Why Dubrovsky became a robber - an essay-discussion about a noble bandit

History of the creation of the work

Some famous writers, including Anna Akhmatova, argued that Pushkin’s novel “Dubrovsky” can be called the only failed work . The poetess made a note in her notebook, indicating that Alexander Sergeevich could not have failures, nevertheless, the novel became one. Akhmatova said that an author of such a level should not have taken the plot from another story. In addition, its incompleteness led the reader to different thoughts; everyone thought of a continuation on their own.

Pushkin himself said that he took an example of the plot for his work from his close comrade Nashchokin. He told how he saw one person who had problems related to legal proceedings. For several years he had been at enmity with his neighbor, who as a result received all the lands and ousted the man (his last name was Ostrovsky) from the estate.

Alexander Sergeevich found the story interesting, because the offended Ostrovsky began to take revenge on everyone who took part in the trials, plundered their estates, and ruined the entire district. That is why the writer decided that such a plot would become interesting to the reader if he played it in the form of a novel about the noble robber Vladimir Dubrovsky.

Somewhat later, he began work on the work, changed some facts, the surname of the main character. Other authors have noted that Pushkin borrowed details from the unfinished novel by Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov. Despite this, the work became popular, in demand, entered into classical literature, and many critics received it favorably.

Plot of the novel

At the center of the events is a young man, a retired guardsman, Vladimir Dubrovsky, as well as a lovely girl, Maria Troekurova, for whom the young man has tender feelings. Offended by the actions of his beloved’s father, directed against his parent, Vladimir begins to take revenge on him, choosing a unique method.

However, at the beginning of the novel, the reader cannot see the main character, since the author deliberately does not bring him onto the stage, trying to describe the events preceding his robber attacks. He describes in detail the relationship between Dubrovsky Sr. and Kirila Petrovich Troekurov. This allows everyone to understand what circumstances forced Vladimir Dubrovsky to become a robber .

The first few chapters describe peaceful events that would not cause conflict. The topic of wealth and poverty is not raised, the image of Troekurov is quite harsh, but the author does not present him in the worst light, giving everyone the opportunity to determine their attitude towards him.

Patron of peasants

Vladimir Dubrovsky was unable to save his family’s estate. One day Troyekurov’s people came to him and told him to vacate the estate. Then Dubrovsky burned it so that it would not go to his enemies. The peasants, who knew that Kirila Petrovich Troekurov was a powerful and cruel person, did not want to be under his authority, so they supported Vladimir and went with him into the forest. A bandit gang formed there, the leader of which was Vladimir himself. Dubrovsky felt responsible for the lives of the peasants. This becomes a kind of explanation why Vladimir Dubrovsky became a robber.

Troekurov and Andrey Dubrovsky

You can understand the essence of the work and write an essay-reasoning only after studying the character of a particular hero . On the first pages, peaceful events unfold before the reader, describing the relationship between two old comrades:

  1. Kirila Petrovich Troekurov is considered the main villain of the work. He is a rich landowner who is feared by the entire district. Employees of the police and other government offices constantly try to please him, fear his anger and do everything they are told. Troekurov himself is quite vain, rude, assertive, and is distinguished by his unceremoniousness and even cruelty towards his subordinates, peasants, and his own daughter. However, he has a strange weakness for his only comrade from the Kistenevka estate.
  2. Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky is an impoverished landowner from a neighboring estate, a retired lieutenant of noble origin. A proud and independent man, Andrei Gavrilovich is close friends with Troekurov, since he is his colleague. All neighboring estates and peasants suffer from the activities of Kirila Petrovich, but he does not affect Kistenevka, because he respects his only friend.

The first chapters of the novel show the friendship of two different people. Troyekurov regularly invites Dubrovsky to dinner and goes hunting with him. Only Andrei Gavrilovich has the courage to tell the rich landowner the truth, for which he respects him. Together they have come a long way.

One day, Kirila Petrovich decided to boast about his kennels, which he was overly proud of. Each of his guests had already inspected the premises more than 20 times, but no one dared to refuse. Dubrovsky was also present at this reception. While inspecting the kennel, the infirmary for sick animals and several puppies, he felt a little envious, because he could not contain more than one pack of dogs.

