How speech characterizes a person. Essay on the Unified State Exam in Russian

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Every person, every nation has its own native language. The language he must know, the language his ancestors speak, the language his descendants will speak. Every person should preserve and respect it. Even when moving to another country, you must not forget where you come from and what language you speak, because this is your heritage.

My native Russian language. This great language has a huge history and power, it is diverse and interesting. Consider the variety of words, rules, such as spelling, spelling, punctuation, prefixes, prepositions, participial and adverbial phrases, paragraphs and much, much more! An interest in the great Russian word was instilled in me since childhood. This is quite possibly why it is my favorite subject at school.

I'm very interested in learning new rules, it's so entertaining! I must know my native language, I am its native speaker, and he is my “second father.” My teacher Valentina Evgenievna is an excellent expert on the great Russian word. She helps me study it at the highest level, she conveys the beauty of every syllable, every letter.

The great Russian language preserves many feats accomplished by heroes of the past, present and will preserve in the future. People like Peter I, Ivan the Terrible, Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin), people who changed the course of history, truly People with a capital letter!

In my opinion, Russian literature is the best. No language is capable of conveying the spirit, mood, majesty of the people except Russian. How many great poets have composed many poems, who have written many poems, what is the great work of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol - “Dead Souls” worth?

Every people, its fate is directly connected with its language. Only native speakers can truly preserve and appreciate their native language, because they understand that their language is the best. Every nation has its own language. Every people should love and respect him, this is his direct responsibility. The most important and important gift that a person is endowed with is his native language.

Recently, many people have begun to forget what “native language” means. People began to listen to “foreign” music and make their choice in favor of foreign music. I think this is wrong, people should be proud of their language, and not “abandon” it. By these actions, the people show the greatest possible disrespect for the most valuable thing - their native language.

I am proud that I am a native speaker of my native, powerful Russian language.

Option 2

Language is the means of communication with which we can show our speech, convey our thoughts, and it is different for all nations. Somewhere they speak Indian, and somewhere they speak Russian. And just like that, Russian is my native language.

I really like the Russian language. It is not as difficult as English, for example, because it is easier to understand. It is very rich and beautiful, it has thousands of beautiful words that can be expressed at any time. Thanks to the Russian language, thousands of books have been created, hundreds of films have been made that are watched all over the world. The Russian language is universal. It is used not only in Russia and neighboring countries, but also in other parts of the world. It is not uncommon to see a person speaking Russian in America, which is why Russian is a very common language.

If we touch on the beginning of the Russian language, then no one knows exactly when it appeared, but for 2000 years it has been constantly replenished and updated by people called linguists. Such famous linguists and others as V.I. Dal, M.V. Lomonosov, S.I. Ozhegov and others made a huge contribution to the Russian language. For months they worked on how to make the Russian language better, more convenient, and, by all accounts, they succeeded. Perhaps without them there would not be the Russian language that we see now, all those delights that we did not have 100 years ago.

The Russian language could not help but affect political affairs. Every day, thousands of people whose profession is a translator work day after day to translate Russian speech into another language, or vice versa. Despite the popularity of other languages ​​in countries, the country's authorities are trying to crowd out other languages, leaving only their native language. Now this is not the case, but once upon a time these actions took place. It’s good when everyone in your city speaks the same language, you understand everyone, but when a foreigner appears in the city, it’s even more interesting, isn’t it?

Russian is a very reliable language. It can even be called one of the best languages ​​in the world. If you think about it, it is impossible to imagine any state without their traditions, their traditional dishes, their native language, and Russia is no exception here. Without a native language there would be no people. The mother tongue is the most important means of communication in the country. It, being accessible, can be constantly improved, reaching a new level. The Russian language has not moved far from such improvements. I can safely say that I am proud of my native language - Russian!

Reasoning 2

What is speech culture? First you need to break down this phrase and understand what each word means, and then parse the phrase itself. So always, in order to make out a small phrase, you need to understand and make out individual words.

