Luzhin's principle in the novel Crime and Punishment

The theory of the whole caftan Luzhin read

During sleep, Raskolnikov is faced with what he hides from himself in real life. Luzhin is a business man, wealthy, able to support his family, so he decides to get married. He chose Dunya not because he loves him, but out of the same benefit for himself.

This division occurs not on a material basis, but on a moral basis: “...he who is strong and strong in mind and spirit is... the ruler!” The hero recognizes the right of one person to be above others, to administer justice, execute and pardon at his own discretion. He does not believe in God and believes that man can be a judge.

“Crime and Punishment” reflects a difficult time - the 60s of the 19th century. Progressive people of the era believed that a strong Personality, bright and extraordinary, could rise above society. Dostoevsky showed the ferment of minds, the search for one’s “I” and, as a result of this, the creation of theories that contrast man with the world around him. It is precisely such a heartless woman that Raskolnikov kills, testing his theory. However, in addition to Alena Ivanovna, at the time of the murder, her pregnant sister Lizaveta was also in the house, whom Rodion also kills. Lizaveta had a rather tragic fate. She had health problems, no one took her seriously, her own sister used her as a servant.

Crime and Punishment as a Philosophical Novel

Raskolnikov's doubles include P.P. Luzhin, investigator Porfiry Petrovich, Sonya, Svidrigailov, a student met in a tavern.

Why should she live? Can it be of any use to anyone? A clear answer of “no” confuses a former student. He kills her and then robs her, only to use the “proceeds” to make himself and all those suffering happy and thereby fulfill his “humane debt to humanity.”

This meeting with the “double” only pushed Raskolnikov to murder. Luzhin is ready to step over it in order to achieve his goal. And another question about debunked ideas in FMD novels.

F.M. It is not for nothing that Dostoevsky uses the technique of duality in his work. The theories of Luzhin and Svidrigailov are a kind of mirror reflection of the theory of Raskolnikov himself. And Raskolnikov, and Luzhin, and Svidrigailov use the principle of permissiveness. Double heroes are needed to show the practical life of this theory, to show its inconsistency.

What is Luzhin’s theory in the novel “Crime and Punishment” by Dostoevsky

She will certainly “knuckle down” to him, will be in awe, obey in everything and be surprised only by him. And then the moment came when everything coincided.

He also has his own theory of life - “the theory of the whole caftan.” Let us remember Raskolnikov’s reaction to the “theory of the whole caftan,” i.e. During sleep, Raskolnikov is faced with what he hides from himself in real life. What is better: to tear the caftan, share it with the poor and both freeze, or at least one to remain in the whole caftan and survive? It is clear that Luzhin prefers the second option.

One of Raskolnikov's doubles in the novel is Pyotr Petrovich Luzhin. This is a business man who, more than anything in the world, values ​​money obtained “by labor and by all means.” He respects himself, considers himself an intelligent, progressive person working for the benefit of the whole society. Luzhin even has his own theory, which he develops in front of Raskolnikov.

Brief description of Luzhin crime and punishment

Luzhin cannot be considered one of the main characters; he is a minor character, but he has a special role. Luzhin is the bearer of a certain “economic” theory - the theory of the “whole caftan”: “love yourself... for everything in the world is based on personal interest.” It confirms the idea of ​​a person’s well-being at the expense of others, the main thing in life is money, a certain calculation, profit, career. By the way, the name Peter and even Petrovich, which is translated as “stone,” confirms the emptiness of the hero’s soul. Just his last name - Luzhin - limits him in his human vision of the world and is associated with a dirty puddle that irritates those around him.

Luzhin is a successful business man. Direct in communication. Practical and rational. Doesn't trust intuition, isn't emotional. Not morally squeamish, sneaky. A lover of gossip (Dostoevsky wrote about him: “With vanity and self-love, to the point of coquetry, pettiness and a passion for gossip” [2]). Does not recognize nobility and selfless honesty. His task in life is to make capital and make a career. He considers himself to be one of the “new people” and places his hopes on changed times. He has his own “theory”, just like Raskolnikov. In it, he says that a person should be an egoist, and if he helps himself, he will help others through himself.

The theory of the whole Luzhin caftan in the text, chapter and part

Money turned the hero into a vile and greedy person. He is calculating and wants to own Sonya as a slave. He considers himself her savior. The heroine's poverty leads to Sonya's wedding with Luzhin, but it was not destined to happen. Luzhin, like Raskolnikov, has his own theory. This is a theory about the whole caftan, according to which you need to care only about your own well-being and not think at all about the situation of other people.

Luzhin, focused on himself and only himself, absolutely neglects to care about the people around him, being in the mistaken belief that the whole world revolves around his person.

His face, now turned away from the curious flower on the wallpaper, was extremely pale and expressed extraordinary suffering, as if he had just undergone a painful operation or had just been released from torture. But the gentleman who entered little by little began to arouse in him more and more attention, then bewilderment, then distrust and even, as it were, fear.

