Arguments from the literature for essay 15.3: “What is mutual assistance” (OGE in Russian)


  1. We are taught mutual assistance from childhood.
  2. Mutual assistance is based on help and support.
  3. With mutual assistance, you need to analyze the situation.
  4. Anyone can find themselves in the shoes of someone who needs help.
  5. Any help must be selfless.
  6. Mutual assistance has nothing to do with mutual benefit.
  7. Mutual assistance must be voluntary.
  8. In modern society, the concept of mutual assistance is forgotten.
  9. Mutual assistance is primarily valued in family and friendship.
  10. All friendly relationships are based on mutual assistance.


What is mutual assistance? Mutual, mutual assistance, revenue in any business, support - this is mutual assistance. No orders or commands are needed to manifest it. This is a person’s inner need to help another. MUTUAL HELP is providing each other with help and support in a difficult situation. Mutual assistance is based on the principle “you - for me, I - for you.” This means that the person who helped you expects reciprocal actions from you, but these actions may not always be performed for the good.

Arguments on the topic MUTUALITY

In L.N. Tolstoy’s story “Prisoner of the Caucasus,” Kostylin, both in captivity and during his escape, turned out to be not Zhilin’s comrade-in-arms, but a burden. But, despite the passivity of his comrade, the fact that he does not tolerate pain, fatigue, and is inactive, Zhilin does not abandon him.

In the story “In Bad Society” by V.G. Korolenko warmly talks about how the boy Vasya shows kindness and compassion to disadvantaged people. He tries with all his might to help Marusa and Vasilko, while encountering misunderstanding and indifference among people.

“One for all and all for one” is the famous motto of the three musketeers and the young Gascon d'Artagnan, who came to the capital to seek honor and glory. He alone would not have been able to cope with those who followed him in order to prevent him from carrying out the queen’s order. Athos, Porthos and Aramis are reliable and devoted comrades, ready to share everything they have. These four could sacrifice everything for each other - from their wallet to their lives.

Another story can serve as a positive example of mutual assistance. Olya and Lena are friends, they study in the same class. Olya has difficulties with such a school subject as algebra, and Lena has difficulties with the Russian language. The girls constantly help each other: explain difficult topics, explain homework. And the result is obvious: after some time, the girls were able not only to improve in these subjects, but also to strengthen their friendship, because their mutual assistance was based on good intentions and a sincere desire to help each other.

Epithets for the word “mutual assistance”

Immediate, disinterested, speedy, timely, immediate, unexpected, long-awaited, urgent, periodic, constant, gratuitous, priceless, beneficent, fraternal, noble, generous, comprehensive, businesslike, active, effective, voluntary, invaluable, sincere, spontaneous, friendly, friendly, family, comradely, significant, significant, huge, non-standard, direct, effective, urgent, military, financial.

Inept, insincere, self-serving, mean-spirited, ambiguous, dishonest, harmful, bad, unsightly, shameful, irresponsible, unseemly, unsightly, treacherous, risky.

Examples from fiction

  1. A.I. Kuprin "Wonderful Doctor" .

The main theme of the story “The Wonderful Doctor” is kindness and mutual assistance. The main character was in despair from hopelessness, he had no money to buy medicine and had to just watch his daughter gradually die. Mertsalov was ready to do anything, just not to hear the cries of hungry children and not to see their suffering; the only way out for him was suicide. At the last moment, he met an elderly man in the park who turned out to be a doctor. Professor Pirogov, having learned Mertsalov’s story, immediately went to help his family: he examined his sick daughter, prescribed her treatment, fed hungry children and gave money for medicine. The doctor disappeared as suddenly as he had appeared. His help was absolutely disinterested, he did not demand anything in return, and after that day everything began to improve in the Mertsalov family.

A.I. Kuprin wanted to say in his story that one cannot remain indifferent to someone else’s misfortune, everyone is capable of helping another person. You can save someone else’s life without making much effort; if Dr. Pirogov had simply passed by, the Mertsalov family would have faced a completely different fate. You can perform a real miracle without being a wizard, the main thing is not to turn away from the grief of others.

  1. I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" .

Despite their completely opposite lifestyles and dissimilar characters, the friendship between Oblomov and Stolz had existed for more than one year.

