“The Man in a Case” by A. P. Chekhov - summary

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Chekhov wrote the story “The Man in a Case” in 1898. The work is the first story of the “Little Trilogy” - a cycle that also includes the stories “Gooseberry” and “About Love”.

In “The Man in a Case,” Chekhov talks about the teacher of dead languages, Belikov, who tried to imprison himself in a “case” all his life. The author rethinks the image of the “little man” in a new way. Belikov is more ambitious than Gogol’s character; he becomes the embodiment of an entire social phenomenon - “caseness”.

You can read a chapter-by-chapter summary of “The Man in a Case” on our website.

The material was prepared jointly with a teacher of the highest category, Kuchmina Nadezhda Vladimirovna.

Experience as a teacher of Russian language and literature - 27 years.

Brief retelling of "The Man in the Case"

The story begins with Ivan Ivanovich and Burkin. The men went hunting and decided to make a halt at the very edge of the village of Mironositskoye. They “turned up” the old barn of the elder Prokofy. We didn’t want to sleep at all, so we decided to arrange an “evening of stories” for each other. Gradually, the dialogue turned to the topic of lonely people who look like snails or hermits.

Burkin begins to remember the life of a certain Belikov, a local Greek teacher who died. He looked “strange” - under any circumstances he put on galoshes, took an umbrella with him and threw on a warm wadded coat. It seemed that this man was “not of this world.”

Every item in Belikov's house had its own little case - even for penknives and watches. The man’s face also seemed “packed in a case,” because he constantly hid his nose under his collar and wore glasses.

If you read the summary of the story “The Man in a Case,” you will notice that even the languages ​​that Belikov taught are a way to escape from real life. The man understood newspaper articles well, but only those where something was prohibited. Deviations from the rules caused despondency in the hero. The teacher's suspiciousness and caution oppressed the entire town.

But Belikov also had bad habits. For example, he considered it his direct responsibility, a real duty, to visit his neighbors. Only the man was not having fun there - he just sat silently and then left. Burkin knew this strange man well, since he lived next door.

Despite the oddities, one day this “case” man almost chose a wife for himself and tied the knot. This happened when a new teacher was transferred to the gymnasium. At the director’s name day, Varya and Belikov were nearby, and Mikhail Savvich wanted to marry them. They began to talk to the acting character about the need for a wedding, and Varenka did not protest much - the local strange figure seemed very interesting to her.

As a result, the main character agrees to get married. He often appears at the girl’s house, but is in no hurry to propose marriage. Soon the man shares his doubts with Burkin - it’s all about the bride’s character. Eccentric, unpredictable, a little on her own. And marriage for a “case” person turned out to be an extremely serious thing.

Varya has a brother who didn’t like his sister’s fiancé right away, but he didn’t get involved in the relationship. One fine day, in front of Belikov’s house, right on the fence, someone drew a funny picture. There was a teacher there with his bride on his arm. This creation looked disgusting.

Leaving the house, the acting character noticed not only the “masterpiece”, but also Kovalenok and his sister, who were riding bicycles. It was fun. Everyone except Belikov - he was horrified by the behavior of his future wife. The bicycle is clearly not for her!

The next morning the man was not feeling well. The events of the past day gave no rest. I even had to leave work early. In the evening, the betrothed went to Kovalenki, but found no one except the bride’s brother. The man explained to him that bicycles are indecent for a girl, which ultimately angered Mikhail Savvich. As a result, Kovalenko threw the Greek teacher down the stairs when he decided to report everything to the director.

At this time Varenka returned. Seeing the groom lying on the floor, she laughed, and very loudly. And all because I thought that the man fell down himself. This is so ridiculous! Belikov was horrified - the town was small, everyone would quickly learn about his shame. Grief destroyed the character. He returned home, lay down on the bed and could no longer get up. A month later it turned out that the local “strange” had died. The town became calmer, the residents simply breathed a sigh of relief.

Other characters

  • Burkin is a gymnasium teacher, Belikov’s neighbor, who told his story to Ivan Ivanovich.
  • Chimsha-Himalayan Ivan Ivanovich – veterinarian.

