What is personality - what qualities is it characterized by, examples of historical and modern strong personalities

Updated July 24, 2021
Hello, dear readers of the KtoNaNovenkogo.ru blog. The term “personality” is used in different scientific paradigms (what is it?): philosophy, sociology, linguistics, psychology. This concept exists even in religion and politics.

We also often use it in everyday life, for example, when talking about someone “an interesting or famous person” and the like. What is this concept? Who can be called that and who cannot? What qualities are needed for this?

Definition of personality - what is it?

This term has many definitions. If we combine them, we get the following output:

A personality is a person who participates in the socio-cultural life and activities of society, revealing his individual characteristics in the process of interaction with other people.

A personality can exist in two forms:

  1. as an individual, subject of relationships (each person);
  2. as a member of a certain society, endowed with a certain system of stable qualities (for example, a party member, an actor, an athlete).

From this it can be seen that people are not born with a personality - they become one in the process of socialization (what is this?), knowledge of the world around them. A person acquires his own individual set of moral qualities, which distinguishes him from others.

Subsequently, people unite in community, unite into groups driven by similar interests.

Different approaches

As noted above, this concept is used in different social aspects, and they all answer the question of what a person is . Briefly about some of them:

  1. Philosophers of different times had different interpretations of this concept: a person was interpreted as the essence of God, as a hero and simply a citizen of his state. Its obligatory attributes, according to great minds, are will, reason and feelings.
  2. Social sciences connect the individual with the culture of society: that is, it is possible to be one only in the context of a cultural society.
  3. Religious movements define the concept of personality in different ways. For example, in Christianity only people can be called this way, from the moment conception occurs in the mother’s womb (therefore, abortion at any stage is considered a sin). In Hinduism, a person is not only a person, but also animals. In Buddhism there is no such concept at all: it is replaced by the word “soul”.
  4. In politics , it is a subject endowed with certain rights and freedoms assigned to it by the Russian Constitution.

Personality in psychology

A psychological view of this concept is also a scientific approach. In my opinion, he is the most interesting, so I devote a separate chapter to him. In psychology, the most common definition is:

A personality is a person who has a certain set of psychological qualities that determine his life in society: behavior, actions, relationships with people, activities, etc.

Nicholas Vujicic

This man is unique in his own way. Nick was born with a very rare pathology - he was missing both upper and lower limbs. But this did not break his spirit. By the age of 33, he had achieved worldwide fame. The biography of this man inspires many, helps broken people find the strength to live on. Nicholas goes swimming, skydives, etc. He has a loving wife and two sons.

What is a strong personality

What qualities must a person have to be called that? Based on the personality structure described below (be sure to read it - it’s very useful), we can say that a strong personality is :

  1. self-confident person;
  2. having a strong character;
  3. able to manage one's actions and emotional intelligence;
  4. easily adaptable to any environmental changes, especially negative ones;
  5. having goals and being able to achieve them;
  6. interacts effectively with the world and is a rational thinker.

This list of qualities can be continued endlessly.

The person described above is rather a collective image, since each individual has his own portrait of a strong personality. You can compose it yourself and develop the necessary characteristics in order to become strong.

For example, in this video we are asked to pay attention to the signs of a strong-willed person:

Do you consider yourself one of those? Well, okay. Being strong is not synonymous with being happy. For the most part, such people simply cannot act differently - that’s how they are. Did they want this? We need to ask them.

Personally, I don’t want to be like that, because due to the characteristics described below (temperament, abilities, strong-willed qualities) this is not my path. And following someone else's path is the worst thing that can happen to a person.

Don’t be fooled by the calls of “woe teachers” for personal growth - they won’t help you. Everything is decided by genetics and your own desire. It is not worth breaking the behavior program laid down by nature, because it is unnatural.

