Dobrynya Nikitich and Zmey Gorynych ∼ Russian folk tale

Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich

In the capital city of Kyiv, And at the affectionate prince Vladimir, The prince held an honorable feast And for the many princes, for the boyars And for all the daring clearings. Everyone at the feast got drunk, Everyone at the feast ate, Everyone at the feast was drunk and merry.

Vladimir Stolno-Kyiv says: “Oh, you are my princes, boyars, strong mighty heroes!” And who will we send to the Golden Horde to straighten out the tributes, And for the old years, for the new ones - For twelve years. And send us Alyosha Popovich, Well, well done, he’s single, not married: He’ll go on a spree with the girls, He’ll play around with the young girls. And we will send Dobrynyushka Nikitich: He is a fine married man, not single, He will now go to the Golden Horde, He will straighten out the tributes in twelve years. We wrote an ambassadorial letter to Dobrynya Nikitich. And Dobrynyushka Nikitinich comes to his mother, And to the honest widow Amelfa Timofeevna, The blessed woman asks her for forgiveness: - Light of the empress, my mother! Give me forgiveness, blessing, to go to the Golden Horde, to straighten out the tributes for twelve years.

Dobrynya remains with a young wife, Young wife, beloved family, Young Nastasya Mikulichna. Dobrynya goes, he himself punishes: - Oh, my young wife, Young wife, beloved family, Wait for Dobrynya from the open field for three years. Just as I won’t be out of the woods for the first three years, you still wait for me and another three years. Just as I won’t be out of the woods for another three years, but you still have to wait for me for another three years. Just as I won’t be out of the open field for three years, And there you can either live as a widow, or even get married, Even if you go for a prince, or even for a boyar, And even if you go for a strong man, or even if you marry a hero. But don’t marry the brave Alyosha Popovich, the brave Alyosha Popovich is my brother on the cross, and a brother on the cross is more than a brother.

As they saw a good fellow, but did not see a daring fellow.

Yes, that time has passed nine years, and Dobrynya is not visible from the open air. And how did Prince Vladimir begin to woo the young Nastasya Mikulichna, and the brave Alyosha Popovich: “And you won’t do well, Nastasya Mikulichna, So I’ll take you to the port-washers, So I’ll take you to the bed, So I’ll take you.” I'll take some more for the cow sheds. - Oh, you sunshine Vladimir Stolno-Kyiv! You have to wait another three years. Just as Dobrynya will be gone for four and three years, so I will marry the brave Alyosha for Popovich.

Yes, twelve years have passed since that time, Dobrynyushka is not seen, not seen from the open field. And then Nastasya Mikulichna went for the brave Alyosha Popovich. Yes, they went to feast and dine with Prince Vladimir.

Little by little, from the open field, a daring, portly, good fellow came running. And the falcon himself was clear on the horse, And the horse under him was like a fierce beast. He comes to the court and to Dobrynin - Dobrynya Nikitich comes here to that Dobrynin’s house. He lays down the cross in a written way, Yes, he bows in a learned way, He bows and continues to live: - Yes, hello, Mother Dobrynina! Yesterday I parted ways with your Dobrynyushka, He ordered the buffoon's harp to be brought, He ordered the buffoon's dresses to be brought, He ordered the buffoon's club to be brought, Yes, I should go to Prince Vladimir and have an honorable feast.

Dobrynina’s mother says here: “Get away, you little villager, you’re a villager, you hillbilly!” As old purse women walk, Only they carry bad news: That Dobrynya lies killed in an open field, Dobrynya lies with her head towards the Puchai River, Dobrynya lies with her frisky legs in an open field, Through it, curls and yellow curls, ant grass has sprouted here, Azure flowers have bloomed on the grass, How his wife is young now, Young wife, beloved family, Yes, she is marrying brave Alyosha to Popovich. He finally says to her: “Hello, Mother Dobrynina, you are an honest widow, Amelfa Timofeevna!” Yesterday I parted ways with your Dobrynyushka. He ordered the buffoon's harp to be brought, He ordered the buffoon's dresses to be brought, He ordered the buffoon's club to be brought, and let me go to Prince Vladimir and have an honorable feast.

- Move away, you little villager! If only my red sun were alive, That young Dobrynyushka Nikitinich, Those ignorant people wouldn’t mock me, My red sun would no longer be there, But what should I do with the dresses of the buffoons, And what should I do with the harps of the buffoons, But what should I to do with a buffoon's baton.

It was then that she went into the deep cellars, She brought the buffoon's dresses, She brought the spring goslings, She brought the buffoon's club. Here a young buffoon got screwed, a brave, good fellow, and he went to Prince Vladimir for an honorable feast.

He came to the dining room, He places the cross in the written way, He bows in a learned way, He bows and worships, Yes, on all four sides. He bows there and says hello: - Hello, darling Vladimir of Stolno-Kiev, Yes, with many princes and boyars, Yes, with mighty Russian heroes, Yes, with your darling, with the princess and Apraxia! Prince Vladimir of Stolno-Kyiv says to him: “Hey, you’re a young buffoon!” And all your places are occupied now, but only a little place on one of the stoves on the trench. Yes, then a young buffoon jumped onto that stove and onto the ant. He started playing guselushki yarovchaty. He started the first one from Kyiv to Erosolim, He started the friend from Erosolim and to Tsaryagrad, And everyone started singing Dobrynin’s tunes.

And then Prince Vladimir began to laugh, He said to the young buffoon: “Come here, young buffoon!” And now I will give you three places: And the first place is next to me, And the other place is opposite me, The third is opposite Princess Nastasya Mikulichna.

And then a young buffoon sat down on an oak bench, opposite Nastasya Mikulichna. And then Nastasya Mikulichna poured a glass of green wine into one and a half buckets, and that horn of sweet honey, she brought it to Dobrynyushka Nikitich. And here is Dobrynyushka Nikitinich, Yes, he took the charm of green wine in one and a half buckets, And he took the charm with one hand, He drank the charm in one spirit, Yes, the turius horn drank sweet mead, Yes, he lowered the golden ring into the charm, Which ring with he got engaged to her. Yes, he says to Nastasya Mikulichna: “Look, Nastasya Mikulichna, look like you’re covered in gold.”

As Nastasya Mikulichna looked into that gilded enchantment, she took the golden ring in her hands. Nastasya Mikulichna says here: “It’s not that husband who’s sitting next to me, but that husband of mine who’s sitting opposite me.”

And then Dobrynya Nikitinich, Yes, Dobrynya jumped on quick legs, Yes, he took Alyosha by the yellow curls, Yes, he pulled Alyosha out of the oak table, And he began to drag him along the grid, Yes, he began to say to Alyosha: “I don’t wonder.” to the female mind, Yes, I marvel at you, you brave Alyosha Popovich, And you, Alyoshenka, are my brother on the cross*. And I marvel at you, you old Prince Vladimir of Stolno-Kiev! And how many great accomplishments have I done, and yet you, Vladimir, mock me. Yes, now I have straightened out the Golden Horde, I have straightened out the tributes and exits For the old years, for the new. Three Horde carts are bringing you: Three carts of gold and silver.

Then he took his young wife, his young wife, his beloved family, and led Dobrynya to his mother.

Is Alyoshenka Popovich here, Yes, he walks along the grid with a ham**, And he himself walks saying: - Yes, everyone in this world gets married, But not everyone succeeds in getting married.

But only Alyoshenka was married.

* - Cross brother - Dobrynya and Alyosha exchanged crosses and became “cross brothers.” ** - Yes, he walks around the grid like an okorak - he walks around the ward, the room on all fours.

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