What is kindness? Definition for an essay on the topic: “Kindness”

Consultation for parents “Kindness is a person’s spiritual value”

Ira Nechitailova

Consultation for parents “Kindness is a person’s spiritual value”

Consultation Kindness is a person’s spiritual value


Irina Nechitailova

Consultation Kindness is a person’s spiritual value


I would like to talk about what, in my opinion, is the main spiritual value of a person - kindness . There are many definitions and interpretations of this word, but to me, kindness is more essentially spiritual wealth . There are many moral qualities close in meaning to kindness ; namely: sensitivity, responsiveness, empathy, benevolence , mercy. kindness as often as possible , calling on it in difficult times, educating in children the very essence of goodness , forming moral aspects of character in them. It is kindness that must be cultivated in a child from an early age, from the first steps and first words.

There is a deceptive saying among people: kindness is worse than theft

It may be true in the “consumer society
,” but in a civilized and cultural society it does not find confirmation or publicity. The words immediately appear in the memory in large letters:

Kindness Will Save the World !” .
Yes it is. I believe that kindness will help a little person navigate difficult situations, attract the attention of others, and open up to all the potential possibilities and values ​​of the soul . kindness in children is so important , and from a young age. The importance of kindness in shaping a child’s personality is clear to everyone. And I think kindness is spiritual beauty , the wealth of the human soul .
The most important thing is how to cultivate kindness in a child ? It is very difficult to give him any arguments and evidence without relying on his personal experience, without finding out his opinion on this matter.

From early preschool age, children, first of all, should be taught to share toys with friends. Being in a children's society, the baby cannot be closed in his own “small world”

, he communicates with peers and shares his favorite toy - this is the first step to
kindness : if you share, they will share with you.
Characters from children's fiction and works of folklore can teach a lot in this regard - kids happily get used to their plots. In older preschool age, children already have a definite opinion about what kindness . Asking the students this question, I heard a lot of answers, but many found it difficult, although they chose synonyms for this word: “good”

etc. And to the question:
“Who is
a kind person ?” A huge number of definitions of this phrase were named, but in the end all the children came to the conclusion that
everyone would like to communicate and be friends a person “I don’t care
. This is already a signal that you need to think about it, find out the reasons, eliminate complexes, and work in collaboration with a psychologist.

The most important point in instilling kindness in a child , in my opinion, is the personal example of the parents . The authority parents always comes first. It is through your examples that our children are brought up; they, like a sponge, absorb your opinion, your behavior and your attitude towards kindness . It follows that a lot depends on you, our dear assistants and partners in the difficult but noble task of educating children's souls.

And, in conclusion, I would like to quote the words:

The goodness absorbed with mother’s milk continues to live until old age.” So let's make every effort to ensure that our children in all life situations are kind , sensitive, responsive, and friendly people . After all, it is in them that we see our future, which will warm our hearts, evoke in us a feeling of pride and respect, with the unforgettable spiritual values ​​of the personality of a Man with a capital “H” !

What would happen without kindness?

Without kindness, life will be completely different, many even compare it to a kind of hell, where people will lose sensitivity to the experiences of others and stop helping, but only use each other. In this way of development, everything will come not to mutual support, but to the destruction of those who pose a threat or may be at least somehow useful. The structure of society will be destroyed, since initially the social form of life was arranged so that it would be easier for everyone to survive together, helping and caring.

The most concerned about the disappearance of kindness from society are religious institutions, clergy, and specialists working in the social sphere. Those involved in spiritual practices believe that the very souls of people are transformed into monsters and in the end everyone will go to hell or will go through the wheel of samsara again, depending on the denomination. On a daily level, the disappearance of kindness leads to hardening of hearts and provokes more and more sins.

Psychologists see the disappearance of kindness as the development of personality along a degrading path, bringing the animal back closer to the structure of the pack. Despite the fact that goodness is oriented towards others, it also destroys the personality of the person himself. Only highly developed individuals, capable of taking care of not only themselves, have the highest degree of development, the absence of infantilism in behavioral manifestations and the opportunity to develop further.

Kindness, as the basis of altruistic communication, allows one to develop one’s personality through such interaction. By working together, people can not only achieve more, but also get to know themselves better. Somewhere, showing compassion for another allows you to admit and forgive yourself for your own mistakes, draw conclusions and move on.

Social sciences, more guided by statistics and global patterns of changing laws of social interaction, suggest that if the quality of sincere kindness disappears completely, the entire social institution will collapse. People will try to survive alone, without depending on others as much as possible, since it will become known in advance that they should not expect kindness and support from others, but they can get burned. Such survival is quite possible in some states where technology is predominantly developed and subsistence production is minimized, but less developed areas are still adapted to communal survival, which means they are at risk of extinction.

It turns out that the disappearance of kindness for humanity is only a threat, despite the fact that individually it brings benefits. Only a well-thought-out line that promotes complete independence allows a person to survive without a loyal attitude to others, while receiving benefits. But even at this individual level, over time, social isolation will occur or communication will remain formal.

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