The image and characterization of Sonya Marmeladova in the novel Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky essay

  • Essays
  • On literature
  • Dostoevsky
  • The image of Sonya Marmeladova

Sonya Marmeladova is a girl who evokes in readers not only sympathy and pity, but also respect. Still very young, she tries to feed her family: her father is a drunkard, her stepmother is endlessly ill and her children. No one can blame her for the way she has to earn money. Like all girls, accustomed to work from an early age, she tried to earn an honest living by sewing, but they paid such pennies for it that there would only be enough money for water alone, and even then without bread. So the poor girl had to commit sin. At the same time, Sonya does not blame anyone for her fate; she silently endures all insults. The girl even gives all her money to her family.

Sonya is blond, blue-eyed, and despite her eighteen years, she looks younger. This is not to say that she is beautiful, but she captivates with her naivety and kindness. Dressing in the evening in a rather bright and tasteless outfit, she evokes not contempt, but pity.

Now, doing a not-so-good job, she even tries to visit her family as little as possible. Sonya rents a room so as not to disgrace her relatives with her craft. The girl’s character did not deteriorate; she was kind and selfless and remained so. How did someone so seemingly innocent and deeply Orthodox take the path of a lost woman? This is the whole essence of our existence. There are people who are willing to earn a piece of bread in almost any way. She understands that she is doing wrong, but she cannot change anything. She says more than once that everyone will be responsible for their deeds before God, and so will she.

Having met Raskolnikov, Sonya understands that he committed a crime by killing a man, she killed the man in herself. It is rare to meet a person who experiences the mistakes of others as if they were his own. She understands that any bad deed is punished. So it happened to her that God punished her for her work with the fact that she must now follow Raskolnikov of her own free will. Despite this, her pure soul continues to believe in goodness. She helps convicts free of charge, reads holy scripture to Raskolnikov, and little by little he begins to repent. It can not be in any other way. And they are already dreaming of a happy life together.

Sometimes in life there are people who, with their kindness, can make you repent and take the path of correction. The only pity is that they themselves have a very difficult time and not everyone can appreciate their desire.

Option 2

Sonechka Marmeladova is one of the most complex and contradictory images of Russian classical literature, the main character of F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment.”

We first learn about Sonya almost at the very beginning of the work from her father, the official Marmeladov: he tells Raskolnikov his whole and her difficult fate. Sonechka is Marmeladov’s daughter from his first marriage. When she was fourteen years old, Marmeladov married a second time to Katerina Ivanovna, a widow with three small children. Marmeladov drank, there was no money. And in such an environment, Sonechka Marmeladova lived until a certain age, until Katerina Ivanovna, in one of her attacks of anger, directly spoke to her about parasite eating. But Sonechka was not a very educated girl and did not receive a proper upbringing. And, unfortunately, she could only make money in one way.

Sonechka’s appearance is pleasant, even pretty: she is a fragile, thin blonde with a gentle, “sharp” and pretty face. The expression on her face is a little frightened - Sonechka knows her place: she lives on a “yellow ticket” and people shy away from her. She is shy about people, shy about herself and her life. And the first impression is that this is not a very smart and not very distant girl.

But Sonechka has a lot of positive traits and advantages. She is kind in every sense of the word: not evil and not greedy. She has little money, and she gives tea to the children of the tailor Kapernaumov, from whom she rents a room.

Sonechka is not vindictive. How much she suffered from Katerina Ivanovna - screaming and beating, but she doesn’t remember the evil because she doesn’t want to remember. She went to the panel, and her daddy did not interfere with this, because he was lying drunk. And she never remembers it because she doesn't want to.

She is capable of sacrifice - she sacrifices her young life with all the ensuing consequences for the good of her family and other people's children. And she has a very strong will - after all, to endure all this, you have to be a very strong person. And she manages to convince Raskolnikov to accept suffering and redeem himself with it, and he agrees.

Sonechka can not only listen, but also hear and understand, which is a very rare and valuable quality. And that’s why Raskolnikov trusts her with his terrible secret. She sees what really happens to a person, and not the bare facts: he killed, but what suffering is inside.