And so I’ll start in order. From the word “culture”. What is culture? Firstly, it is worth noting that this word has many meanings and concepts. And as such it does not have a term. Culture, root cult. Cult is veneration, worship. Culture is education and development. This means that culture is what is considered to be norms. For example, a norm of behavior. Or, for example, moral standards. It is also possible that this term shows what can and cannot be done. What is decent and what is inappropriate. A cultured person is a person who follows all these rules. He behaves appropriately and is also appropriately cultured.

In ancient times there was a so-called culture of the soul. Culture is associated with the values ​​that an individual values. From time immemorial, culture has been the values ​​of peoples and ancestors. Culture can distinguish both an individual and a people as a whole. Each culture has its own values. All cultures have their own traditions and values ​​that have been passed down from time immemorial. Religion, if not the same, is culture. We can conclude that the word “culture” has many meanings; it is extraordinary and multi-meaning for us. For each person, this word will probably mean something completely different.

Now let's look and figure out what speech is? Firstly, speech is our conversation. This is our communication. With the help of speech, we communicate, prove our point of view, express our dissatisfaction, convey emotions and, in general, the mood of what is happening. Speech can be different: aggressive, calm, cultured, uncultured. All people are different. And everyone speaks differently. Some people can’t even put together two words, while others can talk incessantly on various topics and can support any conversation competently. Such people have a rich vocabulary. To have a large vocabulary, you need, of course, to read books and develop every day.

So, let’s summarize, what is “speech culture”? The culture of speech is our conversation itself. Our words and our manner of speaking. Everyone talks differently, doesn't it? Since everyone has different manners of behavior, a different voice, a different vocabulary. So, if a person speaks competently, then you can immediately understand whether he is cultured or not. He has the culture of speech or he doesn’t.

Essay on the topic Russian language is my native language

We hear our native language from the moment of our birth, from the first days of life until death. Our parents and grandparents speak it, and our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren will also communicate on it. That is why it is very important to preserve it in a worthy form, because the Native language is a heritage that is stored and passed on from generation to generation, it collects the entire history of the people, absorbs their mood, thoughts and events.

My native language is Russian, diverse, beautiful and, as everyone knows, the most complex of the languages ​​of the whole world. It’s scary to imagine how representatives of other nations master it, because there are so many different words, expressions, phraseological units and rules in it. And not every Russian can boast that he knows his native language “perfectly”. Russian vocabulary is incredibly rich. And the ambiguity of some words simply delights, well, where else can you find this? In Russian, you can express any of your thoughts in the brightest colors and with fantastic accuracy; you can describe everything in as much detail and accurately as possible.

The Russian language is very ancient, it was passed down through the centuries, from person to person, and the first manuscripts that have survived to this day are the chronicles of unknown authors, talented people, whose names linguists are still trying to find out. The oldest such book is called “The Tale of Bygone Years”; it describes the history of Ancient Rus' in the 14th-16th centuries and is also an important monument of historiography. Later, other manuscripts were also discovered, such as the Laurentian Chronicle and the Hypatian Chronicle, the authors of which were already known.

Many educated people worked on the Russian language, who constantly studied it, communicated with people from different parts of the Russian land, collected pieces of the language, bit by bit, and wrote them down in huge books - dictionaries. The greatest contribution to this matter was made by Vladimir Ivanovich Dal, an ethnographer and lexicographer, a collector of folklore. The book he created is called “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language,” and it took 53 years to write it!

I believe that every citizen who respects himself and his homeland should value and protect his native language, which accompanies him from the very first days, in which a person speaks with his parents and friends, in which he learned to read his first lines in books.

