Arguments on the topic: Love in Russian literature (for the final essay)

There are many examples in the literature on the topic of relationships between men and women. Often mutual feelings arise between two opposites. How will this affect the soul of each of them? Or will love between them for one reason or another turn out to be impossible, how will they endure this test? What is unique to women? What about men? Let's try to figure it out together with the Many-Wise Litrekon. He gave you arguments on the topic “Love” for the final essay of 2019-2020. Also, do not forget to consider examples in the direction “He and She” and the bank of arguments for 2019-2020.

"Garnet bracelet"

  1. Real love
    . To ensure the sincerity of a feeling, you need to analyze its manifestations. For example, the hero of the story “The Garnet Bracelet” wrote tender and heartfelt letters to his chosen one for seven years, but did not prevent her from building her life away from him. George saw the essence of love in adoration and care, but not in possession and violence. He accepted the choice of Vera, who chose to marry a man from her circle, as calm as herself. Zheltkov did not force himself on her, but only expressed his feelings and was content with the fact that she knew about them and, perhaps, thought about him. For the sake of the peace and happiness of his chosen one, the hero is ready to give everything he has, so he leaves this life. This selflessness and willingness to accept your loved one for who they are is evidence of true love.
  2. Unrequited love
    . Georgy Zheltkov from the story by A.I. Kuprin's "Pomegranate Bracelet" experiences unrequited love for Princess Vera Sheina. The heroes are not destined to be together, because they live in different worlds. She, a representative of the aristocracy, is committed to tradition and would never choose a simple telegraph operator as her life partner. Zheltkov is poor and has no title, so his love letters are perceived as a joke or even an insult. Despite the neglect, Georgy loves Vera and no longer expects reciprocity. He is content with a platonic relationship with her, conveying affection and delight through letters. He does not need anything in return, he is ready to put up with irresponsibility further, just to be able to at least talk about his emotions. This is unrequited love - a feeling that does not require an answer.
  3. You can find all the arguments from Kuprin’s work in the selection.

Problems of the essay

Unrequited love is a kind of unrequited feeling, which is accompanied by emotional experiences, suffering, and pain. Many people in love hope for reciprocity. However, in real life quite often this goes unanswered. Some individuals are able to react very calmly to such refusals and forget the person after some time. This feeling can be called fleeting love. In such situations, refusal is rarely a cause of great disappointment.

However, there are also such natures who continue to love a person for a long time, even if they had to endure rejection. They live on, hoping that their chosen one will soon change his decision. Inseparable emotions quite often cause suffering, since a person cannot be close to those for whom he has the most sincere warm feelings.

"Lady with a dog"

  1. Love changes people
    . In the story by A.P. Chekhov's "Lady with a Dog" tells the story of a meeting between two spiritually lonely people who have not known true happiness. Dmitry Dmitrievich Gurov is a seemingly morally developed person. He does not love his wife, he is cynical towards women, but he is often surrounded by them. Cheating on his wife is a common thing for him. It is noteworthy that it is his feelings and their change that are central to the story. At a resort in Yalta, he meets Anna Sergeevna. They begin an affair, but gradually it turns out that it is not based on ardent passion, but on a real spiritual relationship, the kind that should exist between a husband and wife. These relationships influence Gurov. At first he treats them as an ordinary holiday romance, but upon returning to Moscow, he realizes that Anna Sergeevna is a dear person to him. When he found love, he realized how vulgar and petty a life he was distracting himself from the main thing - from loneliness. Gurov regained his sight and saw in the people around him the insignificance and dullness of the identical days that he had lost.
  2. Love is both suffering and pleasure
    . For Anna, this relationship was initially of great importance. She doesn't love her husband, but she has never cheated on him. Anna is a different person; for her, betrayal is a sin. She perceives her action as a moral failure, and yet feels that she cannot do otherwise. Anna loves Gurov. Their meetings are hard for her, and life without love is hard for her. For her, this feeling is both suffering and pleasure, because in her romance with Gurov she suffers from a reproach of conscience, but rejoices at a new, more meaningful and full life. Both heroes understand that they missed something important, and only found it now when they met.

