The image of Chatsky in “Woe from Wit” by Griboyedov: composition, characteristics and meaning of the image

In this article you will find several essays about the image of Chatsky from the comedy “Woe from Wit” by Griboyedov.

The comedy “Woe from Wit” by Griboyedov occupies a special place in Russian literature. In works that were written by other authors before the birth of this comedy, characters were divided into good and bad. The image of Chatsky combines all the qualities of a person - positive and not so good. This is what makes this character so remarkable. Below you will find several essays on the topic of describing the image of Chatsky . Read on.

Plan for an essay on literature: the image of Chatsky in Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit”

The image of Chatsky in Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit”
To write an essay or compose a report for a message based on the image of any character, you must first make a plan. Thanks to its points, you can already mentally imagine the entire text. Here is a plan for an essay on literature on the topic “ The image of Chatsky in Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit” :

  1. Introduction.
  2. External features of the character.
  3. Why did Chatsky pay a visit to Famusov’s house?
  4. The hero’s values ​​- how he feels about service, relationships, education.
  5. Conflict between Famusov and Chatsky. Who won, who is right?
  6. Chatsky's love is his relationship with Sophia.
  7. Comparison of Molchalin and Chatsky.
  8. How does the hero feel about Famusov and others like him?
  9. “A Million Torments” by Chatsky.
  10. The role of Chatsky and his final role in the work.

Now you can start writing your essay. But, if you have not read the work, then this is difficult to do, so we offer several creations in our own words in the image of the main character of the comedy. Read on.

The image of Chatsky in Griboedov's comedy Woe from Wit, grade 9

The work “Woe from Wit” is a reflection of the life of the nobility and secular society. The comedy well describes the life and habits of the nobility. In secular society, lies, betrayal, and sycophancy always reign. And, unfortunately, the rights of ordinary serfs are not respected. “Woe from Wit” well shows the character of people living in Russia.

The work was written at a time when society was split into two camps. One camp was for preserving traditional foundations, and the other camp was for introducing new traditions and foundations. Chatsky is the main character of the work “Woe from Wit”. In his unique way, he gives the work originality.

Chatsky is a very interesting person. He opposes the traditional foundations of the nobility. Usually, in secular society, betrayal, bribery, and sycophancy reigned. The nobles did not respect or value serfs. Chatsky was against all this. He wanted to change everything but could not. Chatsky does not respect those nobles who think only from one perspective. The hero is a flexible person with comprehensive interests.

Love Chatsky

Chatsky was very inconsistent in love. The hero experienced his first feeling of falling in love in the Famusovs’ childhood home. He is in a society he hates only because of Sophia. The hero, after his long absence, came back to Moscow. During his journey, he learned a lot. A new outlook on life and old ideals appeared. Chatsky really wants to find his love. Chaikoy is not good in love affairs. He cannot properly communicate with Sophia. When Chaikoy went abroad, he completely stopped communicating with Sophia. And having arrived back in Moscow, he began his communication with Sofiate as if they had never parted. And the whole point is that the hero experiences spiritual closeness with Sophia. He considers her a family member.

Chaika is not even able to understand that Sophia can fall in love with another young man.

Chatsky has egoism. He is very self-confident in love. Having learned that Molchalin is Soity’s new love, he loses respect for the heroine.

“The image of Chatsky goes back to several at once...”: the image of the hero, presentation, compress the text briefly

At school they are often asked to write a summary based on a text related to the disclosure of the image of Chatsky . Here, for example, is one of these texts - “The image of Chatsky goes back to several ...”:

“The image of Chatsky goes back to several…”

This text reveals the image of the hero. Write a summary, condense the text briefly:

The image of Chatsky goes back to several famous people. These are famous people of that time, many of whom were Decembrists and friends of Pushkin. They protest not only against the existing political system, but also against the education system, consisting of boarding schools and lyceums.

Some sources believe that the surnames Chatsky and Chaadaev are consonant. Therefore, the latter may be its prototype. Griboyedov himself can be traced in him .

Traits characteristic of Pushkin felt in Chatsky . This is a protest combined with incredible poetry of thought. Accordingly, Chatsky is a collective image in which the ideas of the Decembrists and many “progressive” people of that time can be traced.

Sophia about the image of Chatsky: the relationship of the heroes

Sophia about the image of Chatsky
Sophia is necessary, like a character in a comedy, to fully reveal the image of Chatsky . What was the relationship between the characters? Sophia about the image of Chatsky :

  • Chatsky: “A hero with face and voice.”
  • Sophia: “Not my novel.”

