310. Why are eternal values ​​needed in the rapidly changing modern world?

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  3. Values ​​in human life

In order to understand what “values” mean in life, it is necessary to understand that for every person living on this planet, there are their own special values. Each person is a separate person, independent of anyone and appreciating his own moments. Thus, it is impossible to say exactly, for everyone, what “values” mean for everyone in life.

This article will reflect my own values. It is for me that it is very important to appreciate every day we live, regardless of whether it carries negative or positive emotions. Every minute something special can happen that can change your life radically. Some people like to live life from one special day to another, I think this is not right, because you need to live every minute of the day, life is given in order to enjoy and savor any minutes that are provided for people.

Each season of the year should be lived as if it were the last. You don’t need to think, for example, that you don’t like winter due to the cold climate in our country. Everyone can find something to do to satisfy their needs even during their least favorite period of time. You need to enjoy and enjoy every moment that life brings to you.

The values ​​of life lie not only in the moments given by life, but also in the people who are present every day in your heart. You must cherish your parents, who gave life, because thanks to them you gained a sense of freedom and happiness. Not only your parents are the values ​​of your life, but also all your close people, without whom life would take on a dark streak.

Many people living on the same planet with us like to live their days without even thinking about the fact that we need to appreciate every second lived with the right people. It often happens that these people leave behind a huge fortune. They are often creative people, write poetry, draw pictures and thus leave a mark on themselves for the future generation. Even after such people leave this world, they will still be remembered as great people, they will often be mentioned in their conversations. They did not live their lives in vain, leaving a creative legacy after their departure. For many, this is the value of life.

Option 2

For each of us, life has its own unique meaning. The priorities that guide a person are formed in him since childhood thanks to the efforts of mom and dad, grandparents, as well as school and even his circle of friends. During the period of growing up, a person’s life values ​​can change one way or another, acquire new forms and colors, but the essence will be the one that was put into the soul in deep childhood by all those who surrounded us. Therefore, it is very important to instill the right life values ​​in a child.

Nowadays, on the Internet and in real conversations in everyday life, you can come across the opinion that there are no right and wrong values. Allegedly, everything that is valuable for one may be empty for another, and everyone determines the truth of this or that priority for himself. I believe that this opinion is not entirely correct.

After all, millions of generations have created generally accepted norms of behavior, laws in society, and with them correct life values. These include caring for family and friends, creating a family, loyalty to the Fatherland, respect for other people and animals, compassion for the poor and sick, kindness and sincerity in relationships. All these are mandatory attributes in the life of every good person. Each of these priorities should serve as a value.

Many youth subcultures, as well as representatives of an immoral lifestyle, see the value of their lives in freedom, risk, pleasure, debauchery and a complete lack of any respect for others and responsibility for themselves and their activities. They promote the immorality and uselessness of such social units as family and marriage. Freedom for such people is nothing more than permission. And along with it, humiliation of other people, rudeness towards them, arrogance and an endless sense of one’s own innocence. An immoral lifestyle, debauchery, maybe even abuse of intoxicating substances - all this cannot be values ​​in life. These are only signs of a weak mind, an unworthy heart and an immoral soul.

In other words, everything that is beneficial, that can be called good, that truly saves human souls, can be called the true values ​​of life. Everything that defiles the human status, everything that is equated with evil and causes harm, cannot be values ​​of life.

The question of human values ​​is very important and relevant at all times. It is easy to get confused in your own priorities, it is difficult to find true values ​​without seeing an example. Therefore, each of us is taught this from childhood through good books and stories.

Essay “Practice of universal human values ​​in my life”

Practice of universal human values ​​in my life

Teachers need to remember: we ourselves must do what we teach others, live in the universal human values ​​that are contained in every cell of the body, otherwise we could not be human. They are our very nature, giving us happiness. And happy people tend to not worry about what others think of them; try to see the positives in everything; always friendly and grateful; smile often and are positive; they know that not everything in this world is perfect and make every possible contribution to positive changes in the world around them; continue to study; live in the present moment.