Luzhin, focused on himself and only himself, absolutely neglects to care about the people around him, being in the mistaken belief that the whole world revolves around his person.

In a word, Luzhin also has a theory with which he justifies his most selfish motives for marrying Duna.

He openly preaches reasonable, as he calls it, egoism and individualism: “Love yourself first, first of all, for everything in the world is based on personal interest.” Razumikhin appears first in the story.

Test on the novel by Dostoevsky F

The fact that the author used the technique of antithesis is no secret to anyone; but parallels are also drawn between Raskolnikov and other characters, creating a unique system of doubles. These are those who, to one degree or another, share the idea of ​​permissiveness, the possibility of allowing one’s conscience to bypass the Christian commandments “thou shalt not kill,” “thou shalt not steal,” etc.

This meeting is preceded by a letter from Svidrigailov to Raskolnikov’s sister, in which he talks about the crime that Rodion committed. Dunya suggests what a meeting with this man might lead to, but she goes, goes again, for the sake of her brother. She does not want to believe that Rodion is capable of murder. There is still a glimmer of hope in her that this is not true, that this vile man is simply deceiving her.

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Luzhin believes that marrying Duna will open up a place for him in higher circles of society and, of course, does not love her. The character believes that the husband should not owe anything to his wife, while the wife should be slavishly devoted to her husband. Moreover, the character believes that you only need to love yourself and the success of all your affairs depends on selfishness. That is why he wooed Avdotya Raskolnikova, a young, beautiful and educated, but very poor girl who agrees to marry him only for the sake of her brother’s illusory well-being.

However, it cannot be said that Dostoevsky agrees with his hero. On the contrary, he regards his theory as absurd and base. Therefore, he presents Luzhin to the reader not as a role model, but as a representative of another delusion, who, like Raskolnikov, follows the wrong path, but is firmly confident that he has invented an effective strategy for achieving human happiness, which should be strictly adhered to.

Luzhin's behavior and all his ideas (the theory described above and the theory according to which a woman should treat her husband as a benefactor) help to understand the sign of selfishness in Raskolnikov's theory. The murder of the old pawnbroker and her sister is similar to Luzhin’s disgusting actions in that they are both guided by the principle that in order to achieve the desired result, any means can be used.

Luzhin's selfishness is visible to the naked eye. He lives in accordance with the principle of permissiveness. But Raskolnikov can also be called selfish, who greets his mother and sister so indifferently after not seeing them for three whole years. Raskolnikov is sometimes indifferent

and to Razumikhin, who abandoned his own affairs to help Raskolnikov and his family. Of course, Raskolnikov cannot be called a complete egoist, because in his soul there is a place for good deeds and concern for family and friends, but selfishness in some situations brings Raskolnikov closer to Luzhin.

Comparative characteristics of Luzhin and Svidrigailov

But “Crime and Punishment” is a socio-philosophical work, so the author also seeks to reveal the vices of society that pushes a person to crime.

This article presents materials about Luzhin as Raskolnikov’s double in the novel “Crime and Punishment.”

Rodion Raskolnikov understands that his action was a mistake. He faces a difficult path - rebirth through suffering.

Raskolnikov, the main character, is sometimes surrounded by rather dubious characters. One of these is Petr Petrovich Luzhin. The author portrayed him in such a way that the lawyer looks like a reflection of Rodion, only in a distorting mirror.

A paradoxical but vile theory: to provide a benefit, but for calculation, to turn a free girl into one’s own slave, to marry without love, only to amuse one’s selfishness. F. M. Dostoevsky shows the inner world of a person and the environment in which he is located, explores their interaction. The hero commits a murder. The author traces the path of this man’s emotional experiences and struggles from the first thoughts about the crime to repentance, trying to understand what prompted him to commit this act. The author cites the influence of the environment, that is, society, as one of the reasons.

The narrative structure of Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment is quite complex. At the center of the work is the image of the main character, Rodion Raskolnikov, with his idea of ​​allowing “blood according to conscience.” All the other characters are connected to him in one way or another. The main character is surrounded in the novel by “doubles”, in whose minds his idea is refracted differently.

Analyzing Luzhin's theory, we notice its striking similarity with Raskolnikov's theory, in which personal interest also predominates. “Everything is allowed to Napoleons,” he categorically asserts. There is certainly a personal interest of the hero in the murder of the old pawnbroker.

Thus, Luzhin trivializes the protagonist’s theory, offering an “economic” version of this theory. Luzhin is Raskolnikov’s “double” in everyday life. In addition, he is an unprincipled, vile person. All this determines the attitude of the author and the main character towards him.

Ultimately, Porfiry Petrovich did a lot to make the hero admit his guilt and repent. An important role in the resurrection of Rodion’s soul was also played by Sonya Marmeladova, who is also Raskolnikov’s double.