Before Chatsky's abroad, the young people were close. Sophia herself admitted to the maid that the relationship was based on habit. It's a habit of being around each other since they grew up together. She does not share Chatsky’s views Moreover, she regards the hero’s departure as an escape. In her understanding, if a person loves, then he will never go that far.

The fact that the girl falls in love with Molchalin suggests that she perceives Chatsky not as a man, but as a childhood friend. Although the latter is still in love with her. Sophia does not deny that in the old days, teenage love may have taken place, but now she has other priorities.

Instead of supporting the hero in the fight against the society he hates, Sophia often reproaches him. She believes that the young man is callous towards others. He believes that he is poisonous, like a snake. She does not give Chatsky extraneous hopes and keeps him at a distance, not reciprocating, because she dreams of a future with Molchalin . Arriving at Sophia, Chatsky finds himself slandered by her. He hoped that happiness was close, but later realized that he was blind. The hero is very offended that Sophia forgot what happened before and betrayed their feelings. The relationship ends.

The image of Chatsky in the comedy “Woe from Wit”

The comedy of Alexander Griboyedov brought the author himself enormous success and celebrity, and his main character, Chatsky, became a prominent representative of the revolutionary-minded youth of that time, who could no longer live the way the older generation, mired in bribes and veneration, lived. Many critics of that time noted that if Chatsky had not been in Griboyedov’s work, it would have been empty and meaningless, and the content of such a work would have interested few people.

Alexander Andreevich does not appear in Griboyedov’s plot right away, and the author first introduces the reader to the Famusovs’ house, where the rest of the important events of the comedy will unfold in the future. The first to remember about him was the maid in the Famusovs’ house, who spoke only good things about him. She noted his character qualities: smart, educated, cheerful, honest and witty. When Chatsky, who spent a long time abroad, studying there and traveling, exploring the world, first appears in the Famusovs’ house, a huge commotion is caused. It turns out that they have known Sofia Famusova for a long time, because they practically grew up together. While he was traveling, he hoped that she was waiting for him and now he was even going to marry her.

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But Chatsky is shown by the author as a brave and open person who has a negative attitude towards any injustice, and, of course, towards lies. He understands that with his intelligence and education he can and should benefit his Fatherland, so prepare for serious service, where all his knowledge will be useful. But Russian reality disappoints him, since secular society rejects him, and his knowledge turns out to be superfluous, and this even scares modern high society.

The justification for this behavior of the society ruled by Famusov and others like him lies in the fact that Alexander Andreevich adheres to advanced ideas, he is against those traditions that have long been formed in the secular society of the nineteenth century. For example, he does not accept it at all and speaks negatively about sycophancy, because, in his opinion, one must serve not individuals, but the common cause. Therefore, with great indignation he speaks about Famus society, which is simply mired in many vices. He is sick of serving in front of people who do nothing for the development of their country, but only dream of moving up the career ladder and lining their pockets. Alexander Andreevich is not only young, but ardent and open, so he is ready to sacrifice everything to serve for the benefit of the development of the country, and the Famusov society, where he ends up after returning to his homeland and to places familiar from childhood, he is called scoundrels, although noble .

Chatsky boldly and openly opposes the order that reigns in the country. For example, serfdom, which enslaves the people, makes one think that a person, even a poor one, can be mocked in such a way. The young hero Alexander Griboyedov is presented by the author as a true patriot of his Fatherland, who is ready to fight for order and justice to finally reign in his country.

Therefore, he comes into conflict with society, which does not want to accept his new advanced ideas, which frighten him. He also speaks out against the tsar, who cannot in any way stop this lawlessness against the peasants. He has a conflict not only with high society, with Famusov, the father of his fiancee, Molchalin, who is slowly moving up the career ladder and is ready to humiliate himself and become vile for this. But it is striking that it is Sophia, Chatsky’s fiancée, who also comes into conflict with him when she is the first to start a rumor about him that he is crazy.

Yes, Alexander Chatsky’s speeches are too open, straightforward and daring. He is not afraid to tell the whole truth and in this he is close to the Decembrists. To believe that he will no longer stumble from the work he has begun. He knows exactly the goal and will go towards it. And he will definitely be a winner, because he is always a warrior, a righteous and angry denouncer of meanness and sycophancy.

Chatsky is not in Moscow for long, as he does not find support from anyone. Even Sophia, a young and educated girl, turned out to be weak and easily succumbed to the influence of a society in which the Famusovs and Molchalins flourish. But she, too, betrayed her friend and fiance, chose Molchalin, who loves not her at all, but her father’s fortune and position in society.