Mayakovsky's unhappy relationships

In art, as in life, you can see a large number of different examples of unrequited love. One of these is the novel by the famous poet Vladimir Mayakovsky, as well as his muse Lilichka Brik . The three of them lived together with her husband.

But many believe that in her life a woman truly loved neither one nor the other. She was only interested in herself. Vladimir Mayakovsky fell in love with Lilya from the very first second of their acquaintance. It's hard to understand why she attracted him. After all, the woman was never beautiful, but she always captivated entire crowds of men.

In parallel with this, Vladimir Mayakovsky started affairs with other representatives of the fair sex. Some of them even gave birth to children from the poet. However, Lilya always remained special for Vladimir Mayakovsky.

Ultimately, this whole story ended in tragedy - the poet committed suicide. This is how unhappy love took the life of a wonderful person.

"Captain's daughter"

  1. an example of a good relationship that has withstood the trials of fate
    in the novel-story “The Captain's Daughter.” Masha Mironova - it was in honor of her that Pushkin named his work - a meek heroine with a kind disposition and a bright soul. At the beginning of the story, she appears before us as a girl whom we want to protect. However, it is thanks to her that Pyotr Grinev gains freedom. Despite all the difficulties that befell her (the death of her parents, the uprising, Shvabrin’s attacks), Masha manages to retain the capacity for love. When the heroine learns about Peter's arrest, she rushes to the rescue and reaches the empress herself. With her intercession she is not afraid to incur shame or disfavor. She is not Grinev’s wife or even fiancée, but asks for him in front of Catherine the Second and exposes herself to attack. Marya's brave act justified itself, and she saved Peter. Sometimes it is love that requires much more strength from us than anger and hatred.
  2. Love makes people better
    . Peter matures as the story progresses. If he leaves his home as a carefree, flighty man who dreams of an easy service in St. Petersburg, then at the end of the story we see a serious and noble young man, capable of protecting his loved ones. It is his love for Masha that makes him a brave person. For her sake, he does the most daring things: challenges an experienced and strong opponent to a duel, fights bravely to defend the fortress, returns to the enemy’s lair to save his beloved. All these steps help the hero reveal his inner potential and become more self-confident. He loves and learns to take responsibility for his love, this is precisely the feeling that he lacked in his parents’ house. Seeing the transformed brave son, the parents agree to marry the dowryless woman, because it was this first and ardent love that made Peter a real man.

"War and Peace"

  1. Love makes a person different
    . In the epic novel L.N. Tolstoy’s “War and Peace” describes the relationship between the main character, Natasha Rostova, and her husband Pierre Bezukhov. This is an unusual union, and many readers have a wide variety of feelings about it: from joy to disappointment. After the trials she endured, a difficult breakup with Andrei Bolkonsky, his death, she receives an unexpected confession from Pierre, and subsequently marries him. Undoubtedly, she was able to appreciate his qualities. He was a friend of Bolkonsky, he is a noble man, but does she love Pierre? It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously. At the beginning of the novel we see an ardent girl with a burning heart, at the end - a woman whose main function is to raise and educate children. It is unlikely that Natasha has lost the remaining qualities of her personality, but now they are less in demand, and therefore in the shadows. It seems that if their fate with Bolkonsky had worked out happily, the reader would have found a completely different Natasha on the pages of the novel. However, this does not mean that she is unhappy with Pierre. It’s just that in this union other traits of her personality appeared.
  2. Happiness in marriage.
    Pierre Bezukhov is undoubtedly a kind and honest person, he is characterized by some naivety: Helen Kuragina easily deceives him, making their marriage unhappy. Tired of disappointment, having been tested by the war, as a person completely unprepared for it, he finally finds personal family happiness. Pierre can also be classified as a searching hero, trying to come to the truth, a common denominator. He finds it in family harmony alone with those who are truly dear to him. He is honest, kind and noble, so a reliable and faithful marriage with Rostova makes him happy. This is his reward for his previous misfortune.
  3. Loyalty and betrayal in love.
    Natasha Rostova is a girl with an inquisitive, lively mind, but she is characterized by some impulsiveness in her actions. She is kind and able to sympathize with people, but at the same time, out of ignorance and inexperience, she can harm them. So, while waiting for the wedding, Rostova became interested in another man and almost ran away from home with him. Anatole Kuragin deceived her and wanted to take advantage of her innocence, although he himself was already married. This escape upset the engagement and deeply insulted Andrei Bolkonsky. But it is difficult to condemn her for her act with Anatoly Kuragin: she was too young and therefore believed him. Probably, if Bolkonsky, at the behest of his father, had not postponed the wedding for a year, this would not have happened. After all, Natasha loved Bolkonsky and was waiting for him. The reader sees the strength of her feelings in the episode when Natasha takes care of the wounded Bolkonsky and feels guilty before him. She repents of her mistake and even wants to resume the relationship if the prince recovers. So, in love you shouldn’t make hasty conclusions: perhaps an attempt to change is just a slight obsession that can be understood and forgiven.

