Essay Chatsky, winner or loser? 9th grade

  1. Essays
  2. On literature
  3. Ostrovsky
  4. Is Chatsky a winner or a loser?

Chatsky is a key character in Griboyedov’s work, called “Woe from Wit.” Initially, the author gave the work a completely different title, in which the preposition “from” was missing. Only then did he decide to add a preposition that would allow him to understand the meaning of the work even more deeply.

It is worth noting that Chatsky is a fairly well-mannered and educated person; inside him, he is an intelligent person who tries to make informed decisions. His mind does not allow him to live in the existing society. Therefore, he experiences certain difficulties and problems, and thus grief from the mind appears.

The young man was raised in Famusov’s house, from which he leaves to get a decent education; when he returns a couple of years later, after graduating, he realizes that there is nothing left of the previous house. The girl he loves is not waiting for him. Sofia exchanged him for Molchalin, who did not have a deep soul and a progressive mind.

We can say that Chatsky was the loser in the love triangle. He could not win his own happiness, so he suffered from unrequited love. On the other hand, we can say that Sofia herself is not worthy of the love of a young man.

On the other hand, he always goes against public opinion, is ready to fight for his own views, is constantly developing and considers himself a fairly educated person. He is ready to argue with the Famusov society, which is accustomed to establishing its own rules. They are a relic of the past that many of the heroes do not intend to reject.

So is Chatsky a winner or a loser? I think that in life there are no absolute winners or losers, everyone has both weaknesses and strengths.

The young man was strong in science, had his own view on different things, but at the same time he lost a love defeat, which now resonates with pain in his heart; he cannot come to terms with Sophia’s choice, which leads him to constant disappointment and internal struggle.

He is both a winner and a loser. He has to fight his feelings, which are constantly bursting out of his chest. A young man has to watch from the sidelines as his only lover spends time with another young man. At the same time, he has room to grow further, he sets certain goals for himself and is ready to fight for his own opinion.

Option 2

Among all the writers who left their mark on Russian literature, the name of Griboedov stands somewhat apart. Most of his works are unknown to a wide circle of readers. But everyone, from school, knows well the novel “Woe from Wit,” which put Griboedov on a par with the greatest writers of all times and peoples.

In this work, the author invites the reader to pay attention to the theme of politics, and, oddly enough, love. These issues are completely different in their essence, but Griboyedov managed to weave them into something single, monumental. And even after many years, we follow with bated breath the experiences of the main character, and his thoughts and emotional worries are relevant for many today.

Here we meet the two main characters of the novel - Chatsky and Sofia. The young people have known each other from an early age; they practically grew up in the same house. And so, many years pass, they grow up, and, it would seem, nothing should bind them anymore. However, Chatsky suddenly realizes that he is in love with a girl. Returning from another long journey, Chatsky runs to Sofia’s house, wanting to confess his feelings to her and finally reveal his soul. But the girl remains distant, even cold, next to him. Moreover, soon anger towards the poor young man is born in her heart.

Chatsky, seeing this attitude towards himself, also notices that the girl is breathing unevenly towards another character in the novel - Alexei Stepanovich. Chatsky sees him as a vile and insignificant person, and does not understand at all how a girl could fall in love with such an impartial person. And it would be okay if it all ended there, but no, Sofia begins to spread rumors about Chatsky’s alleged madness, thereby turning people against him. Chatsky himself is completely broken. He sees no reason for such betrayal on the part of his beloved. He is full of love for this girl, he is ready to do anything for her, but she responds to his feelings with such disgusting behavior.

Now let's turn our attention to the political side of the novel. Chatsky does not fit into the framework of “Famus society”. He's not like them. These people do not believe in God or anything, for them the goal of life is only wealth and rank, for the sake of which they are ready to serve and flatter everyone who has money and status. Chatsky is disgusted by this worldview. He opposes selfishness, flattery and lies. He alone opposes the old foundations. People don’t want to know anything, they are afraid of education and enlightenment, they are happy with everything as it is. And Chatsky is a man of new times. He wants to tell them everything that has accumulated in his soul, but no one wants to listen to him. People just laugh at him and his thoughts. But behind this laughter we see a deeply hidden fear. Fear that soon something will really begin to change, and they will be unable to resist new trends. In the end, Chatsky is recognized as completely out of his mind and kicked out.

