“Russian character” - a summary of the story by A.N. Tolstoy

History of creation

The story is considered the author's last significant work. Tolstoy included it in his famous cycle, which he completed in 1944.

In addition to this, the collection includes other works:

  • “At night in the entryway in the village”;
  • “How it began”;
  • "Seven grimy";
  • "Nina";
  • "Strange story."

Typically, military literature contains descriptions of battles or relations between the warring parties. Tolstoy wrote a rather unusual work. It is based on family relationships. There are no characters with negative characters in the story. Almost all the characters are noble, smart and kind.

The entire conflict was contrived by the main character ; the contradictions appeared only in his head. Thanks to this, the work ended happily. But in fact, during the war years, families who were able to live as before after their men returned from the front were not numerous.

Tolstoy knew that many soldiers died or came home crippled physically and mentally. He did not want to describe the horrors of war, which everyone already knew about. A positive story with an interesting plot can be compared to a life raft - the people needed positive thinking against the backdrop of terrible events.

The work is written based on real events . An employee of the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper told Tolstoy about a tanker who almost burned to death in a tank. The unusual fate of the soldier interested the writer and awakened in him the strength of the Russian spirit.

The author paid much more attention to the experiences of the main character than to the description of military events. Thanks to this technique, the story became interesting for both adults and children.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam (Part C) Essay based on the text by A. N. Tolstoy “Russian character”

Slide description: (1)Russian character! (2) Go ahead and describe it... (3) Should we talk about heroic deeds? (4) But there are so many of them that you get confused which one to prefer. (5) In war, constantly hovering around death, people become better, all nonsense peels off from them, like unhealthy skin after a sunburn, and the core remains in the person. (6) Of course, for one it is stronger, for another it is weaker, but those who have a flawed core are drawn to it, everyone wants to be a good and faithful comrade. (7) My friend, Yegor Dremov, even before the war had a strict behavior, he extremely respected and loved his mother, Marya Polikarpovna, and his father, Yegor Yegorovich, fulfilled his behest: “You will see a lot in the world, son, and you will go abroad, but Be proud of your Russian rank...” (8) He also didn’t like to rant about military exploits: he would frown and light a cigarette. (9) We learned about the combat performance of his tank from the words of the crew; the driver Chuvilev especially surprised the listeners. - (10) You see, he leads the tiger with its trunk, and the comrade lieutenant, as soon as he gives him a blow in the side, as he punches him in the turret, he lifts up his trunk, and as he punches him in the third one, smoke pours out of all the cracks of the tiger, and flames burst out of it a hundred meters up... (11) This is how Lieutenant Yegor Dremov fought until a misfortune happened to him. (12) During the Battle of Kursk, when the Germans were already bleeding and trembling, his tank - on a hillock, in a wheat field - was hit by a shell, two of the crew were immediately killed, and the tank caught fire from the second shell. (13) The driver Chuvilev, who jumped out through the front hatch, again climbed onto the armor and managed to pull out the lieutenant: he was unconscious, his overalls were on fire. (14) Chuvilev threw handfuls of loose earth on the lieutenant’s face, head, and clothes to put out the fire. (15) Then he crawled with him from crater to crater to the dressing station... (16) Yegor Dremov survived and did not even lose his sight, although his face was so charred that bones were visible in places. (17) He spent eight months in the hospital, he underwent plastic surgery one after another, his nose, lips, eyelids, and ears were restored. (18) Eight months later, when the bandages were removed, he looked at his and now not his face. (19) The nurse, who handed him a small mirror, turned away and began to cry. (20) He immediately returned the mirror to her. (21) “It can be worse,” he said, “but you can live with it.” (22) But he no longer asked the nurse for a mirror, he only often felt his face, as if he was getting used to it. (23) The commission found him fit for non-combatant service. (24) Then he went to the general. (25) - I ask for your permission to return to the regiment. (26) “But you are disabled,” said the general. (27) - No way, I’m a freak, but this won’t interfere with the matter, I’ll completely restore my combat capability! (28) Yegor Dremav noted that the general tried not to look at him during the conversation and only grinned with purple lips, straight as a slit. (29) Yes, here they are, Russian characters! (30) It seems like a simple person, but a severe misfortune will come, in big or small ways, and a great power rises in him - human beauty. (According to A.N. Tolstoy *) * Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1882-1945) - Russian Soviet writer and public figure, author of socio-psychological, historical and science fiction novels, stories and stories, journalistic works

Main characters

In Tolstoy's story "Russian Character" the main characters are distinguished by their good character and positive qualities. They adapt to different events, but at the same time remain humane. Main characters:

  • Egor Dremov;
  • Chuvilev;
  • Egor Egorovich;
  • Maria Polikarpovna;
  • Katya Malysheva;
  • Ivan Sudarev.

One of the main characters of Tolstoy’s “Russian Character” is tanker Yegor Dremov. He took part in the battle on the Kursk Bulge and almost died. His tank was practically burned, and the soldier himself received serious burns. Driver Chuvilev helped him get out.