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Own opinion

You can endlessly give examples and arguments about unrequited love, based on the reasoning of great writers. However, the conclusion will almost always be the same: non-reciprocal, unrequited emotions can cause strong emotional distress, pain, and an unhappy existence.

I believe that the definition of “unrequited love” fits the expression “one-sided game.” One team gives it their all, trying their best, doing their best, but getting nothing in return. The same thing happens to the person who does not feel mutual feelings. However, even greater pain and suffering is caused by the situation in which a loved one is carried away by another passion.

In addition, we often witness non-reciprocal feelings. For example, you often watch various films with similar scenarios on TV screens. The main difference between cinema and real life is that in the second case, such stories almost always end in tears.

People prone to unrequited love

Love means two inseparable people who experience sincere feelings towards each other. However, quite often you have to feel irresponsible. Many psychologists believe that there are some factors that cause a person to suffer from unreciprocated feelings. It turns out that unrequited love is formed in those individuals who have complexes, experience insecurity, and also suffer from certain problems . How to understand that you are such a person:

  1. Perhaps the stage of acquaintance with the surrounding society was not fully completed. Some people still replay unpleasant memories and dwell on bad moments in their own lives.
  2. Lack of a certain level of self-esteem. The person has no self-respect for himself. Often those who, as a child, were not brought up in a positive atmosphere, but looked at the world with negativity, are subject to one-sided love.
  3. Unrequited love in most cases is the lot of those individuals who are afraid to open up to others and feel the fullness of mutual feelings. Because of these fears, they are ready to experience pain and suffering from non-reciprocity.
  4. Children who were raised in dysfunctional families also suffer from such love. As a rule, in such an environment there is no cult of joy and mutual understanding. After growing up, it is quite difficult to feel like a happy person. Such people seem to develop the habit of suffering from loneliness and torment.
  5. Quite often, conservative people suffer from unhappy love. They simply do not want to change anything in their own lives, they are not ready to go against the foundations and principles for the sake of love. Thanks to this, the one-sided feeling becomes habitual. However, the main difference between such people is that they do not show weakness, anxiety, suffering, or pain. It’s as if they’ve already developed an immunity to unrequited love.

Quite often, people do not fully understand their own feelings, sensations and desires. Because of this, they are unable to decide on the choice of a specific partner. This situation can be encountered in the case of unrequited feelings already in adulthood.

Survive and live on

It is quite difficult for many to survive such a difficult period. People wonder what to do in this case. Psychologists advise not to let go. There are two ways out: suppress this state in yourself or take some steps to achieve the favor of the object of love. In the first case, there is nothing to add, the main thing is to tune in emotionally. How to do it:

  1. It will be useful to be distracted by work, a new hobby, a hobby. Psychologists often recommend plunging headlong into some project, trying to make it successful. Only in this way will a person begin to feel an increase in his self-esteem, as a result of which he will understand that there was no reason for suffering.
  2. Other experts believe that passion for another object of desire can distract from the current unrequited love. To do this, you don’t need to sit at home, eating your suffering with sweets and looking at photographs of your loved one. You should communicate with friends more often and make new acquaintances. Perhaps in a couple of weeks there will be no trace of love left.