And yet, let's try to answer the question: is Chatsky a winner or a loser? Yes, he alone stood up against a whole crowd and managed not to give up his ideals and aspirations. But, on the other hand, he emerged from the dispute defeated. No one listened to his words, no one thought, no one joined. As a result, we can conclude that there is no clear answer to this question, and each reader must answer it independently.

Winner or defeated Chatsky reasoning

It was no coincidence that Chatsky was born into a society that was mired in vices and was slowly rotting. It's time for change. Educated and enlightened Russians understood this. Among them was Griboyedov, he writes Chatsky from himself. She puts her thoughts and ideas into his mouth. The rest of the characters were also based on real people. Chatsky challenges the old noble society. Like all young people, he is a maximalist; he says what he thinks. There are no shades for it, only “black” or “white”. The old always gives up ground with a fight. It will take a lot of time and a lot of human resources for a new one to break through the old fortress foundations. Education alone will not be enough here.

At the time of writing the comedy, Europe had already entered an era of revolutions. This was after the Patriotic War of 1812. Chatsky, who studied there, greedily absorbed the air of freedom. The Decembrists had not yet created their secret societies, but Russian troops would bring a fresh wind of change to Russia from France. These changes are already in the air. And you have to be a fool not to notice this. But the Moscow nobility was not going to so quickly and easily give up their position in society, all the benefits and privileges. The Famusovs, Skalozubs, and Molchalins still rule here. They do not serve, but are served, they consider learning and education worse than the plague, they receive ranks in the army not according to merit, but with the help of connections, they reverence everything foreign, they buy and sell serfs like things, destroying their families in the process. They don’t want to live any other way and they don’t know how.

It is difficult to say for sure whether Chatsky won or they defeated him. Yes, he did not win a clear victory. No one took his side or supported him. The seasoned enemy surpassed him in quantity, but not in quality. Society is accustomed to living in its own old swamp and croaking in unison with each other. Chatsky threw a stone into this swamp - his progressive ideas for creating a new society. How the frogs began to fuss and croak! Suddenly their swamp will be drained or a powerful stream of fresh water will be released into it, and it will turn into a full-flowing river. Where and how will they live later? You'll have to get used to everything new, but you really don't want to do that, it's scary. He also failed on the love front. The only person for whom he returned to Moscow, Sofya Famusova, married someone else. The girl he loved not only did not support him, but also publicly slandered him. Apparently, ordinary people are still afraid that the truth will emerge, that the ideas of enlightenment will fall on fertile soil and begin to sprout. Therefore, he must be declared crazy and escorted out of the door. Chatsky's time has not yet come. And even though he leaves Moscow in the finale, he remains true to his principles and beliefs to the end, and does not become like Famusov and his company.

But Chatsky is not fighting in vain. The play mentions that he has like-minded people. For example, Prince Fedor and cousin of Colonel Skalozub. He leaves a brilliant career and goes to the village, reads and thinks a lot. The time will come and these people will change the course of Russian history. Chatsky was a little ahead of his time. He is like a sower of something new, progressive, and other people will reap the benefits. From this side, he can be considered a winner. As they say in Russia: “And there is only one warrior in the field.” To stand up to one person against the whole society, for this you had to have courage. It was in vain that Sophia exchanged Chatsky for Molchalin. So she will continue to live in her swamp, and she would see new cities and countries.

This play is still relevant today. There are people in our society who live according to Famusov’s ideals, but there are also people similar to Chatsky, who care about the enlightenment of Russia.

Briefly 9th grade essay reasoning

Essay Option 3

In the wonderful work “Woe from Wit” there is an interesting character Chatsky. This hero is a very educated and intelligent young man. He is an intellectual. He always thinks several times before doing something. Chatsky does not commit rash actions. Real society does not accept Chatsky because he is too smart for them. It’s difficult for the guy to communicate with people from Famusov’s circle. They have completely different interests. Chatsky is much more educated and well-read than they are. Because of this, the guy has difficulties communicating with Famus society, he is lonely. That’s why Griboyedov called his work “Woe from Wit.”

Previously, Chatsky was brought up and lived in Famusov’s house, but then he was forced to leave him in order to receive an education. After some time, he reappeared in his usual society. Chatsky was shocked by how people behaved. They don't want to develop and learn something new. The guy did not share their opinion. When he left, he had a girlfriend, Sofia, but she didn’t wait for him. She began to be friends with the primitive and not very smart Molchalin.

