Essay on the painting Birch Grove by Levitan, grade 7

  • Essays
  • According to paintings
  • Levitan
  • Birch Grove

Isaac Levitan's painting Birch Grove lives up to its name. I can’t even say more precisely, before us is really a birch grove, which the author captured in the summer. The picture is filled with light and seems to glow in the summer.

Incredibly accurately, the artist conveys the feeling of summer and the mood of a pleasant sunny day, which is easy to see in almost every Russian forest. Of course, birch trees grow in other countries, but it is in Russia that such a tree is considered special, it is considered a kind of symbol of the country and contains some folk ideas about beauty, unity, and nature. That is why for the Russian artist the image of a birch bears such significant meaning.

On the surface of the earth, the artist highlights flashes of light and grass, which is not illuminated and is slightly darker. Thus, a unique mosaic is created, which is somewhat similar to the mosaic structure of the birch bark pattern, where stripes alternate on a white background.

The birches in this picture go into the distance and seem to continue their eternal path across the expanses of the country. It would seem that the composition of the picture is almost completely filled and there is no significant space there, but, nevertheless, this space is felt and lies precisely in such a series of repetitions of birch trees that go on and on. The picture even seems somehow idyllic, somehow not quite real, the birch trees here are so ideal and beautiful, there is so much pleasant sunlight.

The birch grove is a kind of Garden of Eden, only in the Russian interpretation. Probably, for a Russian person this is exactly what some kind of heavenly garden or ideal of nature might look like. Levitan here embodies not just a separate grove, but a symbol.

On the other hand, most likely, the artist painted from life, that is, a similar birch grove existed somewhere, and perhaps continues to exist from year to year. Every time the Sun also shines there, the grove is illuminated with light, a mosaic of light and shadow appears on the grass and the birch trees also continue to sway under the blow of the wind.

When you think about this fact, your soul becomes much more pleasant. After all, if there is such beauty in the world, then this world is a space for something magnificent and sublime. So you just need to look for and achieve this beauty.

Option 2

Looking at this picture, you just want to exclaim: “I want to go there!” To this clearing, in the shade of these birches. Lie on your back right in the soft, fragrant grass, spread your arms, and look, look into the high blue summer sky.

And what a great picnic you can have in the shade of birch trees! Spread a large blanket on the grass, take out simple food supplies from a basket or bag. And enjoy nature and food, slowly savoring every bite. The birches are drawn so realistically that the picture looks like a photograph. You can even see traced leaves in the foreground.

The painting depicts a fine summer day. The sky is not visible, but it is clear that it is cloudless. The artist fixed his gaze and the gaze of the one looking at the picture on the white, lined tree trunks. It was as if young girls with thin and flexible waists, dressed in white sundresses, froze in a dance.

The glare of the sun on the ground and on the birch branches makes the picture lively and natural. It seems that you can hear bird trills and the chirping of grasshoppers. There is nothing more beautiful and sweeter than Russian nature!

If you continue to look at the picture for a long time, you will want to mentally go further, deep into the forest, beyond those distant birches, to see what is there. Birches are depicted in groups of two and one. How fun it is to play catch among these birches!

Even the grass is depicted so realistically that you can see every blade of grass and small blue flowers in the foreground. Probably these are forget-me-nots or daisies.

The artist did not use many colors when painting the picture - white, black, a little blue and yellow. But what a rich palette of green! From light green to malachite hue. With what love for the Motherland this picture was painted. It is clear that the artist loves its forests and fields, and is ready to paint and paint them on his canvases.

Chekhov liked this picture at one time. And he predicted a great future for her. He turned out to be right. No generation has admired the beauty of Russian nature.

Green color has a beneficial effect on vision and calms the nervous system. I would hang this painting at home, opposite my favorite sofa, and admire it for hours.

Description 2

Isaac Levitan took four years to complete the painting “Birch Grove.” The main characters of the picture are white-trunked birches. The long work on the painting is not accidental. The author knew very well how tenderly the Russian people treat birch. Our ancestors used this tree for numerous rituals. Poets also praised the birch.

The painting “Birch Grove” is flooded with bright light. The light is so realistic that it not only makes you light, but also warm. I just want to fall on the sunny thawed patches in the grass. The smallest details of the grove are drawn. It helps to mentally transport yourself into it and feel the smells of grass, the rustle of birch trees, bask in the rays of the sun, and enjoy the buzzing of insects. The grove is full of life. There are no gloomy colors in it.

