Essay Where do dreams lead? (Final 11th grade)

  • Essays
  • 11th grade Unified State Examination
  • Where do dreams lead?

People dream about different things. Some people dream about material things - going to the sea, buying a car, a smartphone. They save for a long time, think about their dream. They move towards it in small steps. And when the dream is already in hand, they are very happy, and soon begin to dream of something else. About the next phone, TV, kettle, apartment.

Such dreams only lead to hoarding. They can neither develop a person spiritually nor help other people. The joy of owning a dream quickly fades.

Another category of people dreams of achieving something. Become a great scientist, make discoveries in the field of physics, chemistry, biology. Or become an astronaut. Fly into deep space. Look at our planet from above. Become the greatest athlete. Such dreams motivate and guide a person. They make him stronger, better, force him to develop in the subject area, read a lot, and improve physically. Such a dreamer can devote his life to making his dream come true. And the result may be a great scientist, or a famous athlete, or a conqueror of distant worlds. Or a writer. His dream can be realized in his work, in books. In his books, he can transform into an astronaut, an athlete, and even Superman.

There are still people who are dreamers. They dream all their lives, but not a single dream comes true. They don't get around to implementing it. They are called dreamers.

Dreaming is very useful. All children dream. Dreams open up new horizons, new roads and paths for us. And all we have to do is follow them. There are many examples in life when an ordinary dream led a person to discoveries or accomplishments. Dreamers can enrich not only their own lives, but also the lives of those around them. Make it better, more interesting. Give your discovery to the world.

But sometimes dreams are broken by reality. A person dreams of something, goes towards his goal. And having received what he was striving for, he realizes that this is not what he wanted. For example, he dreams of becoming a doctor. He studies for a very long time to become a doctor, then goes to work. And he soon realizes that the profession does not captivate him, he is not interested in communicating with patients, the profession begins to bring not joy and pleasure, but the bitterness of disappointment. All his dreams turn out to be wrong, false, not his dreams.

Dreams can come true in real life, or they can simply remain dreams. In any case, dreams make us move forward towards the intended goal, using all our experience, knowledge, skills, and abilities. Dream, move towards your goal and you will definitely succeed!

Essay 2

What are dreams? Dreams are like a small world in our heads. After all, we dream in our subconscious, in the hope that these thoughts will materialize into reality. We can dream wherever and as much as we want, breaking away from reality into our world of happiness. When you dream, you forget about your problems and other troubles. After all, dreams are the most beautiful thing that nature has given us. We tend to dream from birth. As a child, we dream of a toy car, or meeting a cartoon character. And as adults, we dream of wealth, cars and houses.

Every person dreams of his own. Some people dream of material benefits, for example, going on vacation, buying a new phone or a house. Almost everyone who dreams moves towards their dream every day. Getting closer and closer to her. And they are waiting for the moment of its implementation. When a dream comes true, people cannot enjoy it forever, a few days at most, and they already set new goals and new dreams and go to conquer them. And there are people who think that the dream will fly into their hands and there is nothing to do. This is a very erroneous opinion, and very few people, if not almost no one, can succeed in conquering their dreams using the “do nothing” method.

There is a very wonderful book “The subconscious mind can do anything!” This book says that all our dreams materialize over time. If we imagine our dream in our heads at least every day. And most importantly, you need to imagine with the understanding that you already have this thing or something else. For example, this book talked about a girl who was very smart, but lived in a family with little income. And she always dreams of studying in a decent institution. Looks like Oxford, but I could be wrong. So, this girl imagined every day how she walked around the school, how she learned her favorite lessons, and how she lived there. She had no doubt that she would study there. So, one day the girl looked into the mailbox and saw a wad of money in an envelope, there was exactly the amount of money needed for education. This is how the girl’s dream came true.

This story also talked about a girl who went to seminars on the materialization of thoughts. She dreamed of a house, dreamed of living near the sea and dreamed of a family. Soon she called her teacher, who taught her exactly this system, she said that everything had come true for her, she had everything she wanted. Her teacher wanted to meet her, but it didn’t work out. As a result, he met with her after 3 months, and she told him that the materialization of thoughts does not work. And he told her, “you said that you had a family, the house is everything you wanted,” and she answered him, “Yes? And I already forgot about it.”

