Essay Relationship between parents and children Unified State Exam grade 11

  • Essays
  • 11th grade Unified State Examination
  • Relationships between parents and children

The topic of relationships between children and parents does not lose its relevance in the modern world.

In my opinion, it is the attitude of parents towards a child at an early age that is the basis for communication in the future. Happy children and happy adults grow up in families in which love and mutual understanding reign. And in families in which there is a lack of communication and a reluctance to hear each other, alienation arises, and then mutual grievances that last a lifetime.

In adolescence, almost every child tries to express his own “I”. Think about how often we shout: “my parents don’t understand me and don’t hear me,” and how often do we try to understand or hear them? People who gave us life, who, due to their age and life experience, have the right to express their opinions.

I am lucky; in my family, relationships are initially built on mutual respect and understanding of each other. Understanding does not mean agreeing on everything, but trying to understand the point of view of the opposite side. For example, my parents work as lawyers and expected me to follow in their footsteps. I refused and made a choice in favor of another profession, arguing my desire. They accepted my choice, and there are no more disputes on this topic in our family. But there are families in which parents suppress children with their authority and impose opinions on how to live correctly, where to work and with whom to be friends. The development of relationships in such families usually develops in two ways: either the child escapes from under parental “oppression”, stops all communication with once relatives, or, having matured, becomes completely unsuited to independent life and solving emerging problems.

Not a single family can do without conflicts, and this is normal. But we must not avoid them, but strive to solve them by listening to both sides.

I agree with the opinion that children copy the behavior of adults and in order to raise a truly worthy member of society, parents need to live up to the words that are instilled in the child. Saying to your child: “don’t smoke,” while smoking two packs a day, or “don’t swear,” while using obscenities in everyday conversation, you should not expect obedience and respect in this case.

One of the most striking examples of the relationship between children and parents is the work of L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". The work features several families with completely opposite family foundations and traditions. Peace and harmony, kindness and decency reign in the Rostov family. Both the parents and children of the Rostovs can be called people of honor, incapable of meanness and betrayal. Kuragins are the complete opposite. Father Prince Vasily is a greedy, immoral man, who commits vile acts for the sake of money, and does not feel any remorse at all. His children were raised in a similar way: Anatole, who persuades Natasha Rostova to run away, for the sake of a momentary whim, completely not thinking about her future and possible shame, and Ellen, a greedy young woman who married Pierre Bezukhov for the sake of wealth and luxury.

Parental love and support accompany children throughout their lives, and those qualities and principles that were invested in us from childhood will return doubly to our family and those closest to us.

Essay on the topic Relationships between children and parents

Parents are the closest people a person has from the moment he is born. Of course, there are exceptions when fate separates families or when parents themselves abandon their unwanted children, but most parents love their children more than anything in the world and care for them every moment of their lives.

Often children, due to lack of life experience, do not pay due attention to good relationships with their parents, and only as they grow up do they realize that they behaved incorrectly.

In turn, it happens that parents take it out on their children, especially after a hard day at work, which is also wrong and can affect the fragile child’s psyche.

Almost every parent has to deal with such a concept as “adolescence,” when the child does not want to listen to anyone and does what he pleases. Often during this period, conflicts and quarrels occur in the family, but parents should treat their child wisely, because this age will soon pass and an adult awareness of life will come. The main thing is not to overdo it with both severity and gentleness.

The problem of relationships between different generations has always been very acute; often mention of it can be found even in literature (for example, in the novel by I.S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”). Its appearance can be explained by differences in upbringing, tastes and, possibly, different education levels of representatives of different generations. Growing up under the Tsar, many people did not understand the youth striving for communism. So now, people who do not understand the interests of another generation often turn them into a stumbling block.

I believe that relationships in the family are very important, because the life and mood of a person outside of it depends on the atmosphere in the house. Therefore, it is important for parents and children to be able to find a common consensus, show patience with each other, learn to understand and forgive each other.

Unified State Exam 11th grade

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Essay on the topic: Misunderstanding between parents and children

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Essay text:

Parents and children are generations with a significant age difference. Therefore, their views on many issues diverge throughout their lives.

