About the work The story “Scarecrow” by Zheleznikov was written in 1981. The work is characterized by emotionality and
History of creation All the poet’s work can be divided into two periods. The poem “From the clearing the kite
A very brief retelling of the story “In Bad Society.” The narration is told on behalf of the boy Vasya, who lives
The writer M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin grew up surrounded by landowner families, endowed with vices and lies, which is very
Plot - summary Using his last money, Semyon saves the lives of three animals - a cat,
Essay on the painting “Haymaking”, Plastov Author: Alexey, 4th grade In front of me is a painting by A.A. Plastova
Despite the fact that every person comes into this world alone, and alone
Essays 9th grade OGE Trust Trust is a very valuable quality in life, this
Essays 11th grade Unified State Exam Why should a person be kind? A person should be kind because
Author of the novel “The Plague” Albert Camus The writer was born in the fall of 1913 in Algeria. With the beginning