The conclusion can be drawn that everything we dream about comes true. But when we get what we want, we immediately want to get more and more, and we forget about what we have achieved! Dreaming is not harmful, but very useful!

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Option 3

Every person has had a dream at some point. This is especially easy to notice in children, because all of them, from young to old, both boys and girls, cherish in their hearts that one thing, unattainable, that is called a dream. Some spent their entire childhood designing model rockets, dreaming of being an astronaut, some organized concerts for their parents, dreaming of a career as an artist, and some covered all their wallpaper with bright paint—this was a future artist.

At first glance, it seems as if most children's dreams are completely unrealizable. However, even if the dream does not come true, it does not live up to children’s hopes, it is still needed. It’s easy to believe in this, even once catching the gaze of a person inspired by hope. These are the happiest, most self-loyal people. Their day simply cannot be wasted, in vain, because with every new hour a person who dares to step towards his dream finds himself closer to it. Difficulties do not frighten him; it is much worse to not try at all.

A dreamer, firmly grasped by his idea, will strive for it, no matter what. This can play a good role, because not everyone can boast that, after putting in a lot of effort, they finally achieved their goal. Recognition, glory and honor await such a person. However, it is important not to make a mistake in choosing a dream and the method of achieving it, because not only the fate of one person, but also everyone who surrounds him depends on it. A true dream should benefit the world around the dreamer, and not harm him. Selfish or harmful dreams kill a person’s soul and heart, in addition, they destroy other people’s destinies, and this is far from the best way to achieve happiness.

Thus, a dream is one of the best phenomena in the whole world, because it is what brings kindness, love and happiness into a person’s life, as well as an incentive, no matter what, to never give up and always continue to fight. With his dream, a person needs to bring joy to others, because not a single decent person has ever brought pleasure from the sorrows and deprivations of others. A happy person does not need all this. And a true dreamer is truly happy. Because it has the greatest value in the world - its own, indestructible, pure and bright dream.

Grade 11.

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Katerina from the work “The Thunderstorm” dreams.
Few people think that a person’s dreams can tell a lot about him. Our innermost goals reveal our entire essence much more than words, gestures or anything else. “How does a person’s dream characterize him?” - an essay with arguments and examples from literature:

Aspirations and goals have the most direct impact on a person. We can say that by cherishing his dream, he himself becomes its direct embodiment. If a person dreams of happiness and love, like Katerina , from the play “The Thunderstorm,” then he himself seems to exude light and warmth and strives to give it to others. Moreover, the desire to have something tends to give a feeling of joy and tranquility, it inspires, gives peace of mind and incentives for further existence.

However, the lover, alas, did not appreciate the woman’s emotional impulses and left, leaving her “with nothing.” All aspirations, both for personal happiness and for a free life, turned to dust. Even the fact that Katerina’s was cut short after the loss of her dream suggests that in some cases the lack of hope for a person is like death, and in the literal sense. Also, using the example of the heroine, you can understand that a person himself is his own dream. After all, if she dies, he dies too.

The desire to be happy and loved characterizes Katerina as an incredibly sensual, kind, sympathetic, honest, but very trusting girl. Having met Boris , she believed him from the first word and connected her dreams and hopes with him, which, as it turned out, turned out to be groundless.

Essay Where do dreams lead? Grade 11

What are dreams? Dreams are like a small world in our heads. After all, we dream in our subconscious, in the hope that these thoughts will materialize into reality. We can dream wherever and as much as we want, breaking away from reality into our world of happiness. When you dream, you forget about your problems and other troubles. After all, dreams are the most beautiful thing that nature has given us. We tend to dream from birth. As a child, we dream of a toy car, or meeting a cartoon character. And as adults, we dream of wealth, cars and houses.

Every person dreams of his own. Some people dream of material benefits, for example, going on vacation, buying a new phone or a house. Almost everyone who dreams moves towards their dream every day. Getting closer and closer to her. And they are waiting for the moment of its implementation. When a dream comes true, people cannot enjoy it forever, a few days at most, and they already set new goals and new dreams and go to conquer them. And there are people who think that the dream will fly into their hands and there is nothing to do. This is a very erroneous opinion, and very few people, if not almost no one, can succeed in conquering their dreams using the “do nothing” method.

