Essay “I just love my homeland”

  • Essays
  • About the Motherland
  • I love my motherland

First of all, you need to define what the Motherland is. Each person puts his own meaning into this concept. Homeland or fatherland is the place where you were born, this is the country to which you feel love and attraction. A narrower concept is the specific house where you live, the street, the city.

Loving your parents, sister, girlfriend, spouse, children is understandable. But what does it mean to love your homeland? The most important thing is patriotism, which means pride in one’s native land, readiness to fight the enemy who tried to attack it. But even in ordinary peaceful life, this love should be expressed in dedicating one’s achievements to it in sports or on the stage, in painting, in creativity. It is also respect for your fellow citizens and their work.

Russia is my Motherland. This is my mother. This is the land where I came into this world, this is my happy childhood, my first love... I like the Russian landscape. I feel good here, I speak the language that I love. Our culture and mentality are close and understandable to me. There are a number of reasons that associate a person with his place of origin. This is a feeling of some kind of ownership. We say: “This is my country.” When I go abroad, I feel like a stranger because I am not at home. I may be a welcome guest, but it's not the same thing.

Russians in many places around the world are distinguished by their entrepreneurship, flexibility, and ability to adapt to extreme conditions. But, nevertheless, Russians, like no one else, yearn for their homeland. Nostalgia is mainly a disease of Russian people. And even if our country is not perfect in comparison with European developed countries, this will never change anything in relation to it. There is no homeland that does not have these weaknesses. I accept this reality in which I find myself. And it depends on the person, and therefore partly also on me. Every nation has things that cannot be loved. But this does not mean that I do not like the country and people. This means that I must strive to change what I don’t like.

A lot of poets in their unique and beautiful works sang love for the Motherland. But, it seems to me, Sergei Yesenin is the most Russian of poets. He loved his small homeland and, of course, great Russia. He loved and praised rivers and mighty forests, peasants working in the fields. Even his love for a woman was revealed through his love for his Motherland. He was proud to be Russian. In his poems, he managed to very sincerely convey the state of Russian emigrants, who were uncomfortable and sad in a foreign land. They dreamed of white birch trees, spruce trees, and snow.

They never love you for anything. They don't like a girl just because she has red hair; they don’t love their wife just because she cooks delicious dinners; They don’t like children just because they are obedient and beautiful. To truly love is to accept the object of love with all its flaws. And we love our Motherland, and not some other country because it is better. They love in spite of everything! This is how man is made.

Option 2

Every person in this world has a place to which he is attached, which he loves with all his heart. For some, this is their home, where they will always be accepted and understood, a place in which it is cozy and very pleasant to be, for others, this is a place where there is no one except them, and where no one can disturb their peace. One way or another, every person is in some way attached to some place, and often this place is his homeland, the place where he was born, to which he feels love and craving.

Any person, regardless of his nationality, views, or beliefs, is one way or another attached to a place that he has the right to call his homeland. No matter what place he is in, he will always be more pleased to be in his home country.

For a person, homeland is not just a word or an empty phrase. The homeland has a certain sacred meaning for each of us. This is the totality of the country’s history, its folklore, economic achievements, mentality, in general, everything for which you can love your country. That’s why every person becomes attached to his homeland, because he likes some specific aspects of his homeland, be it the political system or the beauty of nature.

I love my homeland, because it is a wonderful country, with a large and varied history, beautiful cities, a wonderful government, and a wonderful economy, this is why I adore my homeland. This country is very important to me in my life. I start from my country in almost everything I do. My homeland also gives me all the necessary benefits I need for a normal life in human society, which also adds to its attractiveness. One way or another, this is a country of heroes and great people who have made some achievement in their activities, which also gave fame to our homeland.

It should also be said that my homeland has a rather extensive history, rich in various fantastic events and truly heroic deeds, for which you begin to respect your homeland even more. Our country is one of the most highly moral strongholds of humanity, which allows us to be proud of it without any hint of modesty, since the country is truly amazing, and that is why I love my homeland. The opinion described in this essay does not at all pretend to be objective, since it is written based on my personal views and beliefs.

Essay: My Motherland is Russia

I call Russia my homeland because I was born and live here. I love my homeland very much. My relatives, friends and comrades live here, whom I also love. All residents of my homeland understand Russian, so they can communicate without problems. Russia is the largest state in the world. It is washed by two oceans at once. I mean the Pacific and Arctic oceans, and there are even more seas in Russia. Russia on these seas , and it also has huge reserves of natural resources. For example, gas, oil, gold and others. In Siberia and the Russian Far East, large forested areas with wild nature remain. But, despite the enormous resources, most of the Russian population does not live well.