Another option involves the location of the object of love. However, in most cases this does not end in success. You cannot share love by force.

Various works and poems continue to be written and films made about unrequited love. This is a topic that can be discussed endlessly. However, we can say with confidence that non-reciprocal feelings cause strong feelings, mental suffering, and pain.

In high school, many students write essays on this topic, and sometimes it appears when taking the Unified State Exam. Therefore, it would be useful to familiarize yourself in advance with some examples of reasoning about unrequited love.

"Spring Waters"

  1. First love is the strongest
    . I. A. Turgenev’s story “Spring Waters” is built in the form of memories of a Russian landowner who turns to his past for an image dear to him - the image of his first love - the beautiful Italian girl Gemma. Dmitry Pavlovich Sanin, as a young man, traveled abroad and found his love on this journey. Dmitry helps the girl revive her younger brother, who has lost consciousness. He easily connects with him and Gemma's mother. Sanin is a person capable of protecting and capable of sincere love. But he does not have a moral core, he does not have the willpower to cope with circumstances and defend his love. He leaves to organize things before the wedding and sell the estate. So he meets a beautiful Russian rich woman - Marya Nikolaevna. She knows about her power over men, and for fun she decides to get Sanin in any way. She succeeds. Sanin struggles with himself, but his attempts are in vain. He follows Marya Nikolaevna to Paris and loses his true love, Gemma. He regrets this action all his life.
  2. Love is like a game
    . The image of Marya Nikolaevna, who acted as the fatal circumstances that broke Sanin, is the image of a beautiful but cold woman. She doesn’t care about other people’s feelings; she looks at Sanin as prey: pathetic and easy. It’s even more interesting for her if the game conditions become more complicated. At the same time, she does not evaluate her actions from a moral point of view, probably believing that this is not necessary. She does not have the task of looking for the true reasons for her own and other people’s actions. In Paris, she leaves Sanin, losing all interest in him. The game is over, which means the meaning of communicating with him is lost.

"Eugene Onegin"

  1. Unrequited love
    . In the novel by A.S. Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin" describes love without reciprocity, which made both heroes unhappy. The main character lived in the village and devoted most of her leisure time to French novels. It is quite clear that Tatiana’s heart was developed beyond her years and was waiting for love, but not ordinary, but beautiful, as on the pages of her favorite books. As if on purpose, Byron’s hero, Eugene Onegin, appeared in the village. He was withdrawn, indifferent to everything, mocking, intelligent, and his face expressed suffering, as if he had experienced a lot. Tatyana immediately fell in love and even compromised herself with a letter to her lover. Evgeny was not ready for family life and spoke directly about this young girl, not wanting to deceive her. Tatyana accepted his refusal, but her heart never let go of Evgeniy. Even when she got married, love still lived in her heart. Then Evgeny had to face refusal, because Tatiana’s marriage separated loving people forever.
  2. Fake love
    . In the novel by A.S. Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin" describes an example of false love, when one person is deceived in the feelings of another. So, Vladimir fell madly in love with Olga. He dedicated poems to her and dreamed of family life. Their wedding had already been scheduled, because the young lady was flattered by such signs of attention. Olga, in her own way, was carried away by the poet, but was a flighty and frivolous girl, so she could not respond to Lensky with the same deep feeling. Her temper is revealed on Tatiana's name day, when Onegin, wanting to annoy his friend, begins to court Olga. The young lady immediately began to flirt and make advances towards Evgeniy. She forgot about her groom, and at that time he suffered disproportionately. It was her fault that he died in the prime of his life in a duel, and Olga herself did not grieve for long and soon married an officer.

Author: Taisiya Ishniazova

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