Essay There is such a profession to defend the homeland reasoning

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  3. There is such a profession as defending the homeland

Among all the professions that exist, perhaps defending the Motherland is the most special. This is not just an occupation, it is a sacred duty. Here, titles, positions and the number of stars on uniform are important, actions that remain in memory are important, actions that are remembered through the centuries.

Probably every boy in childhood dreams of becoming a hero. And, having already matured, few choose the profession of an officer, since some are not ready to take on enormous responsibility for the entire people and country. Yes, officers have always been held in high esteem. But at what cost do they reach professional heights! An officer is not just a profession, it is much more, it is a calling. A soldier gives his life to his country, serving it unconditionally all his life, every day.

Courage, bravery and most importantly - loyalty. These are the hallmarks of a real soldier. Day and night they stand guard over the Motherland, protecting the country’s borders from enemy attacks. After all, bitter experience has shown that war does not begin in broad daylight and with a warning. It always happens suddenly, at night, when you don’t expect it at all. A soldier does not have the right to rest and peace of mind. He must always be on guard.

War is a grief for the people and the country. There has never been a single battle in which people did not die. And most of the deaths are innocent but brave soldiers. In war, everyone is equal. Both young soldiers and grandfathers. All of them risk their own lives, defending their Motherland, protecting the peace of the people and the happy future of their descendants.

War is a test of courage, bravery and loyalty to one’s principles. How many lives does it take? How many heroes are awarded posthumously? The exploits that took place during the war are still remembered today. This is pride, this is the property of the people, the country. And all we can do for these heroes is to remember them. Remember the brave soldiers who shielded their comrades from bullets with their own chests. Remember the pilots who crashed along with the plane, but did not allow the enemy to pass further. They fought for world peace, and we must maintain it and do everything possible to prevent war from starting again.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the profession of defending the Motherland is not for everyone. Before dedicating your life to your country and people, you need to answer the question: “Will I be able to withstand all this? Will I be able to give my life for my Fatherland? A soldier must be prepared for anything and not be afraid of anything. Loyalty to one’s cause and heroism – that’s what a real soldier should have in the first place.

Option 2

There are many professions in the world, each person has to choose his own, look for his calling. “All professions are needed, all professions are important,” a famous children’s rhyme tells us. I would like to know about such a profession - defending the Motherland, the profession of a soldier.

This is probably the most dangerous of all possible professions, because you don’t know whether you will be alive tomorrow. A soldier's service is selfless, courageous and unpredictable.

Of course, in peacetime, a soldier protects the country’s borders from a possible attack, but the worst thing is in wartime, when you don’t know which day could be the last.

The main qualities of a real soldier are courage, bravery, bravery, pride, and persistence. He is ready to give his life for his Motherland, his people. In war, these people face death every day, of course, it is very difficult morally, but such qualities as perseverance, fortitude, steadfastness and composure are cultivated in a person.

Everyone comes to their calling differently. Some people dream of devoting their lives to military service from childhood, while others are forced by circumstances: a war in their hometown, or maybe anywhere in their country. People without much preparation take up arms and go to defend themselves and their loved ones.

One of the main qualities of a soldier is loyalty. He must be faithful to his state, his people, because once he already took an oath, breaking which would be very mean and low. In war, the most important thing is not to lose your soul, to fight for the idea of ​​liberating your land from invaders, and not to become a mindless killing machine.

I believe that a soldier, a defender of his Fatherland, is a very important profession on which the peace and lives of millions of people depend. At all times, soldiers were treated with respect and honor, because they are the guardians of the peaceful sky above the heads of the people.

Essay on the topic of defense of the fatherland

Our Motherland is not an ordinary land. This is the land that had no place in history, which had to endure so much suffering, so many shameful, vile betrayals, endure so many years of hunger, that it becomes terrible in the soul. To prevent the nightmare of past times from happening again, we must take care of our own Motherland, protect its peace, take care of its fields and forests. Without this, she will perish, and at the same time we will be left without a Fatherland. Look where the majestic Kyiv lies! How much joy and neighbor there is in this word for every Ukrainian! More than a thousand years ago, the Eastern Slavs formed the powerful Kievan Rus - one of the strongest states of that time. The glorious Kyiv with its luxurious princely court and the majestic St. Sophia Cathedral rose above the Dnieper. Heroic wives defended the borders of their native land from enemy attacks. They became for us an example of great courage and incorruptible love for the Motherland. They were the ones our parents looked up to, and it wouldn’t hurt for us to follow their example. I believe that each of us should take care of our Motherland. This is our sacred duty, this is our vow to our ancestors who fought for the happiness of their native land. No matter what happens to the Motherland, no matter how enemies want to win its freedom, we must all stand up for its defense. Otherwise, we cannot be called faithful sons or daughters of our native land. We will not even be her stepsons, but real enemies, insidious and vile. After all, no one would want to be a slave for their Fatherland, to submit to the hated conquerors, to suffer and shed tears, especially since we will be to blame for her slavery, because we did not come to her defense in time. I really don’t want us to ever feel forced, to know that there is no longer hope for a happy future. All true patriots, all faithful sons of our Motherland understood this. It is not for nothing that our Great Kobzar Taras Grigorievich Shevchenko so insisted that the Ukrainian people rise up to fight against their enslavers; it is not without reason that Lesya Ukrainka tried to say the same thing with her works. Vasily Simonenko, Vasily Stus, and many other ardent patriots, selflessly devoted to their Fatherland, knew this. This was understood by those fighters who laid down their lives in major battles for the happiness and freedom of Ukraine. The Great Patriotic War was especially terrible, which claimed the lives of many millions of Ukrainians, and not only Ukrainians. To prevent this from happening, so that peace always dominates the planet, we need to protect, protect, and defend our Fatherland. Years go by, life changes. But we must not forget that there may be envious people who are capable of attacking our land, trying to destroy it, to destroy us. And then everyone must decide for himself whether he needs to stand up for the defense of his homeland, it makes no difference to him. I believe that our first duty is to be worthy defenders of our land, capable of lending a helping hand in any circumstances, even if our lives are demanded of us. Giving it up for the sake of the freedom of the Motherland is the highest happiness for true patriots. Therefore, every young man must undergo military training in order to be able to defend the Fatherland at any moment, so that she does not again turn into a trampled slave. There is no need to refuse military service, because this is not only the training of real fighters, but also wonderful life training. Service at the border is especially important. This means that the border guards have an entire country that needs to be protected. Let the river splash peacefully, let it be so quiet that you can even hear goosebumps crawling on the ground, let the leaves on the bushes not tremble - you still need to be on the alert. I believe that the time will come when all people will become brothers, and then there will be no need to be constantly on the alert for dangers}'. I really want all the people of planet Earth to finally understand that the main thing is world peace, this is universal love. And also - boundless love for your native land, which will never betray you, even if you suddenly have to leave it. Therefore, you need to make sure that she can never call you a traitor, but only a defender, sincere, strong, a true patriot. So that she is proud of you, as she was proud of many of our ancestors, brave and selfless.

