Essays Free topic My home I love my home very much. I really like it
A very short biography (in a nutshell) Born on July 27, 1853 in Zhitomir. Father
Analysis of Nekrasov’s poem “Burning Letters” The personal life of Nikolai Nekrasov was quite tragic. Being a beginner
Works Based on literature Tolstoy Lev Based on the story Prisoner of the Caucasus Based on the story by Lev Nikolaevich
The role of family and environment for a child In the poem by N.V. Gogol's "Dead Souls" authoritative instructions
Essays Free topic Money (reasoning) Money has long become an integral part of our lives. Still very
Chatsky’s last monologue: “A carriage for me, a carriage...” (“I won’t come to my senses... I’m guilty...”) (Chatsky pronounces this monologue in
Abstract Almost every conscious person who has once committed an ignoble act sooner or later repents. Concept
General concepts For a long time, man has been the subject of study of the sciences of spirit and nature. Between sociology
Images of Oblomov and Olga Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is a nobleman by birth. The hero's upbringing took place