Refusal of unnecessary things is a sign of a strong personality

The ability to refuse something, in this case from a bad society, is one of the most important qualities in two directions - in self-development and in business. If you ask once-bankrupt billionaires about the reason for their ruin, many will answer “I couldn’t stop and abandon the project then.” Also on this path, we should be able to renounce everything that is bad and weakens us in order to become perfect. One wise man said: “The path of the warrior means the ability to give up everything for the sake of your goal.”

Sometimes we are too attached to something and are used to giving it up. Is it a weakness or a strength? Of course, we should be driven only by our will on this path, but if we, realizing that something harms us, cannot refuse it - what does that mean? Does this mean that we are stupid because our understanding fails us? Or does it mean that we are weak because we do not have the determination to give up something? Here we are not even talking about communication, but about everything that fetters us. Be it bad habits, useless pastime or your own shortcomings. If we can overcome ourselves and take control of our feelings and emotions, this will be our first step towards a stronger version of ourselves.

We also recommend this article: The purpose of a warrior is to fight

“Do not undertake any business - this is the first sign of wisdom. Having taken up a task, bring it to the end - this is the second sign of wisdom.” - Mahabharata. We should not take up unnecessary activities that will not benefit anyone. Wasting time in the evening on meaningless entertainment is not a sign of a strong person. Spending energy on developing our qualities or paying attention to what we want to become masters of is a sign of a strong person.

However, do not confuse “debt” and “unnecessary activity.” Everyone has a debt and the stronger a person is, the more debt he has. This does not mean that we owe anyone. This means that we owe it to ourselves. How much debt can a child have? But what duty do great people have? The difference is felt and the dignity of a man is determined by his duty. A big debt means a big man. Again, here we are talking about a sublime understanding of duty, which stands alongside honor, strength and dignity, and not just about duties.

So, we can say that society can serve as an impetus for development, but the same society can also serve as a kick into the abyss. Choose those who will be behind you - some will encourage you on your path and support you, others will pull you back and knock you down, calling you to come back. I hope that you will be able to find such a society, or even better if you already have one.

Examples of strong, outstanding and historical figures

In fact, there are a lot of such people. It’s just that not everyone was lucky enough to make history. This only happens if a strong personality manifests himself at a very high level (national, global) or if, due to some circumstances, they become known to a wide circle of people.

  1. Genghis Khan is a Mongol nomad who conquered half the world. Without outstanding personal qualities, it would be difficult to even think about this.
  2. Alexander the Great - at one time also conquered half the world, however, he went from west to east, and Genghis Khan - from east to west, but that’s not the point.
  3. Napoleon - there is much more evidence about the scale of his personality than about the previous two figures. He went from lieutenant to emperor in 20 years, conquering people with the strength of his spirit and self-confidence. He almost became the emperor of the whole world (and who stopped him from doing this?).
  4. Minin and Pozharsky - these two people, thanks to their personal qualities, led the militia at the beginning of the seventeenth century and expelled the Polish occupiers from Moscow.
  5. Peter the Great is a very odious personality, who during his not very long life made Russia a maritime (great) power. So much energy and confidence came from him that it made it possible to accomplish the impossible.
  6. Catherine the Second is a native German who, having become our empress, thanks to her irrepressible energy and iron will, made Russia truly Great.
  7. Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich - who can say that this is not the strongest personality in current world politics. Of course, his descendants will judge his actions, but it is already clear that he will go down in history along with the above-mentioned comrades.

There are people who are considered strong not because of what they achieved in life, but because they were able to remain true to themselves on the verge of death:

  1. Ivan Susanin - forced the Polish occupiers to waste time leading them through the swamps, while knowing that he would be executed for this.
  2. Alexey Maresyev , a pilot, was shot down during the Second World War and spent many days getting back to his people with shattered legs. After that, he returned to duty and flew on prosthetics, amazing all his contemporaries and descendants with the strength of his character.
  3. Magomed Nurbagandov is a policeman from Dagestan who, in the face of death, did not lose his restraint and did not give up his principles. He was executed in front of a video camera by a group of bandits. But he was not broken.