Nature has arranged it in such a way that mothers and fathers, thanks to their experience and age, have the opportunity to protect their children from difficulties in the environment, warn them about mistakes, protect them, train them and help them from an early age.

At an early age, the child gets used to his parents, but considers himself one with them, a family. This is the norm.

However, children often feel misunderstood because of relationships that have not been properly established within the family. They judge their parents and view them as enemies when they feel their needs are not being met, such as not having as much free time as possible due to unfinished homework. They begin to feel that mom and dad are limiting their freedom. As a result of such misunderstandings, most members of these families find themselves in conflict situations. But they are temporary. As with the right approach, parents build relationships in such a way that the child accepts the situation, trusts the adult and recognizes the right path.

Ideal families are those in which there is mutual understanding between children and those who care for them. The child feels supported, he sees that he is valued and loved. Thanks to this understanding, he is happy.

Even in moments of misunderstanding, he thinks not about hostility, but about deception.

Children succumb to the beneficial influence of adults in an atmosphere of harmony when they look at balanced, hardworking, educated parents, because they see their true colors and attitude towards themselves.

Of particular interest is the situation when there are several children in a family. There is then a danger of rivalry and jealousy between children. In this case, a competent approach and analysis of adult behavior is required. It is necessary to let children know that they love everyone.

The ability to forgive a child, guide him on the right path, trust him - these are effective ways in raising, building trusting relationships at any age of a child, which will help raise a responsible, independent person with worthy qualities.

Essay What can lead to a lack of mutual understanding between parents and their children in the family. .

What can a lack of mutual understanding between parents and their children in the family lead to?

Family occupies one of the first places in our lives, and there is nothing more valuable and significant than family. A family is created in order to not easily “burn out” one’s life, but to leave a piece of oneself - children and grandchildren who could continue the family line with dignity. This is what a family is created for. But that's not all. After all, just starting a family is not enough. It is important to maintain warm relations between all members and give children a good upbringing. The family should become support and support for a person. There is nothing better than a trusting relationship in a family. We can ask our loved ones for advice and hope for their support and help.

Unfortunately, not all families have mutual understanding; sometimes relatives cannot find a common language with each other and live different lives, with virtually no overlap. As it was in the work of I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". The main problem in the novel is the conflict between two generations, people of old and new views. Bazarov is callous towards his parents and devotes little time to them. There is not a single point of contact between him and his parents. Bazarov cannot talk to his father or mother the way he talks to Arkady, or even argue the way he argues with Pavel Petrovich. He is bored, empty, and difficult with them. He cannot live in the same house with them. They have different views on life. His parents are not interested in what Bazarov likes. And he is a young, energetic person, full of his own personal life, who is not interested in the life that his relatives live. And, of course, it’s hard for him to communicate with these people.

When relatives disagree with each other in education, in ideas, in understanding of life, then misunderstanding and suffering come. Bazarov's parents suffer from this discord, but he does not. They love him very much and are ready to forgive and accept, but his actions and words indicate that he is mostly indifferent to them. This probably happens because Bazarov and his parents “speak different languages”; they cannot feel and understand each other. And this misunderstanding led the heroes to loneliness and severe mental wounds. Lack of mutual understanding in a family does not lead to anything good. To avoid such a problem, you just need to be aware of the importance of family in our lives. Treasure, respect and appreciate those people thanks to whom we were born into this world. We just need to understand that no one will ever love and cherish us more than our family.

The problem of relationships between parents and children...

Essay based on the text:

We all strive for mutual understanding with our parents. Mutual understanding plays an important role in our lives. The problem of relationships between parents and children is presented to us by Boris Ekimov. This problem was relevant in the past, is relevant now, and will always be relevant.

The author argues that sometimes it is difficult for older children and elderly parents to understand each other, but sincere love and care for each other can overcome this misunderstanding. I share the author’s opinion and believe that the conflict between parents and children is an eternal problem that will sooner or later overtake everyone, whether you are a child or a parent. The main thing is to learn to understand each other, to seek a compromise.