At that moment, Troekurov noticed that his comrade was frowning and asked about the reason. It seemed to the rich landowner that Dubrovsky did not like the kennel. However, he replied that every peasant on a comrade’s estate needs the same kindness that he shows to dogs. The impudent remark did not darken Kirila Petrovich’s mood. But one of his slaves hinted that some nobles would do well to change their barn to a dog kennel, meaning Dubrovsky.

Troekurov laughed heartily and took care of the puppies, but Andrei Gavrilovich silently left, since his friend’s indifference to the slave’s remark greatly offended him.

The height of the conflict

After a complete inspection of the kennel, Kirila Petrovich notices that Dubrovsky has disappeared, sends a servant to return him, but he arrives alone. The next day, the master receives a letter in which an old comrade asks him to send a slave to confess. Such a request angered Troekurov so much that he decided to take revenge on his arrogant friend.

After returning from a hunt that turned out to be unsuccessful, the landowner calls assessor Shabashkin, who must help him take away the estate from Dubrovsky. There are no legal ways to do this, so the conspirators bribe judicial representatives and other officials. As a result, the poor nobleman loses his estate.

Strong experiences lead to a severe deterioration in Dubrovsky’s health; he almost stops moving, spends all his time in his room, and refuses food. Some of his peasants say that the owner has a mental disorder. At this time, Troekurov is very worried, because he has deprived his best friend of his home. No one could replace Andrei Gavrilovich, the master began to miss him. That is why he decides to visit Dubrovsky, which leads to several unpleasant events:

  • the peasants in Kistenevka do not want to belong to Troyekurov, so they resist;
  • Dubrovsky sees Kirila Petrovich, his condition worsens, leading to death;
  • Troyekurov never earns respect from his new subordinates, since he becomes the cause of the death of their beloved master.

A few days before the landowner’s death, his son Vladimir returns to his native land, and his nanny informs him of the ongoing trial. The young man is outraged by Troekurov’s behavior and considers him a real villain. The illness and death of Dubrovsky's father forces him to think about revenge, to draw up a plan that would help give the offender what he deserves.

Vladimir understands that he will not be able to openly rebel against a noble and respected person. His appearance pleases the peasants, so one of them helps burn the estate at night. There were court officials in the burned house. It is not possible to prove Dubrovsky's involvement in the arson and hold him accountable, although everything points to him.

Essay text

Getting to know Pushkin’s work does not leave you indifferent; the problems of that time are still relevant now , so the novel makes you think about what needs to be done to make impunity, corruption and dishonor disappear once and for all.

The work is about two friends, Kirill Petrovich Troekurov and Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky, who were neighbors and often visited each other. During one such meeting, a misunderstanding occurred, which gradually turned into a big offense. Due to the pride inherent in both men, no one wanted to make peace first.

Then Troekurov, a rich gentleman, decided, with the help of an acquaintance in court, to take away his friend’s estate in order to show that his power was immeasurable in those parts and he must be taken into account. Having manipulated the facts, Kirilla Petrovich achieves his goal and becomes the owner of the house. The latter cannot withstand such a blow and goes crazy.

Dubrovsky had a son, Vladimir, whom he loved very much and supported as expected, although he himself was poor. The nanny wrote a letter to her son, in which she told what happened to her father. Vladimir immediately went home, ashamed of his inattention to his parent. But some time after his son's arrival, the father died .

Vladimir was very sad, his world became joyless and faded, because in addition to the loss of his dad, he lost his home, which was taken away by dishonest means. The guy decided to take revenge. He was supported by the peasants who served his father.

So a gang of robbers appears in the area, robbing exclusively the rich. It is possible to understand why Vladimir becomes the leader of the gang, because the bribed officials not only lied in court, they shortened the life of his beloved father and broke the fate of the guy himself.

The man was left without a home and livelihood. There was no way to punish vile liars under the law. But Vladimir could not leave everything unpunished. Protecting your honor and good name as a parent was above all else.

Although the young man did not complete his revenge, he still punished the vile official . It’s a pity that Troekurov didn’t get what he deserved, but cowardice was not the reason for Vladimir’s defeat. He renounces revenge in the name of love. High feelings kept the robber from touching the property of his enemy. They became the reason for the dissolution of the gang and forced the guy to go abroad.