Report on the Strong Personality (Pntr I) message

Many historians are accustomed to believing that Peter I was the most outstanding personality of his time. After the death of his father, Peter was raised by his brother, Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich. Already from childhood, young Peter was fascinated by many things. He understood what military activity was and was completely interested in it. Peter understood about shipbuilding and was interested in firearms. When Tsar Fedor died, young Peter had to take his place on the throne. The new king began to devote himself completely to the interests of his state. Under his leadership, a lot of things were done and continued. In foreign policy, the tsar tried to find new allies and continued the war with Crimea. When Peter I visited Europe, he discovered and saw a lot. After arriving, he decides to change his state.

Peter I was determined to develop a trade business; for this, access to the Baltic Sea was necessary. It is at this time that the war with Sweden begins, and when their king dies, Sweden and the Russian Empire conclude a peace treaty. Thus, the state receives long-awaited access to the sea. Peter I concluded a peace treaty with Turkey, and most importantly, the construction of the city of St. Petersburg began. But what is so special about Peter - as a person, as a person? Many historical data indicate that from childhood he was restless, inquisitive, and fascinated by absolutely everything he encountered in his life. He worked well with his hands, loved to do everything himself, not afraid of dirty work.

Peter I was a sincere and honest person. He was a just ruler. But he was too used to working with tools that there were notes of misunderstanding in his interactions with people. Although the king understood that he was an absolute monarch in his power, he tried to build his rule on the principle of rationalism. He was a good man, but a rude king and ruler. He didn't respect the people around him. But the tsar loved to have fun and attended folk festivals. Peter I did not gather a large retinue around him; he liked to walk alone, or with several people. He felt at home everywhere, and sometimes this worked to his advantage. His actions and policies opened up a lot of new things for the state. It started to change. Some will admire him, others will despise his actions, but that's how he was. If he had not been strong inside, he would not have taken his state to a new level. It was he who made a huge contribution to history for many years. Peter I understood not only ordinary people, he knew what was necessary for the development of the country. His monuments can be found not only in Russian cities. In many European countries, monuments to the great Russian Tsar have been erected. People remember and cherish his memory.

6th grade

What influences the formation of personality

Personality structure refers to the presence of certain traits and the interaction between them.

In an individual, these traits manifest themselves in varying degrees and intensity, which is why all people are different from each other. Imagine that inside each of us there is our own personal mosaic: everyone has it, but no one has one like you .

You will not find two completely identical people on the planet: each has its own peculiarity, individuality. This explains conflicts, contradictions and misunderstandings between individuals.

To better understand what qualities characterize a personality, let's consider its components.


In everyday life, abilities are certain skills that allow a person to achieve certain results.

Abilities are divided into innate and acquired , and have a whole classification:

  1. the simplest abilities - the ability to breathe, see, touch, walk. That is, this includes the simplest human actions and the work of the senses;
  2. difficult ones are those that need to be learned. For example, playing the piano, drawing, embroidery. Acquired abilities are also called socially determined, since a person is not born with them;
  3. general - present in everyone, but to varying degrees. For example, everyone has the ability to learn, but someone grabs new material on the fly, while others take much more time to learn the same thing;
  4. special ones - not everyone has them and are based on certain inclinations a person has. For example, Mozart wrote his first symphony at the age of 8, something not every child is capable of. It is precisely such people who often become outstanding personalities;
  5. theoretical – consist in the ability to pose and solve theoretical problems using abstract logical thinking. To put it simply, solve problems in your head;
  6. practical – the ability to set practical problems and solve them. This includes developing a plan, breaking it down into large and small actions, and successfully implementing them in life;
  7. communicative - an example of good abilities of this kind is a person who knows how to establish effective interaction with others: influence people, resolve conflict situations, achieve what they want, win over and find a common language;
  8. subject-activity - the ability to handle objects.

All abilities are interconnected and influence each other, as well as the success and effectiveness of the individual in society.


