Essay on the topic Description of nature in winter

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Russian winter is the calmest and quietest time of the year, when all nature sleeps, covered with a white blanket of soft snow. In an essay about winter, you can take as a topic a description of the winter landscape in the paintings of Russian artists, you can describe a frosty winter day or phenomena such as snowfall, a blizzard or the silence of a cold forest.

In an essay on the topic of winter, you can include a description of Russian life, the contrast between the frost of the street and the comfort of a warm house, and describe the bright events of winter in folk holidays. Sleeping nature in the landscapes of Russian winter gives enormous scope for writing an essay on the theme of winter and talking about the fabulous icy captivity in which winter nature arrives.

Essay about winter grades 5-11

Winter almost always comes suddenly. Quiet and solemn. Everything in nature freezes in anticipation of her arrival. The earth, tormented by the cold autumn rains, dies at night, freezing with an icy crust, but by the middle of the day it comes to its senses, awakened by the sharp, dreary drizzling rain, turning into continuous impenetrable slush. And it seems that there will be no end to the heavy black clouds, and the viscous gray drizzle will never recede.

But something changes, it becomes even darker, the air thickens, electrified with foreboding. It is precisely when tension reaches an unknown limit that winter comes. Instead of raindrops, leaden clouds begin to drop snow. At first, rare, timid snowflakes gently fall to the ground. Gradually, there are more snowflakes, they become crowded, they stick together into flakes, and the clouds, silently, with relief, rush to shower snow on the ground. The ground quickly becomes covered with a thick fluffy blanket. Everything is drowning in whiteness - both the earth and the sky. And it seems that nature is breathing a sigh of relief - winter has come!

And a miracle happens! A ray of sunshine breaks through the hole in the thinning cloud! Bright, powerful, triumphant! And everything explodes into myriads of sparkling diamonds of incomprehensible purity. The snow shines with all the colors of the rainbow, notifying all living things on earth that the most enchanting, most magical time of the year has come into its own!

And the trees in the park no longer look gloomy and doomed to die. They wrapped themselves comfortably in snow shawls and fell asleep until spring. And only in their sweet dreams will they see how the brightest holiday of Christmas will come. And without them, the New Year will come, bringing magic to every home, giving long-awaited gifts to children and new hopes to adults. January blizzards will rage, twisting snow avalanches prickly from frost into tight spirals, treacherous February will deceive you many times with sudden thaws, giving way to ringing frosts. The cheerful Maslenitsa will end, filling the air with the alluring smells of pancakes and hot samovars.

And then winter, tired of the endless series of holidays, snapping at the spring that is hastening its departure, will retire to its penates. And the earth will wake up, awakened by the gentle sun and the staccato drops, rested and fertile.


Essay on winter - grades 3, 4

Winter is the coldest season of the year, a time of blizzards and severe frosts. But despite this, for many people it is their favorite time of year. Winter is a time of holidays and fun.

In winter, people celebrate Catholic Christmas, New Year, Orthodox Christmas, Old New Year, Valentine's Day, February 23. And that’s why winter brings joy to many people.

How are children looking forward to winter? You can go sledding, skiing, ice skating, play snowballs, and make a snow woman. Each season is interesting in its own way.

Winter is also a very beautiful time of year. She simply fascinates with her beauty. You go out into the street in the morning, and everything glitters there, shimmering with millions of diamonds. All the trees are sparkling. Towards evening, when the sun slowly sinks below the horizon, a play of colors begins. The snow turns orange, then pink, and the frost on the trees begins to shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow.

After the sun set, the moon began to rise, illuminating everything around with a silver light. And the snow began to glisten again. Cold stars light up in the sky one after another. How beautiful it is all around! Like in a fairy tale! And you look at all this beauty with bated breath, as if you were afraid to destroy this winter fairy tale. Yes, every season is amazing and unique in its own way.

Reasoning about winter or 10 reasons why you can love winter.

We have snow... It would seem that what is surprising for winter? But lately nature has become increasingly unpredictable.

Judging by the fact that this year this is practically the first snow (we won’t count a couple of snowflakes that fell and immediately melted in early December), we can expect surprises from spring, which has been teasing and delighting us with its warmth almost since mid-January . Yes, everything was already breathing spring and suddenly... snow...

I looked from the window of the loggia at the white fluffy snow carpet on the street, at the sun's trace on it, at the thermometer showing that it was -5°C outside and I thought... Some people like winter, some people love it and enjoy it season, unlike me (I already wrote once that winter most often makes me melancholy and sad)…

But I often told myself that I should look and try to see the good in everything. Perhaps that’s why today I wanted to find 10 reasons why you can love winter.

So, I’ll try to compose a short story on the theme of winter and find for myself powerful arguments in favor of winter, and if I’m missing something, don’t be shy! After all, probably for many of you, winter is your favorite time of year!

Reason 1. Winter holidays. How many of you love holidays? I think that few will answer negatively. Then you can love winter for the holidays, because it is at this time of year that there are the largest number of holidays!

Starting from December 19 (St. Nicholas Day) and ending with Maslenitsa, holidays delight us with enviable consistency. And it is in winter that the main event takes place - the celebration of the next New Year! I don’t know about you, but for me, New Year from childhood to this day is one of my favorite holidays of the year (second after my birthday)!

And also... We make our deepest wishes at Christmas, consecrate our home and cleanse ourselves with consecrated water on Vodokhreshchenya (Epiphany), confess our love on Valentine's Day and joyfully wait for spring, saying goodbye to winter on Maslenitsa.