Levitan's birches look like they're alive. They're about to move and start talking. They also enjoy the sunshine. They walk and communicate with each other. If you listen closely, you can overhear their conversation. Birches are not in a frozen state. Not only their leaves move, but also as if the trunk itself is about to move. Although some birch trees stand alone, they are not alone. They are looking for a companion or a partner for a walk.

The picture depicts not only the near perspective, but also the distant one. I want to move further and further through the grove. As you progress, you notice that the birch trees are all very different. Here is a playful birch tree, another is serious, the third is thoughtful. But two chatterboxes are giggling loudly. A little further you can see how one birch tree comforts another. There is so much sincerity in her. Birches are very similar to us people. No one is the same.

The picture is breathtaking. I want to run through the grove with open arms and hug every birch tree. I want to snuggle up to each one and inhale the smell of birch bark. I want to bend down and enjoy the smells of forest flowers. In a birch grove, you want to feel the fullness of life with every cell of your body, you want to soak in the smells and impressions, breathe deeply and preserve these impressions in the fall and winter, so that they warm you with their warmth, the aroma of flowers and leaves.

The painting “Birch Grove” is imbued with the Russian spirit. Levitan awakens in his work such familiar feelings of the Russian people. This picture encourages you to love and appreciate Russian nature. She charges with optimism and energy.

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Isaac Levitan's painting Birch Grove lives up to its name. I can’t even say more precisely, before us is really a birch grove, which the author captured in the summer. The picture is filled with light and seems to glow in the summer.

Incredibly accurately, the artist conveys the feeling of summer and the mood of a pleasant sunny day, which is easy to see in almost every Russian forest. Of course, birch trees grow in other countries, but it is in Russia that such a tree is considered special, it is considered a kind of symbol of the country and contains some folk ideas about beauty, unity, and nature. That is why for the Russian artist the image of a birch bears such significant meaning.

On the surface of the earth, the artist highlights flashes of light and grass, which is not illuminated and is slightly darker. Thus, a unique mosaic is created, which is somewhat similar to the mosaic structure of the birch bark pattern, where stripes alternate on a white background.

The birches in this picture go into the distance and seem to continue their eternal path across the expanses of the country. It would seem that the composition of the picture is almost completely filled and there is no significant space there, but, nevertheless, this space is felt and lies precisely in such a series of repetitions of birch trees that go on and on. The picture even seems somehow idyllic, somehow not quite real, the birch trees here are so ideal and beautiful, there is so much pleasant sunlight.

The birch grove is a kind of Garden of Eden, only in the Russian interpretation. Probably, for a Russian person this is exactly what some kind of heavenly garden or ideal of nature might look like. Levitan here embodies not just a separate grove, but a symbol.

On the other hand, most likely, the artist painted from life, that is, a similar birch grove existed somewhere, and perhaps continues to exist from year to year. Every time the Sun also shines there, the grove is illuminated with light, a mosaic of light and shadow appears on the grass and the birch trees also continue to sway under the blow of the wind.

When you think about this fact, your soul becomes much more pleasant. After all, if there is such beauty in the world, then this world is a space for something magnificent and sublime. So you just need to look for and achieve this beauty.

Description of Levitan's painting Birch Grove

Isaac Ilyich Levitan is a famous Russian artist of the late 19th century who worked in the landscape genre. At that time, his works were in great demand by society.

Levitan painted the world-famous painting “Birch Grove” for about three years. But what is most interesting is that the time from the idea of ​​painting the picture to its implementation took more than 4 years. This work of art is currently in the collection. The artist received inspiration from the beauty of Russian nature. So, while in the expanses of the Kiselev estate in Babkino near Moscow, during a walk, Levitan saw a beautiful birch grove, which he decided to put on canvas. But he completed the painting in Plyos, on the right bank of the Volga River. There also grew an excellent birch grove, and in that place the artist completed his painting.

The birch is a symbol of his homeland - Russia. Isaac Ilyich Levitan depicted a beautiful birch grove on canvas. The day was very warm and sunny; most likely, it was already lunchtime. As the sun rose high in the sky. The painting depicts a warm, perhaps even hot, summer day. Birches stand one after another. They are very densely planted, their trunks stretch high towards the sun. The trees are overgrown with green, lush foliage. The birch branches are shown very beautifully, they are thin but strong. The artist chose the colors of the canvas very correctly. These colors fill you with inner vital energy.

Tall, thick, green grass grows on the ground, in which white and blue flowers can be seen here and there.

