considering the concept of “tolerance”, you involuntarily begin to think that in the modern world it is the basis of relationships between people. Sometimes any manifestation of human qualities in any situation, way of life, way of life - all this is associated with increased attention to the people around us, since all people on our planet are equal to each other. But there are people who do not identify themselves with others, feeling hostility towards them. Therefore, feelings arise that are the opposite of kindness and respect.

In order for every person to sufficiently possess this quality, one must understand that peace on earth depends on it. At the same time, the tolerance that exists in a person directly depends on upbringing and basic knowledge in general. Each of us must be able to realize that every person is individual. This is manifested in belonging to a certain nation, in having a unique appearance, and in possessing values.

There are many other human qualities with which it is associated: loyalty, lack of aggression, ability to listen, generosity, ability to understand and others. They are in the same bundle and have enormous power, manifested in the selfless expression of their own thoughts and actions. Where there is tolerance, calm and peace reign. This is directly related to the fact that a person accepts the existence of others as they really are.

The scale of manifestation of tolerance is immense, since tolerance can be manifested both in relation to an individual and in relation to a group. On the basis of this concept, humane relations and philanthropy arise. In relation to such people, there is the ability to forgive, compassion, and share both interests and pain. Each of these concepts follows from one another.

When we resist tolerance, we do not notice how aggression and humiliating situations take root in our souls. Friendly relationships cease to be such, destructive force is the main concept. Thus, a person’s caring attitude towards others, despite their appearance, nationality, views and beliefs, implies a high assessment of them. At the same time, behind this arrangement is a tolerant attitude.

As an example from life, we can cite a situation related to the good-natured acceptance in the ranks of the Russian army of colleagues of different nationalities and beliefs.

Thus, if this concept prevails, then there are fewer conflicts, sincerity and love live in the hearts of people.

Essay 2

Most people, when they say “tolerance,” mean tolerance. And this meaning really has its place, because even in Latin, tolerantia means “patience.” However, the word “tolerance” also has other meanings, which depend on the field of application. So, in medicine, this is a designation in which the state of immunity is in poor condition and is not capable of producing antibodies to protect the body. And absolute tolerance is equivalent to death. As for pharmacology and narcology, here “tolerance” is equated in meaning to the word “addiction”. Whereas in ecology it refers to the ability of organisms to adapt to changing environmental conditions. For financial and technical areas, tolerance is an acceptable deviation that does not in any way affect the functionality. In sociology, tolerance means what we are accustomed to understand by it - tolerance, a tolerant attitude towards another religion, worldview, beliefs.

Essay on the topic of what tolerance is

Home > Literary creativity > Festival “Silver Ray” > The whole world > Essay “Tolerance in my understanding” Essay “Tolerance in my understanding” Tolerance - what does it mean? Let's start our discussion with this concept. Tolerance is a synonym for the word tolerance, only this concept is something more than ordinary “tolerance”; tolerance is tolerance towards the world around us: people, situations, etc. Tolerance is the basis of our society, its unity and understanding. But there are people whose concept of the word “tolerance” implies the destruction of the individual. Those. tolerance is nothing more than a way to eradicate a person’s individual qualities. I can't agree with this. Tolerance is not only simple tolerance towards others, but also respect for their personality and individuality, freedom. The concept of “tolerance” is very diverse, it can be: tolerance towards people of another nationality, religion, towards people of any class and age. Tolerance allows people to unite, creating mutual understanding between them. We must learn different points of view without mutual insults and come to agreement. But unfortunately, this does not always work out, because there are as many opinions and worldviews as there are people; some people perceive such actions as a way of bending them under themselves. You need to know when to stop, because some may mistake someone else’s tolerance for ordinary patience and take advantage of it, while the other side will consider that it is not tolerant enough towards the first. Tolerance can be not only in a sociological and psychological concept, but it also happens in: immunological tolerance, environmental tolerance, pharmacological, immunological and drug addiction, mathematical, etc. Tolerance exists almost everywhere! But the concepts are sometimes radically different, for example: if in sociological terms the term tolerance is patience, then in immunological terms it is an immunological state of the body in which it is unable to synthesize antibodies in response to the introduction of a certain antigen while maintaining immune reactivity to other antigens; ecological - the ability organisms tolerate the adverse effects of one or another environmental factor; mathematical - a reflexive, symmetric, but not necessarily transitive (unlike the equivalence relation) binary relation. The variety of tolerance is limitless. It is in the exact sciences and humanities, in society and nature. The conclusion can be drawn that tolerance exists everywhere. The whole world is the embodiment of tolerance. People, plants, animals, nature - everyone has tolerance, at least at the molecular level, at least in behavior. Kalyuzhnaya Ksenia Vladimirovna (ekaterina) November 24, 2013 62550 See also Poem “We dare not forget about them!” The tale of how Vaska and Dimka rescued their sister The tale “Lesovichok and the children”

With examples

Tolerance is a quality that determines the ability to accept and understand people who are different from others. This property determines human behavior in society. This statement can be proven using the following examples.

There are various situations in a person's life. Full-fledged adults, of course, know how to behave in them. They have restraint, intelligence and try not to enter into conflict if all problems can be resolved through mutual concessions. However, in every society there are people who are not like others, or who differ from them in their behavior, upbringing, and lifestyle. Then a situation may arise where a situation of rejection or rejection arises. Various people can become outcasts, and aggression may be shown towards them. Sometimes such a distinctive feature is skin color, nationality, religion, membership in sects and other closed organizations. This difference is understandable; people’s behavior in this case is regulated by laws.