Reason 2. Winter landscapes Mostly snow in our area occurs in winter, although, of course, it sometimes happens in late autumn and early spring. But snow is still an attribute of winter. Therefore, the presence of snow, it seems to me, makes winter more attractive and makes people like it. Although I think few people like to live constantly in the snow, I’m sure no one will refuse to admire the stunning snowy landscapes, sunny and lunar paths in the snow! Because in this case, Winter is the Sorceress who gives us her unique winter stories!

And when I look at this snowy winter beauty, I personally want to sing a snow song! So, this is another reason to love winter!

Reason 3. Winter walks.

Usually winter and frost are two traveling companions. And from my point of view, frost in winter is good, if not very strong, of course (because I am a “freezer”, and frost below 10 degrees puts me in a state of panic).

Frosty air is fresh and good for health and strengthening the body, and that’s why even I try to take nature walks on frosty days.

After all, walking along snow-covered paths, admiring the beauty, putting your hands under falling snowflakes or “drowning” in a snowdrift sometimes also brings considerable pleasure.

And after a winter walk, it’s so wonderful to drink a cup of hot coffee or sit comfortably in your favorite chair, wrapped in a warm blanket! So I’ve already found three reasons, but that’s not all!

Reason 4. Creations of winter Winter is a real artist and creator. She not only creates stunning natural pictures, but also, like a real artist, paints the windows of our houses with frost into ornate designs that are unique in beauty and ornamentation! He can draw all sorts of patterns, and each one is unique!

In the frosty winter, water turns into ice and snow, which gives us the opportunity to admire unique designs such as snowflakes and icicles! And although creations made of ice are sometimes very dangerous (falling icicles from a height, ice on the roads), you still have to agree how amazing it is to admire falling snowflakes or icicles sparkling in the sun!

And only in winter you can see different footprints on snow-covered paths! These are also unique creations of winter - paintings in the snow!

Reason 5. Winter fishing. There's another reason for some people to love winter. This is winter fishing. Of course, I don’t understand anything about fishing, much less winter fishing, but when I walk along our Kyiv Sea, I see quite a lot of people in winter who want to fish in such extreme conditions!

Reason 6. Winter entertainment In winter, when there is snow and frost, there is more than enough entertainment. You can go sledding down the hill, you can go skiing into the forest, or you can go ice skating!

Where I was born and spent my childhood, winter was akin to autumn, and there was practically no snow there. But I still went sledding several times, but I never learned to ski or skate.

But when I came to Ukraine, all these winter activities became available! And although I never mastered skiing or skating, I did a lot of sledding, enjoyed playing snowballs and made a lot of snowmen and snow women in my life!

And it is winter that inspires some people to create snow and ice sculptures! So if winter is real, with all the necessary attributes, then winter entertainment is also a big plus for winter!

Reason 7. Good deeds. Winter gives us a good reason to do good deeds. It is in winter that birds and animals that do not hibernate need our help. Therefore, we can say that winter teaches us kindness and care. Many of us make feeders for birds and animals, feeding them. How nice it is to feed a squirrel from your hand!

Reason 8. Pleasant nuances of winter. Now a little about the pleasant nuances of winter that make it stand out compared to other seasons: - the absence of flies, mosquitoes and ticks in winter! Agree, this is a huge plus! - the opportunity to use a balcony or loggia instead of a refrigerator in winter - there is an extra reason to warm up by the fireplace in the country or in your own home, which evokes only positive emotions. - and one more small pleasant nuance - it’s nice to drink hot coffee while looking at the snow outside the window, rejoicing that the house is warm and cozy! And as a consequence of this, an irresistible desire arises to create this coziness by adding small, but pleasant touches!

Reason 9. More free time for leisure and creativity I don’t know about you, but I have a dacha. Therefore, from early spring to late autumn, although it gives me a lot of positive emotions, at the same time it requires very close attention.

This means that with all the other constant components that are present in our lives, there is not much free time left.

But in winter we still spend most of our free time at home. And therefore there is a place for reading books, and for creativity and for communication!

Therefore, there is a desire to “create something” - knit something, sew something, give some nice gift to dear people, decorate the house. In general, to do something that, starting in the spring, there is hardly enough time!

Reason 10. Hope for the future. In general, I thought about it, looked for reasons, which, it turned out, were not so few, and I realized that winter is really nothing. It gives Nature the opportunity to rest and gain strength to be revived to life. And for us to appreciate all the other seasons and the hope that spring will come again, followed by summer, which will give way to autumn...

But no matter what, I’m already looking forward to spring.

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Tags: Winter

Mini essay

Winter for me is a time of magic. The frost painted my window with fancy patterns. Outside the window, snowflakes are falling lightly and weightlessly from the sky. Trees pick them up with branches. Our whole street is unusually solemn in winter. If you go to the park. How good it is there. The Christmas trees put on lush snow coats. The birch alley is especially beautiful. She is dressed up in fluffy, snow-white snow, sparkling in the rays of the sun. The white trunks of the birch trees illuminated by the sun's rays dazzle your eyes. There are several small branches lying on the snow. Most likely, some birds recently fed on birch buds and catkins here. Those who walk through the winter park probably think that winter is a majestic cathedral created by some unknown wizard. Despite the bewitching beauty of the winter park, for some reason I feel sad. The winter sun is setting so quickly, and now it's time to go home. If I go to bed quickly, then tomorrow will come, and after school and homework, I and my friends will go back to visit winter.

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