Sonechka has God inside, and she lives according to God's commandments: she truly loves her neighbors as herself, does not condemn anyone - neither her father, nor Katerina Ivanovna. When Luzhin accuses her of stealing money, even Katerina Ivanovna stands up for Sonechka, because she never takes someone else’s. Her soul comes first - you have to obey, otherwise you will be tortured. And in her soul there is faith: Sonechka believes that her cypress cross will help Raskolnikov.

Sonya needs very little - she will always feed herself alone. She gives almost all her earnings to her father, a drunkard, and his family, without asking where the money goes.

Sonechka turns out to be very reliable and you can rely on her: she does not abandon Raskolnikov, but follows him to Siberia. There he is always nearby, regularly writes about everything to his family, because Raskolnikov is indifferent to everything and does not maintain relationships with his family. And she, thin and fragile, speaking quietly and never ingratiating herself, is respected by the prisoners for her work and love for her neighbor.

The name Sonechka Marmeladova has long become a household name, an example of a person’s combination of enormous love, patience and sacrifice, which in our time, unfortunately, are becoming increasingly rare.

Quote characteristic

A description of the hero with quotes will allow you to reveal his image, demonstrate not only his appearance, but also character traits, behavioral characteristics, and attitude to life.


The artistic portrait of Sonya Marmeladova is based on her difficult, unhappy life.

“Many people live there besides us... Sodom, sir, the ugliest ... um... yes... And in the meantime, my daughter, from her first marriage, grew up, and what she, my daughter, only endured from her stepmother , growing up, I’m keeping silent about.” . For although Katerina Ivanovna is filled with generous feelings, the lady is hot and irritated, and will snap..." (Part 1, Chapter II)

“...maybe since adolescence, still in the family, next to the unfortunate father and the stepmother crazy with grief, among hungry children, ugly screams and reproaches...”. (Part 4, chapter IV)

Sonya had experience working as a seamstress, but she was paid very little and was often deceived.

“And even then, State Councilor Klopshtok, Ivan Ivanovich,” did you deign to hear? “Not only has he still not given the money for sewing half a dozen Dutch shirts, but he even drove her away with offense, stomping his feet and calling her indecently , under the pretense that the shirt collar was not sewn to measure and was crooked.” (Part 1, chapter II)

Sonya does not have any abilities and cannot earn an honest living.

“ much do you think a poor but honest girl can earn through honest work?.. Fifteen kopecks a day, sir, she won’t earn if she’s honest and doesn’t have any special talents , and even then she works tirelessly!” (Part 1, chapter II)

Sonya is forced to endure insults and reproaches from her stepmother, Katerina Ivanovna.

“And here the kids are hungry... And here Katerina Ivanovna, wringing her hands, walks around the room, and red spots appear on her cheeks - which always happens in this illness: “You live, they say, you, a parasite, with us, eat and you drink and use the heat,” and what are you drinking and eating when even the kids haven’t seen the crust for three days!” (Part 1, chapter II)

Under pressure from Katerina Ivanovna, Sonya becomes a street prostitute.

“Well, Katerina Ivanovna, should I really do such a thing?” ... “Well,” Katerina Ivanovna answers, laughing, “what should we take care of? Eco treasure! (Part 1, chapter II)

“ about six o’clock, Sonechka got up, put on a scarf, put on a burnusik and left the apartment, and at nine o’clock she came back. She came and went straight to Katerina Ivanovna, and silently laid out thirty rubles on the table in front of her . She didn’t utter a word, at least look, but only took our large green draded shawl (we have a common shawl like this, a draded shawl), covered her head and face with it completely and lay down on the bed, facing the wall, only her shoulders and her whole body shudder..." (Part 1, chapter II)

“...from then on, my daughter, Sofya Semyonovna, was forced to receive a yellow ticket , and could no longer stay with us on this occasion.” (Part 1, chapter II)

Sonya lives very poorly, since she gives almost all the money she earns to Katerina Ivanovna and her children.