And we also have:

for the most impatient -

A very brief summary of “The Man in the Case”

for the most sociable -

The main characters of "The Man in the Case"

for the most curious -

Analysis of “The Man in a Case” by Chekhov

for the coolest -

Read “Man in a Case” in full


“At the very edge of the village of Mironositsky, in the barn of the elder Prokofy, belated hunters settled down for the night” - Ivan Ivanovich and Burkin. The men did not sleep, telling different stories. The conversation turned to lonely people, “who, like a hermit crab or a snail, try to retreat into their shell.”

Burkin recalls the story of the Greek teacher Belikov. He was distinguished by the fact that in any weather he always went out into the street in galoshes, with an umbrella and in a warm coat with cotton wool.

Belikov had his own case for every thing: for an umbrella, and for a watch, and for a penknife, even his face, “it seemed, was also in a case,” because he “hid it in his raised collar” and wore glasses. “This man had a constant and irresistible desire to surround himself with a shell, to create for himself, so to speak, a case […] from external influences.” Even his subject, “dead languages,” was a kind of way for the teacher to escape from reality.

For Belikov, only those newspaper articles were understandable in which something was prohibited. Any deviation from the rules made him despondent, and his favorite expression was “no matter what happens.” With his suspiciousness and caution, the teacher oppressed the entire city.

Belikov had a strange habit: he would go to teachers’ apartments, sit there in silence and leave, considering such visits his “comradely duty.” Belikov was Burkin’s neighbor, so the narrator knew that at home “the man in the case” also had “shutters, latches, a whole series of all sorts of prohibitions, and - oh, how could something happen!”

However, Belikov, despite his character, almost got married. A new history and geography teacher was appointed to their school - Mikhail Savvich, who came with his sister Varenka, a funny woman and a singer. Once, at the director’s name day, seeing Varya and Belikov next to each other, the teachers came up with the idea that “it would be nice to get them married.” Everyone began to convince the teacher of the need to get married. Varya, too, was not averse to getting married and showed Belikov “clear favor.” Having decided on marriage, Belikov visited Kovalenki more and more often, but put off proposing, sharing with Burkin his fears that Varya had too lively a character, and “marriage is a serious thing.”

From the very first day, Brother Vari hated the Greek teacher, giving him the name “glitai abozh pavuk,” but did not interfere with their relationship.

However, one incident turned everything upside down. Some prankster drew a caricature with the inscription “anthropos in love,” depicting Belikov and Varya walking with him on his arm. Under unclear circumstances, the drawing ended up in the possession of all teachers, officials, and Belikov himself. “The caricature made the most difficult impression on him.” And when, leaving the house, the teacher saw Kovalenko and Varya on bicycles, he was even more saddened, since he believed that it was indecent for women and gymnasium teachers to ride a bicycle.

The next day Belikov felt unwell and even left class for the first time. In the evening he went to Kovalenki, where he found only his brother. Belikov tried to explain that riding bicycles is indecent, which only angered Mikhail Savvich. And when the Greek teacher promised to report the content of their conversation to the director, Kovalenko could not stand it and lowered Belikov down the stairs.

Just at this time Varya entered the house with two women. Deciding that Belikov had fallen himself, she could not resist and laughed loudly. The thought that the whole city would know about what had happened was so terrible for the teacher that he, “returning to his home, <...> lay down and never got up again.” A month later, Belikov died. When he lay in the coffin, his expression was pleasant and meek, “as if he was glad that he was finally put in a case from which he would never come out.” After his death, everyone was relieved. Soon, “life went on as before,” “it didn’t get any better.”

Burkin finished his story. Ivan Ivanovich, reflecting on Belikov’s story, says: “Isn’t the fact that we live in a city in a stuffy, cramped environment, writing unnecessary papers, playing vint - isn’t this a case?”

Summary of the story “The Man in a Case” by Chekhov

The hunters who spent the night in the village of Mironositsky could not sleep. One of them, Ivan Ivanovich, worked as a veterinarian, and the second, Burkin, taught at a gymnasium. The conversation turned to the headman's wife, Mavra, an intelligent woman who began to go out only at night, and sat by the stove during the day.