Dremov returned home, but refused to admit to his parents that he was their son . With his face burned, no one recognized him. But Maria Polikarpovna and Yegor Yegorovich - the tanker’s mother and father - were not worried about his appearance. They were glad that their son returned alive, because many of their neighbors received news of the death of their children.

The mother is proud of Yegor’s actions, because he behaved courageously on the battlefield, and the father believes that such a face speaks of accomplished feats. A person may be ugly on the outside, but his inner beauty covers up any scars. His behavior on the battlefield only inspires respect, because Yegor is one of the few soldiers who is a Hero of the USSR.

Katya Malysheva - tankman's bride . She promised to wait for him from the front and remain faithful, and the girl kept her word. When she found out that the burned young man was her fiancé, she agreed to marry him. Katya was devoted to Yegor until her death; she considered him a real hero and a brave man.

The narrator of the work is the tanker's friend Ivan Sudarev. He is a friendly young man with a reasonable and reserved character.

It was he who assessed the actions of all the heroes and observed their relationships. Ivan was interested in human nature and its manifestation in different situations.

The meaning of the story “Russian Character” by Tolstoy

Alexei Tolstoy's story “Russian Character” is dedicated to the feat of the Soviet man in the Great Patriotic War. But the essence of the work lies not in describing the feat itself, but in revealing the spiritual qualities of the Russian soldier and the people around him.

To understand the idea and meaning of this story, you need to familiarize yourself with its plot. The main character of the story, tank commander Yegor Dremov, is on fire in his combat vehicle during the battle on the Kursk Bulge. Risking his own life, the driver saves his commander. The Russian character of the driver can be described by Russian proverbs: “get lost yourself, but help a friend out of trouble” and “don’t leave a friend in trouble.”

Dremov remains alive, he is demobilized, but the hero’s face is so disfigured by fire that he is afraid to show himself to his elderly parents, fiancee, and even his best friend. The tank driver thinks not only about himself, but also about his loved ones, not wanting to confuse them with his appearance. His modesty and sacrifice are characteristic character traits of the Russian person.

But Egor turns out to be wrong. He comes to his parents as a stranger and does not admit that he is their son. And he leaves without saying who he is.

Having left his father's house, he realizes how wrong he was, afraid of causing grief to his parents. On the contrary, for them happiness is already that their son is alive. His burnt face doesn't become any less familiar. Dremov's father believes that such an appearance during a terrible war cannot evoke feelings other than respect and even admiration. This is the real Russian character: the main thing is the soul, not external beauty.

Yegor’s mother does not recognize her son at first, but she feels in her heart that in front of her is the one whom she loves most in the world. And after his departure he sends his son a letter asking him to return. And Dremov asks for forgiveness for the deception and returns.

The bride Katya also says that it doesn’t matter to her what her beloved has become outwardly, because the main thing is that his soul has remained the same.

Tolstoy presents his friend Ivan, on whose behalf the story is told, as an arbitrator who understands everything and weighs the actions of the main characters. And he, in turn, puts in the first place not Yegor’s monstrously changed appearance, but his modesty, spiritual kindness and, of course, Dremov’s outstanding heroism.

In his story, Tolstoy uses the method of synthesis, showing the Russian character not through the image of one, albeit heroic, person, but by combining different traits of this character inherent in several characters.

The story “Russian Character” is a typical example of socialist realism, when the conflict in the work arises not between good and evil, but between good and better. In the story about Yegor Dremov, such human qualities as nobility, abilities for compassion and forgiveness come to the fore. Works written in the style of socialist realism are characterized by a happy ending, as is the case in this story. But one cannot ignore the terrible period when “Russian Character” was published. When we are talking about the life of an entire people, it is not the right time to engage in soul searching and reflection. We need optimistic, heroic stories in which the right cause always wins.

The Russian character described by Tolstoy in the story helped the people win the mortal battle with fascism. In addition to tanks, guns and planes, victory requires an unbending will, supported by hatred of the enemy, heroism and the ability to sacrifice. The writer specifically draws the reader's attention to the fact that without these qualities the Russian people cannot be considered original, strive for creation, not destruction, build life, and not rot in the swamp of imaginary stability. In this regard, the main idea of ​​the story should be close to current generations.

Beginning of the work

For the reader's diary, you can read the summary of “Russian Character”. Tolstoy begins his story by describing the life of the main character before the war. Yegor was an ordinary person with a quiet character. He lived in a village, treated his parents with respect and was engaged in farming.

The young man was named after his father, although his grandfather also had the same name. It means “cultivator of the land,” which corresponded to the family’s occupation. The moral values ​​of different generations were the same.

Yegor was a handsome young man with a heroic physique. He was not afraid of physical labor and endured all the difficulties of rural life. The guy had a girlfriend, Katya. The lovers planned to get married soon.

But the war began, Yegor was taken to the front . His comrades admired his beauty, courage and simple Russian character. The guy talked a lot about his parents and Katya, and missed them very much.

