A story about Savelya who lives well in Rus' with quotes

The fate of a hero

Savely lived a long life, it is clear that there were many events in it. He didn’t tell Matryona everything, but what he told was enough for the reader to accept him and for a strong woman to fall in love with him. My grandfather lived in the village of Karezhin, where landowners and managers could not reach. The peasants sent rare dues and corvee payments. But the German outwitted the peasants. He turned the life of freedom-loving peasants into hard labor. The man did not endure it for long. They buried Vogel alive. Savely pushed the manager towards the pit and said one word:

The peasant managed to save money in hard labor. How can a person think about the future in such unbearable conditions? This is unknown to the author. He returned to his family, but they treated him well as long as they had money. The hero's heart turned to stone from grief. It was only the attitude of little Demushka, Matryona’s son, who melted him. But here too, fate played a cruel joke: the old man overslept the child,

The character of the hero of the poem

Savely has a lot of positive things, which is why the author describes the character through the mouth of a woman. He was the only one from her husband’s family who accepted her and took pity on her. The old man knows how to joke; humor and sarcasm help him not to notice the cruelty of his relatives. He grins like a rainbow, laughing not only at others, but also at himself. A good soul hides and is not open to everyone.

What traits did the author endow with the simple Russian peasant:

Ability to read.

This was rare among peasants. Savely learned to read and write in prison. He reads the holy calendar, prays for the peasants, asks God for help to the entire Russian people.

Strong masculine character.

Many people around Savely could not stand the hardships. They gave up. Saveliy stood until the end, did not retreat, “endured.” He tries to compare the whips: some hurt, others badly. Savely could stand under the rods and not wince. The peasant's skin became tanned; it lasted for a hundred years.

Love of freedom.

Grandfather does not want to be a slave:


The old man does not tolerate humiliation and insults towards himself. He admires past generations.


Savely went at the bear with a knife and a spear. When one day he stepped on a sleeping bear in the forest, he did not run away, but began to fight with her. The hero lifts a mighty beast on a spear. There was a crunch in the man’s back, but until old age he did not bend over from the pain.

A simple Russian man stands out among other heroes.

He knows how to distinguish true kindness from lies and deception. His character is strong. Grandfather does not argue over trifles, does not get involved with stupid people, does not try to re-educate his relatives. Hard labor takes on a broader meaning for him - it is his whole life.

Savely believes that all Russian men are heroes, they are patient and wise. The old man regrets that he lost his strength under rods and sticks. The heroic prowess is wasted over trifles, but it could change all of Rus', return freedom to the peasant, and bring happiness.


Portrait characteristics

Savely is an ordinary serf. He belonged to a master, like most peasants in Rus'. In the poem, Matryona Korchagina, popularly known as happy, tells about the old man. Savely is the “parent of the father-in-law,” the head of the family into which the woman ended up after marriage. The characterization of Savely the Holy Russian hero is based on a description of his powerful physique. The old man’s appearance makes him similar to Russian fairy-tale characters:

The mane has not been cut for more than 20 years. Age bent his back and made my grandfather look like a bear. Savely himself compares himself to a village well - “ochep”. The author suggests that it is not only the appearance that is important in a person, but the internal state. There is clean water in the well - Savely has a bright soul. The grandfather cannot straighten his back, but he does not lose his sense of humor. When he smiles, the old man’s face changes: a grin appears, “like a rainbow.” Another comparison is the Korezh mosquito, bony and funny.

Essay: The image of Savely in the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” (N.A. Nekrasov)

(486 words) Nikolai Nekrasov’s poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” was written over ten years and remained unfinished. However, during this time many significant events took place in Russian reality: the end of the Crimean War, the defeat of tsarism, a change of power. Social tension and revolutionary sentiments are increasing. Alexander II ascended the throne. And it was he who was supposed to release the Decembrists and political prisoners. In 1861, serfdom was abolished, but the life of the people did not improve, and even became worse. However, Nekrasov saw strength in society in the form of newly formed types of individuals who were ready to stand at the head of the people and lead them. There are strong-willed people who combine folk wisdom, enormous strength and morality. One of these heroes is Savely the hero of Svyatorussky.

