Summary of Judas Iscariot Andreev for a reader's diary

Chapter two

Gradually Judas became his own. He managed to win the favor of some students, although he lied as before, but lies gave charm to his stories. His role in the team is to monitor the cash drawer and perform chores.

Iscariot is sure that there is no person who has not sinned. He constantly complained that everyone wanted to deceive and slander him. Having stopped for the night in one village, they are accused of stealing a kid just because Judas walks next to Christ. The kid was found, but people are convinced that Jesus is a thief. After this story, Christ's attitude towards Judas changed. He increasingly did not notice him, and when talking with students, he defiantly sat with his back to him.

Another incident that happened to Christ again showed that Judas was right. In the village where Jesus came to preach, the locals met them with hostility, and after the sermon they accused them of hypocrisy and wanted to throw stones at them. This would have happened if not for Judas, who furiously rushed at the crowd in an attempt to protect Christ. He threatened and begged, lied, giving Christ and the disciples the opportunity to leave. Falling to his knees, he shook the money bag, declaring publicly that Jesus was as much a thief as his disciples, like Judas himself. The crowd's anger turned to laughter and disgust. Judas expected praise and gratitude because he saved everyone, but Jesus did not share his joy at the victory.

Author: L.N.
Andreev Other works by the author

Title: Judas Iscariot

Genre: Story

Duration: 10min 07sec


Jesus Christ wanders around Judea with his disciples - Peter, John, Thomas and others. He brings his teaching and help to people. One day Judas from Kariot joined them. He began to interfere in conversations, provide small favors, and ingratiate himself in every possible way. The disciples warned Jesus that this man had a bad reputation. They told Jesus that he had abandoned his wife, that he was a deceitful, crafty and evil man. However, Jesus was always merciful to the unloved and rejected, and he accepted Judas into the circle of the chosen ones. Judas has an unusual appearance. It seems that this is not one, but two people. Sometimes he seemed strong and strong, sometimes frail and sickly. His voice was either courageous or loud, like that of an old woman. And his face on one side was alive, mobile, with wrinkles. On the other hand, it is deathly smooth, frozen. The disciples are forced to accept Judas because Jesus accepted him. Judas gradually became bolder. Jesus entrusted him with the cash drawer and the household affairs. Judas lied constantly, but they gradually got used to it, since they did not see bad deeds behind it. Judas always spoke ill of people. However, everywhere people greeted them with kindness, fed them, and gave them money. Gradually Jesus gets to know Judas more, and his attitude towards Judas changes. Now he no longer looks at him tenderly, but as if through him. Judas fights with Jesus' disciples for a place next to Jesus, trying to prove that he loves Jesus more than anyone. When Peter asks who will be first next to Jesus, Judas replies: “Me!” And finally, Judas decided to betray. He visited the high priest Annas and, for 30 pieces of silver, promised to show who exactly this Jesus of Nazareth was. Judas surrounded Jesus with quiet love, care and attention in these last days. By betraying Jesus, he seemed to be trying to upset his own plans and dissuade Jesus from traveling to Jerusalem. However, when they stopped for the night in the Garden of Gethsemane, they were surrounded by a crowd of soldiers. Judas moved ahead of the soldiers. He said, “Whoever I kiss, that’s it.” He approached Jesus and kissed him tenderly on the cheek. Jesus was tried, tortured and executed. And everyone started pointing their fingers at Judas, saying: “Here comes Judas the Traitor!” Shortly after his execution, Judas goes to the place he had long planned to kill himself after the death of Jesus. There was a lonely tree high on the mountain. Judas made a noose and said, “I am coming to you, Jesus. Greet me kindly. I'm tired."

L.N. Andreev - Judas Iscariot. Listen to the summary online: Andreev-L.-Judas-Iscariot

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Chapter Three

Tired after a long journey, Jesus lay down to rest in a tent. While he was resting, the students walked around the area so as not to disturb the peace. Peter and Philip had fun rolling large stones down the mountain. Soon the rest of the students joined them. Only Judas did not take part in the general fun.