They were always happy to meet, share their experiences, receive friendly advice, and help each other. The friends started communicating back in school; then they had a lot in common, thought and looked at life the same way. Their friendship remained just as strong even over time, although Oblomov became a completely different person, the complete opposite of Stolz. It would seem that what can connect two people so different in nature? The answer is obvious, they complemented each other, found those qualities that they themselves lacked. Oblomov needed Andrei’s ability to think rationally, but Stolz lacked the sensuality and dreaminess of his friend. Their friendship was built not only on agreement and understanding, but also on selfless mutual assistance. When Ilya Ilyich had problems with his estate, the first thing he did was share it with his best friend, who immediately helped him resolve this issue in the best possible way. Until the last moment, Andrei Stolts tried to pull Oblomov out of the quagmire called “Oblomovism,” but he never succeeded. Unfortunately, you cannot help someone who does not want it.

  1. V. Bykov “Obelisk”.

The main character of V. Bykov’s story is an example of fidelity and mutual assistance. Ales Moroz selflessly helped his students during wartime: he fed them, clothed them, put them on shoes, and protected them from offenders. The children loved their kind teacher very much and decided to commit sabotage to save him. Ales did not join the partisans because of his lameness; he stayed to teach children so that the Germans would not teach them their truth. At the same time, the village teacher passed on information to the ranks of the militia, for which he was under the supervision of the Germans, who suspected him of treason. When suspicions grew into certainty, the Germans searched the school and interrogated Ales Moroz. It was not possible to prove his guilt, but it became clear that the Nazis would not give up so easily. Then the devoted students decide to help their mentor and develop a plan to kill policeman Cain. They failed to accomplish their plan, the guys were captured and sentenced to hang unless their teacher voluntarily surrendered. Ales understood that the Germans would not let his students go in any case, but he still went to the enemy camp with the hope of helping at least one of the boys escape. The death of the village teacher was not in vain; his selfless act influenced the entire life of the student who managed to escape. Pasha Maklashevich learned firsthand what mutual assistance and self-sacrifice for the sake of others means. Following the example of Ales Moroz, the grown-up boy began to help children, teaching them science and life wisdom.

  1. H.K. Andersen "The Snow Queen" .

The main character of the fairy tale by H.K. Andersen Gerda is the embodiment of kindness, and her friendship with Kai is an example of loyalty and mutual assistance. To save her friend, the girl is capable of anything, nothing can stop her. When Kai began to change due to a fragment that got into his eye, Gerda was not offended by him, but rather tried to understand her friend and help him. Without a moment's hesitation, she went in search of him after the Snow Queen took the boy with her. The girl understood that a difficult road awaited her, but selfless care for a loved one overcame all fears and doubts. The author reveals the character of the heroine while overcoming the trials she faced on her way to the kingdom of the Snow Queen. The brave girl met many evil and cunning people who tried to trick her into giving up her goal and breaking her faith and truth. Confidence in her own abilities helped Gerda carry out her plans; those around them volunteered to help the girl, imbued with her courage and determination. The main character knew how to find a common language with everyone, which is why she made so many friends while searching for Kai. Even plants and animals helped the girl, amazed by her pure soul. Gerda is an example of a faithful and devoted friend who will always come to the rescue. Using her example, H.K. Andersen showed what a kind person is capable of and what actions are performed in the name of friendship. The author hoped that there would be as many people like Gerda in the world as possible, because a bright future is possible only thanks to them.

Examples from life

  1. Mutual assistance is an important component of human friendship, but before helping anyone, you need to understand the situation itself. A few years ago I had a story when my friend asked me for help, which consisted in sorting out relationships with the girls who offended her. As a good friend, of course, without hesitation, I agreed to defend an unjustly offended person. Arriving at the appointed meeting, I accidentally found out that it turned out that it was my friend who was the first to insult and make fun of the imaginary offenders, and their retaliatory actions were simply a way of self-defense. It’s good that the truth came out, otherwise my mutual assistance would have been unfair to other people.
  2. Every family should have mutual assistance, who will help if not the closest people? I have an example of selfless help, this is my grandmother. She fell in love with my grandfather in the 6th grade, but did not confess to him because she was ashamed of the fame of a lagging student. She put a lot of effort into studying school sciences and eventually became a solid student. At that time, the grandmother no longer had to make any confessions, because the grandfather himself began to look after her. From the age of 14 they began to be friends, and years later they decided to get married. Their couple was a model of love and understanding, but nothing lasts and trouble comes knocking on their life. My grandfather became very ill, the doctors said that he would never be able to walk again, but this did not frighten my grandmother, she was there in those terrible moments. For about 5 years she fought for a full life for my grandfather and she succeeded! Her faith helped her put her loved one back on his feet. I consider their life an example of true mutual assistance, which showed that even the impossible sometimes becomes possible.

