Description of the painting by Nyssa “February. Moscow region": what is depicted on the canvas

Georgy Grigorievich Nissky is an artist and graphic artist. He studied at the capital's Vkhutemas. The landscape painter can be called a follower of A. Deineka. He set himself the goal of conveying the power of the new reality, influenced by socialism, as well as showing the attitude towards nature of modern people, whose life was incredibly fast and impetuous. Nyssky’s painting “February” deserves special attention. Moscow region,” she can be called genius. Nyssa's canvases (mainly on industrial themes) are particularly dynamic; they cover large areas, and in the 50s the artist increasingly turned to a generalized style of image. The silhouettes in the paintings are rhythmic, there are many large planes painted in one color, often quite bright. During his life, the artist created such masterpieces as “Off the Coast of the Far East”, “Port of Odessa”, “Landscape with a Lighthouse”, “Winter near Moscow”, “Above the Snows”, “Collective Farm Zagorye”. Nyssa was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, as well as other awards.

Description of the painting by Nyssa “February. Moscow region"

The painting by the famous artist depicts the Moscow region in winter. This masterpiece was created in 1957. The landscape is painted on canvas in oil. The author worked on it in February, as can be understood from the title itself. This month there is a certain turning point in nature: spring gives way to icy winter, and this is noticeable in the picture. The lower part of the canvas depicts asphalt, and on both sides of it the ground is covered with snow that has not yet melted.

It would seem, where is the masterpiece? Everything is so banal... But you need to understand that it is not easy to read the description of Nyssa’s painting “February. Moscow region" is not enough. You need to see this work with your own eyes. Even without knowing the name of the picture, we can determine that we are clearly depicting the transition from the cold season to the warm one. Nyssky worked on the canvas during the day, and in the evening he added the finishing touches - this is evidenced by the wide shadows that the trees cast on the heavy, dazzling snow. Soon it will be possible to say goodbye to winter completely. The snow is depicted as compacted. It is apparently quite warm outside, and passers-by are wearing fairly thin clothing. Looking carefully at the landscape, you can feel this February snow, even touch it - it will seem viscous and wet, it is quite possible to make various figures from it. This masterpiece was most likely painted on the outskirts of some village. On the left side of the picture you can see a two-story building with a dome, similar to a chapel. But perhaps this is a residential building with a bristling fence around it. On the right side of the canvas you can see a hill covered with snow, along which the train is traveling. The last month of winter is usually particularly peaceful, and the canvas is saturated with the silence and harmony of rural life. Description of the painting by Nyssa “February. Moscow Region" would be incomplete without this remark.

Description from the picture 5th grade

February - winter is receding, but external signs of this are still small, huge snowdrifts still cover the ground, an invigorating cold permeates the air. It was this period that Nyssa captured in his painting.

A clear and simple composition allows you to observe each detail separately, and then combine all the elements into a single whole. From every detail there emerges a feeling of some kind of movement, and hence some kind of joy and hope. If you pay attention to the picture, it contains many such stories and elements of movement forward, towards some goal, something better.

The central part of the composition is occupied by an asphalt road, which goes deep into the forest, opening up a spacious perspective. It seems that the road goes on forever, towards something new and better.

A skier moves along a well-trodden path to the side, bringing an element of energy, vivacity, and health. You can directly feel how this man walks briskly, how he smiles at the winter and the pleasant pink sunset. He probably came down from the ski lodge, which is located at the top of the mountain.

An adult and a child are walking along the road, you can’t really see them, but I get the impression that they are walking with a grandmother and granddaughter. Continuity of generations - this also exudes joy and some kind of comfort. Perhaps they went for a walk from their own dacha or went to the countryside, and now they are returning to the station, one way or another, they wander calmly, the eldest is probably telling the child about something. There is also movement on the road, only cars are moving, and such movement creates dynamics and evokes fantasies. Each car goes about its business, strives somewhere, and each has its own unique story.

Overall, the picture evokes some kind of peace and quiet joy. I just want to immerse myself and look at the Moscow region of Nyssa. These stories are so joyful and carry you somewhere, into fantasy, but when watching, the mind does not rush somewhere separately, but simply opens up, as it were, trying to embrace the whole picture.

Everyday reality conveyed with love

The author, without a doubt, admired the world as a whole and even its most ordinary manifestations. After all, the landscape presented on the canvas is nothing special; there is nothing on it that could capture the imagination. The usual reality of the Moscow region: a pine forest, a train on an embankment, a road with cars... Everything is very simple, the skiers and the wooden building even look everyday. However, gentle shades on the canvas indicate the artist’s good mood, love for the world and harmony with it. Alas, the verbal description of the painting “February. Moscow region" is not able to reflect all the feelings that the author experienced. It seems that the canvas is not in winter, but in spring. And this, to be honest, is not far from the truth. It is at the end of winter that you feel the proximity of a new season, along with the sun, blue expressive skies and cirrus clouds. And this moment is brilliantly conveyed on the canvas by the looseness of the snow, the thin clothing of passers-by, and delicate shades. A little more and March will come! Description of the painting by Nyssa “February. Moscow region,” like the canvas itself, is filled with anxious anticipation of spring.

For girls

(252 words) Winter in paintings is always majestic and beautiful. Artists know how to show its character and scope, but it is difficult for us, ordinary people, to see them on the street. That's why it's so important to find beautiful paintings that depict the beauty of each season. For me, one of such works is the painting by G.G. Nyssa “February. Moscow region." The painter not only reflected the beauty of winter, but also showed the Soviet flavor in strict lines and proportions.

