Realism as a literary movement, material on literature on the topic


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The realistic direction occupies a special place in literature. In this article we will indicate the representatives of realism in literature and their most striking realistic works.


At the origins of realism in Russian literature are I. A. Krylov with his numerous fables and A. S. Griboedov with his comedy “Woe from Wit.”

A. S. Pushkin and N. V. Gogol are prominent representatives of realism of the 19th century. The work of these writers is multifaceted: from romanticism, which reigned at that time, they gradually moved to realism in order to reliably reflect pressing problems.

A. S. Pushkin is considered the founder of Russian realism.

Among the realistic works of A. S. Pushkin, one can highlight the story “The Captain's Daughter”, the novel “Dubrovsky”, and the historical drama “Boris Godunov”. Features of realism can be seen in the novel in verse “Eugene Onegin”, the poem “The Bronze Horseman”.

The features of romanticism are combined with the features of realism in M. Yu. Lermontov’s novel “A Hero of Our Time.”

Rice. 1. Realism in literature

N.V. Gogol, continuing the traditions of realistic depiction, writes the comedy “The Inspector General” and the poem “Dead Souls.”

Prominent representatives of realism as a literary movement are I. A. Goncharov (“Oblomov”), I. S. Turgenev (“Fathers and Sons”, “Rudin”), F. M. Dostoevsky (“Crime and Punishment”, “Poor People” ").

When modernism began to emerge (late 19th century), the realistic movement still occupied a special place. The works of L. N. Tolstoy (“War and Peace”, “Anna Karenina”), A. P. Chekhov (“The Cherry Orchard”, “Man in a Case”), A. I. Kuprin (“Olesya”, “Pomegranate”) stand out bracelet"), M. Gorky ("At the Depth", "Mother").

Realism in Russian literature of the 20th century

(Nikolai Petrovich Bogdanov-Belsky “Evening”


The turning point in the fate of Russian realism was the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, when this direction was experiencing a crisis and a new phenomenon in culture loudly declared itself - symbolism. Then a new updated aesthetics of Russian realism arose, in which History itself and its global processes were now considered the main environment shaping a person’s personality. The realism of the early 20th century revealed the complexity of the formation of a person’s personality, it was formed under the influence of not only social factors, history itself acted as the creator of typical circumstances, under the aggressive influence of which the main character fell.

(Boris Kustodiev “Portrait of D.F. Bogoslovsky”


There are four main trends in realism of the early twentieth century:

  • Critical: continues the traditions of classical realism of the mid-19th century. The works place emphasis on the social nature of phenomena (the works of A.P. Chekhov and L.N. Tolstoy);
  • Socialist: displaying the historical and revolutionary development of real life, analyzing conflicts in conditions of class struggle, revealing the essence of the characters of the main characters and their actions committed for the benefit of others. (M. Gorky “Mother”, “The Life of Klim Samgin”, most works by Soviet authors).
  • Mythological: display and rethinking of real life events through the prism of plots of famous myths and legends (L.N. Andreev “Judas Iscariot”);
  • Naturalism: an extremely truthful, often unsightly, detailed depiction of reality (A.I. Kuprin “The Pit”, V.V. Veresaev “A Doctor’s Notes”).