The Path to Forgiveness

After the death of the court officials, the author's sympathy remains on the side of Dubrovsky, because he did not want them to die. Vladimir decides to enter Troekurov's house undercover. He takes the documents of the teacher, who was hired by a rich landowner for his illegitimate son Sasha, and arrives at the estate. The father wants the boy to read famous stories, learn arithmetic and other sciences. Events develop according to an unforeseen scenario:

  1. This is how the young teacher Deforge, whose homeland is France, appears in the house of a wealthy landowner. None of the household and servants noticed that the teacher did not have sufficient knowledge. Everyone was gripped by excitement caused by the latest news about the robbers ravaging the area, but not affecting Troekurov’s possessions. The arrogant landowner decided that the bandits simply feared him and even respected him.
  2. In the house of Kirila Petrovich, Dubrovsky sees Masha for the first time, who makes a strong impression on him. The teacher was not interested in the girl, but became attractive after a fight with a bear, which the young man defeated. Sympathy arises between them, and the beginnings of stronger feelings appear.
  3. After staying in the house of his father's killer, Dubrovsky gradually gets rid of anger and thirst for revenge. He begins to understand how much grief and despair the death of his beloved father will bring.

Getting closer to Masha was the first step for Vladimir towards forgiving his offender. After some time, he decided to reveal his secret to the girl, to tell her that he had forgiven her father and no longer wanted to take revenge for the death of his own. The young people dream of getting married, but Troekurov conspires with Prince Vereisky, who was greatly impressed by his daughter.

The prince is already 50 years old, Maria does not want to connect her life with him and turns to Dubrovsky for help. He promises to fix everything.

Preparation for an essay based on the work of Pushkin A.S. "Dubrovsky"

During the classes

Discussion of plans, recording of approximate plans for essays and material for them in a notebook.

1. Why did Vladimir Dubrovsky become a robber?


Brief history of the hero: Vladimir, the son of A.G. Dubrovsky, lost his mother early, was brought up in St. Petersburg, became an officer, led a free life - ch. III.

2) The character of the hero. Ambition, extravagance, love and affection for the father - ch. III; nobility - ch. V, where Dubrovsky stands up for Shabashkin; courage, bravery, resourcefulness, determination, composure - history in the “bear room”.

3) A letter from home that disrupted an established life. Feelings of guilt and responsibility - Ch. III.

4) The illness and death of his father, vague information about the culprit of all the misfortunes - Troekurov (Vladimir, from his father’s reaction, understands that it is Troekurov who is to blame for their ruin, his father does not have time to explain anything to him).

5) Troekurov’s tyranny, because of whose whim his former comrade was ruined (Unjust trial, false witnesses, bribed officials).

6) Vladimir’s last night in his home and the decision to set it on fire (already a criminal act, from the point of view of the authorities). The desire to take revenge on Troekurov and those who consider wealth and power above the law. Death of clerks (a crime for which Dubrovsky should have been held responsible) - Ch. VI.

7) Dubrovsky’s responsibility for the serfs who shared his fate. The appearance of a gang of “brave villains.”

8) Dubrovsky opens up to Masha, explaining why he became a robber: “Yes, I am that unfortunate person whom your father deprived of a piece of bread, kicked out of his father’s house and sent to rob on the highways” -ch. XII.

9) Dubrovsky - “noble robber”: rumors about Dubrovsky’s generosity - ch. VII, the story of Grobovaya - ch. IX:

10) The author's sympathies are on the side of Dubrovsky.

2. Vladimir Dubrovsky and Masha Troekurova

1) The story of the heroes and their families: the friendship of the fathers, both lost their mother early, were lonely and impressionable. Troekurov once predicted Masha for Vladimir Dubrovsky - ch. I, IX.

2) Vladimir refuses revenge on Troekurov, having fallen in love with Masha, and enters their house - ch. XII.

3) Masha understands that she is not indifferent to Deforge: the story with the bear - ch. IX.

4). Dubrovsky’s explanation with Masha, his confession of deception - ch. XII.

5) Masha is afraid of Dubrovsky himself and her feelings for him: they are different both in origin and in position in society (Masha is an aristocrat, Vladimir is a ruined nobleman, a robber) - Ch. XII.

6) Vereisky’s matchmaking, threat of marriage. Masha’s agreement to accept Dubrovsky’s help - ch. XIV-XV.

7) Masha’s wedding. Masha shows firmness and loyalty to her word. She was ready to become the wife of a robber, but she cannot break her oath - ch. XVIII.

