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1) “Horse with a pink mane” V.P. Astafiev
The boy Vitya is a kind, obedient child. Having deceived his grandmother, the hero could not sleep all night. The boy tried to confess everything to her, but was afraid of punishment for his action. In the morning, grandma went to the market to sell the berries Vitya had collected. However, instead of strawberries, the tueska contained grass, for which the woman had to blush in front of the customer. Vitya is a conscientious boy, he was very ashamed of his action.
2) “The Overcoat” by N.V. Gogol
Significantly, the person refused to help Akaki Akakievich. The general to whom the main character addressed scolded the official in front of his friend, and then brazenly kicked him out the door. The effect that the significant person sought was achieved: not only Bashmachkin, but also the guest, hurried to leave the office in fear. However, the heart of a significant person was not alien to many good movements. The general regretted that he had exposed the innocent Akaki Akakievich. Pangs of conscience haunted him. A week later, a significant person sent to the official to find out if there was anything he could do to help him. The messenger returned with the news of Bashmachkin's death. The general was struck by this news; all day long he heard reproaches from his conscience for this. A significant person repented that he had treated Akaki Akakievich so cruelly.
3) “Hero of Our Time” M.Yu. Lermontov
When Pechorin announced the tightening of the rules of dueling, Grushnitsky was faced with a difficult choice: to become the murderer of a former comrade or to admit to a vile, cowardly conspiracy. Any wound received on the edge of a cliff should have been fatal. Now Grushnitsky could not be content with easy revenge, for example, wounding Pechorin in the leg. For a long time the cadet did not dare to shoot; he argued fiercely with the captain about something. Most likely, the young officer wanted to do the right thing by admitting to Grigory that his pistol was not loaded. The captain managed to persuade Grushnitsky to fire a shot. But the officer did not kill Pechorin; the bullet only scratched his former comrade’s leg. When the main character exposed the deception of Grushnitsky and the captain, the cadet did not deny it. The first time he did not listen to the captain, who insisted on ending the duel. Grushnitsky's decision is a belated triumph of conscience over cowardice and fear.
4) “Eugene Onegin” A.S. Pushkin
Tatiana loves Onegin. However, not finding reciprocity in Eugene’s feelings, she marries someone else. After some time, Onegin realizes that he has fallen in love with Tatyana. He wants her back, but the young woman refuses him. Despite the fact that Evgeny is still not indifferent to her, Tatyana puts moral duty above her own feelings. She remains faithful to her husband. The young woman does not love her husband, but she respects him and their relationship.
What is conscience - a definition for an essay
According to Dahl's explanatory dictionary, the concept of “conscience” means a person’s ability to understand morality, morality, control his actions within the framework of law and morality, demand that he fulfill them, and give an account of his actions.
Dostoevsky F.M. said that this feeling is the action of God in man. Suvorov A.V. complemented this idea with the fact that it gently touches the soul and illuminates a person, follows him everywhere, helps him realize his mistakes, and prevents him from doing wrong.
The ancient Greek philosopher Democritus defined conscience as shame before oneself.
Why are women more often tormented by their conscience than men?
Women love to push themselves into limits, think about decency and demand ideal behavior from themselves. The beautiful half of humanity suffers much more often because of morals and principles. What is the problem of too strongly developed conscience in women?
Reasons for conscientiousness in women:
- Emotionality.
- Upbringing.
- Social requirements.
Firstly, women have much more developed emotionality, unlike men. They may worry about a wrong look or word. By nature, they suffer more due to minor problems. For the most part, women listen to emotions without paying attention to dry facts.
Secondly, when raising women, much more demands are made than the stronger sex. They must be able to cook, wash, clean, speak and be silent. If a woman cannot become a good housewife, then the subconscious will reproach her. An internal conflict is created. Of course, not every nervous system can withstand such pressure.
Thirdly, society demands enormous, virtually impossible feats from women. A woman should give birth, look good, build a career and be an excellent housewife. But how to combine this is not clear. Society does not help solve the situation, but only aggravates it.
Arguments from literature for an essay on the topic of conscience
The topic of conscience is relevant in literature. In almost every work there is a hero who tries to live by it.
For example, in V. M. Shukshin, the main character Egor is a former criminal who brought his mother a lot of misfortune. When, after many years of life, he meets his mother, he cannot admit for a long time that he is her son.