Most people constantly carry their past with them, and this makes them unhappy and pushes them to actions that are contrary to universal morality. However, as the German writer E. Tolle argued, “We can learn not to revive past situations or events in our minds, but all the time to return attention to the original, timeless, pure and untouched present moment.” But it is precisely this state of pristine spiritual purity and lightness that makes a person open to the acceptance of universal human values.

And therefore, I decided to start my practice of universal human values ​​by stopping living in the past, analyzing it, returning to my mistakes and losses.

I started and start every day with a positive attitude: “Think good things... Say good things... Thank you for being healthy... Thank you for being calm... Thank you for making everything work out for me.”

Having a positive attitude in the morning helps me control my emotions. Thanks to a positive emotional background, it is easier to control your words and actions. I especially need this when communicating with my own daughter. I have long noticed that I am much softer towards my students than towards my own child. Working as a psychologist, I effortlessly avoid conflict situations or work with hysterical children. At home the situation changes: I am intolerant of my daughter. Therefore, I decided to reconsider my requirements for her and began to devote more time to her.

During the day I listen to music to help relieve negative emotions.

I also started working on being careful with resources. First of all, on saving energy, because... I wasn't always able to organize my day correctly. I now try to do things that required a lot of effort in the morning. I limited my time watching television, using social networks, and talking on the phone.

Due to energy savings and a clear daily routine, I began to visit stores less often, be more careful with money, and prioritized my desires (do I need this?).

My colleagues noted external and internal changes in me. According to them, I began to smile more often, a positive emotional charge emanates from me.

In my life I am guided by the words of M. Gorky: “You should live your life in such a way that later in old age you will not be offended by the years spent uselessly.”

The path of familiarization with universal human values ​​for me is the desire to turn every moment, every word, every thought and every movement into an elevated step that brings a person closer to understanding his true “I”. This is an internal culture, or loyalty to duty, the goal of which is both the prosperity of everyone around and one’s own well-being. Such service, where there is no place for personal interests and the expectation of praise and benefits, opens the way for a person to the source of inner peace and joy, not to mention that in accordance with the natural law of nature and the spiritual and moral law of correct behavior.

Practicing eternal universal human values ​​is, in essence, a harmonious human life.

Teacher of self-knowledge Toropchanina T.V.

Essay 3

If we talk about material capital, some kind of property, then it is easy to understand what values ​​are. Such valuables can be jewelry, antiques or works of art.

It is absolutely clear that when it comes to life values, these clearly do not claim to be basic. Although, it happens in different ways. For example, there are people who value only money, and for such people it will be the main vector of their own existence; accordingly, various material objects will be truly valued.

When we talk about values ​​in a more understandable and, let’s say, human sense, we mean some elements of personality that are of special importance. For example, a person can develop a certain understanding of reality over the years and adhere to corresponding models of worldview and behavior. If all this is based on guidelines that have a moral basis, then they are called values.

The most common examples of values ​​are: friends, family, career, business, and sometimes entertainment. All these spheres represent not only material media, for example, entertainment - not just a bar or a disco, where it is so nice to gather in order to have fun, but also a certain orientation towards staying in such spaces, but corresponding behavior. For some, on the contrary, study is a value and for him the choice is not a disco, but a library, which corresponds to the internal orientation towards acquiring knowledge.

Do values ​​determine human existence? To some extent, but they can change and become temporary. Once upon a time a person is inclined to have fun, after that he strives to start a family, and then the main value remains only to groan on the bench at the front door and remember the old days, as they say, Sic transit gloria mundi and with the glory of the world, values ​​pass away.

Considering the potential of such an internal phenomenon as value, you need to take advantage of this and look for the opportunity to choose the optimal set for yourself. There are so-called universal human values, but they are extremely vague; outside a specific situation, it is unlikely that anyone will say what kindness is (although the ideal of kindness exists), and for different people, the choices of so-called kindness in this situation can be opposite. Therefore, you should look for values ​​that are truly valuable, ones that you are not ashamed to live with and that you are not ashamed to remember.