Savely lives in the village of Korezhina. He is a former lordly peasant, that is, a formerly unfree person. He is one hundred and seven years old, he has seen a lot in life. Matryona Timofeevna tells the seekers of happiness about his bestial strength and hatred of the German enemy, about how he and his fellow peasants buried Vogel alive, who enslaved the serfs. For this he received 20 years of hard labor. But he still remained free, because he did not want to serve anyone other than his family. He escaped from prison more than once, and it did not humble his spirit. Savely says about himself this way:

". .. Branded, but not a slave! .. "

He embodies heroic strength and power, because he managed to rebel against the centuries-old slavery of his ancestors and lead the people with him. This is expressed in many of his actions and even in his appearance: Matryona Timofeevna notes that his strength was exorbitant, despite his age and well-being. He acts as the people's avenger and is responsible for his loved ones, for his homeland, for what he can control. The hero lived according to his conscience, and even his cruelty was fully justified by the conditions in which he and his brothers had to survive. Savely believed that an ordinary peasant man could also be a hero-hero:

". .. The hero endures everything! / And it bends, but does not break, / Does not break, does not fall. .. / Is it really not a hero? .. "

Despite the difficult trials of life (hard labor, persecution, the stigma of a murderer), he retained noble human qualities. He loved his grandson's wife, Matryona, and later her children. Savely helps Matryona with the housework and with the children. He loves his great-grandson Demushka very much, but one day, having dozed off in the sun, Savely did not notice how his beloved great-grandson was eaten by pigs. He took all the blame upon himself and could not forgive himself for it. He fell at Matryona’s feet, confessed his sin, and then went to the monastery to atone for his sin. After some time in the monastery, he met Matryona again, asked her for forgiveness, and she answered him: “I forgave him a long time ago, grandfather! "... ". Indeed, how can one not forgive if Savely himself condemned himself so severely?

Savely is the image of the people's avenger; he is terrible in his cruelty and inevitability. He has a strong free aspiration, but he could not find a use for this spirit and bent (hence the emphasis on his hump) from the oppression of serfdom. He tried to find the cause of evil and eradicate its source, but still remained in the image of a man submissive to fate, whose rebellion was more tragic than effective.

Author: Sofia Lovtsova

The fate of the hero of the poem

An old man with a heroic figure lived a complex, difficult life. The characterization of Savely “Who lives well in Rus'” is given by the stories of the character himself. He himself divides it into periods, but behind each phrase there is a long, eventful life.

First there was Mr. Shalashnikov, then the murderer German, then the prison. Shalashnikov was a master of flogging men; he flogged them so that their backs became strong and they no longer felt the pain that the flogging brought.

The German murderer got the men, they are burying him alive in a hole. Savely ends up in prison and hard labor. The serf cannot come to terms with such a fate, he escapes from hard labor, but is returned. Strict hard labor lasted 20 years, then settlement for the same amount of time. The man’s heart became more and more callous, turned to stone and closed itself off from people. The fate of the “homespun hero” is unenviable: he is torn, beaten and humiliated. The plowman's bitter fate was the main theme of Savely's stories. He suffered for all Russian men, prayed in his soul, hoping for a better future for them. Ostrog taught the old man to read and write.

While in hard labor, my grandfather began to understand many events in Russian life. He did not lose hope of freedom. Slavery is not a destiny for the Russian peasant: “branded, but not a slave!”

Savely the hero of the Holy Russian, what is the meaning of the speaking surname

The reader recognizes one of the main characters of Nekrasov’s poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” - Savely - when he is already an old man who has lived a long and difficult life. The poet paints a colorful portrait of this amazing old man:

With a huge gray mane, Tea, twenty years uncut,

a huge beard, Grandfather looked like a bear, especially as if he was coming out of the forest, bending over and coming out.
Savely's life turned out to be very difficult; fate did not spoil him. In his old age, Savely lived with the family of his son, Matryona Timofeevna’s father-in-law. It is noteworthy that grandfather Savely does not like his family. Obviously, all members of the household do not have the best qualities, but the honest and sincere old man feels this very well. In his own family, Savely is called “branded, convict.” And he himself, not at all offended by this, says: “Branded, but not a slave. It’s interesting to observe how Savely is not averse to making fun of his family members:

Character character

Savely met Matryona kindly; he was the only one who could talk, console and support the poor girl who found herself in someone else's family. The old man himself was nice to his relatives only at first, when he came back from hard labor with money. Then he became superfluous, went into a separate room, the “sweet spot,” and read books or calendars there. Smart Savely saw the attitude towards himself and understood what his relatives wanted. He laughed at them, made fun of them and endured them, realizing that this was his family.