The dialogue about the Moor brought back one memory to Burkina. He began to talk about loneliness, about people hiding from the outside world under a shell. And he began to talk about his friend, Belikov, who had recently died. He taught Greek in the same gymnasium as Burkin. From that moment on, the hunter began to talk only about Belikov, about his life.

This strange man literally hid himself and his things in a case. His face, with his collar turned up, resembled a cover. An umbrella, a watch, a knife - everything was in a case.

He tried to defend himself, to protect himself in any way. Belikov tried to hide even his thoughts in a case. The prohibitions that existed in life were clear to him, but what was allowed raised doubts, accompanied by the phrase “no matter what happens.”

The meeting of the pedagogical council was not complete without Belikov’s comments. He said that it was worth expelling lagging students, and was worried that the authorities would find out about some minor events. His fears, suspiciousness and whining had a depressing effect on his colleagues. Not only the teachers, but also the director feared him. This gloomy man in dark glasses, with a face reminiscent of a ferret, kept the gymnasium at bay for fifteen years.

Here Ivan Ivanovich inserted a few words, saying that his colleagues tolerated Belikov, which is why he put pressure on them. Burkin said that he lived with Belikov in the same entrance, on the same floor. There was one big prohibition in the atmosphere of his house. The cap, bolts, and shutters added restrictions, strongly reminding us of “no matter what happens.” He did not take women as servants to avoid gossip. His servant was the cook Afanasy, a sixty-year-old man with oddities, who was constantly tipsy. He slept with his head buried in a blanket in a small room that resembled a box. Belikov's blanket did not save him, he was afraid of thieves, he was tormented by nightmares. In the morning, pale, he trudged to the gymnasium, the crowdedness of which he hated.

Here Burkin, to Ivan Ivanovich’s great surprise, said that this distant man almost got married. They appointed a new teacher to their gymnasium, a Ukrainian, Mikhail Kovalenko. He arrived with his sister Varenka, a young, pretty woman, about thirty. Brother and sister are both tall and beautiful. Varenka was black-browed, funny, lively, noisy, and sang Little Russian songs beautifully. The first acquaintance with these unusual people took place at the director’s name day. Varenka charmed even Belikov with her performance of romances. He said a few words to her and received a sensual and convincing answer from the woman. Observing their dialogue, colleagues decided to marry this couple.

Varenka really really wanted to get married. She was no longer young, she lived with her brother, with whom she fought. Their arguments in raised voices were often heard by those around them. Varenka began to single out Belikov, showing him signs of attention.

Belikov began visiting Kovalenko. He will come to them, sit down and be silent, and Varenka sings romances to him. Burkin said that Belikov shared with him, talked about his feelings for Varenka. He even put her portrait in his room. Belikov suddenly lost weight, began to think about this important step, and began to doubt. And I still couldn’t bring myself to propose to Varenka.

Varenka’s brother was indignant at Belikov, calling the atmosphere in the gymnasium stifling, him as “fiscal”, and his colleagues as “chinodrals”. Regarding his sister, he believed that he should not interfere, “even if she marries a viper.”

One day Belikov saw Varenka and his brother, happy and contented, riding bicycles. The young woman cheerfully greeted her friends. Belikov, seeing her on a bicycle, experienced a real shock.

The next day he was clearly not in a good mood, left class, and then went to Kovalenki. Belikov told Mikhail that it was hard for him, that he considered it unacceptable for a gymnasium teacher to ride bicycles.

Kovalenko turned purple, the conversation turned to elevated tones. Belikov mentioned his superiors and said that he would be forced to notify the director of the essence of their conversation. Mikhail grabbed Belikov by the collar and pulled him down the stairs. Varenka entering the house saw Belikov. Looking at his funny face, and believing that he fell on his own, she laughed uproariously. Her effervescent “ha-ha-ha” became the culmination for Belikov. Three days later he fell ill and died a month later.

Burkin said that he buried his colleague with great pleasure. Everyone who was present at the cemetery did not show their joy, which was hidden behind their modest faces. Burkin experienced an almost childlike state when the adults left. You could play pranks, run, enjoy freedom. Burkin enthusiastically repeated the word “freedom” several times. Then he said that nothing had changed in their team. Belikov died, but things didn’t get any easier. And life flowed on, just as gray, routine, monotonous.

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