The artist showed very beautifully how the shadow from the trees falls. There are not many flowers depicted on the canvas, but there are enough of them to feel that beautiful summer day that Isaac Ilyich Levitan himself once felt. For the most part, the predominant color is dark green. The color of life and energy. We also see black and white birch trunks that flash one after another. This picture is beautiful, I want to admire it endlessly.

Levitan had such an extraordinary power of transferring living nature onto the canvas. The artist depicted everything down to the smallest detail in his works. Many connoisseurs of paintings are eager to see his creations in their collections. Because his works are filled with the power of nature, they inspire new achievements, and also lift your spirits.

4, 5, 7 grade

Play of light and shadow

Why is Levitan’s painting “Birch Grove” attractive to a specialist? Analysis of the techniques and techniques used by the artist allows us to restore the unique features of the master’s brush. The entire space of the picture is filled only with grass, in which blue and yellow sparkles of flowers sparkle, trunks, shiny green crowns: the sky is not visible, neither an animal nor a bird flashes anywhere. Nevertheless, the forest lives! We feel his fresh breath, hear the cheerful rustling of leaves. The artist skillfully conveys the movement of warm rays, spiritualizing the landscape with reverent tenderness and joy. Two birch trees in the foreground amaze with their lyricism and verisimilitude. Pink and warm brown spots lay softly on the trunks. The painting is reminiscent of the spontaneity and light, clean rhythm of impressionism.

Contemporaries claim that Levitan's friend Anton Pavlovich Chekhov told the author that in this picture, like in no other, one can feel the smile of a brilliant artist.

The canvas “Birch Grove” was created over the course of four years. Levitan always knew how to see something solemn in the most ordinary things. The artist fills the landscapes that we witness every day with new meaning. It forces one to rivet enthusiastic attention to those natural objects that seem ordinary and are no longer capable of surprising. You need to be extraordinarily talented to put a boundless flow of emotions into the canvas, to endow the plot with insight and the ability to reach the heart of not only a true connoisseur of painting, but also a simple layman. The picture reveals a part of a birch forest, shrouded in bright sunlight. Slender trees literally bathe in radiance. The glare emphasizes the whiteness of the stately trunks and starts a game with fresh greenery.

Delicate flowers appear among the grass carpet. Levitan endowed them with bluish-lilac and snow-white tones. The intricate interweaving of streams of light and shadows gives the canvas amazing realism. The life-affirming canvas evokes dreams of endless summer, long walks in nature, enjoying the fragrance of wildflowers and the breath of a gentle, subtle breeze. Birches, a symbol of the Russian people, radiate energy. It seems as if the trees are reaching out to the sun with all their might, trying to be saturated with warmth from all sides. The grove is enveloped in a festive atmosphere, generously sharing its playful mood and instilling a positive attitude. There is a desire to expand the boundaries of the plot seen, to be mentally transported to endless spaces. The work of Isaac Levitan is as close as possible to the style of impressionism. The artist’s canvases make you hold your breath, freeze, plunging into a stormy whirlpool of feelings.

Isaac Levitan

Birch Grove. 1885—1889

Paper on canvas, oil. 28.5? 50 cm

State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

“Birch Grove” is a painting by Russian artist Isaac Levitan (1860-1900), painted in 1885-1889. The painting is part of the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery (inv. 15511). The size of the painting is 28.5? 50 cm

History and description

Four years passed from the start of work on the painting to its completion. Levitan conceived this painting and began work on it in the Moscow region, when he spent the summer of 1885 at the Kiselyovs' Babkino estate, located on the Istra River, not far from New Jerusalem. And Levitan finished this painting in 1889, while in Plyos, a small town located on the right bank of the Volga, where the artist came for three years, from 1888 to 1890, and where he created many famous paintings. In the 19th century, Plyos belonged to the Kostroma province, and in the 20th century it became part of the Volga region of the Ivanovo region. The Plyos birch grove, which Levitan chose, was located on the outskirts of the city, not far from the cemetery church called Pustynka. The artist came there with a painting begun in the Moscow region, and eventually completed it.

The painting is based on the play of light and shadow on birch trunks, as well as on fresh green grass and tree foliage. This is achieved by using a wide range of shades of green, as well as the expressive possibilities of texture, so that the impression of radiance and radiation of optimistic energy is created. Depicting sun glare on trees, transitions and vibration of color, the artist partly uses impressionist painting techniques.

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