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Folk wisdom

  1. “You can’t recognize a friend without trouble . This folk wisdom says: in order to understand a true friend or not, you need to find yourself in a difficult situation. Many people are around only for personal gain, so when a friend needs help, they disappear.
  2. . It happens that people think for a long time before helping someone and decide to take part when it is no longer necessary. Therefore, our ancestors, with the help of this proverb, wanted to convey to everyone that they need to help on time.
  3. . This proverb says that a person is valued by his actions, so it is better to provide help in practice than to talk about it.
  4. “If you want help, help yourself first . Our wise ancestors knew that everyone in life gets what they deserve. Therefore, if you want to get help when you need it, help others yourself.
  5. “Life is hard without a friend . This proverb contains an immutable truth - it is very difficult to be alone, everyone in life needs friends who are ready to help in difficult times.
  6. “Get lost yourself, but help a friend . This proverb talks about mutual assistance; first of all, a person should think not about himself, but about his friend. Then he can count on the same help in return.
  7. “He who helps at once helps doubly . This proverb says that every help is good in a timely manner. If a person provided help at the moment when it was needed, this is a big deal, but help that arrived after the need was needed is useless.
  8. “Hope for help, but don’t sit idle . Our ancestors knew that water does not flow under a lying stone. Therefore, a person should not sit idle even in difficult moments. You can wait for help, but try to find a way out of the situation on your own.
  9. “If you help, they will help you . This proverb talks about the boomerang law of life: how you treat others, so they will then treat you. You help a person, then he will come to your aid.
  10. “A friend is one who comes to the rescue . This folk wisdom says: true friends are known in trouble, so a true friend will always come to the rescue.

Mutual assistance is the ability to support each other in difficult times

Article menu:

Mutual assistance is help that is based on mutual agreement to help each other. Many people often find themselves in difficult situations and need help and support. Mutual assistance is reciprocal actions on the part of another person. Next we will look at the types of mutual assistance, because it really comes in different forms. For example, you can help out a friend not only with money, but also help him prepare for exams. There is also mutual assistance in work, in preparation for a responsible event, etc.


  1. “We are part of humanity, so we should take care of humanity. And if this is not in our power, then we must at least not harm him . The Dalai Lama tried to help all of humanity, so he called on others to do the same or asked, at least not to harm the world around him.
  2. . Back in the days of Ancient Rome, the thinker Quintilian drew the attention of others to the fact that helping others is a rather difficult task, but doing harm is very easy.
  3. “It is better to help the evil for the sake of the good than to deprive the good of help for the sake of the evil . The ancient Roman philosopher Seneca encouraged those around him to believe in goodness. Many people who have lost faith in goodness stop helping others. Therefore, the thinker says that it is better to once again help the unworthy than to stop helping even those who deserve it.
  4. “Help is an obstacle to existing or possible evil . The great philosopher Plato highly valued human help, and therefore believed that people who are capable of helping others prevent evil from arising in the hearts of others. When we help others, we make them a little kinder.
  5. “Having experienced misfortune, I learned to help those suffering . The famous military leader Publius says that only after he himself found himself in a difficult situation did he want to help those in need. Until this moment, he did not understand the need to help others.
  6. “Whoever is not inclined by reason or compassion to help others is rightly called inhuman . Spinoza reveals the concept of inhumanity; if a person does not have the desire to help someone who needs it, it means that he does not have truly human qualities. The world-famous philosopher knew exactly what he was talking about.
  7. “Die yourself, but help your comrade . The great Russian commander A. Suvorov called on soldiers to selflessness. He believed that one should not abandon a comrade on the battlefield; it is better to die oneself, but to help another.
  8. “We do not need the help of friends so much as the confidence that we will receive it . The ancient Greek philosopher Democritus said that what is important to a person is not so much help as a feeling of confidence in the devotion of his friends. When we know that we have someone to count on, life becomes much easier.
  9. “People who don’t listen to advice cannot be helped . Benjamin Franklin expressed his point about self-confident people. Anyone who does not want to listen to other people's opinions will not be able to understand that he needs help.
  10. “We will not help people by doing for them what they could do for themselves . Abraham Lincoln says that you cannot protect loved ones from all troubles. Everyone must walk their own path on their own, sometimes asking for help, and if we always interfere in someone else’s fate, we will be doing a disservice.
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