Essay on the topic: “Why do we need punctuation marks” - functions and rules of punctuation

Historical information

The word interpunctio itself appeared in Ancient Rome, but its concept was different from its modern linguistic meaning. Even in the Alexandrian grammar of the first and second centuries BC, a punctuation system was formed. It was developed by Aristarchus, Aristophanes of Byzantium, and Dionysius of Thracia. At first they only used the dot, then other signs appeared.

At the end of the 15th century, it acquired its final form when the Manutius brothers introduced certain rules. Then punctuation formed the basis of all European languages. But other cultures have different systems. The Ethiopian script is characterized by word separators - spaces and double colons (: :). Indian has vertical lines, just like Tibetan.

Only in the 20th century did the European system spread to other countries. It was almost completely borrowed by Japan, China and Korea. Partial punctuation marks were adopted by Ethiopia, Laos, and Thailand. The most complex system in the German language.

Main directions

Old Slavonic punctuation was based on the example of ancient Greek. Then it moved into the Russian language, but there are also similarities with the German system. Signs used when writing:

  • comma;
  • colon;
  • dot;
  • dash;
  • semicolon;
  • exclamation and question marks;
  • ellipsis;
  • quotes;
  • brackets.

According to purpose, punctuation is divided into three directions: syntactic, logical and intonational.

The semantics were studied by the theorist Buslaev. He noted that punctuation marks serve to separate words, which allows ideas to be expressed more clearly. Punctuation helps clarify sentences and add emotion to the text. This direction is also called logical. Intonation theory implies a reflection of the declamatory-psychological division of words. Punctuation in this case is necessary to convey the tempo of speech, its melody and pauses.

Although representatives of different directions differed in opinions, they all emphasized the main function of punctuation marks - communicative. This is the most important means for designing written speech. Several main signs were identified: a period means the completion of a thought, commas separate homogeneous members of a sentence, an ellipsis prompts the reader to think, question and exclamation marks change the intonation of a phrase.

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Functions and types

In the modern punctuation system, there are several groups of punctuation marks. They are used in different sentences. Each of them has its own functions:

  • highlighting completed semantic segments;
  • indicating the relationships between parts of a sentence;
  • description of emotionality;
  • highlighting quotes and direct speech;
  • abbreviation of words;
  • designation of text gaps.

To highlight the completion of thoughts, use a period, exclamation and question marks, and an ellipsis. They also indicate the degree of completeness of the phrase, its emotional coloring and communicative type. Dashes, colons, and semicolons are used to define relationships between different parts of a sentence.

Quotations are used to highlight direct speech and quotations. You can also describe your emotional attitude towards certain phrases. To do this, exclamation and question marks or quotation marks and enclosure in parentheses are used in the story. Words are abbreviated using hyphens, periods, and slashes.

Punctuation is considered mandatory and must be used to properly organize a sentence. These are grammatical or structural punctuation marks:

  • periods at the end of a sentence;
  • commas when highlighting addresses, introductory words and interjections;
  • designation of applications and definitions;
  • selection of homogeneous members.

The last two digits include commas, dashes, and colons. These groups represent the minimum set of punctuation that must be used to write texts correctly. In this case, you need to be guided by the rules that are indicated in the reference book by D. E. Rosenthal and textbooks on the Russian language.

Option 2

Punctuation marks are an element of writing that performs auxiliary functions of language. There are quite a few varieties of them: commas, periods, exclamation and question marks, hyphens, dashes, etc., and in addition to common functions, each of them also has its own, special one.

Due to the fact that education is accessible to anyone nowadays, linguistics is popular among a wide range of people. Therefore, a lot of controversy arises both among scientists and among ordinary people, including about the significance of punctuation marks.

Some say that their role in language is insignificant, while others consider them to be the most important part of language. Who is right? Let's try to figure this out.

The meaning of the entire statement or text primarily depends on the correct choice of punctuation mark and its appropriate use. Logical stresses, the correct division of parts of a sentence according to meaning - all this is determined by them.

A well-known phrase that illustrates the significance, and at the same time, the trickiness of this element of language - execution cannot be pardoned. In this case, a person’s life depends on where the comma is located.

Also, with their help, the intonation necessary for the concept of the text is created, which a person puts into the text. Moreover, punctuation marks are the only component of language that helps to transfer and approximately reproduce a person’s emotions on paper.

Another function is to focus a person’s attention on certain words or parts of the text. Punctuation marks, as a rule, perform this function together with introductory words and inserted structures. Their joint presence in the text prepares the reader for additional information that the author considered necessary and, accordingly, highlighted using commas, hyphens, parentheses, etc.

It turns out that the role of punctuation marks in language is, in fact, great. Moreover, they really are an integral part of any language, since they act as separators of parts according to meaning. With their help, the author’s intonation is also conveyed and the necessary and important parts of the text are highlighted.

Message for 4th grade

Comma placement

The biggest difficulties arise when placing commas in sentences. They distinguish isolated parts, adjectives together with dependent constructions, addresses, introductory words. Commas are required in phrases with the following members:

  • definitions;
  • comparative turnover;
  • subordinate clauses;
  • revolutions

There are many types of definitions that need to be separated by commas. These include participles, adjectives with dependent words, single words after nouns, and members of sentences with additional adverbial meanings. As well as parts torn off from the defined construction and those that relate to proper names and personal pronouns. This also includes comparative degrees of adjectives along with dependent words.