The poverty of the hero's family leads him to the point where he decides to test his theory about creatures that tremble and have rights. Therefore, he kills the old money-lender. The further story is told around this event. The author pays great attention to the inner thoughts of the hero and introduces the technique of psychologism into the narrative. F. M. Dostoevsky showed that Raskolnikov’s theory differs in many ways from real life.

Of course, the compositional center of the novel is the figure of Raskolnikov, but each character (both a random passer-by and a horse) is a piece of his personality. Today we will talk about the so-called “doubles” of Raskolnikov - Luzhin and Svidrigailov. It is no coincidence that Svidrigailov says: “There is some common point between us... We are birds of a feather.”

How do the theories of Raskolnikov and Luzhin compare in the work Crime and Punishment - Questions

“Crime and Punishment” is a deeply psychological and philosophical work by Dostoevsky. Luzhin Petr Petrovich is a wealthy man of about 45 years old. He dreams of opening his own business. A calculating and unpleasant man, he is thinking of marrying Dunya so that she will feel obligated to him, in order to amuse her vanity.

. Luzhin's theory about the whole caftan That is, the greater the value of an idea, the less one should worry about how to achieve it. It would seem that Raskolnikov is the only one in the novel who puts forward this idea and tries to follow it. But this reason is not the main one. Lebezyatnikov presents in an exaggerated form the theory, the first author of which was V.

10 Apr 2021 polrostov 202

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Theory of a whole caftan Luzhin what chapter

And from whom? From a poor student, an arrogant youngster - Rodion, who threw him out of the door. He couldn't bear it. Wounded, he collected all his indignation and immeasurable anger and squeezed it into a revenge ball.

How do the theories of Raskolnikov and Luzhin relate in the work Crime and Punishment? What is better: to tear the caftan, share it with the poor and both freeze, or at least one to remain in the whole caftan and survive? It is clear that Luzhin prefers the second option (Luzhin’s theory). There are different people. The lives of some are useful for society, while others are not only useless, but even harmful.

The hero's doubles help to see Raskolnikov's delusion most clearly. We can say that duality is the principle underlying the work.

One of the opponents said that if it were his will, he would get rid of one old money-lender who is extremely stingy and lives her life aimlessly, torturing those around her and her loved ones. He told how the sister of this old woman suffers, forced to obey and do all the menial housework and all the whims of the old official.

Luzhin's theories

The image of Luzhin in the novel Crime and Punishment is most fully characterized by his theories, according to which the character lived.

The theory of the “whole caftan” states that each person should care only about himself and his own good, because man is by nature an egoist. Only by taking care of oneself can everyone keep a whole caftan on themselves. If you try to help another, then he will receive only half of the caftan, and you will be left with exactly the same. Luzhin cites as an example a popular saying: “You will follow several hares at once, and you will not achieve a single one.”

Individualism, according to Luzhin, can provide a happy future for everyone on earth.

Luzhin also has another theory related to women who should be grateful to their husbands. He dreams of finding himself a noble and educated girl, who must necessarily be poor. If she has gone through life's difficulties, she will praise her husband and submit to him in every possible way as a sign of gratitude. This is exactly what the hero wants, so Dunya Raskolnikova attracts his attention.

The important thing is that Luzhin not only has a theory, but also applies it in practice - in real life.

Luzhin's theories are, as it were, a reflection of Raskolnikov's theory, which in the life of Pyotr Petrovich is realized to the maximum extent. Luzhin does not resist transgressing moral and ethical standards, and even considers it necessary.

The caftan theory: crime and punishment

The number 7 is called the “truly holy number”, since the number 7 is a combination of the number 3, symbolizing divine perfection, and the number 4, a number that is considered to be the numbers of the world order. The conclusion suggests itself that the number 7 is a symbol of the “union” of God with man, a symbol of communication between God and his creation.

This gentleman had already reached a fairly high rank, which made him incredibly proud. Having obtained the desired wealth, Luzhin focused on this in every possible way. Being a shallow person spiritually, he stuck out his position outwardly: with beautiful outfits, stiffness in his face. His clothes were brand new, tailored according to youth fashion. It looked good on Luzhin, since he did not look his age.

One of the opponents said that if it were his will, he would get rid of one old money-lender who is extremely stingy and lives her life aimlessly, torturing those around her and her loved ones.

And Luzhin (according to the author’s description) does not seem to kill anyone physically. However, his theory preaches spiritual murder, which is much more terrible and criminal.

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Another blow to the theory is Sonya. She believes in sacrificing oneself for others. The girl cannot help but impress Raskolnikov thanks to the terrifying contrast: belonging to the lowest category of people and purity of soul.

Although both theories seem very different at first glance, they have, so to speak, a common basis: a person can be used for his own purposes. As a result, both theories are in conflict with Christianity, and even reject its pillars. He crossed the threshold with a feeling of benefactor and with an undisguised desire to listen to as many sweet compliments addressed to him as possible. Immense vanity, an extreme degree of self-confidence, or, better said, narcissism, played a bad joke on him.

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