Savely has special courage. He alone went at the bear with a spear and a knife. One day a peasant stepped on a sleepy bear. Savely was not afraid, but thrust the spear into the beast. The peasant had heroic strength by nature. But what did she spend it on? Savely says that she left for little things under rods and sticks. But what would happen to the Russian people if they did not have this power? According to Savely, any peasant should be considered a hero. It endures, does not bend or break. The whole life of a serf man is a battle in which he tries to win.

Characteristics and image of Savely in the poem Who Lives Well in Rus'

The hero of the work, named Savely, is a native of the wilderness who loves his native forest. The author introduced this character to readers when he was already many years old. Savelya was a long-liver and lived for one hundred and seven years. Savely was hunchbacked, had a long beard and a thick head of hair, which was gray and had not been cut for many years.

Savely is a believing grandfather and constantly prays. The old man is sinful, he has two deaths of people, one of them was even a child. And the other was a German manager, whom Savely buried in the ground.

Grandfather is very literate. He also knows a lot of proverbs and sayings and loves to speak with them.

Grandfather lived a long life, which was full of different events. He survived floggings, many years of hard labor, as well as settlements; he escaped and was again subjected to severe beatings. Grandfather Savely, even during hard labor, was able to save some money, and when he returned home with his savings, his family treated him well until the moment when the money ran out. For the old man it was grief and his heart became stone. Only the son of Matryona, a relative, treated him well, but then a terrible and unfortunate incident happened. The old man looked at little Demushka, and he was eaten by pigs. Out of despair, the old man decided to go to a monastery and beg God for forgiveness.

The hero Savely has many positive qualities. He tried to joke all the time in order to make it easier to bear the cruelty of his relatives. He is very good-natured and open. The old man has a very strong character, he endured so many hardships in his life. Savely can read, although this is rare among peasants. He also loves and values ​​freedom very much. He is proud and brave. He will never tolerate being treated poorly. He is very brave, like a hero.

The old man is very wise and sympathetic. In his youth he was very strong, he even fought with a bear. Savely never let himself be offended. He is also patient, honest and fair.

For the old man, the forest was his favorite element. There he was not afraid of anything and felt like a fish in water. Therefore, he decided to go into the forest and left his relatives .

Savely - the Holy Russian hero (in the poem by N.A. Nekrasov “Who Lives Well in Rus'”)

In the poem by N.A. Nekrasov’s “Who Lives Well in Rus'” is about the Russian people and their individual representatives, such as Savely, the Holy Russian hero.

In his work, the writer discusses what the happiness of the common people is and what awaits Rus' in the future. The poem was created shortly after the abolition of serfdom in Russia. This reform completely changed the lives of the peasants, and they did not know what to do next. The long-awaited freedom brought not only happiness, because any changes have a hard impact on ordinary people. The peasants could not immediately become different; they gradually freed themselves from serfdom and began to realize that they now had rights.

The poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” was written about the people and for the people. There is no main character in the work; his place is taken by seven men, representing the entire Russian people. Each of them has their own destiny, dreams and vision of the modern world. All description and reasoning comes from the perspective of the peasants, not the author.

Characteristic 3

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov is the author of the work “Who Lives Well in Rus'.” The main character of the work is the hero Savely.

The author introduces the main character when he is already a large number of years old. At the moment when the reader begins to get acquainted with the character, he is already 107 years old. Looking at such a long life expectancy, it is difficult to imagine what the hero was like in his youth. But despite his great age, you can still imagine what kind of physique Savely had in his youth

He was a fearless protagonist who was never afraid of anything in his life. When he was young, he traveled through his forest and repeated the same phrase over and over again, he said that the forest belongs entirely to him and he is its only owner. But one fine day his fate turned away from him, he stepped on a bear and in a fierce battle with her, he tore off his back, but he still managed to defeat the ruthless animal.

He is a man of fairly strong build, but despite all this, he looked very overgrown and had not had a haircut for many years. Despite all his achievements, throughout his life and everything he did for his own family, he was not particularly loved. After all, he spent half of his life in hard labor because he was accused of one of the crimes. His family used all the funds that he managed to accumulate over all these years. But time passed and all this money that he had in his hands sooner or later ran out. At this time, the relatives with whom he lived began to realize that this was a person who would not bring them any harm.