“Sonya’s room looked like a barn, had the appearance of a very irregular quadrangle, and this gave it something ugly... Poverty was visible ; There weren’t even curtains near the bed.” (Part 4, chapter IV)

“And Sonechka now comes to us at dusk, and relieves Katerina Ivanovna, and delivers the means within her power ...” (Part 1, chapter II)


Sonya Marmeladova is 18 years old, but she looks much younger than her age.

“In her face, and in her entire figure, there was, moreover, one special characteristic feature: despite her eighteen years, she seemed almost still a girl, much younger than her years , almost a child, and this sometimes even manifested itself comically in some of her movements." (Part 3, chapter IV)

“...a girl, very young, almost like a girl ...” (Part 3, chapter IV)

Sonya's appearance is quite consistent with her poor, joyless life. Sonya's clothes are very old and shabby, but clean and tidy.

“ was a modestly and even poorly dressed girl ... with a modest and decent manner, with a clear, but seemingly somewhat intimidated face. She was wearing a very simple house dress, and on her head was an old hat of the same style.” (Part 3, chapter IV)

Sonya has a very gentle, attractive face, with pale skin and inexpressibly attractive blue eyes. In Sonya's entire appearance one can see kindness, innocence, and gullibility.

“It was a thin, very thin and pale face, rather irregular, somehow pointy, with a pointy little nose and chin. She couldn’t even be called pretty, but her blue eyes were so clear , and when they came to life, the expression on her face became so kind and simple-minded that you involuntarily attracted people to her.” (Part 3, chapter IV)

“He kept wanting to look into her quiet, clear eyes ...” (Part 3, chapter IV)

“...he peered... into these gentle blue eyes , capable of sparkling with such fire, such a stern energetic feeling...”. (Part 4, chapter IV)

“...fair-haired, always with a pale, thin face...” (Part 1, chapter II)

Sonya's portrait characteristics are such that she can easily be compared to a small, gentle bird.

“...Sonya again became agitated and even irritated, just as if a canary or some other small bird was angry.” (Part 4, chapter IV)

Sonya's figure resembles that of a child's: she is short and very fragile.

“How skinny you are! Look what a hand you have! Completely transparent...” (Part 4, chapter IV)

Sonya Marmeladova, due to her profession, is forced to dress extremely vulgarly.

“From the crowd, silently and timidly, a girl pushed her way, and her sudden appearance in this room, among poverty, rags, death and despair, was strange. She was also in rags; Her outfit was a penny one, but decorated in a street style , according to the tastes and rules that had developed in her own special world, with a brightly and shamefully prominent purpose.” (Part 2, chapter VII)

Character traits and actions

By nature, Sonya is a very modest, meek girl who lives with a feeling of constant humiliation and humility.

“... she is unrequited , and her voice is so meek...” (Part 1, chapter II)

“But, looking more closely, he suddenly saw that this humiliated creature was already so humiliated that he suddenly felt sorry. When she made a move to run away from fear, something seemed to turn over in him.” (Part 3, chapter IV)

Sonya is an insecure, fearful girl who has a hard time with new acquaintances.

“She was always timid in such cases and was very afraid of new faces and new acquaintances , she was afraid before, since childhood.” (Part 5, Chapter I)

Sonya feels rejected, unworthy of the attention of pure, honest, noble people. The attention of Dunya and Pulcheria Alexandrovna is painful for her.

“Sonya sat down, almost trembling with fear, and timidly looked at both ladies. It was clear that she herself did not understand how she could sit next to them. Realizing this, she was so frightened that she suddenly stood up again...” (Part 3, chapter IV)

“Sonya was embarrassed, bowed somehow hastily and frightened, some kind of even painful sensation was reflected in her face, as if Avdotya Romanovna’s politeness and attention were painful and painful for her...” (Part 3, chapter IV)

The only consolation and joy for Sonya is sincere faith in God.

“What would I be without God?” (Part 4, chapter IV)

Sonya considers herself a terrible sinner. She finds no justification for her moral decline, despite the fact that she decided to take this step in order to save children from starvation.

