The problem of human strength and weakness (According to B. Bim-Bad)


Fast food, quick snacks at work, an abundance of varied food are factors of human weakness. Many people simply forget about the dangers if they see a delicious burger in front of them. Overeating is the scourge of our time.

Perhaps this is genetic, when our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers literally died of hunger. That is why, as children, we were told: “You won’t leave the table until you finish.”

Although there is now a cult of healthy eating, lifestyle and sports, many still do not monitor their diet and the amount of food they eat. It turns out that food controls us? Or maybe the opposite should happen? This is not about giving up food. Not at all. The crux of the issue is overeating. Nutrition should be balanced. If you are ready to be a hostage to food, then continue to overeat.

Does a person's strength or weakness manifest itself in admitting his mistakes? – Philosophy

A person is designed in such a way that the most difficult thing in the world is, perhaps, for him to admit his own wrongness and his own stupidity; it even happens that sometimes this difficult step takes years and decades.

Everyone interprets such an action differently: some consider admitting their mistakes to be a sign of weakness, while others, due to their self-confidence, in principle cannot question their own point of view and their own actions.

And yet: is a person’s strength or weakness manifested in his recognition of his mistakes? It seems to me that the opportunity, or rather, the desire to see and admit one’s own mistakes, analyze the past and present and draw some conclusions comes with age.


Therefore, I believe that in this case, a person’s “strength” is his wisdom, which begins to form at a very young age. She, going with us through youthful maximalism, naivety, through denial and knowledge, leads us to the truth.

And this cannot be called weakness - only a stupid person will defend his absolute rightness, realizing his complete inexperience and ignorance. Weakness can lead to humility - but not to recognition.

I am sure that a person, realizing his mistakes, does a tremendous amount of work on himself, because at such a moment something in his head is sure to turn over and change - he becomes wiser, he reassesses his values ​​and changes his guidelines, in the end, in a different way begins to look at everything that he may not have even thought about before - could this be somehow connected with weakness?

For example, the hero of the novel A.S.

Pushkin’s “Eugene Onegin”, for a long time seemed to himself and those around him a self-confident young man: he did not consider it necessary to reconsider his own behavior, because he simply did not have the habit of thinking about whether he was treating people correctly, whether he was living this way and whether he was moving in the right direction , or maybe he thought about it, but was too weak for self-criticism.

Even at a very young age, this hero lost his taste for life. Eugene became bored with everything at the moment when, it would seem, interest in his own existence should have only gained momentum - however, he was in no hurry to conduct introspection, but simply changed his location, hoping that this might change something.

But this was a delusion: the whole problem was in Eugene, in his very behavior and attitude to life. Perhaps he himself realized this after the duel, during his absence, but we can know one thing: after a long time, this hero returned as a completely different person and, in complete repentance, fell at the feet of the woman whose love he had once neglected.

Apparently, during this time, Evgeniy analyzed everything he had once done and admitted that he was wrong in relation to at least Tatyana. Of course, this was not easy for him, it is no coincidence that so much time has passed, it is no coincidence that we see the hero at the end of the novel in such despair. It seems to me that during his rather long absence, Evgeniy became wiser and reconsidered his attitude towards life and love, and, therefore, became even stronger, because a weak person could only run away - and only a strong one could understand and return.

It was with the same difficulty that Bazarov, the hero of the novel by I.S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”, awareness of the failure of nihilism as a philosophy of existence.


This hero for a long time was confident that “nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it,” he also believed that there is no meaning in art, that religion has long lost its relevance, that there is no love and that everything that belongs to the past must be reduced to ruins.

However, having met Anna Odintsova and feeling for her the whole gamut of emotions that is commonly called love, Bazarov was literally thrown off track: his worldview was collapsing before his eyes, and he understood that something had to be done about it.

Evgeny Bazarov was a strong, revolutionary personality, but the realization that everything he followed was a delusion was very difficult for him. This hero’s world began to turn upside down with the same force with which he believed in his beliefs, and it seems to me that he gradually began to cope with this, although it cost him great effort.

It is not difficult to understand that you were mistaken and, perhaps, lied to yourself for some time, it is much more difficult to accept it, and only fortitude and human wisdom can help with this. Because only a strong personality, having analyzed his actions and actions, can begin to change his life, while a weak one will most likely adapt to circumstances.