It is worth turning to fiction and understanding that the problem raised by the author is indeed eternal. In I. S. Turgenev this problem is acutely expressed in the novel “Fathers and Sons.” The name itself speaks of the opposition of the older generation to the younger. We also see a generational conflict in Bazarov’s relationship with his parents. He experiences very contradictory feelings towards them: on the one hand, he admits that he loves his parents, on the other, he despises the “stupid life of his fathers.” With all this, Bazarov’s parents truly cared about their son. The Bazarovs love Evgeny very much, and this love softens their relationship with their son, the lack of mutual understanding. It is stronger than other feelings and lives even when the main character dies.

In addition, I would like to give an example from life. I, like all children, loved to walk with the guys on the street on warm summer evenings. And I always didn’t like the fact that my mother constantly called me home, while the other guys were still on the street. Because of this, I was angry and offended by her, believing that my mother did not want me to go out with other guys, but to sit at home. Mom tried to convey to me that this was being done for my own good, but I could not be convinced. But as I grew up, I realized that she did this because she was worried about me, which means my mother loves me and takes care of me. All parents wish their children well, you need to understand this, not resist it, but, as mentioned above, find a compromise.

It turns out that the author was right when he said that sometimes it is difficult for parents and children to understand each other. But sincere love and care allow us to overcome this misunderstanding. “Love for parents is the basis of all virtues” - Cicero Marcus Tullius.

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Essay “Why does disharmony arise between parents and children?”

Why does disharmony arise between parents and children? Reflecting on this survey, one cannot help but come to an answer. Of course, every parent wants his child to continue his endeavors. But it often happens that children’s views on life do not coincide with the worldview of the older generation. Parents do not want to accept new views, and children do not want to follow the path of the old generation. Children want to forge their own path and learn from their mistakes. As a result, parents and children do not hear each other, and therefore discord arises between them in their relationships. For examples, let us turn to works of fiction.

Of course, each person will answer this question differently. In my opinion, misunderstanding between generations arises due to differences in worldviews.

The theme of disharmony between parents and children is clearly demonstrated in I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons.” In this work, the author describes two generations. “Fathers” are brothers Nikolai and Pavel Kirsanov, “children” are Nikolai Kirsanov and his friend Evgeny Bazarov. The younger generation is fascinated by the new idea of ​​nihilism. The views of nihilism are fundamentally opposed to the generally accepted views of the older generation. This leads to a conflict between two generations. A conflict breaks out between Evgeny Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. Each stubbornly defends their point of view and their dispute leads to a duel. Later, Arkady abandons nihilistic teachings and returns to his father's estate. Are you enrolling in 2021? Our team will help you save your time and nerves: we will select directions and universities (according to your preferences and expert recommendations); we will fill out applications (all you have to do is sign); we will submit applications to Russian universities (online, by e-mail, by courier); we will monitor competition lists ( we will automate the tracking and analysis of your positions); we will tell you when and where to submit the original (we will evaluate the chances and determine the best option). Entrust the routine to professionals - more details.

We can come to the conclusion that misunderstanding between two generations can lead to serious consequences and even bloodshed. To avoid conflict between parents and children, one must be able to find a compromise.

All fathers want their children to follow their path, but sometimes children don't always live up to expectations. For example, N.V. Gogol’s story “Taras Bulba” tells how the Cossack Taras Bulba wants to see his sons Ostap and Andriy as real Zaporozhye Cossacks. The author describes how Taras is proud of his sons and believes that they will become atamans in the future. But Andriy, unlike Ostap, does not live up to expectations. Andriy does not accept his father’s views, Cossack life is alien to him, he follows his own path. He falls in love with a Polish girl and commits betrayal for her sake. Taras cannot forgive his son and kills him in battle. Misunderstanding between father and son led to death. Differences in views led to disharmony between parents and children.

To sum up what has been said, we can say that the differences between the older and younger generations will always be relevant. Parents need to be able to accept new views, and children need to respect and listen to the advice of the older generation. Correct relationships should be built in love, care, and support.

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