Essay on the topic Values ​​in human life

Today we are talking about life values. The topic is actually complex, philosophical, and everyone understands it to the best of their upbringing, their own views and thoughts.

What are the values ​​of life? They are different for each person. It is impossible to say that what is valuable in life for one person will be valued in the same way by another person.

For some, the main value in life is to live for oneself, without noticing anyone around. For some, the value of life is to do everything for the sake of their family, without paying attention to themselves. It is impossible to give one correct answer to this topic. But values ​​of life common to all people still exist.

For example, these are human relationships. Relationships between people are valuable. After all, without sincere, sincere and friendly communication, it is impossible to imagine your everyday life. Another question is how true and pure this relationship is. But in any case, they constitute a certain value in the life of every person.

A very important life value is the ability to remain human, no matter what. This means that most people still choose a positive way of thinking and an optimistic outlook on life. And this is the right approach. You need to try to live in such a way as not to be shy and not afraid to look someone in the eyes. And this means not deceiving, not abandoning or betraying other people.

There is another important life value. This is the ability to love. Love is a force that is capable of much. Families and children are born in love. In love comes a dream. It is impossible to imagine a happy and dignified life without love.

Such values ​​of life as honor and dignity are not inherent to everyone. But still, people with such character traits do exist. And this is the main point. Without honor and decent behavior everywhere, life will go a little in the wrong direction, in the wrong vector.

Each person chooses for himself what values ​​are inherent to him. Some people generally like or have to engage in lawlessness. For such people, all the values ​​of life are erased and forgotten. Most people understand and try to retain these values ​​within themselves, pass them on to their children and raise them to be worthy people too!

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How to determine your life values?

To determine life values ​​today there are quite a large number of techniques and techniques. We will tell you about the simplest option.

  1. Write down on a piece of paper everything that you consider important in your life, but so important that you won’t be able to live without it if it doesn’t exist.
  2. The list may get quite long, but now it needs to be reviewed. Ask yourself at every point whether this is really something you would be absolutely miserable without, or could it be something you could give up? If there is even a slight doubt on any point, feel free to cross it out.
  3. Repeat step #2 until there are no more than ten items left on your list. The resulting list can be considered a list of your main life values, based on which you should build your life in the future.

Remember that your core values ​​in life will be formed based on everything that has happened in your life, and will include not only your personal opinions, but also the opinions of those people who mean something to you: parents and other members of your family. family, friends and mentors (teachers, professors, etc.), people you admire, etc. In addition, the impact will be exerted by sociocultural characteristics, trends in society, religious institutions and much more.

People who are the most effective and optimistic always try to take into account the maximum number of factors that influence their life values ​​and, if possible, cut off the unnecessary ones. For this reason, you should try to rely only on those meanings that are the most important to you, and that over the years have shaped you as a person. If you act in this way, then your life values ​​will become an extremely powerful tool for you that can help you make yourself and your life better and provide support in any difficulties that come your way.

IMPORTANT ADVICE: We understand perfectly well that determining your main values ​​in life may not be as easy as it seems at first glance. That is why we suggest you not just make a list of your priorities and choose the most significant ones from it, but conduct a comprehensive assessment of your personality: find out life values, character and temperament traits, advantages and disadvantages, personality type, predispositions and even types of activities that suit you best Total. All this and much more awaits you in our self-knowledge course, which has no analogues either in electronic or written form. Follow this link.

We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • Axiology
  • 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
  • Definition of values
  • Practical benefits of self-knowledge
  • Congruence: A Beginner's Guide
  • 6 Skills to Develop Emotional Intelligence
  • Self-sufficiency
  • The system of human life values: types of values ​​and formation of the system
  • Effective methods of self-knowledge
  • Brian Tracy: "Live Simpler": Key Ideas

Key words:1Self-knowledge

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