Chatsky is depicted by the author as a real fighter, a warrior who has noble traits, dignity and honor. All this was manifested not only in his passionate speeches, but also in his actions, in which he did not allow himself to become like Sophia’s father and become one of them. It was people like the young and noble hero Alexander Griboyedov who ensured that the lives of serfs changed, and the common people finally became free.

The image of Chatsky and Molchalin: essay

The image of Chatsky and Molchalin
In Molchalin, Sophia sees the hero of the novels of that time, who is idolized. But Chatsky opens his eyes to this character. Here is an essay on the topic “The Image of Chatsky and Molchalin” :

These are opposite heroes. Chatsky is disgusted by the worship of money and rank, and he does not want to curry favor with anyone. Molchalin , on the contrary, strives to live by the rules of “Famus society”, wants to advance and earn universal respect.

Perhaps that is why, as a groom, he seems more promising to Sophia. As for Chatsky , she sees only demagoguery in his impulses and it is difficult for her to imagine how this man could take care of his family and children if he received her reciprocity.

Molchalin lives up to his name - even if something doesn’t suit him, he always remains silent. And this is also the difference from Chatsky , who does not like to remain silent and is always ready to express his opinion or dissatisfaction with what is happening.

Molchalin can be called a sycophant and a hanger-on. This person achieves goals by any means necessary. But Chatsky has principles that he will never compromise. It is worth saying that if Sophia loves Molchalin sincerely, then he is only pretending to advance in his career. He also deceives Lisa, he wants to buy her favor. But Chatsky loves the girl sincerely and is devoted to her until the end of his life. Why doesn’t Chatsky serve? He doesn't see the need. Since people like Molchalin are encouraged in society, it means they will reach heights. And he has no reason to try.

Now about the manner of communication:

  • Chatsky speaks eloquently.
  • He is literate.
  • Knows languages.
  • Has his own opinion.
  • But Molchalin, with his own lips, expresses someone else’s opinion, pleasing to someone, devoid of uniqueness and personal thoughts.

Molchalin is needed in the creation and is comparable to Chatsky , since the author needed two radically different characters. One of which reflects people of the new generation, and the other - a representative of a generation whose values ​​should have long since become a thing of the past.

Quoted description of Chatsky

Quotes about Chatsky Alexander - the son of Famusov’s late friend:

“Here you go, Chatsky, my friend, Andrei Ilyich’s late son.”

His childhood was spent in the house of Pavel Afanasyevich together with Sonya:

“Our mentor, remember his cap, his robe.”

Having matured, he left the family that sheltered him:

“He moved out, he seemed bored with us.”

Wandered for three years, unexpectedly returned:

“I haven’t written two words for three years! And suddenly it came out of the clouds.”

Chatsky is smart:

“But if you wanted to, he would be a businessman. It’s a pity, it’s a pity, he’s small in the head; And he writes and translates nicely.”

He is ready for service:

“I’d be glad to serve, but it’s sickening to be served”

Takes work seriously:

“When I’m busy, I hide from fun”

Previously, he was attracted to a military career:

“Now I won’t fall into this childish behavior.”

Chatsky is a freedom lover:

“He wants to preach freedom!”


"to the creative, high and beautiful arts"

He hates servility and imitation of “foreign”, wants:

“May the unclean Lord destroy this spirit of Empty, slavish, blind imitation.”

Those around him consider him angry and arrogant:

“I am glad to humiliate, to stab; envious, proud and angry!

They don't understand his wit:

“The slightest strangeness in someone is barely visible, your gaiety is not modest, you are immediately ready for a joke.”

Chatsky is afraid of loneliness in a crowd:

“My soul here is somehow compressed by grief, And in the crowds I am lost, not myself.”

Crushed by his surroundings, he leaves Moscow:

“Everyone is driving! Everyone curses! A crowd of tormentors, I run, I won’t look back, I’ll go looking around the world, Where there is a corner for the offended feeling!”

How Goncharov evaluates Chatsky: “A million torments,” the image of Chatsky

“A Million Torments”, the image of Chatsky
Many critics spoke about the main character of the comedy “Woe from Wit” . Some do not understand him as a character, others share his point of view. How does Goncharov evaluate the image of Chatsky ? Here are a few words about his article “A Million Torments” :

In his article, Goncharov pays close attention to the character. He believes that if Chatsky had not existed, “Woe from Wit” would have lost its comedic features. After all, “Famus society” against the backdrop of this hero becomes incredibly funny and absurd. One might say that the writer himself makes fun of him.