Foma calls his friend to join. Judas arranges a competition with Peter to see who has the most strength to throw off the largest and heaviest stone. Judas manages to move the boulder from its place. He triumphs, turning out to be the strongest, most dexterous of all. Peter does not share his victory. He turns to heaven with a prayer to prevent Judas from becoming the strongest, and asks for help to defeat him. Jesus, hearing his prayer with sadness in his voice, answers:

And who will help Iscariot?

Judas Iscariot summary

The story “Judas Iscariot” by Leonid Andreev was first published under the title “Judas Iscariot and Others” in the anthology “Collection of the Knowledge Partnership for 1907,” book 16. The main theme of the work was “the psychology of betrayal.” Andreev used in the book the gospel story about Judas’ betrayal of his teacher, Jesus Christ, but interprets the motives of Judas Iscariot in his own way. The author tries to justify the actions of Judas, understand his internal contradictions and psychology, tries to prove that in the betrayal of Judas there was more love for Christ than all his other disciples. We invite you to read online a summary of “Judas Iscariot” chapter by chapter . Retelling can be useful for schoolchildren in preparing for literature lessons and for reading diaries.

The main characters are Judas of Kariot - a red-haired, ugly, vile man, hated by all the disciples of Christ. Thief, liar and schemer. Jesus Christ (Nazarene) is a wandering philosopher-preacher followed by disciples-apostles. God's Son. Apostles - among the apostles, Andreev mentions Peter, John, Thomas, endowing them with very human qualities: they are angry, disdainful, condemn, hate, offend. Other characters Anna is the high priest to whom Judas goes with a proposal to condemn Christ. Caiaphas is the high priest, son-in-law of Anna, member of the Sanhedrin. Summary

Chapter I Jesus Christ was warned many times that Judas of Kerioth was a man of ill repute and therefore should beware. “He constantly quarrels with us!” the disciples complained to Jesus, wondering why I was disgusted by the company of Judas. Neither Peter, nor Thomas, nor John can remember how and when Judas appeared next to them, how he joined Christ’s companions, how he began to be called one of his disciples.

Chapter II Gradually they got used to Judas. Jesus entrusted him with the cash drawer and, at the same time, all other household concerns fell on Judas’ shoulders. Judas bought the necessary clothes and provisions, and distributed money to the poor. Judas's notoriety follows him. Because people saw Judas with Christ, the villagers accused Jesus and his apostles of stealing the kid. In another village, people gathered to stone the preachers, but Judas stood up for Christ and his comrades, running forward to the crowd and shouting that Jesus was not possessed by a demon, as people might have thought, listening to his speeches, but an ordinary swindler, like himself Judas, that Christ preaches for the sake of money. And the crowd retreated, deciding that these aliens were not worthy to die at the hands of an honest man. But neither Jesus nor his disciples appreciated Judas’s action. The teacher left the village in anger, and his disciples, who followed Christ at a respectful distance, cursed Iscariot. Well, aren’t they fools for not appreciating Judas’ efforts, for not thanking him for saving their lives?

Chapter III One day the students decided to have fun and began to measure their strength. They picked up stones and threw them down the cliff, competing to see who could lift the heaviest stones. Judas lifted the largest and heaviest boulder. He was triumphant. now everyone will see and appreciate his strength, now everyone will definitely understand that he is the best of all students. Peter, however, did not want Judas to win, so he decided to offer a prayer: “Lord, I don’t want Judas to be the strongest! help me defeat him! Hearing such a prayer, Jesus sadly answered: “Who will help Iscariot?”

Chapter IV More than once Christ defended Judas. One day Judas hid several coins from everyone, being the keeper of the cash drawer, and his deed was revealed. The apostles were indignant! They brought the thief to Jesus, rebuking him. Christ, having listened to the accusations of his disciples, answered them that no one dares to count how much money Judas appropriated for himself, because he is as much your brother as everyone else, and such actions offend him! After this, Judas became noticeably happier. He was pleased not so much by the reconciliation with the apostles, but by the fact that Jesus singled him out from the crowd.