Subsequently, his friends want to return him to the path of crime, but he refuses, without experiencing pangs of conscience, even under pain of death.
How does a person feel guilty?
From childhood, every person is instilled with moral and moral principles that are accepted in society. Without this, it is impossible to imagine normal socialization of the individual. When an action, word or thought diverges from these rules laid down from an early age, a feeling of dissatisfaction with oneself inevitably appears.
You can read: A complete list of human feelings and emotions
A person finds it difficult to bear the fact that he could not live up to his inner beliefs. A negative assessment of one’s behavior and worry about the consequences are called guilt. Thus, the appearance of guilt is directly related to the fact that a person deeply regrets what he has done.
The problem of conscience in literary works
This problem is often raised in literary works because authors love to talk about it. It is enough to remember the novels, stories and stories of great authors, and you will immediately find a couple of examples for discussion.
Thus, in the novel War and Peace, Nikolai Rostov loses an astronomical amount of money to Dolokhov, although he promised his father that he would never play at the card table again, since the family was experiencing serious financial difficulties.
At first, Nikolai does not feel guilty, but then, realizing that his father will not leave him in trouble, he tearfully promises himself and him that he will not do this again.
In V. Bykov’s story “Sotnikov,” the main character, before being executed by the Nazis, tearfully recalls an episode from his childhood, where one day he takes his father’s pistol and it shoots at home. Mom, who came running into the room, realized what happened and tells her son to tell his father everything.
The hero convinces his father that he himself thought of telling him about what happened. But it was a lie that tormented me all my life. Then he swore to himself to never lie to anyone again. Such a small episode from childhood turned Sotnikov into a conscientious person.
In addition to those listed, there are other, no less striking examples from the literature. We list them below.
F. M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”
The novel by Fyodor Mikhailovich is the most striking example of conscience from the book and all Russian literature in general.
The main character Rodion Raskolnikov, considering himself not a “trembling creature”, but one who has the right, kills a greedy old woman who brings grief to those around her.
But then he realizes that by killing her, he killed himself too, breaking the law and morality. As a result, he suffers for a long time and decides to confess to the murder, revealing his shamelessness.
A. S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter”
In the novel, the main characters Pugachev and Grinev meet during a storm near an inn.
Grinev shows mercy to a stranger, sees that the person is cold and needs money.
He gives his sheepskin coat and a couple of coins so that he does not die.
Later, when Grinev is taken into custody, Pugachev will remember the act and free Grinev from execution.
V. Astafiev “Horse with a pink mane”
V. Astafiev has a story “A Horse with a Pink Mane.”
In it, the boy Vitya acts badly, stealing strawberries from his grandmother for the neighbor's children, and instead puts grass in the basket so that the grandmother does not notice.
Later, he does not sleep at night and decides to confess his actions to his grandmother, thereby repenting to her. For this, she gives him a gingerbread in the form of a horse, rewarding the manifestation of the voice of conscience.
N. Gogol “Dead Souls”
The antipode of conscience in Nikolai Vasilyevich’s novel is Chichikov. The main character has no remorse and dishonestly deceives people, profiting from their troubles. All his actions indicate that he is a low person.
M. A. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”
In Bulgakov's novel there is a mythical episode aimed at demonstrating true moral values: the myth of Pontius Pilate and Yeshua.
Pilate is a Roman official and must punish Yeshua.
He knows that Yeshua is not guilty of anything, but he cannot release the captive, because then he will lose his ranks and work.
As a result, Yeshua is executed. After this, Pilate suffers. In the end, he realizes his guilt and repents, freeing his heart and soul from remorse.
M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “Conscience is gone”
In the novel of the famous satirical writer, a heightened conscience is personified. She goes to visit everyone and asks permission to stay. But every resident of the big city does not want to take her and rejects her.
Then she asks the last wanderer to find a small child in order to dissolve in him. And so it happened.
M. Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time”
The main character in the novel by Mikhail Yuryevich is a suffering egoist. He is tormented, but he proves to himself that it is just boredom. As a result, this feeling arises in the soul and fights against vice, gradually becoming a measure of morality.