“But I’m... dishonest... I’m a great, great sinner.” (Part 4, chapter IV)

Life in sin torments Sonya's soul so much that she has thought about suicide more than once. What keeps her in this world is only a huge sense of responsibility towards the sick Katerina Ivanovna and her small children.

“It means that she really already had this thought herself. Perhaps many times she seriously thought in despair about how to end it all at once, and so seriously that now she was almost not surprised at his proposal...” (Part 4, chapter IV)

“...he fully understood the monstrous pain to which she had been tormented, and for a long time now, by the thought of her dishonorable and shameful position .” (Part 4, chapter IV)

“... only then did he fully understand what these poor little orphans and this pitiful, half-crazy Katerina Ivanovna, with her consumption and banging her head against the wall, meant to her...” (Raskolnikov, Part 4, Chapter IV)

Sonya amazingly combines spiritual purity and the sinful life of a street prostitute.

“...this shame obviously affected her only mechanically; real depravity had not yet penetrated a single drop into her heart : he saw it; she stood before him in reality...” (Part 4, chapter IV)

“ it really possible that this creature, who still retains the purity of spirit , will finally be consciously drawn into this vile, stinking pit?” (Part 4, chapter IV)

“Tell me finally,” he said, almost in a frenzy, “how is such shame and such baseness combined in you next to other opposite and holy feelings?” (Part 4, chapter IV)

Sonya, having learned about Raskolnikov’s crime, does not reproach him, but, on the contrary, regrets him. She understands that the worst thing he did was destroy his immortal soul with a grave sin.

“What are you doing, that you did this to yourself! - she said desperately and, jumping up from her knees, threw herself on his neck, hugged him and squeezed him tightly with her hands.

Raskolnikov recoiled and looked at her with a sad smile:

“You’re so strange, Sonya,” you hug and kiss when I told you about it. You don't remember yourself.

“No, there is no one more unhappy than you in the whole world now!” (Part 5, chapter IV)

Sonya is capable of strong feelings and real actions for the sake of her loved ones. She goes to Siberia after Rodion in order to ease his years of hard labor with her presence and support.

“So you won’t leave me, Sonya? - he said, looking at her almost hopefully.

- No no; never and nowhere! - Sonya screamed, “ I’ll follow you, I’ll follow you everywhere !” (Part 5, chapter IV)

“Sonya, with the help of the money left to her by Svidrigailov, had long since gathered and prepared to follow the party of prisoners in which he would also be sent. Not a word was ever mentioned about this between her and Raskolnikov; but both knew that it would be so.” (Epilogue, Chapter I)

“...she just didn’t mention that through her and Raskolnikov received the patronage of his superiors, that his work was made easier, and so on...” (Epilogue, Chapter I)

For the first time in her life, Sonya feels infinitely happy when she realizes that her feelings for Rodion are mutual. She sees her meaning in life in love, in serving her loved one.

“He looked at Sonya and felt how much of her love was on him , and strangely, it suddenly became hard and painful for him that he was loved so much.” (Raskolnikov, Part 5, Chapter IV)

“...and she - after all, she lived only his life!” (about Raskolnikov, Epilogue, chapter II)

“...But immediately, at that very moment, she understood everything. Infinite happiness shone in her eyes; she understood, and there was no longer any doubt for her that he loved, loved her endlessly, and that this moment had finally come...” (Epilogue, Chapter II)

“...she was so happy that she was almost afraid of her happiness. Seven years, only seven years! At the beginning of their happiness, at other moments, they were both ready to look at these seven years as if they were seven days.” (Epilogue, Chapter II)


Sonya's family is so poor that the girl was not able to receive a full education, and it was limited to reading only a few books.

“Sonya, as you can imagine, did not receive any education. About four years ago I tried to take geography and world history with her; but since I myself was not strong in this knowledge, and there were no suitable guides for this, because what books were available... hm!.. well, they are no longer there, these books, then that was the end of all the training. We stopped at Cyrus the Persian.” (Part 1, chapter II)

Sonya, possessing a lively mind, strived for knowledge, but her abilities were never realized.