Essay on the topic: There is such a profession to defend the Motherland

There is such a profession as defending the homeland. The profession of a soldier has always been full of romance and adventure, but besides this, it requires the soldier to have courage, bravery, to be strong both in soul and body, and to be able to survive in very difficult conditions. But the profession of a soldier lies in the most important thing - love for one’s native land, possessing an unlimited desire to dedicate oneself to the Fatherland. The profession of a soldier is very difficult; you need to be a very responsible and disciplined person.

Firstly, during service you cannot spare yourself; on the front line you need to understand that your relatives and family are already behind you and, while here, you must do everything to save them from a possible disaster. It was with this thought that our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought for our homeland during the Great Patriotic War. After all, if they constantly retreated, then we would not exist. After all, they fought for us, did everything possible for the liberation and strengthening of their Motherland. Many accomplished feats that not everyone dares to do. Some pilots, after the plane ran out of ammunition, went to ram either enemy aircraft or enemy equipment, some covered the bunker embrasure with their bodies so that their comrades could move on.

Secondly, a soldier of the Russian army needs to remember that he is a descendant of victorious soldiers. After all, the Russian army has always been one of the most powerful. You must remember that your ancestors defeated the Swedes in 1240 at the Battle of the Neva, put the Tatar-Mongols to flight in 1380 at the Battle of Kulikovo, drove the French all the way to Paris during the Patriotic War and the Foreign Campaign, liberated Prague and Warsaw and took Berlin in 1945 year. We must remember that a Russian soldier must fight in his uniform until the last drop of blood, because a Russian soldier is a victorious soldier.

In conclusion, I want to say that defending the Motherland is one of the most difficult professions on the planet, but at the same time one of the most honorable. Military people have always been respected. But before choosing this profession, you need to think and answer the question “Will I be able to pass this test with dignity?” And if the answer is yes and you are really ready both mentally and physically for this, then you can try yourself in this profession. But a soldier must always be a hero and you must be ready to help, even if you are not on duty, this is the essence of the profession. For a soldier, heroism is above all!

10th grade, 6th, 7th, 4th, 8th grade

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Essay “Defender of the Fatherland”

There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland. Homeland - how much meaning there is in this word! This is the native land, the land, the rivers, the house in which I was born, mother! Each of the men is a defender of his homeland! How many young guys serve, have served in the army, and each of them proudly bears the title “Defender of the Fatherland.”

Every year the war moves further and further away from us, and there are fewer and fewer witnesses to those terrible events. This year we celebrated the seventy-second anniversary of the end of the Great Patriotic War. But no matter how many years pass, the memory of the heroes lives and will live in the hearts of Russians. We owe a huge debt to those who brought victory closer every day. Children who fought in the war along with adults played an important role in this. Unfortunately, we often forget about them. But they are heroes no less than adults. Preserving the memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War is only a small part of what we can do for them.

But, unfortunately, many young people know little about the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. They are spoken of collectively as a great army. But this strength and power consisted of individuals. As long as at least one person remembers the stories of the heroes, the memory of them will be passed on from generation to generation and will never die. After all, all the strength of a people lies in its past.

I remembered E. Nosov’s story “Living Flame,” which I read in 7th grade. There they were talking about a young pilot who died at the front. In the story, the poppies planted by the mother in memory of her son burned like a living flame.

Human life is also short, but beautiful. Fire in the story is associated with the soul of a person who gave his life for the sake of the lives of others. Poppies, as a symbol of a young life suddenly cut short, burn, “flame,” but this fire is alive, bringing tears of purification. And if in the center of the story we see only a few poppies, then in the finale there is a “big bonfire” of fiery flowers. It resembles an eternal flame. A sign of eternal memory and silence.

In order to cultivate a sense of patriotism, to love the Fatherland unselfishly and be ready to selflessly defend it, you do not need any special atmosphere in the family. It is necessary to internally realize: a person can only have one homeland. A deep understanding of this truth has given rise to many proverbs among the people.

The first thing in life is to honestly serve the Fatherland.

A person without a homeland is like a land without a seed.

Love for the Motherland is stronger than death.

Do not spare your strength or your life for your Motherland.

And more than one hero fell in battle to save his mother, his family, freedom, the city, the region - everything that we call with the majestic word “Motherland”.

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