Chapter V The Easter holiday is approaching, which means the mournful last days of Christ’s life are approaching. Judas goes to the high priest Annas, inviting him to condemn Jesus of Nazareth. Anna, being aware of Judas's reputation, drives him away. This is repeated for several days in a row, but Judas persists and then Anna contemptuously offers the traitor money for the life of Jesus - thirty pieces of silver. Iscariot was very outraged by such a low price! “Thirty pieces of silver! After all, one obol is not worth a drop of blood! Half an obol is not worth a tear!” Anna replies that, in this case, Judas will not receive anything at all and Iscariot agrees with the price, thinking that among the disciples or residents of Jerusalem there will probably be someone who will value the life of Christ with an even smaller amount.

Chapter VI In the last hours, Judas surrounds Jesus with affection and attention. He is helpful to the apostles, for no one dares to interfere with his plan, no one should suspect Judas of betrayal. Now the name of Judas will forever be associated with the name of Christ, now people will never forget Judas and his name will remain for centuries.

Chapter VII Not believing his eyes, Judas follows Jesus when he is captured by Roman soldiers. He sees how Christ is beaten, how he is condemned, how he is led to the place of execution - to Golgotha.

Chapter VIII Judas does not notice either the coming night or the rising sun. His dream comes true, but at the same time his nightmare comes true. None of the students defend the teacher with a weapon, although Judas stole two swords from Roman soldiers and brought them to the apostles, none of them shout “Hosanna” to the teacher. Only Judas remained with Jesus until the very end. Even Peter denied Christ three times and said that he did not know Jesus. Only Judas remained faithful to Christ. Only he is alone!

Chapter IX After the death of Jesus, Judas goes to the Sanhedrin and throws the accusation in the face of the high priests: “I deceived you. He was innocent and pure! He tells Anna and the rest of the Sanhedrin that they killed a sinless man, that Judas, in fact, betrayed not Jesus, but them, the high priests, from now on they are doomed to eternal shame. On this day, Judas himself becomes a prophet. He says what all the other disciples dare not say. “Today I saw a pale sun. It looked at the ground in horror and said: “Where is the man?” Judas goes up the mountain alone and tightens the noose around his neck. He alone will follow Christ to the end as his most devoted disciple. Meanwhile, news about the traitor Judas is spreading around the world.

Conclusion story “Judas Iscariot” has little in common with the biblical story of Judas. Critics called the author a realist, a neorealist, a fantastic realist, an avant-garde artist, and a decadent, but time put everything in its place: Andreev’s work had a huge influence on Russian symbolism and ornamental prose, and was also the forerunner of German expressionism. We recommend that after reading the retelling of “Judas Iscariot,” you read the story in its entirety.

Chapter Four

Thomas caught Judas stealing denarii. Peter grabs Judas by the collar and drags the thief to talk to the teacher. Jesus, to everyone's surprise, sides with Judas. He states that no one has the right to count how much money our brother has embezzled. Judas is pleased. He managed to reconcile with the apostles. Jesus again singled him out from the crowd, which did not go unnoticed by everyone.

Peter and John disputed primacy in the kingdom of heaven. Having called on Judas to resolve the dispute, they did not expect that when asked who would be first near Jesus, they would hear from Judas that it was him.

Chapter 4

Judas hid several denarii, and Thomas discovered it. Everyone was indignant. Angry Peter grabbed Judas by the collar and almost dragged him to Jesus.

Jesus was silent. And, looking at him carefully, Peter blushed, unclenched his hand that was holding the collar, and left Judas alone with Jesus. Soon John, the beloved disciple, entered there. Leaving Jesus, John exclaimed in surprise and touch:

- The teacher said that Judas can take as much money as he wants... Judas is our brother, and you have seriously offended him - that’s what the teacher said...

And then John kissed Judas three times, and after him all the disciples except one. Thomas kissed Judas only in the evening, after thinking carefully.

“Well, isn’t it nice,” Judas told him, “to be a hook on which they hang out to dry: John - his damp virtue, Thomas - his moth-eaten mind?”

