Essay Can kindness bring disappointment to a person?

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  • Can kindness bring disappointment to a person?

Certainly! Like everything... You can be disappointed in everything. And then just console yourself with the fact that at least you were kind and wanted to do good. If you are bad (greedy, harmful), then you will soon be disappointed, but if you are good, then anything can happen. It is important not to revise events by fantasizing, but if I did that... Only if for the sake of conclusions in the future, and not for regrets.

For example, you do good deeds for people, but these people do not thank you. Or after that they do nasty things to you, they don’t remember the good things... In general, it’s difficult to count on people’s gratitude. As they say, if you do good and think about the reward, even in the form of gratitude, then this is no longer good, but calculation. So, if you decide to do good, then it’s better to just be happy about it, and not expect anything in return. And don’t say after – “here I am for you, and here you are.” If you asked, then you can at least remember it, but if you did it of your own free will, then you definitely can’t.

Sacrifice is already very close here. I deny myself everything, that’s how good I am, everything is for your sake. Don’t you deny yourself everything? Everyone has their own interests... We need to negotiate, not sacrifice. The more sacrifices a person makes, the more, as I understand it, his anticipation and resentment grows. And then – complaints to others...

Or a person wants to do good, but it only turns out worse. But it also happens the other way around! He wants to do something nasty to another person, but it turns out better for him. They say that only our intentions matter. We cannot control the whole world so that everything turns out as planned. And so the main thing is what you wanted: good or evil. That is, indeed, you can be disappointed, because you wanted to do well, but it turned out badly. And someone else might even be offended by you! Example... You gave me a bicycle, so it’s your fault that I fell off it! Great, right? Or another example. It was you who came up with the idea to go to this holiday, so it’s your fault that I had a fight with the birthday boy! Fine?

Or someone may take advantage of a person's kindness and deceive him. Borrow money, register in an apartment... A lot of things can happen! If a person is so kind and reliable! Some, on the contrary, will say that this is stupidity, and fools must be punished. You want to do good to a person, but because of this he considers you stupid! And he still wants to teach me a lesson. And he can also specifically press for pity, invent stories and choose words so that he gets more help.

In general, you need to try not to be disappointed, not to lose your mind and not to forget about yourself.

Final essay on literature on the topic: “Can kindness bring disappointment?”


Kindness is a moral quality inherent in every person. Undoubtedly, each of us at least once in our lives helped our comrades, received only reproaches in our direction and not a word of gratitude, which then forced a person to rethink the whole situation and look at it from the outside. Are understanding and sympathy so important in our lives? If every person is cruel, there will be no place for love, empathy and humanity in our lives. After all, kindness is the main component of human morality. Yes, we cannot always understand why people began to forget this quality. However, we should not forget about the reasons for this behavior. So can kindness bring disappointment? Yes maybe. For evidence I will turn to works of fiction


For example, Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”. The main character is a person without initiative and lazy, but sincere and kind. For these qualities, Oblomov is loved and appreciated by his friend Stolz. Every meeting with Ilya Ilyich is like an outlet for him. Oblomov also attracts Olga with his kindness. He is ugly and ineloquent, but open and simple-minded, which is what wins the beauty’s heart. Ilya Ilyich is trusting, never seeks benefit from anything, and meekly accepts the blows of fate. Even after learning that Olga married Stolz, she is sincerely happy for her friend and former lover. This example proves that kindness can not always bring disappointment, but on the contrary, bring joy for another person.

It also happens that heroes want to do what is best, but it turns out as always, and their kindness harms those whom they wanted to help. In the novel “Crime and Punishment” by F. M. Dostoevsky, Marmeladov married a widow with children in order to help an unfortunate family left without a breadwinner. The man worked as an official, received a stable salary and could feed his new household. This is, without a doubt, a kind deed by a noble man. However, the hero’s life soon went downhill: he started drinking, lost his job, and after this came poverty. As a result, both he and his own daughter, and his wife and young children suffered from hunger and disease. Sonya was forced to sell her body in order to feed her large family, Katerina Ivanovna fell ill with consumption, and it was scary to look at her children, they were so exhausted and unhappy. Marmeladov's kindness turned into a terrible misfortune for all his close people. He simply could not bear the load that he had placed on his shoulders and broke down. So this example proved that kindness can lead to disappointment


Thus, kindness sometimes causes harm to people. Sometimes society unleashes its anger on someone who cannot respond in kind, and the owner of this quality becomes unhappy. And sometimes those whom they wanted to help receive terrible consequences from someone’s thoughtless generosity.

