“The Snow Queen” - a summary of Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale for a reader's diary
Summary of “The Snow Queen” for the reader's diary Author's name: Hans Christian Andersen Title: Snow
'"The Last Bumblebee
The last bumblebee Bunin analysis according to plan. Analysis of the poem by I.A. Bunin “The Last Bumblebee” (text and subtext) (6th grade). Analysis of the poem “The Last Bumblebee”
It is impossible to read the poem “The Last Bumblebee” by Ivan Alekseevich Bunin without memories of the first autumn days,
Social and civic motives in the lyrics of N.A. Nekrasov (“About the Weather”, “Poet and Citizen”, “Knight for an Hour”, “Prophet”, “Elegy”).
Essay on the topic of Nekrasov's civil lyrics 240*400 Advertur.ru end Federal Agency for Railway Transport State
Complete analysis of the poem “Dream” (M.Yu. Lermontov)
History of creation It is not for nothing that Lermontov’s poems were called prophetic. This was also noted by the people
The wise minnow
About the work The satirical tale “The Wise Minnow” (“The Wise Minnow”) was written in 1882 – 1883
Arguments from literature and life for an essay on the topic: “What is fear” (Unified State Exam in Russian)
There are a number of questions that do not have a clear answer, including the question “What is
Arguments from literature and life for an essay on the topic: “What is growing up” (Unified State Exam in Russian)
The question “What is growing up” has always worried human minds, as it represents a transition
Essay on the topic dog is man's best friend, grade 5
Essays / About animals I love dogs very much. The dog has already become a friend for man
Jane Austen, “Pride and Prejudice”: summary. “Pride and Prejudice”: description of the novel
About the work Austen's novel "Pride and Prejudice" was written in 1813. In the book
Summary of the story by Grandfather Nekrasov for a reader's diary
Brief summary of Nekrasov Grandfather for a reader's diary Year: 1870 Genre: poem Main characters: boy
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