During the war, the young man accomplished several feats, but was not proud of them. He was naturally modest, so he hid his awards. The story that happened to Yegor was learned by his comrade from other soldiers.

During the next battle, the young man’s tank was knocked out. The driver managed to pull him out of the fire, almost sacrificing himself. Egor received serious burns and his face was badly damaged. Doctors managed to save his vision, but failed to restore his former features. The soldier had to undergo numerous plastic surgeries. Burns and new scars did not add to his attractiveness - from a handsome young man he turned into a freak.

Although Yegor received the rank of lieutenant and Hero of the USSR, they wanted to send him home. The guy refused to leave the front and decided to stay in the regiment. Instead, he was given 20 days leave to visit his parents and his beloved Katya.

About the product

The story “Russian Character” by Tolstoy was written in 1944. This is a story about how the main character, having survived a serious wound in the war, was able to overcome himself, his fears and complexes and return to a full life. He found true support, love and care from his loved ones who did not turn away from him in difficult times.

We recommend reading the online summary of “Russian Character” on our website. A retelling of Tolstoy's work will be useful for the reader's diary and preparation for a literature lesson.

The material was prepared jointly with a teacher of the highest category, Kuchmina Nadezhda Vladimirovna.

Experience as a teacher of Russian language and literature - 27 years.

The denouement of the story

Yegor did not want to return home. He was afraid to show himself to his parents and fiancee. But still I had to go. The guy called his parents a friend of their son and began talking about his own exploits.

At home they greeted him politely and were glad that their son was alive and was behaving bravely on the battlefield. But the mother suspected that the young man who came to them was Yegor. The woman’s heart could not deceive, because she felt her own child. My father was very proud that his only heir achieved great success, performed great feats and was respected by his comrades.

The next morning Katya came to the Dremovs' house . At first the girl was frightened by the appearance of the guest. But then she started talking to him and was happy about the news about Yegor. She promised to continue to wait for him after the war and confessed her feelings.

Yegor himself watched his parents and bride with longing. He didn’t want to be a burden to them, to scare them, so he decided to leave home forever. The lieutenant returned to the front again, trying to forget about his native village.

But Maria Polikarpovna could not find a place for herself. She felt that it was Yegor who came to them. Neither his appearance nor his changed voice repelled his mother’s heart. The woman decided to write a letter to her son. She asked him directly what happened to him, whether he had recently come home.

His mother told Yegor that she was proud of him and did not care about his disfigured appearance. The laconic father also advocated for his son to return home. He believed that a guy should be proud of his burned face, because the scars speak of his valor.

Yegor finally returned home and confessed everything to his parents. Most of all, he was afraid of meeting his bride. Katya was a beautiful girl with a kind disposition. But she did not give up on him, because she loved him very much. The girl replied that she agreed to stay with him for the rest of her life, because his feelings were important to her, not his appearance.

The protagonist's internal conflict did not affect his surroundings. His close friends, parents and fiancée did not abandon him because of his ugly appearance. This is where the true Russian character is manifested - spiritual beauty overshadows external qualities.

Summary of Tolstoy Russian character

Egor Dremov is the simplest and most ordinary tanker. He lives an ordinary life. Egor is a very handsome guy. He is tall, strong, and has curly hair. Parents occupy a huge place in the hero’s life. He loves and respects them. Yegor has a chosen one. When leaving for war, he is sure that his beloved will be waiting for him and will accept him in any condition. During the war, Dremov performed many feats and brave deeds, however, he himself did not say a word about it to anyone. The war continued and Dremov fought bravely, but a terrible misfortune befell him.

During the next battle, Yegor's tank was knocked out. He was pulled out in a burning state a minute before the tank exploded. His friends died. The tanker's burns were so severe and severe that in some places bones could be seen under the burns and swollen skin. After the burns, Yegor had to undergo numerous plastic surgeries. His face was completely changed. It’s good that at least the poor guy still has his sight. Yegor looked in the mirror for a long time and tried to recognize the stranger looking at him from the mirror. The hero asks to be returned to the regiment, but is ordered to remain on vacation for another 20 days.

After resting he returns home. Egor meets with his parents. He does not want to scare them with his disfigured appearance. The idea comes to his mind to call himself a friend of their son. His parents warmly welcome him, feed him, give him water and ask him about their beloved son. The next day the hero meets his beloved girl, Katya. She immediately greets him joyfully, but when she sees his disfigured face, she shrinks away. Dremov talks about the exploits of her fiancé, and he decides to leave her life and forget about her forever.

Returning to the front, Yegor receives a letter from his mother, where she writes about her doubts that the son himself is coming to them. She wrote that she was proud of her son’s face and wanted to know the truth. Egor meets with his mother and fiancee. The mother accepts him, and the bride says that she wants to live her whole life only with him.

Read a summary of Russian character. Brief retelling. For a reader's diary, take 5-6 sentences

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