Cultivating Virtue

Virtue grows in a person gradually and, ultimately, must become stable and mature. Quite often, a person who wants to cultivate virtue in himself strives to perform a lot of actions in a very inappropriate place or time, and also with inappropriate people.

On the one hand, the cultivation of virtue lies through a person’s intention to do good, which comes from certain qualities. Thus, generosity leads to charity, which pleases the heart of a person, diligence - to work, which gives worthy fruits, moderation - to abstinence, which purifies a person and strengthens his health and consciousness.

However, just as sudden growth is unfavorable for plants, since it can result in their inability to maintain vital functions, which happens with plants that grow in ideal conditions, so human virtue should be cultivated gradually, steadily and with constancy , which is supported by an understanding of the importance of this activities.

A plant growing in ideal conditions grows quickly and becomes strong, but if you stop feeding it or feed it too much, the plant can become sick or die. On the other hand, observing plants that grow in their natural environment, it becomes clear that, despite their not outstanding size, their viability is much superior to indoor plants. Such plants grow always and everywhere, their seeds germinate frequently, and they survive everything using the resources they have. This example is very important for understanding how virtue can be cultivated under ideal and actual conditions.

Virtue, cultivated in ideal conditions, in those conditions where a person rarely encountered evil, oppression and unfair treatment, is distinguished by its brightness of manifestation, unlimitedness and sentimentality . This is the same joyful child who strives to bring good to everyone. However, it is precisely this kind of untested virtue that most often turns into total disappointment for a person, not only in people and life, but also in the idea of ​​​​doing good to someone.

On the other hand, real virtue , which was cultivated in conditions far from ideal, having withstood many trials , becomes for a person an inalienable feature of his character and personality. Such a virtue does not manifest itself too clearly and, often, is of a rational-pragmatic nature rather than emotional-sentimental. This is expressed in the refusal to help those who do not need help or those who are incredibly difficult to help. This also leads to the fact that a person does not strive to reveal his actions and thoughts to everyone and does not strive to bring good to everyone. It is an enduring virtue that is firmly imprinted on a person's personality.

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Only that virtue that has been tested by trials and time, which has been subjected to a hard lot, can be considered real virtue, because over a long period of time a person who has such a part of the personality will do good more often and reliably than a person who has not had trials. Because it is unknown whether a person who has to go through a difficult stage of life for his virtue, which happens to everyone, will remain kind, and after going through it, it is unlikely that he will remain as directly open. This happens rarely and with the full support of other people, which, again, is not very common if we are talking about such tests, as a result of which all areas of a person’s life are subjected to serious pressure and deformation in order to test the strength of the person himself.

So, to begin with, a person may be disappointed in virtue if it is not mature in him, that is, it has not passed the test, the test.

Disappointment for virtue is a scenario in which a person gives up the idea of ​​​​bringing good and benefit to people due to the incompatibility of the expectations that the person counted on when doing good deeds and reality.

Second argument

In M. Gorky's story “The Old Woman Izergil”, one of the plot lines that reveals the essence of the entire work is the legend of Danko. This is a man who sacrificed everything he has for the good of his tribe. The people of Danko were in total darkness, which did not allow them to live normally. The hero took responsibility for saving the entire tribe. Danko led the people so that the whole people would regain the light. But the people around him began to grumble at him and accuse him of doing only worse for the tribe. Then Danko, sincerely wanting to do good for his people, tore out his own heart and illuminated their future path. Thus, M. Gorky shows that Danko did a good deed for other people, but caused harm to himself: Danko could not exist without a heart, so he died.

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