However, there are other cases when people, under the same conditions of life, work and study, cannot accept some member of society. Nobody communicates with such a person, they will not turn to him with requests, they will always be the cause of all troubles, they can take out evil and hatred on them. This is exactly the case that is discussed in A.P. Platonov’s story “Yushka”. The hero of the story was sick and worked as a blacksmith's assistant. He gave all his kindness and pity to people. Yushka raised an orphan, placed her with a family, then paid for her to live in the city so that she could study and become a doctor. He did not spend his salary on himself, but gave it to his adopted daughter for education. Hard work and illness aged him before his time. His fellow villagers treated him with contempt and considered him the most worthless and useless person in society. One of them got angry at Yushka’s answer that people also needed him, and pushed him. The hero died, but life for the people in the village became even more difficult. The man on whom people took out their evil and the hardships of life, without fear of punishment and without encountering resistance, was gone. He believed that people treat him this way because they love him, they just don’t understand it and can’t express it. The memory of Yushka remains forever among people. That same adopted daughter came to the village; when she learned about the death of Efim Dmitrievich, she did not leave, but stayed to work in this area to help people and treat them.

Thus, tolerance must be present in society. No matter how different people are, they can and must find compromises.

Types of tolerance

And although the term is used in various fields, most types of tolerance are still applicable to the socio-psychological sphere. Thus, there are the following types of tolerance:

- pedagogical. This type means a tolerant and mainly equal attitude towards all students, regardless of their level of knowledge and intellectual abilities

- religious. Respectful attitude towards other beliefs, cults, atheism.

- gender. Equally respectful attitude towards both sexes, towards their opportunity to have the same rights, be it in the work sphere or in the home.

- political. Respectful attitude towards its citizens by the authorities, acceptability of the existence of other views and opinions and readiness to accept them

- age. The ability to judge a person and his abilities without relying on a person’s age

- to the disabled. Any personality is integral and its manifestations must be understood and respected.

In turn, psychologists provide their own types of tolerance, including:

— Moral, where external calm dominates over internal. In other words, a person may experience negative emotions inside, but outwardly he is absolutely calm.

- Natural, in which it is extremely difficult for a child to oppose his own self to the world. Kindness and trust are what exist in the child’s mind and this is what allows him to adapt to the world around him, but at the same time does not allow him to give an outburst to his desires and will.

— Ethnic, where respect for other people’s customs and way of life becomes paramount

— Moral – people’s acceptance of other values, life positions, principles, thoughts.

Tolerance and morality go hand in hand. After all, truly tolerant people always have fairly high moral principles. These are those who will not condemn other people's views and beliefs and will never deliberately enter into conflict. Cultivating tolerance in modern society is not an easy task and it needs to start with young people, instilling in them tolerance, the basis of which is morality and moral standards.

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Final essay “Why is it important to be tolerant?”

Today, the topic of tolerance is a particularly hot topic of discussion. Why has it become so important to us? The reason lies in the fact that the lack of tolerance and respect in society continues to give rise to social conflicts that lead to numerous victims. For this reason, it is so fundamentally important to learn to be tolerant and not allow yourself to be aggressive towards any people who differ from us in their perception of the world, religious beliefs or race. This is proven by numerous examples from literary works.

The problem of tolerance is one of the central ones in I. S. Turgenev’s work “Fathers and Sons”. Using the example of a brewing conflict between people of different generations, an aristocrat with liberal views, Pavel Kirsanov, and a commoner democrat, nihilist, Yevgeny Bazarov, Turgenev showed to what extent rejection of someone else’s point of view, the inability to tolerate a person who is very different from oneself, can be destructive. The dispute between the antipodes could only be resolved as a result of a duel.

An equally dramatic example was described by M.A. Sholokhov in his work “Quiet Don”. Prokofy, having been to war in Turkey, found his boundless love there. He brought home a foreign wife who professes the Muslim faith. The Cossacks met the foreigner rather harshly. The family did not accept his daughter-in-law, and Prokofy was forced to settle on the outskirts in order to have less contact with his neighbors. Fellow villagers hooted after the poor lady, humiliated and insulted her, spreading rumors as if ugliness and traces of witchcraft were hidden under her veil. The ignorant inhabitants of the farm saw in foreign customs a direct confirmation of black magic, for this reason, during the period of famine and crop failure, the poor Turkish woman was to blame for everything. The men attacked Prokofy's house and beat the Cossack's pregnant wife to death. She gave birth and died in agony. To avenge her, the husband killed the main culprit of the events and went to hard labor. The complete lack of tolerance in Cossack society led to this barbaric massacre of a pregnant lady. If people were tolerant, respectful and respectful of the beliefs and traditions of other people, then many tragedies could be avoided.

Thus, it is fundamentally important for a person to be tolerant; this quality protects society from thoughtless actions, prejudices and racial, ethnic, religious intolerance, which often leads to disastrous consequences. People for whom tolerance is not an empty word become kinder and more tolerant towards each other, since respect for other people's beliefs, external characteristics and traditions deprives society of reasons for conflicts. I believe this is why it is important to be tolerant.

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