My Motherland is also a republic and a federation. And Moscow is the capital of my country; its population itself is larger than some European countries.

Russia is a multinational country, therefore it is divided into federal republics, autonomous territories and districts. Almost two hundred different peoples, large and small, live in them. These are Russians, Tatars, Bashkirs, Chuvashs, Azerbaijanis, Ukrainians, Jews, Chukchi and many others. They are all called Russians. They should all live together because they have one country. Unfortunately, it often happens differently. But I hope that by the time I grow up, the quarrels between peoples in my country will stop.

Russia , Russia is my great homeland! Those who come to Russia for the first time are amazed by the endless expanses, endlessly stretching fields and forests. And, I must admit, I never cease to be amazed by her beauty. Any time of year is good, but in summer it’s especially magical - there are continuous grass carpets all around, and they are constantly changing: in early spring, the delicate greenery is enlivened by golden-yellow dandelions, then comes the turn of pink and white porridge, cornflowers, daisies, blooming clover, coltsfoot - Can you really list everything that can be found in the meadows?

And the larks are filled with all this beauty. It's nice to walk through a field on a bright sunny day. There is a holiday in my soul, but how could it be otherwise when there is such magic all around. I can't resist making a wreath of wildflowers. A small river, Rekusha, meanders through the meadow; the water flows loudly over the pebbles and runs merrily towards the Volga. In some places there are entire thickets of yellow water lilies, but the hand does not rise to pick them, to destroy this beauty. In water they are uniquely beautiful; you are amazed at the diversity of earthly plants.

Everything in nature is rational and beautiful, you just need to learn to see this beauty, be able to take care of it, preserve it for future generations. Nature is magnificent in itself, and at the same time, how many gifts it brings to people! Communication with nature brings extraordinary spiritual strength. It is no coincidence that holy people went to remote places to communicate only with God and nature. I am proud that I live in Russia, among these forests and fields, I want future generations to receive from us the same beauty of their native nature. To do this, you must endlessly love your land, treat it with care, increasing its wealth.

Every person has a homeland. Our homeland, like our parents, is not chosen; it is given to us at birth and absorbed during childhood. For me, my homeland is, first of all, the place where I was born, these are my parents and relatives. My homeland is the house and yard where I spend my happy childhood, my friends, with whom I play. But a “small” homeland is unthinkable without a “big” homeland—great and vast Russia.

Russia ! This word sounds proud. Every person who has a homeland is happy. I’m happy too, because I was born and live in Russia. This is the homeland of my ancestors. Russia is rich in its nature: forests, rivers, lakes. There are many beautiful villages, towns, cities, both ancient and new, in Russia. But the most important wealth lies in people who are hardworking, hospitable, courageous, heroic, creative and sympathetic.

I love my Motherland very much, I want it to become more and more beautiful and better, so that Russians take care of it, work for the good of the Motherland, for the good of society. I am ___ years old, for now work for me is study, and in the future I will work for my Motherland.

Option 3

I love my Motherland, but I prefer not to shout about it, because now it has become so fashionable to talk about it. Also, however, how can one not love the Motherland, scold and praise other countries. These extremes have always been and will exist, the terms may change their position, but the sum will always remain identical, so I see no point in becoming part of this hypocritical performance.

In my opinion, love is expressed by deeds. It is possible to have any best attitude, but it is an internal feeling, and outwardly love is expressed in deeds.

In fact, many of those who declare love for their homeland actually seek to leave for another country or simply gain personal gain. Young beauties act in a similar way when they meet a rich but elderly man and fawn on him in every possible way, say tender words, but in reality they have their own interest and do not have love. More precisely, they have love, but only for their own person, their own convenience and money.

Therefore, I would not want to become one with such patriots and lovers of the Motherland of easy virtue. After all, if you do this, then your own feeling, a holy feeling, will be devalued (outwardly) in the presence of such people, and the expression of something real will be blurred in the space of falsehood and lies.

There is an expression “don’t throw pearls before swine”, so talking about love for the Motherland in an excessive amount, especially when such a feeling is sincere, represents precisely this kind of throwing pearls before swine who do not deserve it. The job of pigs is to dig in the dirt, in the dirt of their own hypocrisy and vices. The work of someone who truly loves their Motherland is always good and always heroic.

