Essay on the topic Morality. What is morality

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Morality is a human quality that allows him to be internally whole, make informed choices and perform meaningful actions. A moral person internally feels what honor, love, morality, and humanity are. He has strong moral principles according to which he builds his life.

A moral person does not commit rash actions. Every step he takes should, if not bring benefit, then at least not cause harm to anyone.

There are not many people left in the world who can be called moral. But where does morality come from? One is not born with this quality. It is the result of upbringing. First, the child observes adults, their behavior and actions. Hypocrisy is alien to young children, so when they see that their parents’ words are at odds with their deeds, they internalize this model of behavior. This does not mean that such a person will no longer become moral. We must continuously work on ourselves, on our strength of character.

Why does morality require inner strength? Life offers us a lot of temptations, because doing the right thing is not always easy. When a person sees that the morally correct choice is at odds with his interests.

I notice that morality is often confused with hypocrisy these days. Many people prefer to be moral “for show” so that other people admire their honesty and nobility. But morality must be deep inside. A moral person, doing the right thing, does not think about how he will look from the outside, how other people will treat him. It is simply impossible for him to do otherwise. In the end, morality is always rewarded.

A moral person often has an ideal to which he strives. This could be the image of parents or other family members. And many choose religious symbols as role models. But the main thing is the inner conviction that such thoughts and actions correspond to universal human values.

Morality is closely related to the categories of “good” and “evil.” You can put forward as many theories as you like about the fact that these concepts are relative. But in fact, we all sometimes feel deep down in our souls that we are acting immorally, no matter how hard we try to console our conscience.

Is it possible to live life being a perfectly moral person? Rather yes than no. After all, the world around us and we ourselves are constantly developing and improving. And morality is what allows you not to go astray during this continuous movement.

Essay 2

At a time when machines can perform various jobs and replace hundreds of people, the problem of warmth is becoming more acute. Why? Many people don't think about it, but we need to be kinder to others, give a helping hand, help those in need. It's upsetting when people only care about their own well-being. They don’t think about the fact that there are people nearby who also need to be thought about.

If a person does not pay attention to other people's problems, then he will turn into an egoist who is not capable of doing good. After this he loses morality.

We must fight for humanity to become kinder. That is why a huge part of the works of modern writers is devoted to the theme of the moral power of kindness. The authors ask us to be kinder.

People can be harsh and cruel, both towards nature, towards other people and even towards themselves. It’s worth thinking at least about how our parents raised us. You can't cheat, steal, or kill. In order to have a high income, you need to get a higher education and work hard. In pursuit of a happy life, people rush to find themselves. It is important to learn from your own and others' mistakes so as not to lose yourself.

The moral principle appears in the 21st century. During the existence of the kings, the rest of the inhabitants took their example from them. But people had no idea how other people were doing.

Each personality has both positive and negative character traits. People are designed in such a way that they bring out all good things for everyone to see, but do not spread bad deeds. In the age of technology, we can post our happy photos and show them to anyone, but by sharing something good and useful, by providing help, we attract goodness. We help not only ourselves, but also other people. If a person has laid the moral foundation for something, then this will attract the morality of other people.

If a person was born with blond hair, then it is unlikely that his hair will turn black after 30 years. And if in childhood he was a kind and sweet child, then he can grow up evil and immoral. Why am I saying this? To the fact that morality is not an innate, acquired quality. He can and should be educated. A person cannot become moral just after turning eighteen, graduating from university, or getting married. Only if he comprehends himself, reflects on his actions and what is most significant.

It is impossible to do a good deed once and become. The one who always watches himself, his speech, actions, adheres to high ideals, remains moral.

15.3 9.3

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History of the problem

The first source of morality for humanity was the Divine Commandments, which called people to purity of actions and thoughts.

In different eras there were different spiritual guidelines. If we turn to history and consider some of the moral guidelines of ancient times, they may shock a modern person. For example, fearing the loss of his kingdom, the Egyptian pharaoh ordered the killing of all newborn boys.

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Over time, the Divine Laws were supplanted by such moral standards as honor, dignity, loyalty, duty, love for the Motherland, etc. The religious norms that have reached us have been somewhat transformed. This is due to the modern view of religion and attitude towards it.

Some moral norms have reached our time, having changed somewhat, but at the same time maintaining their relevance. For example, in Ancient Rus', an honest word given by a merchant symbolized directness and sincerity; it was inviolable. In the modern world, the attitude towards the “word of honor” is somewhat different, but respected people strive to keep it.

Some moral norms have not reached our days and have lost their meaning. For example, until recently, all women were required to cover their heads. Harlots and commoners threw off their scarves and veils. Modern women do not comply with this norm, as it has lost its significance. However, the norm of walking with your head covered remains in a number of countries. This is primarily due to religion. In many Muslim countries, women still wear the hijab.

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If we turn to historical works of art, one of the most popular paintings is the Mona Lisa, which symbolizes modesty and humility. However, by the standards of the time when the picture was painted, the woman who posed for Leonardo da Vinci is a girl of easy virtue. This is evidenced by her appearance - open shoulders and head.

There are moral standards that have reached our time practically unchanged. For example, a negative attitude towards alcoholism. Back in the time of Plutarch, a law was passed banning drinking alcohol, as it had a negative effect on the human body and its behavior. The same negative attitude towards alcoholism and alcohol has survived to this day.