How to get rid of remorse
How often, after committing any act, a person feels remorse, he is troubled by the pangs of conscience, and is gnawing at a feeling of guilt. Often such torments have a reason, but it also often happens that they overcome a person for no reason. At the same time, some individuals have learned to cope with this very well, while for others it can plunge them into a whirlpool of depression. That’s why it’s so important to learn to overcome feelings of remorse.
Finding out the reasons that gave rise to it and changing your attitude towards the situation that caused mental anguish will help you cope with this scourge.
Having done something unseemly, you should not immediately classify yourself as a “bad” person. It must be remembered that every human subject makes mistakes. Therefore, one should fully accept what happened, and not just its individual aspect, and analyze the reason that led to these unseemly actions. It is also important to remember the time when mental torment appeared and soberly consider whether there is actually some guilt or not. If a conscious analysis leads to the fact that the basis of the experience is only an illusion, then it will become much easier to overcome.
If the conclusions led to the realization of the insignificance of guilt, then it is necessary to understand that this has already happened and there are no reasons for self-torture. You need to learn from what happened and determine your future behavior in similar situations, but torturing yourself is not constructive.
In addition, there are at least two ways out of any supposedly “hopeless” situation. Hence, those suffering from “bullying” of conscience are faced with the following prospect: either continue to suffer further, or take at least some action to correct the situation.
Since conscience is the ability of people to determine their own moral standards, boundaries of morality, rules of behavior and the ability to control their compliance, the best way out is sincere repentance and, as a result, an apology to the injured party.
Works about conscience for children
Every cartoon, every fairy tale talks about her. From an early age, children are taught to do the right thing, choosing morality over lies and betrayal.
Thus, in the cartoon and book “Dasha the Traveler,” the main character, together with her friend Shoe, explores the world and helps everyone who needs help.
However, in their way there is always the cunning fox Rogue, who is always trying to decorate something, committing a shameless act. Then Dasha tells the Crook that stealing is wrong, and he gives back the stolen goods and sincerely asks for forgiveness.
V. M. Garshin “A Man of Heightened Conscience”
Another name for the fairy tale Attalea princeps. She talks about a young palm tree, which in Garshin’s fairy tale was not conscientious. She wanted freedom at any cost, so she did not consider any other trees.
Having grown large and breaking the roof of the building, she began to die. At the end of its life, the palm tree admitted that it was wrong and took away water and space from other plants.
Victor Dragunsky “The secret becomes clear”
The fairy tale by Victor Dragunsky tells about a boy who really did not want to eat porridge and threw it out the window while his mother was not looking. He told mom that he had finished everything.
She praised her son and said that they were going to the Kremlin as a reward for a good appetite. A little later, a man knocks on the door.
Mom opens it and sees that this man is covered in porridge. When the mother cleared the newcomer, the boy hid and did not want to approach her. But later he overcame himself and asked for forgiveness, remembering the lesson.
Dmitry Panteleev “Honestly”
In Leonid Panteleev’s fairy tale, the boy promised the children not to leave during the game.
But the guys cheated and ran home, but the main character remained standing, responsibly keeping his promise.
Seeing the boy's trouble, the man did not turn away, but decided to help, acting in good conscience, and took the child home, making sure that he did not throw his promise to the wind.
Vladimir Zheleznyakov “Scarecrow”
In the story “Scarecrow,” the main character, being a good friend of Dima Somov, takes the boy’s guilt before his classmates upon herself.
Dima himself does not say that he is a traitor, but remains silent when the children begin to mock the girl.
At the birthday party, he still tells the guys that the girl is not to blame for anything. And in the end, all the children ask for forgiveness for tormenting the girl.
Albert Likhanov “My General”
In the story, the action unfolds around Anton Petrovich and Anton's grandson.
The grandson is very proud of his grandfather and tells all his classmates that he was in the war and has many orders and awards. But, being retired, grandfather works as a storekeeper.
The grandson feels ashamed for this. Later, the boy’s feelings awaken at his grandfather’s grave, because he is told the truth of life: his grandfather found the boy near the body of his dead mother and handed him over to his relatives to raise.
Thus, the boy learns respect for elders and that every profession is important, and one cannot judge a person by what he does.
