Essay on the topic Relationship between teacher and student

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  • 11th grade Unified State Examination
  • Relationship between teacher and student

The success of a student is the fruit of the teacher's work. Every successful person in the world is grateful, first of all, to three people: parents and teachers. We are now studying at school, and some of them are very negative towards their own teachers. We do not yet understand the concept of teacher in a broad sense. Of course, a good relationship between teacher and student also depends on the teacher himself.

So what is a good teacher? What is the difference between good and bad? Probably a good teacher is one who doesn’t assign homework and we don’t do anything in his lesson. At the moment, more than half of the students think exactly this way. We do not appreciate those who are strict towards us and teach us something. In my opinion, a good teacher should be generous, kind and should not have the concept of “envy”. He must also be strict, loving his profession, and ready to impart knowledge to his students. As a teacher, he wants his student to achieve the highest level of success.

In fact, for some reason, most students do not value their teachers, or rather, schoolchildren do not value their school teachers. But these people do not choose rich professions in order to earn money and enjoy their lives, but choose the profession of a teacher in order to make great people out of us. It is rightly said that goodness is not valued.

Not every person can be a teacher, so being a teacher is a gift from God, it is a great talent. After all, a teacher must correctly convey his knowledge to his student. Each student needs his own approach, everyone is different, no two people are the same. The profession of a teacher is very difficult and at the same time not prestigious. Teachers are not valued, their salaries are low, and their profession is not in demand. But if it weren’t for them, we wouldn’t have any outstanding personalities. They sacrifice their careers to make us real champions.

In order for there to be a good relationship between a teacher and a student, there must be respect between them for each other. This raises another question: should a student surpass his teacher? Yes, I think so. If a student surpasses his teacher, it means that the teacher has done his job 100 percent.

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Unified State Examination essay on the topic teacher and student

Arguments for writing the Unified State Examination

A selection of arguments on the topic “Teacher” for the Unified State Examination essay in the Russian language. The role of a teacher or mentor in a student’s life; problems of a complex profession that educates future generations.