The critic believes that Chatsky is similar in views to Evgeny Onegin and Pechorin. However, I am sure that he is smarter than them. And there is more sincerity in him. If Pechorin and Onegin understood the wrongness of society, but did nothing, then Chatsky strives to fight for his ideals and strives to restore justice.

In his relationship with Sophia, Goncharov supports the protagonist. He believes that this is sincere love.

Essay on the topic: The image of Chatsky in the comedy “Woe from Wit”, 9th grade

Chatsky is a representative of the noble intelligentsia. In the comedy, he expresses the opinions of leaders of the liberation movement of the nineteenth century. His views contradict the views of Famusov's society. As soon as he appeared at Famusov’s, he immediately began to recall old acquaintances and speak unflatteringly about them. He said what he thought. By this he placed himself outside of society, the law of morality of which was lying.

Chatsky was brought up like his own, together with Sophia. Then he left for St. Petersburg. “The desire to wander came over him.” There he is engaged in literary activities. Enters the service. Then he serves in the army (he remembers this in a conversation with Gorich). Resigns. He goes to the village and wants to improve the lot of the peasants. He is treated in the waters, spends three years abroad, and by the time the action begins he returns home.

Chatsky is an opponent of serfdom and the feudal system in Russia. This is a citizen who wants to benefit the Motherland through his service. Service for him is the duty of every citizen. Therefore, Chatsky says that he is glad to serve, but not to serve.

The hero greatly values ​​the moral qualities of the Russian people. He firmly believes in his future. Chatsky protests against idleness, the worthless pastime of society, as well as the insignificance of its interests.

Chatsky is a supporter of education. He speaks with great respect about a person who is engaged in science and speaks with disdain about the state of enlightenment and education itself in Famus society. In the comedy, he protests against the admiration of everything foreign. Calls it empty, slavish and blind imitation.

By nature, he is an honest person, an opponent of hypocrisy and sycophancy. He does not want to fawn and please patrons. He very sincerely asks Molchalin: “Why are other people’s opinions only sacred?” Refuses to believe that Sophia chose Molchalin over him.

He is wounded by Sophia’s cold attitude and Famusov’s instructions, all of whose authority he rejects. Unable to bear such an attitude, he decided to tell Famusov’s society about his beliefs. He evaluates the life of the Moscow “society” from the outside. Therefore, it is his opinion that is objective and critical.

The hero is constantly on the defensive. He has no like-minded people in the work. This is a dreamy, kind, smart person with abilities. He has good friends (“he is especially happy with his friends”). He is sincere in his love.

The hero became disillusioned with society, but not with everything. In the most important way, he said to himself and others: “I won’t come to my senses, I won’t live by your reason.”

He can be wounded, but it is impossible to force him to be Molchalin. He is a living person, and therefore far from ideal. Chatsky can be jealous and reproach, but he will never be mean. It cannot be broken and will always remain as it is.

He is slandered, declared crazy, and forced to leave Moscow. But we don't have the feeling that he's been defeated.

Along with the article “Essay on the topic: The image of Chatsky in the comedy “Woe from Wit”, 9th grade” read:

Essay on the topic: The image of Lisa in Karamzin’s story “Poor Lisa”

Essay on the topic: The image of Pechorin in the novel “Hero of Our Time” (9th grade)

Essay on the topic: The image of Chichikov in the poem “Dead Souls”

How do the features of a dramatic character and the role of the main participant in the comedy correlate in the image of Chatsky?

The image of Chatsky's
Creation unites and combines such components as an instructive title, comic roles and sparkling humor. Chatsky is funny as an unlucky lover, Sophia is funny as a superficial girl. Famusov is like a father who is being fooled by everyone. Lisa seems to be a servant, which is much smarter than the masters. All this speaks about the comedic features of the work. How else do the features of a dramatic character and the role of the main participant in a comedy correlate in the image of Chatsky? Answer:

Despite the fact that Chatsky is a representative of the “correct” position, he is funny because he is not restrained, can flare up at any moment, and always strives to prove that he is right - even when this is not necessary.

But along with comedy, there is also tragedy - the young man, even being driven to white heat, understands that no one will ever support him. This is why you don’t want to laugh at the main character.

By the way, Chatsky himself tries to be humorous - at least this is expressed in slightly caustic jokes addressed to Famusov and others like him. The hero’s remarks become especially sparkling when someone offends his beliefs.

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