How to say “no” without remorse
Probably everyone has encountered situations when it is quite difficult to refuse, it is difficult to pronounce the three simple letters that make up the word “no”. First of all, in order to learn to pronounce these treasured letters when there is no desire or opportunity to fulfill a request, you need to realize for yourself that no one owes anything to anyone. Realizing this will make your life much easier.
You should also not allow yourself to feel guilty about refusing to satisfy someone’s request. To do this, it is important to understand that disagreement to help, to fulfill the request of the person asking, does not imply a refusal to a specific person, it is just a disagreement to do what you do not want. At the same time, you need to say no confidently, explaining clearly and calmly the reason for the refusal.
You need to understand that when you refuse there is no room for feelings of guilt. First of all, this feeling is an emotion that appears when a person does something bad or wrong. That is, it is normal to feel guilty after hurting someone, but “no” does not hurt. A person will simply have to do for himself what he wanted to do or what he expected help with. It may be unpleasant for him, but it certainly won’t hurt. Therefore, a banal refusal should not entail mental anguish.
The easiest way to refuse is to reject a request for help with the offer of a so-called “consolation prize”, for example, saying that workload does not allow help with writing a thesis and offering a link to a suitable source. At the same time, it is necessary to offer an alternative not based on a feeling of guilt, but precisely because of a sincere desire to help.
Also, an objective explanation of the reasons by external circumstances beyond the person’s control will help not to feel mental anguish when refusing.
Often, a trouble-free person only makes things worse for those who ask, because they get used to relying not on their own strengths, but on outside help. This is very relaxing and leads to the fact that people who abuse requests begin to believe that they are simply obliged to help. The consequence of this is complete lack of independence.
Examples of conscience from human life
If a student does not remember the second argument from literature in the exam, then he can always give a real-life example. This could be any moment from his or the life of his loved ones or friends.
For example, he can talk about how he lied to mom or dad, saying that he had to go to school later, or that he was sick and could not go to an important event, or about the first time he stole something from a store and then returned it. stolen back.
You can also remember any charitable deeds and briefly talk about them: about helping the homeless, about feeding homeless animals, about helping the elderly, etc.
Also, a fragment from any film or its characteristics can act as an argument from life. For example, just remember the events of the film “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas,” where the hero is tormented by the fact that he has bread and water on the table, the best toys, and his peer does not even have a roof over his head.
Reason for appearance
Many people are familiar with the feeling of pressure felt in the soul, a stream of endless thoughts, informing that the job is done and the situation can no longer be corrected. If this state of affairs drags on and a person does not take any action to correct what he has done, then after mental anguish comes a feeling of guilt, giving way to depression. In this case, it is absolutely unimportant whether the individual is really so seriously guilty. It is important how the individual evaluates his own actions.
Remorse is a process in which a person becomes a judge of his own personality. However, such a court, just like a trial in real life, is not always fair, but its significant difference is its integrity.
The feeling of guilt is often quite dangerous for an individual, because he, consumed by this feeling, destroys his own personality. A prolonged and persistent feeling of guilt brings discomfort and causes harm not only to the individual himself, but also to those around him. This is the main problem with remorse.
Below are the most common reasons that give rise to pangs of conscience, namely:
- deception;
– causing undeserved offense to loved ones;
– ignoring requests, orders, instructions, instructions related to work activities;
– thoughtless statements of an offensive nature, uttered in a fit of anger;
– disclosure of entrusted secrets;
– inappropriate behavior due to the influence of alcoholic intoxication, for example, at a corporate party;
– committing acts that contradict a person’s existing moral principles;
– secrets from a marriage partner or parents;
– events that gave rise to tragic consequences (for example, injuries, death).
The above list is just the most common reasons, but there are also a huge number of factors that cause mental anguish. After all, each person has an individual threshold of conscientiousness.
Examples from history
Almost every great person in history was conscientious.
Thus, during his lifetime, the Apostle Peter was persecuted for spreading Christianity by the Roman commander Herod and spent most of his life behind bars. They could not execute him because he was a citizen of Rome.
When rumors reached that Peter was teaching his doctor Christian doctrine, a decision was made to execute him.
Before this event, Peter saw how the son of a Roman general was suffering, and said that he could help him if he was released from custody for a while. He cured his son of a terrible disease.
He, realizing that he could save Peter’s life, as a thank you, does not dare to do this and suffers from this all his life.