Savely's son did not like him and often called him names. But the main character himself did not like his own son, quite often he scolded him and kicked him out of his room, all this was affected by the time he spent in hard labor. He was never close to his family, because many years spent in prison made him an angry person with a complex character. He never backed down from his decisions and even often said himself that he was beaten very often throughout his life, but despite all this, he always rose from his knees and continued his path forward.

The only girl Savely could trust was Matryona; she was kind and well-mannered. And she couldn’t even believe that he had once spent his life in hard labor. And he got there because he committed a crime, he took part in the murder of one person.

“Who lives well in Rus'”: a summary of chapters 3,4 of part 3

The wandering men, who decided to definitely find the answer to the question posed in the title of the poem, learned about this hero from a young woman, Matryona Timofeevna. “He was also a lucky man,” she notes while talking about her life.

Matryona met grandfather Savely when he was about a hundred years old. He lived separately from his son’s family, in his own room, and was the only one who treated his grandson’s young wife kindly and caringly. The hero always loved the forest, where even in his old age he loved to pick mushrooms and berries, and set snares for birds. This is the first characteristic of Savely.

“Who Lives Well in Rus'” is a poem about the life of peasants before and after the landmark year of 1861. The old man’s life story, which he told his daughter-in-law, introduces us to the times when men were considered more resilient and decisive, and bondage was not felt so strongly: “Once every three years we give something to the landowner and that’s enough,” said the hero. And although many difficulties befell him: serf life, long hard labor, and settlement - however, the main test lay ahead of Savely. In his old age, he neglected to look after his great-grandson, who was killed by pigs. After that, he left home, and soon settled in a monastery, where until his last days in this world he prayed for sins: his own and those of others.

What is so attractive about the image of Savely in the work “Who Lives Well in Rus'”?

Essay about Savely

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov wrote a magnificent work “Who Lives Well in Rus'.” The main character of the literary work is the knight Savely. The writer shows the main character when he is very old. By the time readers begin to encounter the character, he is already 107 years old. Looking at such years, it is difficult to say what the character was like in his youth. However, despite his great age, one can easily guess what kind of posture Savely had as a teenager.

He was a brave protagonist who was never afraid of anything. When he was young, he wandered through his forest wilderness and uttered the same words constantly, he insisted that the forest was all his, and he alone was its owner. But one day his fortune turned away from him, he came across a bear and in a merciless fight with her, he tore off his own back, but he still managed to snatch victory from the cruel beast.

Savely is an elderly man of rather powerful build; he looked very overgrown and had not had a haircut for many years. Despite all his own successes, throughout his entire life and all that he gave to his family, he was not very respected or revered. Because he spent many years in exile, as he was accused of breaking the law. His family had all his money, which he had managed to collect over a long time. But years passed and the money that he had in his hands eventually dried up. Meanwhile, the relatives with whom he lived began to understand that he had become a harmless person.

Savely's son did not respect him and often scolded him. But the hero himself did not like his own son, every now and then he reproached him and kicked him out of his own chambers; the time he lived in exile was to blame for this. He was never with his own family, since he lived in captivity for a large number of years, all this together made him a bad person with a difficult disposition. He never renounced the words he spoke and often said himself that he was almost always beaten throughout his life, but despite all this he got up and did not stop his path.

The image of Savely in the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'”

Poem by N.A. Nekrasov’s “who lives well in Rus'” is one of the legendary works of Russian literature. In it, the writer raises many topics relevant to Russian society of the 19th century. In the poem, the author touches on such problems as injustice, the unhappy life of peasant men, the difficult lot of women, as well as the endurance and long-suffering of the ordinary Russian person. It is the latter theme that is most fully reflected in the image of Savely, the Holy Russian hero.

The main characters of the work, seven men wandering through villages and villages, learn about the life and fate of Savely from the story of Matryona Timofeevna. Savely is a relative of the woman through her husband. Matryona Timofeevna speaks more than well of the hero. Readers will learn how glorious, strong and brave this man was, and how many difficulties he managed to endure before leaving this world.

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Savely appears before us as an old and somewhat sick man. It is difficult to imagine what he was like in his youth, but we can draw conclusions by reading the story of Matryona Timofeevna. Savely comes from a peasant background and lived a fairly long life. At the time of his death he was already 107 years old! The old man is kind, loves and knows how to joke. Perhaps he is one of those people whom you cannot hold a grudge against for a long time.