Essay on the topic of realism as an artistic direction

Realism is the artistic style of the era. Direction in literature and art. REALISM as a direction in literature and art Literary methods, directions, trends The artistic method is the principle of selecting phenomena of reality, the features of their assessment and the originality of their artistic embodiment. A literary direction is a method that becomes dominant and acquires more specific features associated with the characteristics of the era and trends in culture. A literary movement is a manifestation of ideological and thematic unity, homogeneity of plots, characters, and language in the works of several writers of the same era. Literary methods, directions and trends: classicism, sentimentalism, romanticism, realism, modernism (symbolism, acmeism) Realism is a direction of literature and art that arose in the 18th century, reached its full development and flourishing in the critical realism of the 19th century and continues to develop in the struggle and interaction with other directions in the 20th century (up to the present day). Realism is a truthful, objective reflection of reality by specific means inherent in a particular type of artistic creativity. 1. Typification of the facts of reality, i.e., according to Engels, “in addition to the truthfulness of details, truthfulness reproduction of typical characters in typical circumstances." 2. Showing life in development and contradictions, which are primarily of a social nature. 3. The desire to reveal the essence of life phenomena without limiting themes and plots. 4. Striving for moral quest and educational influence. The most prominent representatives of realism in Russian literature: A.N. Ostrovsky, I.S. Turgenev, I.A. Goncharov, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, L.N. Tolstoy, F.M. Dostoevsky, A.P. Chekhov, M. Gorky, I. Bunin, V. Mayakovsky, M. Bulgakov, M. Sholokhov, S. Yesenin, A. I. Solzhenitsyn and others. “Russia cannot be understood with the mind..” The main property is to reflect life through typification in images that correspond to the essence phenomena of life itself. The leading criterion of artistry is fidelity to reality; the desire for immediate authenticity of the image, the “recreation” of life “in the forms of life itself.” The artist’s right to illuminate all aspects of life without any restrictions is recognized. Wide variety of art forms. The task of a realist writer is to try not only to capture life in all its manifestations, but also to understand it, to understand the laws by which it moves and which do not always appear outward; through the play of chance one must achieve types - and with all this, always remain faithful to the truth, not be content with superficial study, and shun effects and falsehood. Search for truth Features of realism DESIRE FOR A WIDE COVERAGE OF REALITY IN ITS CONTRADITIONS, DEEP REGULARITIES AND DEVELOPMENT; -TENSION TO THE PICTURE OF A PERSON IN HIS INTERACTION WITH THE ENVIRONMENT: THE INNER WORLD OF CHARACTERS, THEIR BEHAVIOR CARRY THE SIGNS OF THE TIME; GREAT ATTENTION IS PAID TO THE SOCIAL AND EVERYDAY BACKGROUND; UNIVERSALITY IN THE REPRESENTATION OF HUMANITY; SOCIAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL DETERMINISM; HISTORICAL POINT OF VIEW ON LIFE. educational realism critical realism socialist realism Stages of development: – Enlightenment realism (D.I. Fonvizin, N.I. Novikov, A.N. Radishchev, young I.A. Krylov); “syncretistic” realism: a combination of realistic and romantic motifs, with the dominance of the realistic (A.S. Griboyedov, A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov); Critical realism is the accusatory orientation of works; a decisive break with the romantic tradition (I.A. Goncharov, I.S. Turgenev, N.A. Nekrasov, A.N. Ostrovsky); Socialist realism is imbued with revolutionary reality and a feeling of socialist transformation of the world (M. Gorky). REALISM IN RUSSIA Appeared in the 19th century. Rapid development and special dynamism. Features of Russian realism: Active development of socio-psychological, philosophical and moral issues; Pronounced life-affirming character; Special dynamism; Syntheticity (closer connection with previous literary eras and movements: enlightenment, sentimentalism, romanticism). M.Yu. Lermontov “Mtsyri” “Do you want to know what I saw in freedom? - Lush fields, Hills covered with a crown of Trees growing all around, Noisy with a fresh crowd, Like brothers in a circular dance. I saw piles of dark rocks, When a stream separated them, And I guessed their thoughts: It was given to me from above! Their stone arms have been stretched out in the air for a long time, And they long for meeting every moment; But the days fly by, the years fly by - They will never meet! Realism Realism tried to adapt to the worldview of a person in the 20th century, to new philosophical and aesthetic realities. Updated realism. Socialist realism, a new aesthetics based on the affirmation of normative characters in normative circumstances. Imbued with the spirit of enlightenment ideology, it is affirmed primarily in prose, the defining genre of literature becomes novel after novel, a