Often schoolchildren do not understand why punctuation is needed in sentences with the conjunction “how”. A comma must be used for comparative turns. A simple example: he, like a lion, performed strongly and cheerfully. It also distinguishes subordinate clauses and phrases “no one other than” and “nothing other than.”

But in some cases there is no need to put a comma:

  • identification or equation;
  • turnover that performs the function of circumstance;
  • a word that is part of the predicate;
  • phraseological units.

When equating words, no punctuation is needed: examine me as a patient. It is not used in sentences where the turn means a course of action. This also applies to phrases where the construction is part of the predicate: her parents are like strangers to her.

Colon and dash

The most difficult thing for schoolchildren is to write dictations and essays. Even some adults do not know the functions of punctuation marks. Most often, problems arise with commas, but the placement of colons and dashes can also cause difficulties.

Options for the first character:

  • expressing the reason for an action;
  • clarification or addition;
  • warning verbs;
  • direct question;
  • title and specification of the topic.

A colon is necessary in sentences where the second part means the reason for the action that the subject of the main phrase performs (they were silent on the road: shaking prevented chatting). The sign is also necessary in constructions where one component complements or explains another. You also need to put a colon after warning verbs, and before direct questions. This rule also applies to explaining topics (message: why you need to know the rules of punctuation).

A dash is placed in several cases:

  • rapid change of events;
  • sharp opposition;
  • conclusions from the first part in the second;
  • some conjunctions are omitted;
  • explanatory meanings;
  • comparison is expressed.

When there is a rapid change in what is happening, you need to put a dash: the gate rattled - a dog barked. A sign is also needed in constructions with sharp opposition: I am glad to serve - being served is sickening. When the second part of a sentence contains a conclusion from the first, then you also need to put a dash. Example: she is dying - she has no need to lie.

This is also required in sentences where conjunctions are omitted: he was driving there - the wheat was already turning yellow, he knew that a thunderstorm would begin. In a similar way, you need to write constructions with comparisons. Example: she says a word - the nightingale sings. You also need to put a dash between the main part and the connecting structure: there is no image on the wall - a bad sign.

Essay on the topic of why punctuation marks are needed

What are punctuation marks for? What are punctuation marks for? People think about this question quite often, because in the modern world, for example, we cannot do without emails or SMS. Punctuation marks help convey the meaning of the text you write or even a small message. They give the text an emotional coloring. Punctuation marks are divided into only three groups: disjunctive, disjunctive and emphatic. Each group has its own function. Separating punctuation marks are: period, question mark, exclamation point, and so on. In Savkova’s text “Praise of Life” there is an abundance of signs from this group. With the help of them, she gives the text an emotional coloring, asks rhetorical questions, and, of course, separates affirmative sentences with a period. Savkova used not only separating punctuation marks, but also emphasizing ones, which include: a pair of commas, a dash, an exclamation point, quotation marks, parentheses, and a colon. She used quotation marks, for example, when writing a quotation. The separation function is, of course, one of the most used. This group includes: semicolon, comma, dash. For example, Savkova used a dash between the two main parts of a sentence. So, seeing all the variety of functions of punctuation marks, we can conclude that punctuation is a very important section of the language. It helps us not only to place emotional accents, but also to better understand the meaning of the text you wrote. (No Ratings Yet) Loading…

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Parentheses and quotes

Quotation marks should be used in sentences where the words do not belong to the author. They usually limit quotes or direct speech from the characters. Sometimes writers enclose words in this sign that they want to highlight as generally accepted or unsuccessful. This approach allows you to emphasize the indirect meaning of phrases. Sometimes quotation marks are used to express irony or contempt.

It is very important to mention the functions of parentheses in an argumentative essay on the role of punctuation marks. They are used to insert a phrase into the text that carries additional information. You should not overuse such punctuation, as sentences overloaded with brackets seem unimportant. The reader does not perceive them as serious. Sometimes this sign is used to separate the content of one part of a phrase from another. This way the meaning of the design is conveyed more accurately.

What are punctuation marks?

Probably, at least once in our lives, each of us wondered what punctuation marks are for? Now think about it: you even read this sentence to yourself with a questioning intonation, because you saw the corresponding symbol - a punctuation mark.

Punctuation marks are special conventional graphic symbols that have been used in writing since ancient times. They help the author not only express an idea on paper, but convey its meaning to the reader. And he, in turn, must correctly perceive and interpret what the author said, and restore the mood that fills the sentence.

End of sentence

Usually the phrase ends with a period. But there are some sentences whose emotional connotation requires different punctuation. Possible options:

  • Exclamation point;
  • interrogative;
  • ellipsis.

The first sign should be used when you have to speak in great excitement. It allows you to express anger, joy, surprise, irritation. A question mark requires an immediate response from the interlocutor. This means that in oral speech it corresponds to a certain intonation. In such phrases, special question words are also used, prompting the interlocutor to continue the dialogue.

The ellipsis has several different meanings: incompleteness and uncertainty. The sign forces the reader to figure out the ending of the phrase on his own. Writers use it to show that they have not fully expressed their thoughts. The author is trying to create an image of mystery, secrecy - that’s why he puts ellipses in sentences.

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