Description of Aksinya A detailed description of Aksinya is nowhere to be found in the novel “Quiet Don”. But, author
A multifaceted novel Leafing through the first pages of the book, we begin to get acquainted with the image of Raskolnikov in the novel
Essays About the Motherland Russia is my homeland I live in the largest and most beautiful country.
Living essence In the introduction, as well as in the excerpts of the story where natural phenomena are described, it is clearly visible
Main characters The book “Mother of Man” by Zakrutkin teaches the reader not only love for others, but
History of creation The reason for creating the novel “Fathers and Sons” was the acquaintance of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
Brief summary for the reader's diary Old landowner Afanasy Ivanovich and his wife Pulcheria Ivanovna
"Dubrovsky". Chapter 3 (end) A. S. Pushkin - Please tell me, Anton, what’s the matter
The theme of love in the works of Bunin and Kuprin, two Russian writers belonging to the first half
One of the most common school assignments for high school students is the essay MY FUTURE PROFESSION. IN