In a period of peace, a person who feels responsible takes care of his own land and brings benefit to others. Such a person can be seen by his deeds and attitude towards work, and often he has the envious pig-like glances of pseudo-patriots who know neither love nor dignity. Such envious people and scoundrels may even try to discredit real patriots, because they feel the danger of being exposed and feel uncomfortable being close to the truth.

However, the presence of hypocrites and unworthy people is not a reason to abandon high ideals. This is why I love my Motherland, but I prefer to remain silent about it.

Essay on the topic I love my Motherland (sample 4)

It seems to me that love for the Motherland is a rather personal matter and does not require any public announcement or discussion. Of course, in order to delve deeper into this topic, it is possible to read some relevant book by an intelligent person or find out the opinion of another in a private conversation. There are opportunities to get some additions to your own views and consider this issue in more detail.

However, such phenomena as the presence in the topics of school essays of a topic called “I love my Motherland” seems to me to be something excessive and even encroaching on the personal space of a person, in particular a schoolchild. After all, at school, even with close friends, they don’t often discuss members of the opposite sex that they like. Also, even close friends do not always discuss topics of religion, since they are purely personal and there may be some differences.

Such unwritten norms exist so as not to interfere with the integrity of a person’s inner space, to allow everyone to develop their own unique personality and move their own way. Probably, this also includes the theme of love for the homeland, which is something personal and special for everyone. Accordingly, forcing students to write an essay on such a topic is similar to forcing them to publicly talk about the most personal things, about feelings.

Is it worth doing this way? It’s probably better to leave it personal to each person individually.

Of course, nurturing love for the motherland is something necessary and useful for the state. However, deep inner feelings should not be confused with the need of an individual country to have loyal and motivated citizens. By forcing love for one's homeland or imposing some generally accepted postulates, it is possible to achieve temporary results, but it is impossible to achieve sincerity and true devotion.

They say that in a complete personality there is space for the entire spectrum of feelings, both love and hate. It seems to me that regarding love for the homeland, no matter how sad it is, especially now, there is always room for hatred, it is even necessary and an integral part for those who truly love.

Since I consider it a little vulgar to speak of love for the motherland in a school essay, I will say about my hatred for hypocritical patriots, for hypocrites of all stripes, who have never really known love for the motherland, but are able to talk about it for their own benefit.

Essay 5

Homeland is the place where you were born and raised. A person does not choose where to be born, but he can choose where to live. I was born in Kazakhstan, but grew up in Russia and consider it my homeland.

I love my country, its vast expanses, forests, mountains. Russia is a huge country not only in terms of territory, but also in terms of nationalities. My childhood was spent in the Altai Mountains; many nationalities live on its territory. People live in respect for other people's customs and traditions. Russians are broad-minded, and it doesn’t matter whether you’re Russian or Altai. We are all citizens of one big country!

Last year I went to Kazakhstan, I was in my hometown, but I was a stranger there. Less than three days later, I wanted to go home. As soon as the border with Russia was crossed, I was able to breathe deeply and freely. Even the air is different, clean, fresh, native. I love Russia with all my heart; for me there is no more beautiful country.

Many poets wrote about Russia, praising the glory of its heroes and the beauty of nature. The symbol of the country has always been the birch tree. Pushkin wrote about her, Bezrukov and the Bi-2 group sang. This tree is the personification of Russia and its people. Russia is home to people of strong character who can endure any adversity and hardship. Foreigners consider Russians to be stingy with emotions. But if we laugh, then from the heart, without hiding our emotions. Severity in the gaze, kindness in the heart and an open soul - this is what they say about Russian people.

Russia is a great power that has not succumbed to any conqueror. The strength of a country comes from the people who live in it. Only a person who loves his Fatherland is able to give his life for it. This is exactly what our grandfathers and great-grandfathers did. Thanks to my parents and grandparents, the spirit of patriotism and pride in my ancestors lives in me.

I love my country, my small homeland - the Altai Republic. My heart is always in the mountains, on the banks of the Katun. But it’s painful to watch how forests are cut down, river banks are built up, turning this wonderful region into a tourist Mecca. And this problem concerns not only Altai. Forests are being cut down in hectares throughout the country.

The moral duty of every person is to preserve the world in which he lives. Take care of nature, love your native land, protect animals - this is what your parents teach you in childhood. I think it is important to value your Motherland, we have only one.

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