There is a very wonderful book “The subconscious mind can do anything!” This book says that all our dreams materialize over time. If we imagine our dream in our heads at least every day. And most importantly, you need to imagine with the understanding that you already have this thing or something else. For example, this book talked about a girl who was very smart, but lived in a family with little income. And she always dreams of studying in a decent institution. Looks like Oxford, but I could be wrong. So, this girl imagined every day how she walked around the school, how she learned her favorite lessons, and how she lived there. She had no doubt that she would study there. So, one day the girl looked into the mailbox and saw a wad of money in an envelope, there was exactly the amount of money needed for education. This is how the girl’s dream came true.

This story also talked about a girl who went to seminars on the materialization of thoughts. She dreamed of a house, dreamed of living near the sea and dreamed of a family. Soon she called her teacher, who taught her exactly this system, she said that everything had come true for her, she had everything she wanted. Her teacher wanted to meet her, but it didn’t work out. As a result, he met with her after 3 months, and she told him that the materialization of thoughts does not work. And he told her, “you said that you had a family, the house is everything you wanted,” and she answered him, “Yes? And I already forgot about it.”

The conclusion can be drawn that everything we dream about comes true. But when we get what we want, we immediately want to get more and more, and we forget about what we have achieved! Dreaming is not harmful, but very useful!


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How a person’s dreams help them achieve success: essay

A person's dreams help to achieve success.
We would not be able to achieve heights if not for our aspirations. Goals strengthen the spirit, as they force you to move forward no matter what. “How do a person’s dreams help them achieve success?” - composition:

Sometimes a dreaming person is reproached for wanting the impossible. Yes, it is likely that those around you can understand. However, if you put yourself in the place of the person who has a dream, feel his state of mind, then you can imagine all the conviction that he experiences in the reality of his desires. And this is not just an illusion.

People's dreams really help to achieve success. After all, in fact, they are a kind of “starting point” in order to begin to move towards this success. If the concept of dreams did not exist in the world, we would not see so many successful and famous people. After all, each of them at one time was an ordinary person, just like you and me. But it was self-improvement and a strong belief in his own dream, as well as efforts that helped him become what this or that person is now.

Of course, not all dreams come true. However, even if on the way to the goal, it collapses like a sand castle, then you should not be upset. Perhaps this is a temporary phenomenon, and then approaches to the dream will arise again. Or another goal, higher and more significant, will take its place.

We can say that dreams serve as a catalyst and motivator. It would be impossible to move forward without them.

Goals and dreams in a person’s life, is it necessary to be true to your dream: final essay

Goals and dreams in a person’s life
Dreams and goals in a person’s life arise unconsciously. Sometimes it is formed based on his personal tastes, desires and preferences; it arises, like some kind of fruit of fantasies and revelations. “Do you need to be true to your dreams?” - final essay:

If a person has a desire not only to enjoy and revel in the pleasant sensations of having a dream, but also to experience it in reality, it is very important to set a course for yourself and not stray from it, no matter what happens. Otherwise, nothing will work.

As an example, I can cite one of my friends, Lesha from a parallel class . Since the previous summer, he has been dreaming of forming a musical group and learning to play the guitar. Alas, his family lives poorly, he himself does not work yet, so he has never bought himself a good instrument. It seemed, why not start practicing if this is the 10th time ’ve offered him to borrow my guitar? For some reason, he flatly refuses and begins to insist that he will never be able to learn even 4 chords anyway.

But I think that a person can achieve his dream only when he believes in himself and goes towards it, no matter what. These are the people who achieve success. As for my friend, alas, his worldview suggests that his dream will remain with him until his old age. Unless, of course, he rethinks his position and understands that in order for his desires to come true, he needs to discard his complexes and make efforts.

Goals and dreams play a huge, even sometimes significant role in a person’s life. However, in my understanding, you shouldn’t spend decades just rejoicing in the fact that they inspire you and give you pleasant emotions. The meaning and pleasure is to slowly but surely move towards a great goal, while overcoming obstacles.

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