M.I.Glinka. Opera “Ivan Susanin” (“Life for the Tsar”)

First action

Early autumn of 1612. The village of Domnino. One of the detachments of the people's militia, which rose up against the army of the Polish lords who attacked Rus', passes through the village.

The peasants greet their defenders with great love, bringing them mash, bread, and honey. Together with the militia, they remember the glorious battles of the Russian people with foreigners on Lake Peipus and on the Kulikovo Field: “Whoever dares to attack Rus' will find death!” The militia disperse to the peasant huts to rest.

Antonida, the daughter of the peasant Ivan Susanin, is sad. She remembers her fiance Bogdan Sobinin, who is fighting the Poles. “Will he be back soon, when is the wedding?” “Why guess about the wedding? - her father answers. “There is no end to my grief.”

A song comes from the river. After defeating the enemy squad, Sobinin returns. He brought good news: Kozma Minin raised Rus' against the enemy, Prince Pozharsky was called to lead the army. The bride and groom meet joyfully. Antonida conveys to Bogdan his father’s words about the wedding. “How is it possible that our wedding won’t happen?” — Sobinin asks excitedly. Antonida and Bogdan beg the old man, and the people join them. “The day will come when we will defeat our enemies and deliver Rus' from the villains! - Susanin answers. “Then we will bless the bride and groom and celebrate the wedding.”

Bogdan is confident that this happy day will come soon. Susanin and the people welcome the dawn of salvation rising over Russia.

The history of the creation of “Ivan Susanin” briefly

Mikhail Glinka and his opera “Ivan Susanin”

The historical past of the Kostroma region is associated with many great personalities.
But perhaps the most famous person was the simple Kostroma peasant Ivan Susanin. His feat is a special page in the history of Russia. Ivan Susanin, at the cost of his own life, saved the life of the Russian Tsar Mikhail Romanov
during the Russian-Polish War.
A detachment of Polish interventionists arrived in Russia with the aim of killing the Russian Tsar. Susanin, having imposed himself on the Poles as a guide, led them into an impenetrable forest thicket
For this, the Poles tortured him. But even under torture, the Kostroma peasant did not give up the refuge of the Russian Tsar, the Ipatiev Monastery, and was brutally killed.
The feat of a simple Russian peasant became a favorite theme for poets, writers and composers.
dedicated his lines to him , and an opera was written.
The author of the opera “Ivan Susanin” was the young composer Mikhail Glinka.
The idea of ​​writing an opera imbued with the national Russian spirit has long occupied the composer's thoughts.
Even during his trip to Italy and Germany, this thought haunted him. Glinka could not find a plot for the opera. Returning to Russia, he decided to use the story “Maryina Roshcha” by Zhukovsky for his opera.
At one of the evenings with Zhukovsky, Glinka told him that he wanted to write a Russian opera dedicated to the national hero.
Zhukovsky approved the intention of the young composer and proposed a plot about Ivan Susanin. Zhukovsky’s opinion became decisive for the composer and Glinka chose this particular plot. From the very beginning it wasn't even about opera. Glinka decided to write an oratorio. This is important evidence. It explains the features of the dramaturgy of the opera. But perhaps the biggest feature when writing the opera was that Glinka thought through the composition and dramaturgy of the opera. He created the music before the text, which happens extremely rarely. The libretto was written to ready-made music. Zhukovsky really wanted to become the author of the words of the opera, but, as fate would have it, he became a certain Georgy Rosen, at that time the secretary of the heir Alexander Mikhailovich. As Glinka described him, “he was a zealous German writer.” Rosen did not have much love for the Russian language and did not speak it very well. Therefore, in the future the libretto written by S. Gorodetsky was used. Glinka began writing the opera in 1834
This was the composer's first opera. It was written easily and quite quickly. The opera was written in just 1.5 years.
After writing the opera, Glinka announced that he was dedicating it to the Russian Tsar.
That is why the opera “Ivan Susanin” got a different name – “Life for the Tsar”.
Although, this opera was also called
“Death for the Tsar”
The premiere of the opera was successful. It was a complete and unconditional success. In world musical culture there was no opera in which service to the homeland and national heroism were shown with such strength and inspiration. For the first time in the history of opera, the hero of the opera was the common people. Glinka showed his Russian character, Russian soul, perseverance and heroism. The reason for such worldwide recognition of the opera was the beautiful music, which contained folk melodies. Glinka believed that not only the plot of the opera, but also its music should be national. The sovereign himself and members of his imperial family thanked the composer for his work, and Nicholas I, soon after the premiere, presented Glinka with a valuable ring. Before the appearance of “Ivan Susanin” on the opera stage, several operas were written, however, none of them became so famous and famous, and did not receive such worldwide fame. "Ivan Susanin" is the first Russian classical opera
She became the property of not only Russian, but also world opera art.