One day John asked Judas:

- Which of us, Peter or me, will be the first near Christ in his heavenly kingdom?

Judas thought and answered:

- I assume you are.

But when, some time later, Peter asked him about the same thing, he answered him that he, Peter, would be the first.

Then, in the presence of the teacher, John and Peter again asked Judas this question:

-Who will be the first near Jesus?

Without taking his eyes off Christ, Judas slowly stood up and answered quietly and importantly:

- I!

And he left. Struck by the daring act, the disciples were silent, and only Peter quietly whispered to Thomas:

- So that’s what he’s thinking about!..

Chapter Five

Judas visits the high priest Annas, inviting the old man to bring Jesus to trial. Anna pretended to hear this name for the first time. He drives away the traitor, but Judas was persistent. Anna eventually agrees, offering thirty pieces of silver for Jesus’ life. Iscariot is outraged by such a low assessment of the life of Christ. Such a valuable product for such a price. Trying to beg for more money, Judas is refused. Suddenly he is transformed. After thinking a little, Judas decided that suddenly there would be a scoundrel ready to betray even for one obol.

All the following days, the traitor surrounded not only Jesus, but also the apostles with affection and care. No one should interfere with the implementation of his plans. His name must forever remain in the memory of people and be called along with the name of Jesus.

Chapter 3

Once on the way to Jerusalem, while relaxing in the mountains, Peter jokingly began to tear large stones from the rocks and throw them into the abyss. Judas joined the game, and soon everyone was convinced that Judas, who was pretending to be sick, was superior in strength even to Peter.

We stopped for the night in Bethany, in the house of Lazarus. And when everyone gathered for a conversation, Judas thought that now they would remember his victory over Peter, but no one remembered.

At night Judas cried and asked Thomas:

Why doesn't he love me?

“You lie and slander constantly, how do you want Jesus to love you?”

“And now he will perish, and Judas will perish with him.”

Chapter Six

Every day Judas warned everyone about the danger. He knew that the trip to Jerusalem would be the last for Christ, but did not try to dissuade him. He tirelessly insisted that the teacher needed to be protected. As proof of love, Iscariot brings a pair of swords. Let them see that he will fight for him until his last breath. In Jerusalem, the people greeted Christ with joyful shouts. The disciples rejoiced at his victory. But Christ himself was sad. At the last evening, he barely audibly said that someone would betray him.

Judas decides to betray his teacher

John and Peter take turns asking Judas which of them, in his opinion, will be first in the Kingdom of Heaven next to Jesus. Separately, Iscariot flatters both, however, when the disciples ask him the same question at the same time, Judas replies that the first next to Jesus will be none other than himself.

Leonid Andreev was able to describe many other moments colorfully and emotionally richly. “Judas Iscariot,” a summary of which is the topic of our conversation today, is gradually approaching its climax. The main character goes to the high priest Anna. Anna greets the guest sternly and refuses to take Jesus, fearing the intercession of believers and disciples. Iscariot is forced to visit the high priest several times to convince him of the need to betray Christ. When it comes to the price, Judas haggles for a long time and pettyly and ultimately agrees on the amount of thirty pieces of silver.

During the last days of Jesus' life, the traitor surrounds Christ with touching affection and care. He anticipates any desires of the teacher, brings him beautiful flowers and passes them through women, puts little children on Jesus’ lap, buys expensive wine, starts a conversation about Galilee, dear to Christ’s heart. In addition, Judas warns the other students about the need to take care of the teacher and obtains two swords for this purpose.

Chapter Seven

Jesus was worried. Walking through Jerusalem at night, he was clearly nervous. The disciples were ordered to stay awake all night to guard the camp site, but Peter, John, James and Simon fell asleep. Loud sounds woke everyone up. A crowd of soldiers led by Judas was approaching them. Judas whispered to the soldiers that whoever he kissed would be grabbed. The apostles watched in fear what was happening. After Christ was captured, all the disciples fled. Only Judas followed the teacher. He watched through the lattice window as Christ was being beaten, and thoughts swarmed in his head that suddenly the soldiers would figure out everything and his plan would fail.

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