Despite his poor origin, Savely is literate. He can read. Matryona Timofeevna saw him with a book more than once, but this is a rarity among peasants. By nature, this person is a very strong personality who does not allow himself to be offended. He is so brave that he is not afraid to hunt large animals alone. Savely is hardy, strong and patient. However, despite his patience, he is a rather proud person. He cannot be called a slave by character, because he is freedom-loving and does not want to be “slave.”

It was probably because of his character that Savely received a tragic, difficult fate. During his long life, the hero experienced a lot. One day he organized the murder of a despotic, evil German manager by burying him in the ground. For this, Savely received 20 years of hard labor and the same amount of exile. However, Savely’s comrades did not take him for a criminal, but, on the contrary, for their savior. The murder of the manager reveals all of Savely’s reluctance to obey, to be a slave and to endure injustice and oppression.

The hero stands out among other peasants. Savely knows how to distinguish justice from injustice, knows how to stand up for his freedom. In addition, the hero sincerely believes that every peasant in his soul is considered a real Russian hero.

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Character Description

In the third chapter of the poem, an amazing character appears - a grandfather who resembles a bear, a former convict, a man of the people. It is not for nothing that the poet, in creating the image of Savely in “Who Lives Well in Rus',” uses traditional folklore elements, colloquial words, and figurative expressions. His appearance is characteristic: a shaggy mane of hair adorns his head, which he is not ready to bow to the landowner.

The life of this man, strong, courageous and freedom-loving, cannot be called simple :

But all patience comes to an end.

The insidious and cruel German Vogel, who treated the peasants as slaves, became the reason that the anger and desire for freedom that flared up in Savely’s soul broke free. Having pushed the enslaver into a hole and buried him alive, the character did not hide or try to somehow avoid punishment - with a proud look, he went to hard labor, where he worked for 20 years in appalling conditions. But this did not make him regret what he had done. He proved his truth, was able to express his rebellion, destroy the enemy, for which he earned respect from the reader.

When studying the poem, it becomes clear why Savely ended up in hard labor, but his image of “branded, but not a slave” is so strong and interesting that it evokes involuntary admiration not only from the poet, but also from the reader. On the one hand, such people are able to endure a lot, and this is their strength, but on the other hand, they are capable of rebellion, which also amazes the author.

Main test

The history of the Holy Russian hero is full of tragic events, among which the long-term punishment was not the most terrible. The old man lives alone, his family does not need the world-weary former “criminal”; he evokes sympathy only from Matryona Timofeevna, who, due to her inner kindness, was able to show generosity, understand Savely and love him. These episodes play a special role in the content of the poem.

It seems that the old man’s life will finally find meaning: after the birth of little Demushka, Matryona’s son, Savely was transformed, his best qualities were revived. He doted on the boy, but it was this hero who became the cause of the tragic death of the baby. Having fallen asleep, he was unable to follow him, and the hungry pigs tore the crumbs to pieces. The tragedy did not break my grandfather, but it deprived him of the meaning of life. He again acted according to honor, repenting of everything to his daughter-in-law, and took upon himself his sin. And for the rest of his life - and Savely lived, despite hardships and difficulties, for 107 years - he prayed for him within the walls of the monastery.

The author, in the image of this hero with a shaggy beard, shows the true religiosity of the Russian peasant, his readiness to turn to God, not only to endure bullying, but also not to lose his fortitude. The fact that many people, like Savely, put up with the harsh treatment of the master for many years, according to Nekrasov, lies the true strength of the people. However, if the people's patience comes to an end, then the force of rebellion, “ruthless and merciless,” will break out, sweeping away everything in its path.

Meaning of the image

The poem itself is structured in an unusual way - a wanderer travels through villages and villages , trying to find a happy person. The form allowed Nekrasov to fit in a small text a huge number of heroes, human destinies that the lyrical hero - the narrator - encounters on his journey. And the image of Savely should be recognized as iconic, very important. It was as if he had come onto the pages of a classic work from Russian epics.

Saveliy is not only physically strong, but also spiritually rich, and has not lost his best human qualities, despite the fact that he lived a difficult life filled with hardships. His role is multifaceted:

All the best qualities of representatives of the Russian people were embodied in the image of Savely. Nekrasov admires his grandfather and encourages his readers to do the same. This is a genuine peasant philosopher who not only humbles himself and endures, but also reflects on the fate of the people, thinks about whether men should tolerate the master’s waywardness and endure his whims. The fire of hatred burns in his soul for such enslavers who consider people slaves.