Third act

Winter. Susanin's hut. Susanin's adopted son Vanya remembers how Susanin, an orphan, warmed him up and sheltered him in his family.

Susanin says that at night Minin came with an army and set up his camp in a remote forest, in a suburb. Vanya dreams of joining the ranks of the defenders of his homeland. Old man Susanin is ready to fight his enemies.

Peasants enter the hut. Susanin treats them and invites them to the betrothal of Antonida and Sobinin. It's getting dark. Sobinin leaves to fetch his friends. Vanya is saddened by the upcoming separation from his named sister. Antonida's father kindly admonishes him. Suddenly a detachment of armed Poles bursts into the hut. They demand to know where Minin is, where his camp is. Susanin says that he doesn’t know anything - he has a wedding today, he is expecting guests. The Poles order the old man to lead them to Moscow along the shortest road. “There is no road to Moscow for strangers!” - Susanin exclaims. The enemies draw their sabers. “I’m not afraid of fear,” Susanin says proudly, “I’m not afraid of death, I’ll die for my native Rus'!”

The Poles decide to bribe Susanin, who meanwhile secretly sends Vanya to the posad to warn Minin. Enemies offer Susanin gold. Then he feignedly agrees to lead them to Moscow - “and then I’ll take the money.” The enemy detachment takes Susanin away. Antonida is in despair.

Her friends, invited to the bachelorette party, arrive. They console a crying girl. Sobinin returns with his friends. Having learned what happened, he decides to go in pursuit of his enemies. The peasants set out on a campaign with a battle song: “We will punish all the enemies of the earth with our death, and the raw mother earth will not accept their bones.”

Summary of the opera Ivan Susanin Glinka for a reader's diary

Sigismund gives the order to the knights to prepare for a military campaign. Boasting their courage, with weapons in their hands, they vow to defeat the Russian “smerds”. In the midst of preparations for the wedding of Sobinin and Antonida, the Poles break into the house of Ivan Susanin.


They insist that they be given a guide to Moscow, because local roads are unknown to them. Susanin could accompany them, but he is not a traitor and even for the Polish gold promised to him, he does not agree to help the enemies. After some thought, Susanin comes up with a mental plan: he needs to lure the Polish enemies into the impassable wilderness of the forest and leave them there to die.

For appearances, the peasant agrees to accompany the Poles to Moscow, realizing that this is his last journey: his enemies will not forgive him for such treachery and will kill him in the same forest... Secretly from the Poles, he sends his son Vanya to Minin to warn him about the threat from Sigismund's side.

Act Four

First picture

Posad in a remote forest. Exhausted from fatigue, Vanya reached the gates of the settlement. Warriors and townspeople come out to answer his knock and call. Vanya demands to immediately inform Minin about the appearance of enemies. Minin gathers his squad, and it goes against the enemy. Minin takes Vanya as a guide. The warriors' song sounds menacing: “We will overtake the enemy! They won’t be alive, they won’t see Moscow!”

Second picture

Backwoods. Freezing. Susanin leads a detachment of enemies into a dense forest. The Poles were tired and chilled. Has the old man gone astray? - “My path is straight!” — Susanin answers firmly.