8) Dubrovsky’s despair. Dubrovsky leaves the gang - Ch. XIX.

9) Honor and loyalty to one’s word are the main values ​​for Vladimir and Masha.

10) My attitude towards the heroes.

Return to robbery

Vereisky often visits Troekurov’s house and talks to his daughter, but she remains indifferent. For a short period of time, she has already imagined herself as Vladimir’s wife, so she cannot imagine her life without him. However, the wedding date is set and the future spouses go to church for the wedding. After the ceremony, a gang of robbers led by Dubrovsky stands in their way.

Vladimir tries to free his beloved, but she replies that she has already made an oath, so she cannot break it. Dubrovsky is amazed and upset, enters into battle with the soldiers and flees justice abroad.

If you carefully read the work, you can understand the motives that pushed the young man onto the path of robbery. The death of his father, for which Troekurov was guilty, forced Vladimir to take revenge and deceive those around him. This feeling burned him from the inside and did not allow him to concentrate on other problems. Dubrovsky was in vain to think that after justice was done he would feel relief. Thanks to his love for the daughter of his enemy, he abandoned the thought of revenge.

However, fate again presented an unpleasant surprise, so the former robber returns to his old habits, trying to save Maria.

Essay Why Dubrovsky became a robber

Two landowners quarreled over some stupid phrase. One said either a compliment or some caustic words to the other. In retaliation, the second brought the case to court. The first landowner named Dubrovsky had a son. He graduated from the cadet corps and served in the guards regiment. He led a frivolous life and did not deny himself anything.

But as often happens in our lives, everything collapses overnight. The father dies of a heart attack - neighbor Troekurov tried and mentally finished off his once best friend. He got the village and all the serfs.

Young Dubrovsky was left practically alone. His mother died when he was a child, and so did his father. Anger and resentment clouded my mind. They are known to be bad advisers. He imagined that everything dear to his heart would be given, as it were, in court, rightfully hated by Troekurov. I imagined how other people’s boots would trample the parquet floors of my father’s house, tear them off the walls and mock the portraits of my parents. He couldn't allow this to happen. Young blood leapt up - he set the estate on fire. Although it was not easy to do. He no longer believes in either the law or justice.

From this moment the free life of the robber Dubrovsky begins. He takes on the role of an avenger and arbiter of other people's destinies. Neighboring estates burst into flames, but he did not touch Troekurov’s estate. After all, his love, Masha, lived there. This wonderful feeling softens the anger a little, but it is already difficult to stop the wave of robbery and robbery. Having tasted the taste of impunity, the gang led by Dubrovsky continues its criminal enterprise. But, as before, the fire bypasses Troekurov’s property. Masha’s husband, Prince Vereisky, also remains alive. In any banditry and robbery, sooner or later there comes a moment when the nerves of the warring parties break down and human blood is shed. Dubrovsky kills an officer. Now he is no longer a noble defender and avenger, but an ordinary killer.

Perhaps it is this fact that sobers Dubrovsky. He disbands the gang and goes abroad. Now he will be forced to hide from the law for the rest of his life.

Noble robbers often became people of wealthy classes, deceived by friends or the law. It is possible to understand Vladimir’s actions, but it is impossible to justify them. Any person should not take on the role of arbiter of the law and the destinies of other people. Life itself will do this and reward everyone according to their deserts. Anyone who raises his hand against another person is a criminal, no matter how noble ideas he hides behind. Revenge is not the best method of solving problems.

6th grade

Possible sequel

Many of Pushkin's contemporaries argued that the novel looks unfinished, because there is no supposed happy ending. That is why, after the author’s death, experts studied his notes and talked about a possible continuation of the work that Alexander Sergeevich himself wanted to write.

In the last volume of the novel, Maria's husband dies almost immediately after the wedding. She becomes a widow, but is not too sad about it. Dubrovsky returns from England and meets his beloved again. However, unknown people report him because they recognize the man as a robber.

At the denouement of the novel, Vladimir encounters the police. But even after studying Pushkin’s notes, no one could say what the ending would be. Everyone can come up with it on their own. Perhaps this was exactly what the author intended. Despite his actions, Dubrovsky remains a positive hero, because even after becoming a robber, he was noble.

Most critics agreed that Vladimir’s actions can be justified, because he had good reasons that prompted him to take a dangerous path. Readers believe that Troekurov was not punished as he deserved.

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