“Who lives well in Rus'”: characteristics of the “hero of Svyatogorsk” (conclusions)

To summarize, it can be noted that the hero’s appearance embodies the best qualities of a Russian person. The story itself is reminiscent of a folk tale or epic. Strong, proud, independent, he rises above the other heroes of the poem and, in fact, becomes the first rebel to defend the interests of the people. However, the comparison of the hero with Svyatogor is not accidental. It was this hero who was considered in Rus' to be both the strongest and the most inactive. In his reflections on the future fate of the people, Savely comes to a less than satisfying conclusion: “God knows.” Consequently, this image from the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” is very contradictory and does not answer the question of the wanderers. And therefore the story about the search for happiness does not end until the men meet the young and active Grisha.

SAVELIY, THE BOGATYR OF SVYATORUSSK The project was prepared by: Barinova Ekaterina Malyuzhenko Ekaterina Galkina Valeria Grigoryan Karine Sabirova Alina

1. How old is the hero? What is its appearance? “I couldn’t: he was already a hundred years old, according to fairy tales.” “With a huge gray mane, uncut for twenty years, with a huge beard, Grandfather looked like a bear, especially as he came out of the forest, bent over. Grandfather’s back is arched” “He came in: well, will he straighten up? The bear will punch a hole in the light with his head!” Artist V. Serov

2. What is the hero's story? What troubles and hardships befell him? “In ancient times” “Oh, the share of the Holy Russian Homespun Bogatyr! He's been bullied all his life. Time will think about death - the torments of hell await in the other world." “We were only worried about the Bears. . . Yes, we dealt with bears easily.”

3. How does the hero talk about life, what does he accept and what does he deny in the peasant way of life? “According to the time of Shalashnikov “Dead. . . lost. . . “I came up with a new thing, An order comes to us: “Show up!...” “To be intolerant is an abyss! To endure is an abyss. . . "" Give it up! give it!. . ""The heir invented a remedy: He sent a German to us" "I was a convict" "Weak people surrendered, But the strong stood well for the patrimony"

4. What moral qualities does the author endow the hero with? How do you feel about him? The author endows Savely with such moral qualities as kindness, love for his homeland and people. Savely is also characterized by intelligence, patience, perseverance, and self-esteem. Savely is a freedom-loving, proud person. He is the embodiment of strength and courage. “Branded, but not a slave” Nekrasov creates an image that combines contradictory features: heroic patience “for the time being,” social activity, the ability to rebel.

5. What is the hero’s idea of ​​happiness, of the paths that lead to it? One of the conditions for people's happiness in Savely's understanding is freedom. “People of the servile rank are sometimes mere dogs: The heavier the punishment, the dearer the gentlemen are to them. “Savely sees him in protest against social injustice, in thinking about the fate of the peasant, in love for his native working people. “Where did your strength go? What were you useful for? She left under rods and sticks for little things!”

Saveliy did not understand the current people, who immediately gave up and did not even try to fight. “here were proud people, and now give me a slap on the wrist - the police officer, the landowner, They are dragging the last penny. “Nekrasov himself is deeply convinced that happiness is possible only in a society of free people. “Limits have not yet been set for the Russian people. There is a wide path before them. “Savely dies with words about the hopelessness of the peasant’s fate. And yet this image leaves the impression of strength, indomitable will, longing for freedom. Savely’s wise prophecy remains in my memory: “To not endure is an abyss, To endure is an abyss.”

6. Why didn’t the wanderers recognize the hero as happy? “Oh, the share of the Holy Russian Homespun Bogatyr! He's been bullied all his life. Time will think about death - the torments of hell await in a dim life.”

7. Can you notice the meaning in the hero’s speaking surname? Savely is a real Russian hero who does not recognize any pressure over himself. Artist A. Lebedev

8. What is the semantic role of folklore elements in the chapter about the hero? Nekrasov considered his work “an epic of modern peasant life.” In it, Nekrasov asked the question: did the abolition of serfdom bring happiness to the peasantry? Nekrasov strives to give a vivid and emotionally effective image of peasant life, to evoke sympathy for the peasantry, to awaken the desire to fight for peasant happiness. That is why the author uses a large number of folklore elements, such as folk songs, vernacular, fairy-tale images, riddles, omens, sayings, proverbs, epics. This is a poem about the “people” and for the “people”, a poem in which the author acts as a defender of the “people’s” (peasant) interests.

