The theme of the Motherland in Lermontov’s work is present in most of his works. The famous writer was born in 1814. This was a difficult period for Russia, hopes for a bright future were destroyed, the people were spiritually devastated. People stopped believing in an improvement in life, ideals changed. Lermontov sincerely loved the image of the Fatherland, but the radical changes deeply wounded his soul.
In Mikhail Yuryevich’s childhood, Decembrism and its main ideas were welcomed in the country. During the talented author’s youth, the uprising was suppressed and underground activities were prohibited. The poet felt that the Motherland is changing, this affects people and the principles of life.
The image of the Motherland plays a big role in Lermontov's lyrics. This is one of the main directions of the poet’s early, mature creativity. In his youth, he uses a romantic, philosophical context. Love for the Fatherland is the theme of beautiful poems about the earth, the beauties of nature, the vastness of open spaces.
Despite the writer’s patriotism, the theme of the Motherland in Lermontov’s poems is presented in a special style. He calls on the Russian people to love her not only for her magical beauty, landscapes, and riches. The writer talks about the insignificance and squalor of the Fatherland, caused by the peculiarities of government and the mentality of society.
The theme of the Motherland in Lermontov’s works - briefly
The theme of the Motherland in Lermontov's lyrics is a positive ideal for the author, who suffered from the actions of people. He continues to admire her. The main images of the Fatherland in the works:
- The work of Mikhail Yuryevich praises the Caucasus, vast fields, luxurious lakes, blue skies. He sincerely values his native land and is proud of it. In contrast to the bright image, the author uses an insignificant, ignorant description of cruel, rude power. He accuses the government, whose task is to suppress the freedom of the people, their desire for self-development, dissent;
- In the novel “A Hero of Our Time,” the author draws a parallel between rejection, narcissism, and detachment from the world. He raises the issue of social and historical values. Russian reality characterizes a class of people who are uninterested in life, advancement, and development;
- The work “Borodino” presents the reader with a life lesson, talks about immeasurable love for the Fatherland, and glorifies the defense of the native land. The author positions the Fatherland as a defenseless land requiring the help of the people;
- In Lermontov's poetry it is difficult to find poems with pure civil lyricism. Speaking about the Fatherland, the writer uses personal and philosophical principles.
The image of the Motherland is synthesized with reflections on the younger generation. The task of people is to preserve traditions, create history, and lead their native land forward. Society caused bitter disappointment to the poet. He called them soulless images.
Article on the topic “Patriotism of M.Yu. Lermontov”
The metro train, picking up speed, crashing into the tunnel, rushes towards Sokolniki. You hear the driver’s simple and everyday voice:
— The next station is Red Gate...
The station is named after the Red Gate Square. From 1941 to 1992, the square was called “Lermontovskaya” - in honor of the poet Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov, who was born in the house that was located on the site of the current high-rise building near the square; There is also a monument to the poet on the square. From May 29, 1962 to August 25, 1986, the station was also called Lermontovskaya. And my heart is happy that there was such a station. People love and remember the great poet, the great patriot of their country. Lermontov really was like that. He showed this in many of his works and actions. The poet taught and still teaches our generation love for the Motherland. His love was active love. The passion of a great poet, a man of enormous intelligence, an immense heart, the attraction of an ascetic warrior. And it is from this love that patriotism is born. To be a patriot for Lermontov means to help his people so that they live in prosperity and contentment. The poet revealed his essence as a patriot in poetry. “Motherland”, “I go out alone on the road”, “Farewell unwashed Russia”, “Borodino” - in all his works he talks about a glorious country, about Russia. In 1837, Mikhail Yuryevich wrote the poem “Borodino”. In it, he glorifies the feat of the Russian soldiers, the “heroes” who won the War of 1812.
Yes! There were people in our time, Not like the current tribe, Bogatyrs - not you!
Later, Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy would say that without this poem there would have been no “War and Peace.” Lermontov was delighted with this victory, so he wrote several more works on this topic.
Next will follow such great poems as “Motherland” and “Farewell to Unwashed Russia.”
“Motherland” is a representation of the Russian people, their view of history and modernity. In this poem, the poet merged with his people, penetrated into their soul, into their interests, that behind his lyrical “I” stands a multimillion-dollar peasant Russia, which sees in its poet an exponent of its innermost feelings, thoughts and desires. And it is no coincidence that Dobrolyubov called this work amazing:
I love my fatherland, but with a strange love! My reason will not defeat her.
Few people knew this “strange” love at that time. It is “strange” because Lermontov saw shortcomings in his homeland: the slavish obedience of the people and their humility, voicelessness, immobility. This was precisely the patriotism of Lermontov and Radishchev, Griboyedov and Pushkin, the poet’s contemporaries - Belinsky and Herzen, and the subsequent generation - the revolutionary democrats of the 60s of the 19th century Chernyshevsky and Dobrolyubov.
Lermontov wrote the work “On the Death of a Poet”, endlessly mourning the untimely death of Pushkin, Lermontov clearly and clearly defined the poet’s place in life and literature. When Alexander Sergeevich was dying, Lermontov was ill. He is the first to write the truth about the death of Pushkin. Even his friends were afraid to do this. In this poem, Lermontov blames not only Dantes, but the entire society for the death of the great poet.
The poet is dead! - a slave of honor - Fell, slandered by rumor, With lead in his chest and a thirst for revenge, Hanging his proud head!..