Halt. The Poles make a fire and go to bed. Only Susanin does not sleep, thinking a heavy thought. At dawn, the enemies will see that they have been deceived, that Susanin has led them into a deep thicket to certain death. Severe torture and death await him. Susanin remembers his family. Do not feast on him at Antonida’s wedding, do not show mercy and do not raise his grandchildren. His own daughter will not find a way to his bones. Will he see Rus' liberated from foreigners? Susanin will not live to see this happy day.

The winter night drags on languidly. The dark forest groans and hums. Susanin lost himself in a short sleep. The Poles wake up, wake up Susanin, demand an answer: where has he led them? “Where you will die from a fierce blizzard,” answers Susanin, “where you will die of starvation.”

With the name of his homeland on his lips, the national hero dies under the blows of enemy sabers.

Summary of Ryleev Ivan Susanin

Summary in 2 minutes

  • Summary
  • Ryleev
  • Ivan Susanin

A detachment of Polish soldiers is searching for the rightful heir to the Russian throne, Tsarevich Mikhail, in order to kill him. Bad weather is raging, everything around is covered with snowdrifts. The soldiers realized that they were lost and began to blame their guide, the peasant Ivan Susanin, for this. They are sure that he did this on purpose to prevent the enemies from getting to the hiding prince. The Poles are ready to kill Susanin. But soon he takes them to the village and shows them a hut where they can spend the night, this is his own house. Susanin sets the table for the soldiers, sets out a generous meal, pours beer and wine. Tired and frozen in the cold, the Poles soon fall asleep soundly. Only the owner does not sleep, he prays for the salvation of the young king. But suddenly he hears the sound of hooves; a horseman has arrived at the gate of the house.

Summary of Ivan Susanin Ryleev

Before his death, Susanin makes a speech that he is not afraid to give his life, he is even glad about it, because he is dying for his Fatherland and his Tsar. The Poles expected to find a traitor in him, but they were mistaken, because Russian people have loved their Motherland since childhood and never betray it. And if necessary, they gladly give their lives for a just cause. Angry soldiers attack Susanin and kill him. The old man falls under their sabers onto the white snow, which immediately turns red with blood. But this blood saved the country’s rightful king. You can use this text for Ryleev’s reader’s diary. All works

  • Duma
  • Ivan Susanin
  • Death of Ermak

Ivan Susanin. Picture for the story Currently reading

  • Schiller Friedrich Schiller is a recognized poet and thinker. He is a brilliant author who worked in the style of romanticism.

Biography of Ivan Susanin and historiography of the issue

In the last whistle of the wind through the blizzard, he imagines the voices of his beloved daughter and son, because for their sake he is here and now - how could it be otherwise... The next morning, the triumphant Susanin reveals to the Poles the terrible truth that they are destined to rot in the forest thicket, because Ivan will not lead them to Moscow! The enraged Poles kill Susanin in a rage and only then realize that they cannot get out of the local forests without the peasant - they are doomed... And on Red Square in Moscow, the people greet the Russian squads with special jubilation. Everyone shares this joy: Vanya, And Antonida, and Sobinin - only Ivan Susanin is not around... Moscow celebrates the liberation from the Polish invaders and glorifies the national heroes who did not spare their lives for the sake of victory over the enemy.

Summary of “Ivan Susanin”

He is adamant. From the summary of the opera “Ivan Susanin” it becomes clear: the fate of the homeland for the main character is inextricably linked with the fate of the family. The main character declares that he will consent to the wedding when the king ascends the throne. Sobinin says that Mikhail Romanov should soon become king.


Susanin agrees to the wedding. Everyone disperses, rejoicing. Summary of the second act In Poland, a luxurious ball is given at the court. Those present are in high spirits in anticipation of an imminent victory over Moscow.

But the messenger that comes does not announce the end of the war. Several daredevils propose to head to Moscow and capture the Tsar. The Poles are confident in the success of this event. Act three In Susanin's hut there lives a boy - an orphan Vanya. Together with Ivan Susanin, he thinks that the Poles might come here to capture the Tsar.

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