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Essay 10th grade - Basic criteria for correct speech

Free topic “Grade 10” - essay “Basic criteria for correct speech” The importance of speech culture in the life of society cannot be overestimated. In our time, we cannot remain indifferent to the threat of the impoverishment of the Russian language, its loss of imagery, emotionality, and euphony. The following words of I. S. Turgenev came to my mind: “You alone are my support and support, oh great, mighty, truthful and free Russian language.” But we ourselves mercilessly spoil it, thoughtlessly distort it, mutilate it... How can we help our language? How to save it from clogging? Everyone should think about this. What does language mean to a person? Our native language is a world of words that reveals to us the life around us in all its diversity. Every person should love their language and respect it. The fate of our native word should not be indifferent to us. After all, language is a means of communication between people in society and in their work activities. Therefore, I believe that if a person speaks unculturedly and expresses himself poorly, then first of all he does not respect the person listening to him. In order to be able to speak beautifully, you need to know the basic principles of speech culture. The Russian language has enough colors to vividly depict any picture, its huge vocabulary allows you to convey the most complex thought. But the question is, do we know how to use it correctly? Even if a person is absolutely literate and freely expresses his thoughts in the correct literary language, he must self-critically admit that his speech could be brighter, richer, if he knew all the secrets of a truly good style. After all, speaking and writing correctly and speaking and writing well are not the same thing. Good speech has many requirements, in addition to correctness. This is the requirement of simplicity and clarity, logic and accuracy, information content and conciseness... You can’t list them all. Every person must realize that first of all he himself needs this. He must improve his style, fight for the purity of his language. Cultural speech in its oral and written form must meet the currently existing norms of orthoepy, in its written form the norms of spelling and punctuation. N.M. Karamzin, who did a lot for the development and enrichment of the Russian literary language, wrote: "At six years old you can learn all the main languages, but all your life you need to learn your natural language. For us Russians, it is even more difficult than for others." I chose this topic because that it is interesting to me. By revealing it, I can improve my language, and there will be one more cultured person in the world. Already in ancient manuals on eloquence, the first and main requirement for speech was the requirement of clarity. The content that ancient theorists put into this concept is in many ways similar to modern concepts of accuracy. Aristotle believed that if speech is not clear, it does not achieve its goal. “The virtue of a syllable is to be clear and not low.” Accuracy and clarity of speech are interrelated: accuracy of speech, as a rule, gives it clarity, clarity of speech follows from its accuracy. However, the speaker (writer) must take care of the accuracy of the statement, and the listener (reader) evaluates how clearly the thought is expressed. We put our thoughts into words. As V. T. Belinsky noted, “The word reflects the thought: the thought is incomprehensible and the word is incomprehensible.” And at the same time, “he who thinks clearly, expresses clearly.” For speech to be accurate, words must be used in full accordance with the meanings assigned to them in the language: the word must be adequate to the concept it expresses. When a thought is clearly expressed, the words fully correspond to their subject-logical meaning, and the wrong choice of word distorts the meaning of the statement. Masters of artistic expression persistently strive for accuracy in word usage. However, we are not always able to avoid lexical errors that deprive our speech of accuracy. Even experienced writers are not immune to this. So in the first editions of the novel by A.A. Fadeev (until 1949) had the phrase: “The sword fell backwards to the ground and buried his face in his palms.” In this sentence, the word supine is used inaccurately: you cannot “bury your face in your palms” if you fall backward, that is, on your back. In the 1949 edition, the Author made a correction: “The sword fell to the ground and buried his face in his hands.” Usually you can find many stylistic options for expressing thoughts, but for some reason many people prefer not the simplest and clearest... why does it jar us when we hear: A famous poet lives in this house with me; At the moment I am preparing for exams. Because the highlighted words are not suitable for a conversational style of speech, they give it a clerical touch, depriving it of natural simplicity. Stylistically, the use of book words is not justified in such, for example, remarks during oral communication: “Igor told me that his grandmother would come to pick him up at kindergarten; the clockwork monkey is out of order.” An addiction to bureaucracy and bookish vocabulary leads to verbosity, to a confused and complex transmission of the simplest thoughts. N.G. Chernyshevsky wrote: “What you do not clearly imagine, you cannot express clearly; inaccuracy and confusion of expressions only indicate confusion of thoughts.” This is often the sin of novice authors. The reason for the ambiguity of the statement may be the incorrect order of words in the sentence: “The seven operating platforms serve several hundred people.” Of course, such sentences can be corrected if they are used in speech. It is enough to change the order of words: “Several hundred people serve seven operating platforms,” but if you hear a phrase with the wrong word order, it is possible that its incorrect interpretation is based on this, A. P. Chekhov’s joke: “I wish you all kinds of troubles, sorrows and misfortunes to avoid." Unfortunately, carelessness in the placement of words in a sentence is not so uncommon: The bicycle crashed the tram; They fed him the meat of their dogs, etc., the meaning of which is eventually revealed, but with some effort, which does not meet the requirement of clarity of statement. Semantic ambiguity sometimes arises in non-prepositional combinations such as: a letter to the mother (written by her or addressed to her), a portrait of Repin, etc. (2. Appropriateness of speech. In speech, as in life, one must always keep in mind what is appropriate. Cicero. In the typology of the qualities of good speech, there is one thing that occupies a special place in its significance, this is appropriateness.