According to Mikhail Yuryevich, the reason for Pushkin’s death is that the poet was doomed to loneliness and could not bear it. He rushes into a world alien to him and dies. The duel and death of Pushkin, slander and intrigue against the poet in the circles of the court aristocracy caused deep indignation among the leading part of Russian society. Lermontov expressed these sentiments in courageous poems full of poetic power, which were distributed in many lists among his contemporaries.
His killer cold-bloodedly aimed the blow... there is no salvation: The empty heart beats evenly, The pistol does not tremble in his hand.
After “The Death of a Poet” he became one of the most popular writers in Russia, and in the world he is now perceived completely differently. Lermontov entered the circle of Pushkin’s friends and is finally starting to publish; almost every issue of Kraevsky’s magazine “Domestic Notes” is published with new poems by the poet.
In the work of Mikhail Lermontov there are many controversial works that were created under the influence of a momentary impulse or emotional experiences. Being in such a bad mood, the poet saw the world exclusively in black tones. And if his early work contains lyrics, then the poems of the last year are difficult to classify as romantic. “Farewell, unwashed Russia” is a work that turns all the ins and outs of the country inside out .
Farewell, unwashed Russia, Country of slaves, country of masters, And you, blue uniforms, And you, people devoted to them.
Perhaps, behind the wall of the Caucasus I will hide from your pashas, from their all-seeing eyes, from their all-hearing ears.
“Perhaps I’ll hide from your pashas behind the wall of the Caucasus,” writes Mikhail Lermontov, making it clear that he is tired of constant censorship and the inability to openly express his views. Therefore, another appointment to the Caucasus seems to Lermontov to be the best way out of the situation. The author expresses the hope that this particular trip will help him hide from the “all-seeing eye” and “all-seeing ears” of the royal secret police, who closely monitor the poet’s every move. Despite all this, the poet remains devoted to his homeland and has love for it.
And now, two hundred years after the birth of Lermontov, we have finally learned patriotism. He conveyed this feeling to us through his poems. And we are grateful to him for this. On November 9, 2013, a new metro station was opened - Lermontovsky Prospekt, located on the Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya line between the Vykhino and Zhulebino stations. And our descendants will have warmth in the hearts of this great poet, driving past this station, reading his works. I hope that we will pass on this patriotism instilled in us by Lermontov to our children. And as Mayakovsky wrote:
Lermontov comes to us, despising the times... =81148 %D1%80%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%B0_%28%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F_%D0%BC %D0%B5%D1%82%D1%80%D0%BE%29#.D0.9F.D1.80.D0.BE.D0.B8.D1.81.D1.85.D0.BE.D0. B6.D0.B4.D0.B5.D0.BD.D0.B8.D0.B5_.D0.BD.D0.B0.D0.B7.D0.B2.D0.B0.D0.BD.D0.B8. D1.8F B2%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9_%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%BF%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%82_% 28%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F_%D0%BC%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%80%D0%BE% 29
The theme of the Motherland in Lermontov’s poems - the writer’s attitude towards the Fatherland
The period of creative maturity falls on the thirties of the nineteenth century. The author is dissatisfied with Russia, the authorities, and the attitude towards the people. But he continues to be proud of the Fatherland for the following reasons:
- The people are distinguished by true patriotism;
- Steady, courageous people withstood the hardships of revolutionary times;
- The expanses of our native land are vast;
- Nature delights with its beauty and grandeur.
A test of Lermontov's works indicates the presence of the image of the Motherland as a pure, bright embodiment of a dream. The author believed that the oppression would end, the population would again become free and independent. People will see meaning in life and find purpose.
See also: Lermontov's poems on the topic of loneliness: why are the heroes lonely
Feat in the name of the Motherland
Mikhail Yuryevich did not want and did not know how to hide his thoughts. All the poems, dramas, poems and tragedies created by his pen over thirteen intense years of creativity are truly a feat in the name of the Motherland and freedom. The theme of the Motherland in Lermontov’s work is reflected not only in the glorification of the Russian victory in the poem “Borodino”, in the famous lines “I love the Fatherland...”, but also in many works that do not directly talk about freedom or the Motherland, but about the purpose of the poet , the fate of a generation, senseless bloodshed, a lonely prisoner, the emptiness of life, exile. Reminding the contemporary generation of the heroic past of the people (“Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich”, “Borodino”), he expressed faith in the creative, heroic potential of man, who can overcome the tragedy of the future, history and current situation. Lermontov's love for the Motherland was active and active.
Lermontov’s hero in the poem “From Andrei Chenier” reflects on the need for social action, in the works “July 10, 1830” and “July 30 (Paris) 1830.” strives to participate in revolutionary battles and welcomes its participants; in the poem “Prediction” he is attracted by pictures of the uprising.
Patriotic lyrics
Mikhail Yuryevich worked at a time when literary interests faded into the background - this was a time of political unrest
, the failed Decembrist uprising, and the whole country was seething with discontent. It was quite difficult to maintain purity of views in such a situation, and this could not but affect the poet’s lyrics. Russia appears in the works of the young military man from two sides:
Lermontov's patriotic lyrics and poems often simultaneously combine hatred with love for Russia. This can be clearly seen in many works.
The author displays his love for his homeland in the poems “Borodino”, “The Turk’s Complaint”, “Two Giants” - all of them are imbued with discussions about the history of the country, about the courage and bravery of the Russian people, and admiration for its heroic past. Loving the fatherland for Mikhail Yuryevich meant fighting for freedom
, treat with hatred those who oppress the people and keep them in chains.
Lermontov's lyrics on the topic of patriotism originate from the poem “Bulevar” of 1830.
A year later, “In a hut late at times...” comes out, where a Russian woman is glorified, instructing a child to respond to the oppression of the nobility .