bourgeois or bourgeois drama arises, it recreated the everyday life of modern society, reflected its social and moral conflicts, the portrayal of characters in it was straightforward and was subject to moral criteria that sharply distinguished between virtue and vice ( Only in individual works did the image of personality differ in complexity and dialectical inconsistency (Fielding, Stern, Diderot) in Great Britain (D. Defoe, S. Richardson, G. Fielding, T. Smollett, L. Stern) in France (A. F. Prevost, D. Diderot, J. J. Rousseau) in Germany (early J. W. Goethe) Bourgeois (philistine) drama: in Great Britain - G. Lillo in France - Diderot in Germany - G. E. Lessing, young F. Schiller Critical realism is a movement that arose in Germany at the end of the 19th century (E. Becher, G. Driesch, A. Wenzl, etc.) and specialized in the theological interpretation of modern natural science (attempts to reconcile knowledge with faith and prove the “failure” and “limitations” of science ). critical realism depicts in a new way the relationship between man and the environment, human character is revealed in an organic connection with social circumstances, the subject of deep social analysis has become the inner world of man (critical realism therefore simultaneously becomes psychological) A.S. Pushkin, L.N. Tolstoy, F. M. Dostoevsky, A.P. Chekhov. “As a person, as a personality, the Russian writer... stood illuminated by the bright light of selfless and passionate love for the great work of life - literature, for the people tired in their work, for their sad land. He was an honest fighter, a great martyr for the sake of truth, a hero in work and a child in relation to people, with a soul as transparent as a tear and bright as a star in the pale skies of Russia.” M. Gorky. Socialist realism is one of the most important artistic movements in the art of the 20th century; a special artistic method (type of thinking) based on knowledge and understanding of the vital reality of the era, which was understood as dynamically changing in its “revolutionary development”. Nationality. The heroes of the works must come from the people. As a rule, the heroes of socialist realist works were workers and peasants. Party affiliation. Reject the truth empirically found by the author and replace it with party truth; show heroic deeds, the search for a new life, the revolutionary struggle for a bright future. Specificity. In depicting reality, show the process of historical development, which in turn must correspond to the doctrine of historical materialism (matter is primary, consciousness is secondary). “Russian literature... has always been the conscience of the people. Her place in the public life of the country has always been honorable and influential. She educated people and strived for a just reconstruction of life.” D. Likhachev. D.S. Likhachev Realism in art I. N. Kramskoy (1837 - 1887) Main works: “Woodman”, “Unknown”, “Beekeeper”, “Mermaid”, “Christ in the Desert”, portraits of L. Tolstoy, N. N?e?k?r?a?s?o?v?a?,?M?.?S?a?l?t?y?k?o?v?a?-?Sh?e?d? r?i?n?a?, I. Shishkina. “Art must tell the truth about life... art must be national... The artist is a critic of social phenomena... Only the feeling of society gives strength to the artist and increases his strength tenfold... Without an idea there is no art, but at the same time, and even moreover, without painting, there is no living and striking, there are no pictures, but only good intentions and nothing more!” 14 rebels, led by I. N. Kramskoy, left the Academy of Arts and organized the “Artel of Free Artists” in 1863, which lasted until 1870. Later, the “Association of Traveling Exhibitions.” I. I. Shishkin (1832 - 1898) Main works: “In the Forest”, “Cutting Wood”, “Noon. In the vicinity of Moscow", "Morning in a pine forest", "View on the island of Valaam", "Rye". V. E. Makovsky (1846-1920) “Visiting his son”, “On the Boulevard” N. V. Nevrev (1830-1904) “Trading. Scene from serf life" V.V. Pukirev (1832-1890) "Unequal marriage" K.A. Savitsky (1844-1905) Main works: "Repair work on the railway", "Meeting the icon", "To war". V. I. Jacobi (1834-1902) “The Prisoners’ Halt” G. G. Myasoedov (1834-1911) “The Medicine Man”, “The Zemstvo is Dining” A. K. Savrasov (1830-1897) Main works: “The Rooks have Arrived”, “Country Road”, “Winter Road”, “Courtyard. Winter", "Losiny Island in Sokolniki", "Rural View". N. N. Ge (1831-1894) Reformer of the historical genre, friend and follower of L. Tolstoy I. E. Repin (1844 - 1930) Main works: “We didn’t expect it, “Barge Haulers,” “Arrest of the Propagandist,” “Princess Sophia” , “Protodeacon”, “Autumn Bouquet”, “Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan”, “Procession in Kursk Province” and others Repin revealed the contradictions of reality. In historical paintings he revealed tragic conflicts and created vivid freedom-loving images. In portraits of his contemporaries, he revealed personality in psychological and social terms. socialist realism in sculpture About the author: Olga Ivanovna Gizatulina, teacher of Russian language and literature, Gulistan College of Computer and Information Technologies, Uzbekistan

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