In all ages, man has strived to know his “I”. One of the main, perhaps the main goals of art is to reveal this secret. To reveal to a person the depths of his soul, to make him better, stronger - to one degree or another, every writer achieves this. This is especially characteristic of Russian literature with its deepest moral and philosophical roots. Great minds, people who suffered and experienced a lot - Pushkin, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky tried to solve the problem of good and evil, strength and weakness of man. Gorky faced this problem very early. Already in the first works of the young writer, not only his extraordinary talent as a storyteller and artist was evident, but also his ability to defend his beliefs. And later, the experience of life did not dull his talent; the belief in his own rightness only grew stronger. Already at the very beginning of her story, the old woman Izergil divides people into “old people from childhood” and “young people who love.” This is very important for Gorky. Bright, strong people have always been attractive to him. A cold mind alone without a young heart does not give a person true strength. This is Larra, the hero of the first legend. No wonder his father is an eagle - a resident of cold peaks. Pride and confidence in one's superiority are not enough for happiness. This is not Larra’s strength, but a weakness. In Gorky’s understanding, only ardent love for people, for one’s work, for one’s native land gives a person firmness in life’s trials. Danko, who sacrifices himself for the sake of others, is stronger than Larra. In this regard, the most important question arises: how does a truly strong person relate to others? This is one of the main questions, the answer to which is not given by all the world literature. Gorky's position here is clear. The apparent strength of Larra, who supposedly does not need people, does not stand the test of loneliness. In his later works, Gorky complicates the question: is loneliness among people a consequence of strength or weakness? And he gives the answer: the strong cannot be alone, he is always among people - albeit alien to him in spirit, but suffering. And Satin understands this after meeting Luka. But the views of these heroes still differ on the main thing. Luke believes that the weak must find support in life and the duty of the strong is to help him in this. Satin is sure that, indeed, the strong do not need support and waiting for a better future in inaction is not for a real person. He does not come to this conviction immediately. We can follow his development as the play progresses. At the first meeting with the inhabitants of the shelter, we see that before us are people who are deeply suffering and lonely. Having reached the very bottom of life after many hardships, they became ruthless towards themselves and others. Everyone is closed in on their own grief and talks about it endlessly, not listening to anyone and not wanting to be heard. The answer to complaints is laughter and mockery. The Baron, who lives off Nastya, is only amused by her tears and fantasies. The tick despises everyone, he, the “working man,” will break out of the shelter, he is not like all its inhabitants. And only after Anna’s death, having sold all his tools, having lost all hope, he understands and accepts them as comrades in misfortune. Each character in the play seeks support in escaping cruel reality. Natasha and Vaska Ash dream about the future. Anna hopes for peace after death. The actor “dreams” about the past, each time coloring it with ever brighter colors. Nastya, who has neither a past nor a future, leaves the present for the imaginary world of “pure love.” Luke tried to bring their dreams into the real world, and they failed one after another. After all, these dreams do not make reality easier, but only to a small extent replace it. All that remains for all of them is continuous drunkenness, because awakening is scary. Only a strong person, Gorky argues, is able to face reality. But without a goal in life, without confidence in his ability to change the world, he is not able to withstand adversity. And we see people who are strong in spirit, but do not know their duty to themselves and others. Bubnov, to whom much has been given, has already lost himself. The Baron mocks everyone and quickly loses his human traits. Satin is only at the beginning of this path. Who knows what fate awaited him if Luka had not appeared in the shelter. It is not for nothing that Satin will later say that Luke affected him like acid on a tarnished coin. Satin understands that the purpose of the strong is not to console the suffering, but to eradicate suffering and evil. This is one of Gorky's firmest convictions. For Gorky, strength lies in striving forward “towards freedom, towards light.” Only a warm heart and a strong will, faith in victory will help you go this path. And the memory of those who along this path sacrificed themselves for the sake of others, like stars - the sparks of Danko’s heart will illuminate the road for those who follow.

We recommend watching:

  • Landscape in revealing the author’s intention (based on Gorky’s work “The Old Woman Izergil”)
  • The story “Old Woman Izergil” is a romantic ideal of freedom
  • Larra and Danko in M. Gorky’s story “Old Woman Izergil”
  • Early romanticism of Gorky on the example of the story “Old Woman Izergil”
  • Heroes of M. Gorky's romantic stories. (Using the example of “Old Woman Izergil”)
  • Compositional and ideological originality of M. Gorky’s story “Old Woman Izergil”
  • Ideological and artistic originality of “The Old Woman Izergil”
  • The image of a heroic man in the story “Old Woman Izergil”
  • Comparative characteristics of Larra and Danko
  • The main character of the story “Old Woman Izergil”
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