“Then, having already reached adulthood, she read several books of romance content, and recently, through Mr. Lebezyatnikov, one book - “Physiology” by Lewis, if you please, sir? “She read it with great interest and even told us out loud fragmentarily: that’s all her enlightenment.” (Part 1, chapter II)

Essay 3

There are heroes of classic works by authors of the last century who will never lose their relevance under any circumstances. They have already gained immortality and firmly taken their place in the souls of those who were not lazy and became familiar with them.

The bright, innocent, but at the same time vicious image of Sonya Semenovna Marmeladova, the daughter of the impoverished drunkard Semyon Marmeladov, occupies not the last place in Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment”.

An orphan forced into prostitution to support her father, stepmother Katerina Ivanovna and stepbrothers and sisters. Without placing the blame on anyone for her unhappy fate, she meekly bears her heavy cross, not demanding gratitude in return. Sonya resigns herself to her fate. Being a deeply decent girl, she is very ashamed of what she has to do. It’s hard for her to be in her father’s house, so she only occasionally visits there and gives what she earns to her stepmother so that she can buy food for her children. She considers herself unworthy of the “high” society in which she sometimes finds herself.

Sonya Marmeladova is a kind and selfless, trusting and devoutly believing girl. Her whole appearance suggests that in choosing her actions she is guided only by the dictates of her heart and true faith in God.

The meeting between Sonya and Rodion Raskolnikov seems to have been destined by someone from above. Both are dishonest before the law, he killed a man, she killed her body and soul. But they find some kind of consolation in each other, although the girl does not understand and does not accept the thoughts of the young man. How can one transgress the “Law of God” and elevate oneself to an “extraordinary person” who administers “justice”? The sacrifice of young Marmeladova knows no bounds. She could not do otherwise than take Raskolnikov’s cross upon herself, wander with him through cities and villages, and in return be content with a cool attitude towards herself. But this is Sonya, so thin, small, fragile with beautiful blue eyes, faithful, incapable of dashing thoughts and actions. A little prostitute who enjoys the love and respect of the people around her for all the benefits she gives them. And thanks to her efforts, faith, love and repentance for what he did awaken in the soul of the criminal Raskolnikov. He took a different look at life, at its essence.

Sonya Marmeladova is an image whose outer shell hides inner beauty, humility, forgiveness, selfless love for people and true faith in God. In this heroine, Dostoevsky embodied his views and ideals.

Essay The Image of Sonya Marmeladova (Crime and Punishment)

The image of Sonya Marmeladova has become truly immortal. He occupies a special place in classical literature, being an example of kindness, compassion and self-sacrifice. Looking at it, the reader gains a precious understanding of such wonderful phenomena as devoted love and true faith in God.

Getting to know the heroine does not happen right away. The heroine appears already when Raskolnikov has already committed his fatal act and destroyed his own soul. It seems that inevitable death awaits Rodion, and nothing can be done about it. But one day fate gives him a wonderful acquaintance with an extraordinary girl who completely changes his life.

We hear the first mention of Sonya from the lips of her father, when he talks about his difficult fate, poverty and deep need. Speaking about the family, Marmeladov with warmth and gratitude mentions the name of Sonechka, his only daughter. His wife Katerina Ivanovna was an unhappy, sick woman who gave her last strength to earn at least some money, while the father of the family drank away his earnings. Difficult life circumstances had a negative impact on the character of Katerina Ivanovna, who began to get irritated over little things, make scandals, accusing her stepdaughter of financial need. And then Sonya, in order to somehow help the family, decided to sacrifice herself and began to engage in prostitution.

The story he heard made a strong impression on Raskolnikov, leaving a bright mark on his unfortunate soul.

The author is in no hurry to reveal the heroine’s appearance. The first description of Sonya's appearance occurs when the girl returns home on the day of her father's death. Modest and sensitive by nature, she did not dare to enter the room, considering herself unworthy and defamed.