In Saveliy’s words about the peasant’s heroism, one can undoubtedly hear the echo of the epic about Svyatogor and earthly cravings: “Do you think, Matryonushka, the Man is not a hero? And his life is not a military one, And death is not written for him in battle - but a hero!” “In the meantime, he raised a terrible craving, but he sank into the ground up to his chest With the effort! There are no tears running down his face - blood is flowing!”

Personal qualities

In the description of Savely, Nekrasov emphasizes strength, masculinity, and a heroic physique. The hero appears in the text already as a very old man, but even at this age he involuntarily evokes respect. No one would think of calling him decrepit, weak, helpless. A gray mane of hair and a huge beard, an arched back under the weight of the years could not deprive the character of folklore expressiveness.

The poet did not describe what he looked like in his youth, so the reader can only guess that, most likely, he resembled the epic heroes, powerful and brave. What kind of craft this hero was engaged in is also not indicated, but this is not important, since the image is largely collective. Nekrasov had to endow Savely with common features inherent in the best representatives of the peasant class.

When analyzing the character, it should be pointed out that Savely is not a warrior, this is his main difference from the heroes of epic folklore. He is a simple, sincerely religious man, a conscientious worker who loves his people and is ready to defend them. Thus, Savely is a hero, but not on the battlefield, but in the souls and hearts of the peasants.

Features of the image:

Nekrasov admires this man, unbroken and proud, a true embodiment of heroic qualities, who brings a heroic flavor to the text of the poem.

The fate of an old man

The story about Saveliy's life is presented by the author quite briefly: he lived for more than a hundred years, and the reader learns only the tragic moments of his life. The quotation characterization of the hero is indicative: this is a true embodiment of the best qualities of the Russian people, therefore the hero compares himself with a pit, a well, a structure that has been cut down for centuries, inside of which there is real wealth - clean, icy water.

Despite the fact that his heart hardened first in hard labor, and then after communicating with his relatives, who needed him only as long as he had money, Savely retained his true morality, kindness, desire for love, and dreams of freedom.

Nekrasov sincerely respects this hero, who was able not only not to perish in the harsh conditions of hard labor, but also to retain his best qualities. He wanted to be useful to his family, so he saved up money, worked hard, despite his age, and joked, although his soul had hardened. The poet can only hope that one day his dream will come true and the peasants will receive freedom in the full sense of the word, they will be able to work for themselves, and not for the master. He does not directly talk about this in the text, but in every line of the poem this thought sounds clearly.


Essay Savely in the poem Who Lives Well in Rus'

Nekrasov set himself a huge task - to show exactly how the abolition of serfdom affected the lives of ordinary people. To do this, he creates seven peasants who walk all over Rus' and ask people if they are living well. Grandfather Savely becomes one of the respondents.

Outwardly, Savely looks like a huge bear, he has a large gray “mane”, broad shoulders and great height, he is a Russian hero. From Savely’s story, the reader understands that he is not only a hero outwardly, he is also a hero internally, in character. He is a very persistent, resilient and filled with life wisdom person. A man who experienced many sorrows and many joys.

In his youth, Savely lived far in the forest, where the hand of evil landowners had not yet reached. But one day a German manager was appointed to the settlement. Initially, the manager did not even demand money from the peasants, the tribute required by law, but forced them to cut down the forest for it. The narrow-minded peasants did not immediately understand what was happening, but when they cut down all the trees, a road was built into their wilderness. It was then that the German manager came with his entire family to live in the wilderness. Only now the peasants could not boast of a simple life: the Germans were fleecing them. A Russian hero is capable of enduring a lot for a long time, Savely argues during this period of his life, but something needs to be changed. And he decides to rebel against the manager, whom all the peasants are burying in the ground. Here the enormous will of our hero is manifested, which is even stronger than his boundless Russian patience.

For such insolence he is sent to hard labor for 20 years, and after that for another 20 years he works in the settlements, saving money. Not every person is able to work for 40 years for one goal - to return home and help his family with money. It is worthy of respect.

Upon returning home, the worker is greeted very cordially, he builds a hut for his family and everyone loves him. But as soon as the money runs out, they start laughing at him, which greatly offends Savely; he does not understand what he did to deserve such treatment.

The end of the grandfather’s life ends in the monastery, where he atones for the sins he committed: it was his fault that his grandson died. Savely is the image of a true Russian hero, capable of enduring a lot, but ready to rush into the fight for the freedom of his neighbors. The author calls him “lucky” with irony, and this is true: he is unhappy for the rest of his life.

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