"Obelisk". V. Bykov With his story “Obelisk,” the author wanted to pay tribute to the memory and respect of all the unknown soldiers who defended our Motherland on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. The film “A Minute of Silence,” which was based on this work, successfully traveled not only to Soviet screens, but was also shown in almost all cinemas in continental Europe. A distinctive feature of V. Bykov’s works is unprecedented realism, harmoniously combined with deep, immeasurable love and sincere sympathy for his heroes. The story “Obelisk” tells the true story of a simple teacher who was ready to die so as not to leave his charges without support. He refused to withdraw from the unfolding tragedy and, with his personal participation, decided to support the children whom the Nazis were leading to death. This act intertwined everything: the teacher’s personal courage, his love for children, and an unparalleled sense of responsibility for the school students entrusted to him. A teacher is the same soldier, only his front line passes through the souls of the children left behind, and his main weapon is fortitude, determination and personal example. "The block." Ch. Aitmatov. After his expulsion from the seminarians, the main character of the novel, Avdiy, tries to find application for his teaching vocation in various fields. He is hired for dubious work, ends up among drug addicts and poaching teams for shooting wild animals. On the way back from the Moyunkum desert, while trying to convince his fellow travelers to give up the criminal business of delivering drugs, he miraculously survives - he was thrown out of a freight car at full speed. A sadder and more dramatic ending awaited him in a conflict with poachers. People were offered good money for the brutal extermination of saigas - the local authorities needed to fulfill the meat procurement plan, and this was not the first time they resolved this issue by killing animals of this rare species. Avdiy's persistent calls to stop the massacre did not cause any reaction from the poachers, other than irritation and aggression. To remove an unnecessary witness, he is subjected to a painful death, crucified on saxaul. Avdiy was not a professional fighter against crime and injustice. His desire to stop the chaos happening around him did not inspire or stop anyone, but the young man not only died in this eternal struggle between good and evil, but with his death, even if only a few, he gave the opportunity to think, come to his senses, and get out of this quagmire. "Dear enemy." J. Webster. This very unusual and touching story tells us about a girl on whose shoulders a heavy burden unexpectedly fell - she had to take on the responsibility of managing an orphanage. At first, this event was so burdensome and annoying for the young director that she was ready to give up everything and, closing her eyes, leave the city. The lack of teaching practice and experience of communicating with disadvantaged children subjected her to despair. The children themselves changed everything; they became so attached to the young headmistress that they melted her heart and endeared her so much that the girl could no longer imagine her life without her charges. As a result, grateful children even helped her arrange her personal life. "I don't believe in monsters." L. Sashar In almost every class of any educational institution, there is a category of students who demonstrably ignore the requirements of teachers and compliance with basic standards of behavior. Usually such children sit comfortably in the back desks and try in every possible way to disrupt the lesson. They never do their homework and show no interest in what the teacher is saying. Usually these are poor students who are difficult to drag from class to class by the school administration. Yes, these are children whom everyone has long given up on - both teachers, classmates, and often parents. But few people think of figuring out what such a child feels when he finds himself in a group of peers. In order to penetrate into his inner world, a completely different approach is required. You should not shy away from such a student, but sincerely and with understanding treat his childhood misconceptions. The author of this story gives a hint - become his friend. But are there many people willing to take part in such an experiment? "Sandy Teacher" A. P. Platonov. There is an opinion that serious things cannot be done alone. A person should always have the opportunity to consult with someone, or turn to his friend or partner for help. So, A.P. Platonov with all his creativity is trying to convince us of the opposite. The main message of the author in many of his works comes down to the unbending personality of a person. He, like a concrete pile, must strictly adhere to his convictions, and not deviate even a millimeter from them in any life situations. The plot of Platonov’s story is built on the illustration of some biographical fragments of Maria Kashintseva, which the main character of the work has to relive. Based on this amazing work, the film “Aina” was released on the big screens. "Pedagogical Poem". A. S. Makarenko . A. S. Makarenko, a well-known writer in our country and far beyond the country’s borders and the author of many studies on pedagogy, has worked with difficult teenagers all his life. His novel “Pedagogical Poem” colorfully and in every detail describes to us the first years of the existence of post-revolutionary Russia. Hundreds of thousands of street children filled the streets of the country's big cities. The Soviet government began to take certain steps to correct the situation, and one of them was the creation of children's labor colonies. The head of one of these institutions was the author of this immortal work. So the events described in the novel are evidence from an eyewitness. "French lessons". V. G. Rasputin. This story is recognized as one of the best works of an author well known to Russian readers. Without exaggeration, it became a classic of Soviet literature. Valentin Grigorievich is trying to convey to us all the complexities of the situation in which ordinary children found themselves after the end of the Great Patriotic War. In difficult and hungry post-war times, an eleven-year-old boy comes to the regional center from a distant village to study at the local school. He is left completely alone, cut off from his parents and deprived of the joy of family comfort. The boy tries to survive through his own efforts, and in order not to die of starvation, he gets involved with bad company. He tries to earn his living by playing toss with his peers, and spends the money he wins on buying milk, which the local doctor recommended him to drink daily. Fortune, however, does not always favor the protagonist. Often the older children beat him and take away the money he has won, and sometimes he is simply unlucky and the boy is left without money or food. A young French teacher, Lidia Mikhailovna, drew attention to the teenager’s plight. Under the guise of the need for additional classes in her subject, she began to visit the boy and provide him with all kinds of help. The main character understood this, and, wanting to show that he is able to take care of himself, he categorically refuses such sympathy and participation in his destiny. For a long time, Lidia Mikhailovna was looking for an approach to the child - on behalf of the boy’s parents, she sent him parcels with food and even played toss with him, deliberately losing her money to the boy. Over time, the child gets used to her and begins to trust the teacher as his close friend. Thanks to the efforts of a caring teacher, the teenager discovers a completely different world, the main rules of which are sincere friendship and caring for one’s neighbor. "Up the stairs leading down." B. Kaufman . B. Kaufman's book introduces us to a young teacher, Sylvia Barrett, who is trying with all her might to instill in children a love for the English literature course she teaches, but very soon begins to realize that all her efforts are in vain. Her students are not at all interested in her subject, and the indifference of her colleagues to the process of raising the children entrusted to them plunges the teacher into complete despair. However, over time, Sylvia finds a way to the hearts of children and develops her own method of stimulating their interest in what is happening at school and specifically in her subject. The form of narration chosen by the author gives the work freshness and dynamism. In addition, the plot of the novel is based on very real events, of which the writer herself was a direct participant. “The First Teacher” Ch. Aitmatov Known to many readers, the story of the Kyrgyz writer Ch. T. Aitmatov introduces us to a Komsomol member who, in the difficult post-revolutionary period, opens the first comprehensive school in a forgotten Kyrgyz village. The topic that the author raises is striking in its scale and knowledge of the details of the situation that has developed in the field of education in the writer’s native republic. The main character of the story, Duishen, is presented by the author as an image of a teacher who, with his dedication, honesty and love for children, breaks centuries-old prejudices and stereotypes that have been inherited in Kyrgyzstan for many generations. The population of the republic, for the most part, never learned to read and write, so Duishen’s first attempts to teach his charges to read and write led nowhere. Parents did not want to send their children to school because they did not understand why they needed it. All stories and events described in the work are not fiction or fantasies of the author, but have a strong historical connection to the period described in the story. It is for this reason that the narrative is perceived as artistically interconnected real historical episodes. "The Bunny's Look" Kenjiro Haitani. As the old Japanese proverb says: “You don’t have to be born as a Buddha to see the world around you through the eyes of a rabbit—you just need to look into his eyes.” The Japanese writer and publicist K. Haitani dedicated several of his books to children, including the novel we are considering. This book received well-deserved recognition and became popular not only in the writer’s homeland, but also far beyond its borders. The main character, Fumi Kotani, is a young elementary school teacher who is trying to find an approach to the students in her class. One of them, the orphan Tetsuzo, brings the teacher a lot of trouble - he is silent, withdrawn and unfriendly, and his circle of interests is limited only to flies that haunt him. This talented author tells us how to enter into a trusting relationship with such a child and see the world around him the way he sees it. "The Last Teacher" Vardges Petrosyan The main characters in V. Petrosyan’s book “The Last Teacher” are graduating class students from one of the regular schools in the Armenian capital. Students in grade 10-B have a conflict with some teachers and the school principal due to a disdainful attitude towards themselves. Indeed, the head of this educational institution declares in front of the class that their team is only the “arithmetic mean” of the school’s indicators, and the mathematics teacher calls their generation an equation with many unknowns, the solution of which invariably equals zero. The only teacher who arouses sympathy among the children is the teacher of native literature Mamyan. He truly sees each student as an individual and, with due delicacy and tact, delves into their individual problems. On this basis, the teacher has a conflict with the school management, but class 10-B comes to his defense. Tags: Unified State Exam arguments, Education, Student, Teacher

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