First of all, the author points out Sonya’s clothing style - the outfit is cheap and ridiculous, but bright and provocative, which is typical for this type of activity. Her face was pale and thin, her eyes meek, everything about her spoke of mental pain and testified to a strong feeling of humiliation. She looked to be about 17 years old, a short, thin and rather pretty girl with beautiful blue eyes.

The image of Sonya Marmeladova is full of contradictions: on the one hand, she is fragile and weak, but on the other, she considers herself a terrible sinner, whose presence next to other people offends them. She is so easily offended, she is defenseless against the cruelty of other people. At the same time, physical weakness and uncertainty coexist with great inner strength, which is based on love - for the father, for the children, for Raskolnikov - devoted and selfless love. This girl's kindness and compassion know no bounds. No one knows how to forgive like she does. She forgave her stepmother and did not dare to condemn her father for his weakness and endless craving for drink. She sympathizes with Raskolnikov and sincerely pities him. Only a truly strong person, an integral personality, is capable of this.

But where did this amazing strength come from in such a fragile girl? Sonya is saved, led to the light and helped to lead others to it by her selfless faith in God. It is not surprising that it is to her that Raskolnikov goes with repentance and a request for help. Sonechka's faith pushes the protagonist to confess his terrible act, to repentance and to his own faith in God, which ultimately brings Raskolnikov back to life.

Option 5

Sonya Marmeladova is the central character of the novel “Crime and Punishment” by the great Russian writer F. M. Dostoevsky. The author put into the heroine the image of a girl who knows how to compassion, forgive and love. He created the complete opposite of the main character of the work, Raskolnikov, in the person of Sonya Marmeladova.

Sonya is a young, meek, timid and pretty girl. She despises and condemns what she does in every way because of her piety and morality. The girl is forced to work in prostitution to feed her family. After all, her father, who once held a respectable position as an official, went bankrupt and began to drink heavily. And the stepmother, suffering from consumption, needed financial support to support the lives of her young children. Sonechka began to engage in this humiliating and nasty work in the name of a better life for her relatives, sacrificing her honor and principles. She does not condemn her father, does not blame him for the family’s sorrows. On the contrary, she resigns herself to her fate for the sake of peace and happiness of her loved ones.

The heroine is a kind, sympathetic and compassionate person. She gives all the money she earns, to the last penny, to her stepmother and unfortunate father. Ashamed of her life, she tries to spend less time at home. But everyone who knows and surrounds Sonya, understanding her difficult situation, does not try to humiliate and insult her. After all, her actions are worthy of respect. Enduring such shame in her heart, Sonya earns money to feed her family. Perhaps only the mahecha oppresses the poor girl.

Sonya obediently believes in God and lives according to Christian canons. She reveres human life as the most valuable thing, regardless of the status and financial situation of each individual person. The girl feels love for everyone living, trying to help.

In her understanding, all people are equal among themselves and among God's court. And therefore she does not agree with Raskolnikov’s theory of dividing people into higher and lower classes. The girl sincerely believes that only God can condemn this or that person. She condemns Rodion only because he acted so dishonestly towards the old money-lender. No one can take the life of another. Nevertheless, she sympathizes with the poor student, takes part of his suffering upon herself and goes to hard labor with him. She wants to help atone for the young man’s sins and “cleanse” herself.

Through Sonya Marmeladova, Dostoevsky reveals his thoughts and beliefs regarding the value of human life. In a girl, he embodies the ideas of compassion, deep spiritual kindness and nobility.

Sonya is the ideal writer

Sonya Marmeladova and Rodion Raskolnikov are the two main characters of the work. They seem to be two counter flows. The ideological part of “Crime and Punishment” is made up of their worldviews. Sonechka Marmeladova is the writer’s moral ideal. It is the bearer of faith, hope, empathy, love, understanding and tenderness. According to Dostoevsky, this is exactly what every person should be. This girl is the personification of truth. She believed that all people have an equal right to life. Sonechka Marmeladova was firmly convinced that it was impossible to achieve happiness through crime—neither someone else’s nor your own. Sin always remains sin. It doesn’t matter who committed it and in the name of what.

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