The great power of art. This magical power of art

Essay-reasoning What is the power of art?

What is the power of art? Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin gives us the answer to this question in the above passage. He describes how he looks at each apple on the tree. He personifies them and therefore they can laugh. Such closeness with nature, the ability to feel it, gives Prishvin’s works beauty and reveals his talent. And this happens not only with nature. Mikhail Mikhailovich writes that Art helps to understand intimacy with a stranger over long distances: “without the help of a book, pictures or sound would never have been able to recognize each other. “The author’s position is revealed in the sentence: “Art is the power of restoring lost kinship.” That is, Art helps to find a person who is close to our experiences and who can understand us. And in this way he becomes a dear, close person to us.

1 page, 370 words

Reasoning What is the power of art, the power of creativity? example that more clearly shows the power of art, the power of creativity. The power of art lies in the person himself: how he can survive with the help of art or... friends, like-minded people. It is this kind of art that can unite society. Many authors have written about the power of art in their works. ... time and nerves: we will select directions and universities (according to your preferences and expert recommendations); we will fill out applications (...

I agree with the author's opinion.

Indeed, people are more willing to read books whose characters are understandable, interesting, and similar to them.

I formulated this statement based on life experience. I do not really like reading. Many books do not stay in my memory for long.

Vladimir Soloukhin correctly stated: “if science is the memory of the mind, then art is the memory of the senses.” The books that I remember most are based on feelings. So, in one breath, I read the work of Nikolai Breshko-Breshkovsky “The Wild Division”. The heroes of the novel were close to me not only in their family affiliation, but also in their character. I can confidently say that in some cases I would do the same. I am a person who by nature strives for justice. Are you enrolling in 2021? Our team will help you save your time and nerves: we will select directions and universities (according to your preferences and expert recommendations); we will fill out applications (all you have to do is sign); we will submit applications to Russian universities (online, by e-mail, by courier); we will monitor competition lists ( we will automate the tracking and analysis of your positions); we will tell you when and where to submit the original (we will evaluate the chances and determine the best option). Entrust the routine to professionals - more details.

I was very upset that Captain Salvatichi, aka Pan Rumel, managed to hide from counterintelligence and remained without punishment. The criminal must always be punished!

The second argument confirming that art is based on feelings and this is where its strength lies can be the work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter”.

Peter Grinev’s father, sending his son to serve, says the following words to him: “Take care of your dress again, and take care of your honor from a young age.” And Petrusha adheres to this instruction until the end of her life. He does not make concessions to Pugachev, does not betray his Motherland, because he swore allegiance to Empress Catherine 2, and he remains faithful to her to the end. He keeps his word like a real man. And all his actions speak of his conscientiousness and responsiveness. His persistence resonates with me, so I liked the work and would gladly read it again.

To summarize, I would like to note once again that the power of art lies in the unity of souls with the characters of books, or with other people when it comes to painting and music. So, Tugarin and Pyotr Grinev became my brothers in spirit.

Essay: The great power of art

(410 words) What is art? This is what causes trembling in the soul. It can touch even the most callous and petrified hearts. Creativity brings beauty into people's lives and makes it possible to come into contact with it through music, painting, architecture, literature... The great power of art directs us to goodness and light, instilling in our minds hope and a sense of significance in this world. Sometimes only through it we can express all the joy or pain, despair or happiness. To support my assertions, I will give examples from books.

In the story by A.P. Chekhov's "Rothschild's Violin " the main character lost his wife and barely survived. This event knocked him out of his routine. At some point, he realized how meaningless his entire existence was, filled with everyday life, hoarding and routine. Under the power of these emotions, he plays the violin, pouring out all his soul and all his sorrows through the sounds of music. Then a Jew named Rothschild heard his melody, and it did not leave him aside. He followed the call of creativity. Never before in his entire life had Yakov Matveevich felt pity for anyone, and even for a person who had previously evoked only contempt in him. And he, once greedy and selfish, gave his instrument to Rothschild, along with all his music - an incredible work of art. This violin and Jacob's music gave Rothschild fame, recognition and a chance for a new life. Thus, the power of creativity helped people discover positive sides in themselves, find mutual understanding, and even helped some of them change their destiny.

Essay “The Power of Art”


Each of us has probably heard the expression “This is the power of art” more than once in the world around us. What does it mean?

Art surrounds us in everything, be it music or literature, sculpture or painting... Many people often argue among themselves, while the first will say: “The power of art lies in architecture,” the other will answer him that “The real power of art is theater " And they are both right, because the feeling that poetry, music, painting, theater evokes in us is indescribable, each of the types of art makes its own imprint on us, conveys to us its mysterious power, which the author himself put there.

A person, exploring the world, discovers different, like colors, shades of emotions that he experiences in everyday life. Can we consider the very atmosphere that art evokes around us to be the power of art? Undoubtedly, a person, reading books, listening to music, seems to be immersed in the world that the author presented to him. The power of art is great, and it affects each person differently. Two different people, listening to the same lyrical composition, experience completely different emotions, and this is normal, because each person has his own worldview, a special perception of the environment around him.

The great power of art seems to burst into our lives, using various guises, to become a part of our lives, it teaches us to feel, look at the world from all sides, and rejoice in what life brings us.

Music takes us into the world of the composer, the sounds reveal all the beauty, all the subtle details that he put into the melody. Before us is a world in which everything is subordinated to the beauty of sound, different notes are like impulses spreading throughout our body and turning our world upside down!

The great works of authors in the theater stand before us with their heads held high. And every moment we look at a small particle of the image that the author drew for us, every second we recognize his inner world more and more, every minute we transfer that image into our lives, and it no longer becomes just a picture, it comes to life, feels, conveys everything that the author put into it.

Thus, each work of art has its own energy, called strength, into which the author put all his feelings, all his experiences, everything that is in his heart. Art is a parallel universe with its own life, its own colors, its own soul, and not every person is given the opportunity to plunge into that world of emotions and feelings, to feel everything that the author conveyed. But I believe that everyone in this world is capable of creating their own, albeit small, art, and although it will be understandable only to him, for a person it will become an invaluable creation, into which he has invested everything that he has.

3 pages, 1095 words

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