Temperament explains how a person experiences various mental states in connection with different life circumstances. Two people with different temperaments, faced with the same situation, are likely to react differently.

For example, they will both lose a valuable item. One will be upset, a little worried, and the next day he will smile as if nothing had happened. The second one will be so upset that he will fall into a depressive state, from which the best psychologists in the city will then pull him out. The example is exaggerated for a clearer understanding of what temperament is.

In psychology, there are only 4 types of temperament , proposed by the well-known historical figure - Hippocrates:

  1. Melancholic - this includes vulnerable, anxious people who do not take criticism well, who give up at the slightest obstacle. They get tired quickly, tend to become despondent and depressed (what is this?).
  2. The choleric type characterizes hot-tempered, unrestrained, quickly irritated people. Their reactions are impulsive, but despite this, they quickly calm down and continue to behave as if nothing had happened.
  3. Phlegmatic is a calm, balanced person who prefers a state of inaction and contemplation. He slowly gets irritated, but holds a negative fuse for a long time. It takes a lot of effort to piss him off, but then watch out. The phlegmatic person is conservative, difficult to adapt to new conditions, but at the same time diligent and has a high performance capacity.
  4. Sanguine – this type includes cheerful, optimistic, and easily adaptable people. These are strong personalities: an example of one of them is the person described above, who lost something valuable, but continues to enjoy life. According to statistics, a sanguine person achieves great success in society, since he sees fewer obstacles in front of him - he simply bypasses them.

What qualities characterize personality


Character is the way a person acquires during the process of socialization to interact with the world around him.

These are features of human life, including reactions, manners, actions and behavior in society.

A strong personality is a person with a strong character.

He stands out from the rest, distinguished by his will, determination, and perseverance. Such a person always achieves better results in various areas of life than someone who goes with the flow.


Will is the ability of a person to control his actions.

A strong-willed person gets up every day at 5 am to do exercises, works three jobs to buy the car of his dreams, does not eat after 6 pm if he needs to lose weight, and always keeps his promise. He does what he doesn’t always want , but for some reason he needs.

Will always presupposes some kind of self-restraint, discipline (what is this?) and a plan of action. It helps a person cope with life’s difficulties and failures, and get up after defeat.

Carlos Castañeda spoke very subtly about this: “Will is what makes you win, even when your mind tells you that you are defeated.” A strong personality definitely has developed strong-willed qualities .


Emotions are subjective experiences that have a positive or negative connotation.

The main emotions are:

  1. mood – state at a given moment in time;
  2. affect – very violent emotions accompanied by some actions;
  3. simple emotions - accompany primitive organic needs (cold - bad, warm - good);
  4. feelings – experiences associated with someone/something (anger, love, jealousy, joy and others);
  5. passion is also feelings, but with bright intensity, often uncontrollable;
  6. Stress is a combination of emotions and the body's physiological reactions to them.

Emotions are present in all people, but they differ in their manifestations. Some people react violently and hold the reaction for a long time, others express their emotions “quietly” and quickly calm down. In any case , emotions need to be managed , otherwise in the heat of the moment you can make a mess, which you may later wish for bitterly.

Qualities and traits of a strong personality

A strong personality is characterized by qualities that show both internal maturity, which is manifested in the ability not only to withstand strong life challenges, but also to continue to move forward, and in the ability to remain human even in the most difficult situations.
Thus, the qualities of a strong personality can be: courage, masculinity, determination, boldness, endurance, fortitude, mercy, compassion, honesty, responsibility, fidelity, honor, duty, experience, inflexibility. These qualities form and manifest what we call a “strong personality.”

Such qualities are very rarely given to a person from birth and are most often acquired by a person during the course of life. Quite often, difficult life situations are a catalyst for the development of these qualities, which make a person a strong personality. If a person has experienced difficulty once, then next time it will be easier for him, since suitable qualities have already been formed in him. What can we say about those situations when a person’s whole life is a struggle?

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