The painting depicts a winter landscape in the evening. The sky was colored with the pink-orange glow of sunset. Wide shadows wander across the snow. The voluminous gray-white clouds retreated before the setting sun. The sky is supported by tall dark green, almost black spruce trees. A forest can be seen in the background. A narrow road cleared of snow leads to it. A few people walk along it: a woman is engaged in skiing, and further away you can see a mother with a child. There was probably a car hidden behind them. There is a steam locomotive on the hill above them, and behind it you can see a line of carriages. These details indicate the urban nature of the landscape: nature harmoniously coexists with civilization. We see plywood poles, a train, and part of a building overgrown with spruce trees. At the same time, the terrain looks natural: there are trees everywhere and room for snow. The author used faded and natural shades to reflect the real appearance of winter in the Moscow region. We ourselves have seen such a picture more than once, we simply did not notice its modest and laconic beauty.

I really liked the painting “February. Moscow region”, because the master was able to convey the strict and restrained character of the winter season, when all the colors are shades of the same color. In this picture, each of us recognizes the Russian winter, so familiar and dear to Russians.

Plan for a descriptive essay based on the painting “February. Moscow region.":

  1. Introduction: The role of painting in human life;
  2. Main part: description of the painting by Nyssa;
  3. Conclusion: My opinion about the canvas.

Harmony in everything

It is this turning point, occurring against the backdrop of everyday reality, that touches to the depths of the soul. It seems that you look at the world with new eyes that notice harmony everywhere: on a rural street and among the trees, in the February thaw and severe blizzard. This is probably the purpose of creativity, its main meaning. What can be said about the painting by Nyssa? It also pursues this goal. How well G. Nyssky understood the purpose of art! Moscow region, February - all this was close to him, so the canvas turned out so beautiful, natural, charming.

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Storm of emotions

Looking at this picture, you clearly feel the cold air filled with freshness, the warm rays of the sun and the aroma of a pine forest. How wonderful it would be to go for a walk through this forest with a skier! February, depicted on the canvas, evokes a storm of emotions in the soul. This is what real talent means.

We tried to describe the picture “February. Moscow region." Whether we succeeded or not is for the reader to judge. Of course, words can convey the general content of the artist’s work, but it’s better to admire it in a museum - this will give you more impressions.

Essay based on Nyssky's painting Winter near Moscow

About the author: Georgy Grigorievich Nissky (1903-1987) - Soviet artist. He mainly painted landscapes and subject compositions. Among his works, the most famous are “February. Moscow region", "Rainbow", "Upper Volga". Nyssky’s painting Moscow Winter depicts a landscaped winter landscape. It was written in 1951.

Essay based on Nyssky's painting Winter near Moscow: description and analysis of the artistic canvas

In Nissky’s painting, Moscow Winter, we have a beautiful view from a high hill of snow-covered expanses with forests and fields. What immediately catches your eye is the endless road that crosses the entire area and disappears beyond the horizon. It’s as if she’s cutting the canvas into two parts. The author has positioned the asphalt road in such a way that we see it in the foreground, in the central part of the canvas, and in the background. This shows the importance of the road that connects the Moscow region with the capital.

On the left side of the road there is a high snow-covered hill, at the foot of which there is a power line. Behind the hill near the forest belt you can see small houses with green roofs. Not far from them, by the road you can see a bus stop. There is a railway right behind the forest. A freight train with colorful carriages moves along it.

The area on the opposite side is also hilly. Skiers have laid a winding route along it, passing along the forest. If you look closely, you can see how one skier rushes down the hill, while two others climb it. In the distance, on a hillock, there is a large yellow building with white columns, reminiscent of an old manor.

On both sides of the road you can see forest belts, periodically giving way to snow-covered fields. In a mixed forest, brown bare trees coexist with dark green spruce trees. Endless fields stretching to the horizon are covered with snow. They sleep waiting for the weather to warm up. In spring the fields will be sown with wheat or buckwheat. But it is quite possible that ordinary potatoes will be planted here.

The sky is depicted on the canvas as blue-gray with gloomy blue clouds. And above the horizon it is light with a pinkish tint. In the distance you can see a blue plane flying in the sky.

People move along the sidewalks along the road. Someone is heading home, and someone is heading to the bus stop. Everyone is in a hurry about their business. On the right are two men talking. Most likely, these are hunters: one of them has a brown gun behind his back.

There is almost no transport on the road. You can only see a yellow-red bus and a few cars. The painting was painted by the artist in the middle of the last century. Back then, people could not imagine that in a few decades there would be so many cars on the road that several lanes would be needed in both directions. And at that time, Nyssky was proud of technical progress, showing us on an artistic canvas a railway and a highway, an airplane in the sky and a power line.


Genre and history of creation

The artist and graphic artist Georgy Grigorievich Nissky was a follower of A. Deineka. The main theme of his works was the description of the power and greatness of the new time. His works on industrial themes are distinguished by their scale and generalized image.

Over the years of creativity, he created such paintings as:

  • "Above the Snows";
  • "Port Odessa";
  • “Off the coast of the Far East”;
  • "Collective farm Zagorye";
  • "Landscape with a lighthouse."

Nyssky painted the painting “Winter near Moscow” in 1967, wanting to show the attitude towards nature of modern man living a fast-paced life. For the plot, he chose a common theme - the end of winter.

Externally, the canvas resembles Madison’s work “Snow” . The author called his work “Winter near Moscow.” The main meaning of the name is the borderline state. He paints neither a Moscow nor a rural landscape.

In his opinion, the Moscow region is something between a city and a village. It absorbed the features of two territories.

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