Note 1

Thus, moral norms and rules are subject to change and transformation over time. This is due to changes in people’s thinking, in their attitude towards phenomena and situations.

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Examples from life

  1. Since time immemorial, the holy scriptures have served as the source of morality. In Christianity, the moral code of man was determined by the Ten Commandments of Christ:
  • Believe in the only god;
  • Do not create an idol for yourself;
  • Do not take the name of the Lord in vain;
  • Remember the day off;
  • Honor your parents;
  • Dont kill;
  • Thou shalt not commit adultery;
  • Don't steal;
  • Do not lie;
  • Do not envy;

Observance of these commandments allows a person to live correctly, in harmony and understanding with the Almighty. The first three commandments relate directly to the relationship with God. A Christian must honor only the true God, and other deities cannot exist in his life. They also say that believers should not have idols or objects of worship, and the name of the Lord should be remembered only in necessary cases.

According to the fourth commandment, Christians must remember the day off and treat it with respect. This is not just a day to dedicate to rest. On Sunday, people remember God, pray and think about the meaning of their existence.

The fifth commandment says that you should always honor your mother and father. They are the ones who gave us life according to the will of God. Therefore, we are obliged to care and respect them, regardless of the current life situation.

The sixth commandment states that you must not take the lives of those around you or yourself. Moreover, the blame falls on the person even when he did not commit the murder, but did not try to stop it. The next commandment says that you cannot commit adultery. God ordered us to remain faithful to our husband or wife throughout our lives, and not to violate this covenant even in thoughts or words.

The Eighth Commandment prohibits stealing someone else's property. Any benefit is impermissible if it involves harm to another person. The ninth commandment says that you must not slander your neighbor. The Lord God prohibits any lies, gossip and slander. It is impermissible to lie even to yourself. And the last commandment is not aimed at prohibiting sin, but at preventing the thought of this sin. It says that you should not covet someone else's things. God says that you need to rejoice in what you have, not what your neighbor has. Only in this case can you receive a blessing.

  1. The German philosopher Immanuel Kant developed the concept of autonomous ethics. According to this concept, moral principles should always be adhered to, they do not depend on external factors and must constantly interact with each other. A person, thanks to the presence of will, can perform actions based on these principles.

Immanuel Kant considered man to be the highest value. In his opinion, every person has a sense of dignity that must be protected from the encroachment of others. However, other people also have their own feelings, which should never be touched upon. It turns out that a person has freedom of choice, but it is limited by the rights of another person. Any action is assessed on the basis of concepts of good and evil.

Kant formulated his law in such a way that it became the basis on which human relationships should be built. This law is called the categorical imperative.

Basics of the categorical imperative:

  • Every person must live according to generally accepted rules;
  • A person should treat other people the way he wants to be treated;
  • A person should not view another person as a means to his own benefit;

The theory of Immanuel Kant says that when a person performs an action, he must be guided not only by his desires, but also by universal human rules, which are a categorical imperative for him. The scientist hoped that this law would represent the basis of relations between man and society.

The problem of moral education

The problem of moral education

“Every moment of the work called education is a creation of the future and a look into the future,” said the great writer V.A. Sukhomlinsky. The problem of moral education is one of the pressing topics of modern society. This is due to the fact that the new generation of people has forgotten about such words as “morality”, “respect”, “morality”. But these concepts are closely interrelated.

Today, high moral education is one of the qualities necessary for a person and society. Morality is not an innate quality; we acquire it throughout our lives.

The older generation tends to see and even somewhat exaggerate the disadvantages of age in the younger generation. True, unfortunately, not without reason, we sometimes say that the guys are not accustomed to work, do not take care of good things, and expect “everything at once from their ancestors.” I believe that the problem of moral education directly depends on the family in which the child is raised, since it is from the family that the formation of the child’s personality, his moral and ethical qualities begins. Also, problems of moral education were raised in many works of Russian literature. The subject of each work studied is a person, his life and behavior in different situations. No matter how distant the events that Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Griboyedov, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky tell us about, they touched upon the problems of moral education in their work.

To confirm the above, I would like to cite the well-known story by A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter". This work raises a topic that affects the moral formation of the intellect of a young man - Petrusha.

From the age of five, the boy was given into the hands of the eager Savelich, then the father hired a Frenchman for his son, Monsieur Beaupré, a weak-willed and frivolous man. Petrusha chased pigeons, made kites from

geographical map, played leapfrog with the yard boys. But at one fine moment this “prosperity” was disrupted. The father sent his son to military service. The parting word that a father gives to his son at parting is also significant: “Take care of your dress again, but take care of your honor from a young age.” And the hero fulfills his father’s behest. Grinev finds himself in a whirlpool of major historical events, finding himself virtually between life and death. And here is where yesterday’s undergrowth appears before us as a real man with clear, definite concepts of honor, military duty, and mercy.

Another striking example from Russian literature that we can give is “The Minor,” by D. Fonvizin. Here we can see how Mrs. Prostakova raises her only son, Mitrofanushka. He grew up: angry, lazy, not interested in anything that surrounds him. Prostakova’s upbringing lacked moral and ethical qualities, which is why Mitrofanushka became an “outcast from society.”

So, using the example of two works of Russian classics, we expressed how important it is to have moral and moral qualities in education, because in order to become a highly moral person it takes a lot of effort and work.

Thus, to summarize, I would like to once again note the fact that the problem of moral education in modern society plays a special role, since now people have completely forgotten about high moral values, which makes this world evil and soulless.

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