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In our modern life, almost keeping up with the rapid pace of technological progress, ethical, moral and cultural changes are taking place in society. Along with these changes, our speech also changes. However, no matter what changes our science or society undergoes, there are some aspects of our lives that should not be affected by changes and which should not disappear completely. I believe that these include our culture and language, or more precisely, the culture of speech. Since ancient times, a person’s ability to speak correctly has been considered one of the main factors in proper upbringing and good education. For example, in the first Ancient Greek schools, oratory was taught as a separate compulsory science. And we can say that in modern society culture is at the same high level as in Ancient Greece. Of course not. It is enough to listen to how they talk on the street or in public transport. Most people not only incorrectly place stress in words, but also pronounce sounds incorrectly, swallow phrases and even parts of words. In addition, parasite words also annoy us. Sometimes it is impossible to understand through them what a person wants to express, not to mention the fact that much more time is spent on a short sentence. Of course, such an interlocutor is not interesting and even difficult to listen to, so people try to avoid conversations with those who do not know how to speak correctly. Looking at this, we see a rather sad picture, which is worsened by profanity, which in some unfortunate speakers does not carry an emotional and semantic load, but is used by them too actively. Somehow I tried to pay attention not only to what my classmates, relatives and just people around me tell me, but also to how they do it. And it began to seem to me that everyone spoke their own language, almost incomprehensible to others. The main reason for this misunderstanding was the so-called slang. Through it, quite often people of the older generation do not understand young people. And, although I believe that there is nothing wrong with the fact that my peers use slang, but in order to use atypical words, we must learn to speak correctly in pure Ukrainian, the language that our parents, grandfathers and great-grandfathers spoke. Each of our compatriots should be able to express their thoughts in beautiful literary language. The use of synonyms and other means makes our language brighter, but neutral words make our speech uninteresting to others. A person who speaks well, expresses himself concisely and clearly, is simply pleasant to listen to. And when a person has a low speech culture, then even if she says the right things, it is difficult to agree with her, and even then only if you have the patience to listen to her. No wonder there is a saying: “He who thinks clearly speaks clearly.” And this is, of course, completely correct. In my opinion, cleanliness of speech is as necessary as, for example, personal hygiene or cleanliness of the house. After all, no one would agree to live in a dirty apartment, and why would they, if you can put things in order and tidy it up? You can also bring order to your own thoughts and your own language. Then communication will not only be much more effective, but also much more pleasant for each of us. I think that then we will all together have the opportunity to revive the ancient greatness of the Ukrainian language, rid it of harmful words and make it crystal clear.

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