In the current love triangle, the intelligent Chatsky turned out to be superfluous. You could say he lost. He had unrequited feelings for Sophia. In this situation, Chatsky can be considered defeated.

The guy always has his own opinion, which he always fiercely defends. Chatsky is in opposition; he opposes all members of the Famusov society. He is constantly learning something new, he does not stand still like the others. He argues and proves that he is right. Chatsky considers himself smarter than everyone else (and this is true).

Chatsky cannot exactly be called a winner or loser. Yes, he lost in love and did not find friends among the representatives of the Famus society. But that doesn't mean he lost. Perhaps Sofia was not worthy of him, it’s good that they didn’t get together. The girl does not have her own opinion, so Chatsky would eventually become bored with her. In society he was alone and did not have like-minded people. He even had to leave Moscow. But this does not mean his weakness and defeat. Chatsky is an intelligent and educated person. He deserves a better life and other friends. On the contrary, he benefited from the fact that he stopped communicating with representatives of society.

I consider Chatsky the winner. He did not sink to the level of the Famus society and did not become like them. He always stuck to his own opinion. He strived to develop and acquire new knowledge. Smart people are never losers.

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Essay on the topic “Chatsky – winner or loser?”

Chatsky is the main character of Griboedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit.” This comedy shows a social conflict, a conflict between two generations, revealing the depth of differences between the old and new societies on issues of service, the role of the nobleman in society, serfdom, education, and so on. Chatsky is a representative of the new century. Throughout the comedy, we observe how the hero ridicules and exposes the vices of Famus society. But what does Chatsky ultimately achieve? Chatsky is labeled crazy. Without changing anything in the social order he despises, he leaves with the words: “Carriage for me, carriage!” And the reader naturally has a question: “Did Chatsky lose or win?” This is what I will try to figure out now.

On the one hand, Chatsky lost, since he became a laughing stock and did not achieve any changes in Famus society. For example, Chatsky believed that people should “without demanding either places or promotion to rank” engage in science or creativity. And the Famus Society called such people dreamers. Chatsky also opposed serfdom, condemning in his famous monologue the landowner who exchanged his devoted servants for greyhounds, and the nobleman who ransomed the children of serfs, inhumanly taking them away from their parents, to create a serf ballet. In Famusov’s society there was no tendency to weaken the oppression over the peasants. Another aspect on which the two centuries do not agree is the attitude towards education. Famusov believes that all books should be burned, while Chatsky considers science worthy of devoting his life to it. Chatsky did not change anything in these anti-humanistic traditions of the old generation, therefore, many will say that he lost.

But on the other hand, Chatsky did not seek to change anything. He had recently returned from a trip and was in a hurry to see his beloved Sophia, without setting himself the goal of improving society. Chatsky actually won, because he did not bend to public opinion, pretend that he was satisfied with the order of the old century; on the contrary, Chatsky clearly expressed his disagreement with the life of the previous generation. Chatsky did not change himself, he did not adapt to society, but left it.

Thus, Chatsky is a strong person who knows how to maintain his views on life, not paying attention to the attitude of the majority towards such behavior. And Chatsky, of course, won, because he did not change his opinion to please society, thus demonstrating the strength of his character.

Together with the article “Essay on the topic “Chatsky – winner or loser?” read:

Essay on the topic “The present century, the past century” (“Woe from Wit”)

Essay on the topic: The image of Chatsky in the comedy “Woe from Wit”, 9th grade

Essay on the topic: Why is Chatsky doomed to loneliness? ("Woe from Wit")

Essay on literature on the topic “Woe from Wit”, 9th grade

Revolutionary ideas

How can these events help answer the question: “Who is Chatsky - the winner or the loser?” The author “Woe from Wit” was conceived by the author five years before the uprising. The comedy is about a young, educated man who selflessly loves a girl, is critical of Moscow society and, most importantly, is not understood by those around him. The fact is that Chatsky is a representative of that very young generation of nobles, among whom there were so many opponents of the old reactionary system. He embodied the best qualities of the Decembrists, expressed his view of the social order that reigned in Russia, and as a result suffered to some extent.

The only representative of the younger generation of nobility in comedy is Alexander Andreevich Chatsky. Is Griboyedov's hero defeated or victorious? This question cannot be answered unequivocally. The author contrasted Chatsky with the so-called Famus society. It is opposed not just by the worldview of one or two characters, but by an entire way of life, a set of prejudices and habits.

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